In the world of the block chain, how did Mr. Lee laugh think? What was his investment principle? How should we survive?
On June 6, 2017, Mr. Lee laughter gave a simple guide to the life of the block chain on the theme “A listen together”.
Despite the time that has elapsed, there is a great deal of guidance for us.
In the face of vexed currency circles and mad markets,
When we hesitated, lost, and didn't know how to decide,
Maybe we should go back and study.
Think calmly, judge rationally, find the answer you want.
Well, here's what the course is about, learning together.
What's Bitcoin?
The first proven successful block chain application;
2. The World Bank, which is based in a world of block chains;
3. The currency of the World Bank;
4. The shares of the World Bank;
(These four identities can tell the teacher's deep and clear understanding of Bitcoin a long time ago. Admirable!)
MBA coin
MBA:Meaningful Blokchain Applications 即:有意义的区块链应用,用区块的技术解决现实中存在的问题。
MBA: Menningful Blokchain Applications i.e. meaningful block chain applications that use block technology to solve real problems.
For example:
NMC NAME COIN Domain Currency
It's Ether.
Sia 提供基于Blockchain技术去中心化的类似Dropbox服务,利用账务公开技术,为提供多余空间的人,进行支付。
Sia provides a Dropbox-like service based on the decentralisation of Blockchain technology, making use of account disclosure technology to make payments to those who provide excess space.
Steemit.com 版权分发
Steemit.com Copyright Distribution
GXS 公信宝
GXS Commodore
We'll buy a house.
INB Investment Principles
INB: (inblockchain.com) is an investment company from Li laughter.
2、它解决了什么原本没被解决的问题? 2, what did it solve? . 这个原则很重要,限制了我的一些投资; This principle is important and limits some of my investments; 如果不是这个原则我当时也会买很多的莱特币、狗币。所以,很多区块链资产我并没有买,因为它不符合我的这个原则,所以即便它后来涨了,我也不后悔; If it wasn't for this, I'd have bought a lot of Leitcoons and dog coins. So, I didn't buy a lot of chain assets because it didn't fit my principles, so I didn't regret it even if it went up. 做投资一个很重要的品质是,不是我的我不要; An important quality of investing is that I don't want it; 3、去中心化在这件事儿上真的必要吗? 3, is it really necessary to go to the centre of this thing? 交易所不需要去中心化,去中心化反而不高效,交易所需要账务公开; The exchange does not need to be decentralised, but decentralized is not efficient, and the exchange needs to be open; 账务公开是刚需,去中心化是手段; Accounting disclosure is a matter of urgency, and decentralisation is a means; 去中心化和账务公开是可以隔离开的; Decentization and financial disclosure can be isolated; 4、它真的必须账务公开吗? 比如绝大多数的游戏,因为用户只在那里花钱,不在那里赚钱; The vast majority of games, for example, because users only spend money there and do not make money there; 这个世界不是所有的生意都需要账务公开的; Not all of the world's businesses need to be open; 如果这个商业模式是不需要让用户在里面赚钱的,账务公开就没有意义; If this business model does not require users to make money in it, it makes no sense to open accounts; 5、账务公开的存在真的会提高效率吗? 5, does the existence of open accounts really increase efficiency? 比如:有的时候账务公开确实是一个重要因素,它的权重占10%,另外一个因素占90%,除此之外没有其它重要因素了。 For example, sometimes financial disclosure is indeed an important factor, with a weight of 10 per cent and another factor of 90 per cent, and there are no other important factors. 这件事需要去中心化,需要账务公开,但去中心化和账务公开不是最大的核心,所以只能被筛选掉。 The matter needed to be centralized and the accounts made public, but decentralised and open were not the largest core, so they could only be screened out. 6、它在多大程度上更接近一个 DAC? (Decentralized autonomous corporation,去中心化自制公司) (Decentralized autonomous corporation, centralizing home-made companies) 一般来说,最终那些格外优秀的MBA项目,都是轻运营的,甚至是无运营的(如比特币),如果有大量运营存在,我反而觉得是危险的。 In general, the most excellent MBA projects are, in the end, light-operated, even non-operational (e.g. bitcoin), and I think it's dangerous if there's a lot of operations. 