区块链早餐1.16:比特币破8900美元 联想复星入股区块链企业链安

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The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!


Industrial Development


01 OKEx Global Compact elite game coverage


As of January 15, at 1700 hours, the battle of the OKEx Global Compact elites was revealed!


Number 1: 1,8436.32.


Second place: Sky Force led by Sky, profit: 16347.84


Third place: Beat's One Million. Bit's One Million. Profited: 12799.87.


02 Shenzhen block chain electronic invoice receipt is open-ended and does not require approval


In Shenzhen, new advances have been made with the introduction of a block chain electronic general invoice for more than a year, whereby companies that use the block chain electronic general invoice receive an unlimited amount of invoices on the basis of their actual business and do not need to approve and supply them on demand. The electronic invoice has the advantage of a simple billing process, easy maintenance, easy flow, and paperless reimbursement reconciliation, as compared to traditional paper-based invoices. The electronic block chain electronic general invoice is the application of block chain technology in the field of electronic invoice.


03 data show that the total value of DeFi's lock-up was over 1 billion, and it was re-innovated at .


According to professional DeFi data, the 34 DeFi lockdown projects that have been counted to date have reached a total of $1 billion, amounting to $1.009 billion, of which: Maker locks, $407.82 million, or 35.35 per cent, are ranked first; EOSREX locks, or $262.81 million, or 24.07 per cent, are ranked second; Edgeware locks, or $127.81 million, or 11.71 per cent, are ranked third. Compound, Synthetix, Uniswap and other Devi applications together accounted for 26.87 per cent.


04 The Malaysian Securities Commission authorizes the sale of tokens on registered IEO platforms


The Malaysian Securities Commission (SC) published detailed guidelines for the digital asset industry on 15 January, providing for the sale of tokens on the IEO platform. According to regulatory agencies, ICO is an innovative commercial offer aimed at raising funds without selling stocks or raising debts before they can be raised through venture capitalists or lenders. In addition to mandatory sales on the IEO platform, regulators set ceilings on the maximum amount of money they can raise.


05 Shanghai: Support to the Digital Monetary Institute of the People's Bank in establishing the Financial Science and Technology Corporation


“Strengthening innovation in research and development of emerging technologies” is mentioned in the programme entitled “Strengths for accelerating the implementation of the Shanghai Financial Science and Technology Centre,” published on 15 January. The programme refers to “Strengthening innovation in research and development of emerging technologies”; it focuses closely on the need for financial innovation and actively promotes further research and development of new and emerging technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, block chains, and 5G; it supports smart enterprises in the financial field for scenario applications and key technological breakthroughs; it promotes bottom-level, cutting-edge technological research and performance testing of autonomous intellectual property rights to generate key technological innovations in the financial sector; it actively supports the establishment of financial science and technology companies by the People's Bank's Digital Monetary Institute; it encourages research and development of smart contracts, distributed storage, biometrics, and other technologies in the areas of asset management, credit finance, supply chain finance, etc.


06 Vice-President, Financial Science and Technology: The digital evidence of the block chain faces the challenge of ensuring the validity and correctness of the information in the upper chain


On 14 January, the “Chief Plan” of the Financial Science and Technology Media was held at Beijing headquarters. At this meeting, what was the challenge with regard to the location of electronic evidence on the chain of blocks? The Vice-President of Financial Technology and the head of corporate financial operations, Jung Ho's sword, said that the first was the question of the legitimacy of the evidence itself; secondly, what the chain of proof was about, there was a normative problem of applying the scene; and thirdly, the business model. He also said that, in addition to those three, the most important question was how to guarantee the validity and correctness of the information on the chain of electronic certificates, which was a neglected place in many of the chains.


07 Warschaft Bank: a block chain chain testing platform has been set up to carry out an application scenario test inside


In response to the investor's question at the Exchange-E interaction, the Bank of Huaxia (600015.SH) stated that I had been following closely regulatory requirements and following new developments in financial science and technology. Operationally, I was actively involved in the piloting of the Cross-Border Financial Block Chain Service Platform, the project of the Block Chain Fafetin Trading Platform, using the characteristics of block chain platform openness, decentralization, high credibility, non-alterable adaptation, etc., to facilitate client information-sharing. Technically, a block chain technical study was initiated in 2016, and a block chain application research and development team was set up in 2017 to conduct an in-depth analysis of the core technical aspects of block chain bottom technologies, such as consensus mechanisms, programmable contracts, distributed storage, cryptography, etc.

