1万家抢食3000亿美元佣金 数字货币交易所混战

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:25 评论:0



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1万家抢食3000亿美元佣金 数字货币交易所混战

■华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 上海报道

• Reporter of the Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


While the global stock market, which is regulated by Governments, has only a few hundred, the global “unlawful” digital money trading platform has reached an alarming 11,000; the global stock market has a market value of millions of dollars, but more than 10,000 digital money trading platforms are in the middle of a transaction commission charge of less than $300 billion.


On 21 June, the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, currency security, launched a major new initiative, announcing to its users the launch of the Digital Assets Exchange Open Alliance initiative, a pilot in parts of the world, which will work with 1,000 exchanges to “trade for mining.” The Washington Times journalist learned that this had triggered a shock throughout the digital currency trading circle.


Just that evening, the INB capital partner, the old cat, wrote in a circle of friends, that the platform war was the inevitable situation after the sea, that the new "big cake" platform, the commission for digital currency transactions, would not be willing to wait for the old platform to give, that the old platform would not see the new platform. So the war was inevitable, and no one was better than anyone at the moment, just to survive. But, don't panic, it's always even after the war.


“Looking at the encoded digital currency enticing commission on the other side, there is already a lot of noise between the market's big and small platforms and the distributors; but what else can the platforms do when the total market value has shrunk to less than $300 billion? Such unregulated markets are only sighing!” A senior digital money player in Shanghai told his reporter.


It's a mess.


On June 22, the latest data from the encrypted currency tracking website coinmarkcap show that there are currently more than 11,000 encrypted currency exchanges operating on 1605 types of encrypted currency transactions worldwide. But the total market value of the market has shrunk to about RMB 1.9 trillion, or more than $29 billion.


Of these, the top 10 digital currency exchanges in the world received an average of $1.7 million per day, the top three of which received currency security, UPbit, military currency Pro, $3.48 million, $3.42 million, and $2.29 million, respectively. Four of the transactions received by the exchanges were: off-site transaction charges, in-house transaction charges, interest on futures and leverage, and currency charges.


Another encrypted digital money market report, obtained by journalists, shows that, at present, 73 per cent of total transactions are traded in digital currency transactions with the top 14 rankings on average, with some 170 digital money exchanges accounting for only 27 per cent of total transactions, making it extremely challenging for small digital money exchanges to maintain their safe operation and size.


“The current situation is that many domestic teams set up their own exchanges at no cost, leaving the vast majority of them on their own. Many small exchanges are expected to be closed, as small exchanges are becoming increasingly difficult to attract users.” In response, the Chief Analyst of the Shared Economy pointed out.


The Washington Times journalist learned that on the morning of June 20, a digital asset trading platform in the country called “86 BeX” issued an announcement entitled “The 86bex Team!” The announcement stated that the respected 86bex users, because of the platform's loss since it had been on the line, and the withdrawal of investors, were unable to continue operating. Unfortunately, everyone was informed that we would close the currency channel.


According to the industry, what appears to be a warm-blooded announcement is the relentless phase-out mechanism in the digital money market. The “injured” are the small groceries that have been left with no blood, gnawed in the teeth and swallowed in the stomach.


The announcement announced the death of the project! When investors immersed in the 24 hours and 365 days of unstoppable trade rhythm of the digital currency, did they also realize that it was dying so fast?


“There is no regulation, no license plates and no self-regulation in the industry, so we can see a scandalous exchange, where similar incidents are not uncommon, such as the misappropriation of user funds, the malicious explosion of stocks, not only against users, but even against the project side, where the exchange's money roll-out has become commonplace, with the accumulation of a large number of users' digital assets and direct suspension of transactions in the name of bad business, as the 86BEX Exchange today claims, with successive losses, investors disinvestment and restructuring programmes, but in fact I fear that this reorganization will never come back, as their names say for ever, 886.” As the King pointed out in his interview.


On the night of 14 June, another CATTLEEX exchange in the country issued an announcement stating that the platform could no longer operate as a result of the withdrawal of investors and the inability of the majority of the miners to meet their pipeline requirements, and that, following a decision by the core team, it was regrettable that it would be bankrupt, that it would be reorganized and that the assets of the users would be temporarily blocked and that all transactions would be suspended.


It's a 100-fold-leverage giant thunder.


In the eyes of industry, the emergence of an encrypted currency exchange and the beginning of its collapse are behind the pursuit of interests.


Just on 20 June, the local block chain project's Quantum Chain CEO first wrote that USDT was essentially a $300 billion market value supporting the industry, with a leverage rate of more than 100 times and a flow rate of 10 times the French dollar, a huge mine.

所谓USDT,是海外Tether公司推出的基于稳定数字货币价值的美元代币“Tether USD”,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1∶1兑换。

The so-called USDT is a United States dollar token, “Teth USD”, based on stable digital monetary values, introduced by Overseas Tether, and 1USDT = US$ 1, which is readily available to users using USDT for 1:1 conversion with USD.


Using the USDT also bypasses the rule that the original digital currency cannot be exchanged directly with the French, and truly combines the virtual currency with the real financial system. Interestingly, when digital currency prices fall, those who are prepared to enter the market will buy them in large quantities, and the off-site premium on the USDT will rise.


The real story is that digital money investors around the world buy USDT with real gold and silver, that Tether, a company that gives virtual currency, can theoretically issue endless USDTs, and that there are about $2 billion USDTs in the market, after a large number of questions have arisen in the industry claiming that USDT is a horrifying Ponzi scheme.


“It is very difficult to redeem the dollar with UDST, and it takes a long time, even six months, which is another classic Ponzi time lag.” Formerly, investment users reported to journalists in this paper.


If one day the company creating the USDT suddenly disappears or collapses, the basis for carrying the market value of the entire encrypted digital currency will collapse and the so-called digital currency of $300 billion will be nothing more than air.


Once this happens, the consequences will be unimaginable!

责任编辑:吴丽华 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Oh Lihua, Editor-in-Chief: Liu Xiaodong


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