比如,公益捐款,账务公开并不是最重要的因素; For example, public interest contributions, accounting disclosure is not the most important factor; 7、如果我们决定投资,那么我们应该用我们资金的多大比例去投资? What proportion of our money should we invest if we decide to invest? 真正决定你风险的最重要的因素,不是那件事成败的概率,而是你究竟用多大的比例去冒险。 The most important factor that really determines your risk is not the probability of success or failure, but the proportion of risk you take. 比如一件事成功的概率只有10%,你all in,一旦失败,那你就完了。 For example, there's only 10 percent chance of a success, you'll be in, and if you fail, you're finished. 最基本的生存指南 /strong 1、只投资自己真正理解的资产; 如果你不能够真正理解这个资产,你就不会做长期投资计划。每天盯着价格看,你的智商也会随着价格涨跌波动; If you don't really understand this asset, you won't have a long-term investment plan. 2、只做长期投资; 2 for long-term investments only; 为什么只做长期投资呢? Why just make long-term investments? 时间密度高,7×24小时×365天,无休; High time density, 7 x 24 hours x 365 days without interruption; 可以T+0,波动大;投资者幼稚、追涨杀跌; T+0 can be highly volatile; investors are childish, chase-and-kill; 暂时没有完善的金融工具; (b) Lack of sound financial instruments for the time being; 3、天下最难的是握住不放; 这是我去年最深刻的体会,我写书、开公司、开专栏都会赚很多钱,我不需要从场内来拿钱; This is the most profound experience I've had last year, and I make a lot of money by writing books, opening companies, opening columns, and I don't need to get money from the field; 这是资产握住不动的底气; This is the bottom of the asset holding still; 4、要有持续的场外赚钱能力; 无论是突然赚到很多钱还是突然失去很多钱,都可能会毁掉一个人; The possibility of destroying a person, whether she suddenly earns a lot of money or suddenly loses a lot of money; 突然的改变,无论是好的还是坏的,最终会产生坏的影响; A sudden change, good or bad, will ultimately have a bad effect; 5、巨大的变化可能会毁掉你; 5 and big changes could destroy you; 无论是好的还是坏的结果,如果变化过于巨大,当自己心智和能力,配不上或应对不了这个巨大变化的时候,可能会被其毁掉。 Good or bad results can be destroyed if they are too large and when they are not well equipped or able to cope with this huge change. 6、记住:生活最重要; 7、千万不要沦为失败的投机者; 其他要点: 1、投资是个镜像世界,很多可能都是反的; 1. Investment is a mirror world, many of which may be counterproductive; 2、每个人一生中至少有一个可把握的可增值资产,就是你自己! 2. Each person has at least one identifiable value-added asset in his life: yourself! 3、为什么找个好的资产那么难?因为好的资产不仅要可盈利,还要有成长,不仅有成长,还有成长率,这辈子都找不到几个有成长率的生意,有成长率的资产。 3. Why is it so hard to find good assets? Because good assets are not only profitable, they are growing, they are growing, they are growing, they never find a few growing businesses, they are growing. 【时践补充】 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange 1、个人资产配置比例;新手建议不超过个人资产比例的30%; Proportion of individual asset allocation; no more than 30 per cent of individual asset allocation recommended by newcomers; 2、区块链投资资产配置比例;比如总共10份,可分为:5221,3322,3331,322111等等。分散,对冲,降低风险,个人根据自己情况深入思考后做好配置; 2. Proportion of assets allocated to the block chain; for example, a total of 10 units can be divided into: 5221,3322,3331,322111 and so on. 【共同思考】 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} 以上这些原则是李笑来老师的,那么我们自己的原则呢? These are the principles that Lee laughed at, so what about our own principles? 在这个基础上可以做哪些优化和改善? On that basis, what can be done to optimize and improve? 市场上有哪些其他的项目属于MBA? What other items on the market belong to MBA? 怎样去寻找MBA? How to find MBA? 哪些项目是我们坚决不投的? What projects are we determined not to vote for? 我们的资产该如何配置? How should our assets be configured? 怎样提高自己的成长率? How can you increase your growth rate? 【时践声明】 以上内容来自李笑来老师,本人不想慷他人之慨,如果觉得对你有帮助,建议去听原版的音频课程,附上链接:https://live.tinfinite.com/live-detail.html?liveshowId=59279bd92957005e662f9592&referer=8ef451c3 This is from Mr. Lee laughter. I don't want to be surprised. If it helps you, it is suggested to listen to the original audio course with a link: https://live.tinfinite.com/live-detail.html?livehowId=59279bd92955705ef9592&refer=8ef451c3 【时践提醒】:一切投资行为都要基于自己的独立思考,以上内容不构成任何投资建议;
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