08度小满金融区块链负责人李丰:2020年关注区块链技术发展 鼓励基础技术研究

08 Head of the Financial Block Chain: Focusing on the Technological Development of the Block Chain in 2020, encouraging basic technical research


On the morning of January 15, the “Breaking-Integration” block chain and digital finance summit forum, hosted by Le Fong, a finance magazine, was held in Beijing. Li Fong, the head of the Quantified financial block chain, said that current block chain technology was not yet having a shock effect, but that it had given some stimulus to the financial sector, and that more attention should be given to core technology by 2020.


09 Big Light Bank DMINGZ: The Big Light Bank has conducted four major explorations based on the block chain


On the morning of 15 January, the “Breaking-Integration” block chain and digital finance summit forum, hosted by the Leisure Economy, a block chain, and the Financial Resources magazine, was held in Beijing. The Deputy General Manager of the Digital Finance Department of the Grand Bank of China, Domingjie, pointed out that the block chain was restoring trust and delivering credit, and was reshaping the model of financial interaction. Second, the four current exploration practices of the Great Light Bank of China were nodes joining the coalition chain by means of nodes, with a large focus on multiple information verifications; partial piloting of funds hosting operations, with a combination of operations; platform exploration, balancing efficiency and effectiveness; and, lastly, wishing to launch its own solar block chain. The future application was: first, securitization of Internet-based assets, improved cash flow management, etc.


10 > : Virtual currency is difficult to meet the need for scale applications


In 2009, Bitcoin introduced the concept of a so-called virtual currency based on a block-chain technology platform. As far as Bitcoin is concerned, the virtual currency is a virtual currency. There are two most important problems, technically based on the platform of such a public sector chain, which, in the framework of a decentralized public sector chain, is a virtual currency represented by bitcoin, whose transactions are inefficient, slow and unable to meet the needs of such a large-scale application. In addition, the speculative nature of the virtual currency represented by bitcoin is too high for it to be a tool of massization or access to public life, or a so-called monetary form. Because of such problems as the virtual currency, including bitcoins, there are some problems that require special attention around the world, including in China, in terms of the need to preserve the soundness of the new technology.

11在最新法庭文件中 Craig Wright声称获得96亿美元比特币的私钥

In the latest court document, Craig Wright claims $9.6 billion in private key


According to a court document submitted to the Southern District Court of Florida on 14 January, the previously mentioned and expected intermediary of the “bond courier” has arrived, who “provides the information and key clips needed to know about the encrypted files” indicating that the CSW has the private key needed to unlock the $9.6 billion bitcoins. Judge Bloom expressed doubts about the existence of the bond courier company and the number of Bitcoin disputes. The CSW was previously found in contempt for failing to produce a complete list of the bitcoins in its possession.

12Bitstamp成为SEN Leverage启动合作伙伴

12 bitstamp became SEN Leverage Launching Partner

加密货币交易所Bitstamp已成为Silvergate银行新产品SEN Leverage的启动合作伙伴。Silvergate Exchange Network(SEN)由Silvergate银行开发,可实现实时、全天候的美元存款和提款。据悉,自推出以来,一系列大牌交易所已加入SEN,包括Kraken和Gemini。SEN Leverage使用SEN全天候(24/7)进行贷款和处理还款。该产品面向机构客户,允许他们用比特币担保的杠杆进行交易。

The Encrypted Currency Exchange Bitstamp has become a start-up partner for the new Silvergate Bank product, SEN Leverage. Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN), developed by Silvergate Bank, allows real-time, round-the-clock dollar deposits and withdrawals.


Level One Market


01 Encrypted Money Trustee Ancorage Acquisition Analysis Company and Started Brokering

加密货币托管商Anchorage收购了数据分析公司Merkle Data,但未披露交易金额。此外,该公司还为其机构客户推出了名为Anchorage Trading的经纪服务。这项新服务允许投资者使用Anchorage存储其加密货币,以便直接从其平台进行交易,并且每笔交易收取10个基点的固定费用。

In addition, the company has launched a brokerage service for its institutional clients called Ancorage Trading. This new service allows investors to use Ancorage to store their encrypted currency in order to conduct transactions directly from their platforms and to charge a fixed fee of 10 basis points for each transaction.

