ETH5次硬分叉大揭秘 行情的转点即将到来?

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:23 评论:0



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ETH (Etheria) is approaching its sixth hard fork, Constantinople hard fork. The ETH team has previously set 16 January (an official date for its upgrade on the morning of 17 January, approximately Beijing time), but has decided to postpone it after ChainSecurity (the block chain security company) has discovered a potential bug in the code (in the new version).


According to the Swiss-based block chain security audit firm, the currently announced Constantinople fork will introduce a “re-entry attack” (simply speaking, when a smart contract is called, a number of smart contracts are sent in Taiyuan currency to the outside, leading to the theft of the user's assets), whereby a hacker can use the code to simulate a secure fund-sharing service.


This Tuesday (15 January 2019), the core developer of the Tails announced that they would postpone their long-awaited hard fork in Constantinople.

  以太坊自诞生以来一直受到广泛的关注,目前也是使用量最多的的一个通用开发平台。以太坊曾有过数次网络技术升级,现阶段处于路线图「大都会」进程,即将会进行到「君士坦丁堡」阶段。日前,以太坊决定在区块高度 7,080,000 作为「君士坦丁堡」的硬分叉的时间点。

Since its inception, Ether has received widespread attention and is now the most used common development platform. Ether has been upgrading its network technology several times, and it is now in the "Master City" process of the road map, which is going to take place in Constantinople.


Since each stage of technological upgrading will have a certain volatility effect on the market, we will conduct an analysis of the historical segmentation of the Etherm to examine the historical market implications of the technological upgrading of the Etherms.


ETH has carried out five hard fork-points. Technical upgrades at each fork are the focus of attention and lead to high volatility.

  1. ETH分叉历史

1. & nbsp; ETH split history

  ETH官方计划中的技术升级路线图有4个阶段:Frontier(前沿)、Homestead(家园)、Metropolis(大都会)以及Serenity(宁静)。在发展过程中,因为某些突发问题,如解决和抵抗系统网络受攻击等问题在计划外另外硬分叉了3次,分别为The DAO Hard Fork、EIP150 gas cost hard fork以及Spurious Dragon hard fork。

The ETH's official plan for technological upgrading has four phases: Frontier (frontline), Homestead (home), Metropolis (Metropolis) and Serenity (silence).

  1-1. Frontier(前沿)到Homestead(家园)

1-1. & nbsp; Frontier (frontline) to Homestead (home)


When ETH was officially born in July 2015, when it was released from Frontier to Homestead, ETH technology gained market recognition. Prices began to rise sharply before Homestead’s hard split.

  1-2. Homestead(家园)到The DAO Hard Fork

1-2. Homestead (home) to The DAO  Hard Fork

  Homestead硬分叉到The DAO事件发生之前,已经有多个项目方开始在ETH进行募资以及发行代币。ETH有了相当的影响力,因此ETH和比特币的价格涨幅开始有趋同情况发生。

Prior to Homestead’s hard split to the DAO incident, several projects had started raising funds and issuing tokens in the ETH. The ETH had considerable influence, so price increases between ETH and Bitcoin began to converge.

  但2016年6月黑客攻击ETH生态的The DAO事件之后,ETH生态出现了稳定性问题。当时ETH创始人在7月16日透露出实施硬分叉的消息后,ETH的价格开始明显地上升。7月20日,分叉完成后价格几乎恢复到正常时期。

But there was a problem with the stability of the ETH ecology following the hacker’s attack on the ETH ecology in June 2016. The prices of the ETH began to rise significantly after the ETH’s founder leaked information on the implementation of the hard fork on July 16. On July 20, when the fork was completed, prices almost recovered to normal times.

  1-3.The DAO Hard Fork到EIP150 gas cost hard fork

1-3. The DAO  Hard Fork to EIP150 gas cost hard fork

  2016年10月18日公布EIP150 gas cost hard fork硬分叉区块高度后,价格往上涨,直到分叉完成当日达到峰值,之后进行一个价格回调。

Following the announcement of EIP150 gas cost hard fork block height on 18 October 2016, prices rose until the fork reached its peak on the day it was completed, followed by a price return.

  1-4.EIP150 gas cost hard fork到Spurious Dragon hard fork

1-4.EIP150 gas cost hard fork to Spurious Dragon hard fork

  2016年11月22日,Spurious Dragon hard fork硬分叉时,并没有发生对市场很大的影响。升级完成后,出现了一小段时间的价格回调阶段。

On November 22, 2016, Spurious Dragon hard hard fork did not have a significant impact on the market. When the upgrade was completed, there was a short period of price recovery.

  1-5.EIP150 gas cost hard fork到Spurious Dragon hard fork

1-5.EIP150 gas cost hard fork to Spurious Dragon hard fork


On 16 October 2017, Byzantium was declared to be in a state of instability. But the trend was consistent with the period before and after the hard fork, with prices gradually rising until the fork was completed, and a normal price recovery phase followed when the fork was completed.


2. Summary of five hard-fork ups and downs


The ETH has five hard forks in history, four rises in the week before and four drops in the week after the fork.

  Homestead、The Dao Hard Fork和Byzantium Hard Fork这三次硬分叉前一周的市场涨幅较高。这三次分叉属于对ETH本身影响较大的技术升级,因此对于市场的波动影响也较大。总体来说,ETH分叉会造成市场剧烈波动。

Homestead, The Dao Hard Fork and Byzantium Hard Fork have experienced a higher increase in the market in the week before the three hard forks. These three forks are technological upgrades that have a greater impact on the ETH itself, and therefore have a greater impact on market volatility. Overall, the ETH forks cause market volatility.


It is not clear whether this ETH hard fork, like the changes that Etherm has brought before, can trigger a wave of price developments, and whether it can pre-empt the bottom opening. It is hoped that this hard fork will give investors a glimmer of meaning.


states that this document does not constitute an investment proposal on the basis of which any person makes an investment decision at his or her own risk.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑: HN666)



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