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Gas translates to Chinese as fuel/fuel. In Etheria (or other networks), certain fuel is required to perform certain operations (e.g. sending, storing, converting, etc.), which we call Gas. This is like running a car, consuming gasoline. In Etheria, for all kinds of interactions, it is necessary to consume Gas.


Assuming that driving from A to B would cost 10 litres of petrol at a price of $8 per litre, the cost of petrol from A to B would be 10*8 = 80 yuan.


Similarly, on the Etheria network, it is assumed that the number of units that need to consume Gas is 21,000 and the price per unit is 100 gwei. The cost of carrying out this exercise is 21,000*100 = 210,000,000 gwei.


Why do you need Gas?


We all know that one of the most important strategies in Web2 is free to attract the flow to make it real. So why not Etheria in Web3 do that?


In addition to the role of incentives such as reward for miners, the collection of gas fees has the effect of preventing malicious attacks, assuming that without gas fees, the attackers can issue numerous life-cycle contracts and continue to block the system by sending deals to allow nodes to operate, hijacking the entire network with a great deal of arithmetic. The waste of resources is caused by fixing gas consumption to avoid the vicious circle of some codes. When all gas is depleted, it stops functioning, as if the car was running out of gas, so that the car does not stop, so that the invalids do not continue to take advantage of the pit.

Gas Limit

什么是Gas Limit

What's Gas Limited?


In the initial example, the amount of gasoline spent from Land A to Ground B was calculated and, in addition to the price of petrol (how much 1 litre) it needed to be known how much petrol was consumed (how much litres were used).


Similarly, in the Etheria network, the cost of a particular operation (the handling fee) is calculated by knowing, in addition to the price of Gas, the amount of Gas consumed.

Gas数量要消耗多少,由合约创建者设定,不同合约、不同类型的操作,消耗的gas数量不尽相同,操作越复杂需要消耗的gas越多,所以很难预先估计Ga的消耗量,为此采取的办法是,给定一个比实际消耗更高的限值,即Gas Limit,如果实际未消耗这么多,剩余部分将退回用户。

The extent to which the number of Gas is consumed is set by the contract creators, different contracts, different types of operations, different quantities of Gas, and the greater the complexity of the operation, the greater the consumption of Gas, making it difficult to estimate in advance the consumption of Ga by giving a higher limit than the actual consumption, that is, Gas Limit, and if this is not actually consumed, the remainder will be returned to the user.

在计算消耗的Gas数量时,钱包提供商比如metamask往往直接给出Gas Limit,如果实际消耗小于Gas Limit,剩余的返还。如果实际消耗超过Gas Limit,交易无法完成。

In calculating the amount of Gas consumed, wallet providers, such as Metamask, often give Gas Limit directly, if the actual consumption is less than Gas Limit, the remaining return. If the actual consumption exceeds Gas Limit, the transaction cannot be completed.

假设一笔以太坊网络转账需要消耗的Gas数量为21000,Gas Limit设置为50000,而实际只消耗21000,那么剩下的29000将自动返还。但如果实际消耗需要51000,而你只设置为50000,那么这笔交易将不会完成,消耗的50000也不会退回。

Assuming that the number of gasses to be consumed by the Taiwan network transfers is 21,000, and that Gas Limited is set at 50,000, while only 21,000 is actually spent, the remaining 29,000 will be returned automatically. If the actual consumption is 51,000, and you are set at 50,000, then the transaction will not be completed, and the 50,000 will not be returned.

所以,如果试图通过减小Gas Limit数值达到减少手续费的目的,可能会适得其反。不仅交易可能不成功,手续费照样扣。

Therefore, it may be counterproductive to attempt to reduce fees by reducing the value of Gas Limit. Not only may the transaction be unsuccessful, but the fees are deducted.

Gas Limit如何确定?

How can Gas Limited be sure?

Gas Limit的数值一般是钱包提供商默认自动给出的,通常不需要我们手动修改或者调整。

Gas Limit's values are generally given automatically by the wallet provider by default and usually do not require manual modifications or adjustments.

Gas price

什么是Gas price

What's Gas Price

Gas price,是指 Gas 的价格/单价,通常用Gwei来表示。

Gas price, which refers to the price/unit price of Gas, is usually expressed in Gwei.

Gas price如何确定

How does Gas Price determine

在2021年8月5日伦敦升级实施后,Gas price变成包含两部分的费用:基本费(base fee)和小费(Max priority fee)。

Following the implementation of the London upgrade on 5 August 2021, Gas Price became a two-part cost: base feed and tip.

「1.Base fee」


That is, the base fee. Each block has a base price, which, in order to be eligible for inclusion in a block, Gas must be greater than or equal to the base fee. The basic cost is determined in such a way as not to be started here, and the user itself cannot change it.

「2.Max priority fee」


That means tipping. When you hit a drop-by, if you add $10 and $20, you might call the car first. The same thing applies in the design mechanism for the Taiwan network Gas fee. You give tips, you may pay them first. Here, it needs to be noted that the base fee changes in real time, depending on the congestion, and can search the base fee through the website, while the tip can be adjusted by itself, generally up and down.

「3.Max fee」


That is, the maximum cost per unit Gas. The maximum cost is the absolute maximum that you are willing to pay for each unit Gas so that your transaction can be confirmed. In most cases, the actual transaction cost will be lower than the maximum fee you set in advance, and the lowest price for your transaction will be the current basic cost. But, if the base cost increases when your transaction is not completed, then your transaction may be stuck or lost or abandoned. So, in order to achieve a predictable settlement of the transaction under EIP-1559, it is now considered preferable to set a maximum cost of the anticipated basic cost increase.


The figure above is a true transaction cost.




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