02Plasma Group前研究人员筹集350万美元建立新公司

02Plasma Group former researchers raised $3.5 million to set up a new company

以太坊Plasma Group前研究人员于2019年底组建的新公司Optimism已经从加密风险基金Paradigm和设计公司IDEO筹集了350万美元的种子轮资金。该公司专注于实施以太坊扩展解决方案Optimistic Rollup。

The new company, Optimism, formed in late 2019 by former researchers at Plasma Group, has raised $3.5 million in seed rotations from the encryption risk fund Paradigm and the design firm IDEO. The company focuses on implementing the Etherm Extension solution Optimistic Rollup.


03 Neo announced an investment in the decentralised exchange Switcheo

据CryptoBriefing报道,1月14号,Neo 宣布对已去中心化的交易所switcheo投资,该投资通过Neo的Ecoboost计划进行,目前尚未透露投资规模。据之前的报道了解,此前Neo斥资1亿美金成立 Ecoboost 计划用于生态建设。

According to CryptoBriefing, on January 14, Neo announced an investment in switcheo, a decentralised exchange, which was carried out through the Ecoboost plan of Neo, and the scale of the investment has not yet been revealed. According to previous reports, Neo had previously spent $100 million to set up the Ecoboost project for ecological development.

04联想、复星等入股区块链企业链安科技 并列第四大股东

04 .


According to the source, on January 13, there were several business changes in Chengdu Chain Technology Ltd., the Beijing Investment Centre No. 3 (Limit Partnership) withdrew from its stockholders, and six enterprises, such as Beijing Ltd. and Shanghai Recovery High Technology Ltd., were added to their stockholdings. After entering the stock, each of them held 5.35% of chain security shares as a fourth-largest shareholder.

05支付处理平台Banxa获NGC Ventures200万美元A轮投资

05 payment to processing platform Banxa received $2 million from NGC Ventures A round investment

据CryptoNinjas报道,东南亚支付处理平台Banxa于1月14日宣布其已获得区块链投资公司 NGC Ventures的200万美元A轮投资。

CryptoNinjas reported that Banxa, the South-East Asia payment processing platform, announced on 14 January that it had received $2 million in round A investment from NGC Ventures.

06加密交易平台Robinhood发起F轮融资 公司估值将达82亿美元

06 Encryption Trading Platform Robinhood initiated F-round financing, and the company's valuation will be $8.2 billion .


The Microventures platform in Austin, Texas, has received an invitation for the next round of finance from the encrypted trading platform Robinhood. Prior to that, Robinhood had raised funds through the platform and is currently seeking to raise funds through the F-round.


Secondary Market


Another 20 million USDCs were sent by <01strong>Circle to the Etherpaya network.

据DAppTotal.com稳定币专题页面数据显示:01月16日02时36分 ,USDC发行方Circle向以太坊网络新增发1笔价值2,000万美元的USDC, 块高度为:9287388,交易哈希值为:0xbbbb254c2513f047d81d6f04ada0068613db133565bcc9980a3444f701631d9b 。截至目前,Circle在以太坊网络上的ERC20 USDC总发行量已达451,695,026枚。

According to DAppTotal.com's thematic page on currency stabilization: On 16/01, at 0236 hours, the USDC issuer Circle sent an additional USD 20 million to the Ethernom network at an altitude of 928788 and the trade Hashi value was 0xbbb254c2513f047d81d6f047d06686813db133565bc9980a3444f701631d9b. To date, ErC20 USDC has reached 451,695,026 copies on the Etheria network.


02UPFORD will increase its support by paying

加密交易平台Uphold增加了对英镑的支持,这意味着其用户可以通过英国银行账户支付来交易加密货币。该服务将于周三发布测试版,预计将于1月21日公开可用。在不久的将来,英国的Faster Payments Service(FPS)也将启用即时转账功能。

The encryption trading platform Uphold has increased its support for the pound sterling, which means that its users can make payments through a British bank account. The service will be available on Wednesday, with a test version expected to be publicly available on 21 January.


03 BTC short-line breakthrough $8,900


In the evening of 15 January, BTC made a breakthrough of $8,900, up to $8915.63. It is now stable at around $8,800. Be more volatile.


04 Founder of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association: The need to stabilize the currency

1月14日,CHAIN 2020世界金融大会在中国香港召开。对于资本市场和货币的未来,香港区块链协会创始人兼联合主席梁捷杨在会上表示,稳定币有存在的必要。此前有区块链公司跟政府合作提出稳定币,有政府信用背书,他们必须符合反洗钱的规则,这不仅仅是国家方面的企业之间的转换问题,我们看到很多的标准治理,对于稳定币的广泛应用都是比较友好的。比如新加坡政府在稳定币上政府部门做了很多工作,符合新加坡的反洗钱规定,所以我们要跟政府合作推出符合稳定币的规则保证数字货币的运行。随着区块链技术的发展,数字转型依然不可避免,但是转型的重点不一样,对每个人的意义也不一样。数字货币交易所为我们提供了交流、转换数字货币的平台,甚至形成了自己的社群,但是在兑换数字资产的过程中,重中之重是合规问题。新交易所应该参考目前的交易所功能,取其精华去其糟粕,这样才能更加理想地管理我们的数字资产。

For the future of the capital market and currency, the founder and co-chair of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association, Liang Jian Jian, said that there was a need to stabilize the currency. There had previously been block-chain companies working with the government to raise stable currency, with government credit endorsements, that they had to comply with anti-money-laundering rules, which were not just a question of conversion between firms on the national side, and we saw many standard governances, and that the widespread use of stable currency was friendly. For example, the Singapore government had done much to stabilize the currency in line with Singapore’s anti-money-laundering regulations, so that we would work with the government to introduce rules that conformed to the stable currency.


05 Bitwise executives: Resubmission of Bitcoin ETF application at the right time

Bitwise全球研究主管Matt Hougan就“Bitwise撤回比特币ETF申请”一事表示:“我们确实撤回了申请。这是一个程序性步骤,我们打算在适当的时候重新提交申请。”Hougan补充称,该公司目前正努力回答SEC在其112页的初步文件中所提出的问题。Bitwise仍将致力于比特币ETF的开发,但重新申请的时间尚未确定。(The Block)

Matt Hougan, the director of Bitwise Global Research, said, “We did withdraw the Bitwise application for the Bitcoin ETF.” This was a procedural step, and we intend to resubmit the application in due course.” Hougan added that the company was currently trying to answer the question posed by SEC in its preliminary submission on page 112. Bitwise would remain committed to the development of the Bitcoin ETF, but the timing of the reapplication has not yet been determined.


06 FT Social Council is about to launch a referendum to adjust FCoin's income distribution rules


According to the official announcement of 15 January 2020, the FTSC is about to launch a referendum to adjust the FCOIN income distribution rules. The proposal indicates that if FCOin is the first community-type digital currency exchange to be created in May 2018, FCOin will follow the existing rules (with 20 per cent of the income allocated for the previous day and 80 per cent of the remaining income accumulated for the year). With the adoption of the proposal, FCOIN will increase the expectation of deflation and the official opening of the referendum will be subject to a platform announcement.


07 PAX mortgaged the balance of the dollar assets in the bank in the order of $224 million

美国知名会计事务所Withum发布了2019年12月份PAX抵押的美元银行账户的审计报告。报告显示,截止2019年12月31日,PAX抵押在银行的美元资产余额为223,522,710.32(约2.24亿) 美元。以太坊链上数据显示,当前PAX的总供应量为223,522,710.32(约2.24亿)个。此报告显示,每1个PAX被分配1美元赎回价值,并严格按1:1比例锚定美元。

Withum, a leading accounting firm in the United States, issued an audit report on a US dollar bank account mortgaged by PAX in December 2019. The report showed that, as at 31 December 2019, PAX had a US dollar balance of US$ 223,522,710.32 (approximately US$ 224 million). The total supply of PAX was currently 223,522,710.32 (approximately US$ 224 million).




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