什么是 Web3.0?

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在最基本的层面上,Web3.0 是指基于区块链的去中心化在线生态系统。往大了说,Web3.0 代表了互联网的下一个阶段,也许还能代表人类社会的下一个阶段。当然,这都是建立在你相信的基础上。

At the most basic level xff0c; Web3.0 refers to decentralised online ecosystems based on block chains. Larger xff0c; Web3.0 represents the next phase of the Internet xff0c; perhaps the next stage of human society. Of course xff0c; it is based on your belief.

Web3.0 这个词是以太坊联合创始人 Gavin Wood(加文·伍德)在 2014 年创造的,最初它叫 Web 3.0。

The term Web3.0 is used as Gavin Wood(, founder of the Tails Association; Gavin Wood & #xff09; xff0c, created in 2014; it was originally called Web 3.0.

既然是 Web 3.0,那就意味着还有 Web 1.0 和 2.0。前者已成过去,其特点是大多数网络活动都与单个静态网页相关。后者则是当下这个时代,一个集中化的时代,因为大量的通信和商业行为都集中在少数科技巨头所拥有的封闭平台上,比如谷歌、Meta、亚马逊等等。

Web 3.0 & #xff0c; that means web 1.0 and 2.0. The former are past & #xff0c; most of the web activities are related to individual static web pages. The latter are now & #xff0c; an era of centralization & #xff0c; because a great deal of communication and business behavior is concentrated on closed platforms owned by a few technology giants & #xff0c; Google, Meta, Amazon, etc.



Instead, we want to get a full picture of Web3.0, first, we need to understand what Web1.0 and Web 2.0 mean.


i. From Web1.0 to Web3.0


Looking back at the development history of the Internet & #xff0c; our evolution from the beginning of Web1.0 to Web 2.0 & #xff0c; and now the introduction and exploration of the Web3.0 concept & #xff0c; all around the growing rights of users and the importance of their role on the Internet.


Web1.0: start of everything


At the dawn of the Internet at Web1.0 & #xff0c; the Internet is basically a “read-only” mode & #xff0c; Internet users can access major portals to view and read any new information they want to see & #xff0c; but only see that it is not interactive.


The main representatives are web-based portals such as #xff0c; and new waves.


Web 2.0: opening new horizons


By the time of Web 2.0 & #xff0c; with the rise of social media & #xff0c; with the beginning of various interactions & #xff0c; with the emergence of new models of interactive networks dominated by user production and sharing content & #xff0c; with the ability of users to produce, distribute content themselves and become big V, with significant influence; with data and flows directly affecting the platform & #xff0c; but with the resulting economic benefits of re-transforming the flow has nothing to do with us.


The main representatives are social media such as Weibo #xff0c; Twitter.


Web3.0: Future Internet


And the concept of Web3.0 & #xff0c; a relatively decentralized xff0c; an automated, intelligent new Internet world premised on the complete return of user digital identities, digital assets and data to the individual. Each of our interactions should be recorded and quantified xff0c; we should take ownership of our own data and access rights and participate equitably in the distribution of the benefits resulting from it. This requires a combination of technologies, including block chains, artificial intelligence, and networking. The trend we are about to witness is xff0c; the Internet will develop xff0c; ultimately, it will be attributable to the user.


Mainly xff1a; block chains, metacosystems, DAO, NFT, links



Web3.0 Infrastructure

(1) 区块链和跨链技术

(1) Block chain and cross-chain technology


The name Web3.0 appears earlier than the block chain. But before the block chain rises & #xff0c; Web3.0 for lack of solutions can only remain at the conceptual stage. With the development of block chain technology and the growth of encrypted money investors & #xff0c; the emergence of a number of projects related to Web3.0 in the ecology of block chains such as Tai and Polkadot; thus xff0c; sector chain technology has laid the foundation for Web3.0 development. For the whole block chain industry xff0c; multichained patterns will continue for a long time. xff0c; there is a need for interaction between web3.0 users of different area chain ecology #xff0c; cross-chain technology will play an important role in this process.

(2) 去中心化身份

(2) Centralization

在整个Web3.0的架构中,去中心化身份(Decentralized Identity,DID)是至关重要的一环。DID与Web3.0的核心理念相符,允许用户拥有并控制自己的数字身份。DID中包含用户的身份信息和隐私数据,只有在经过用户授权的情况下才能使用,具有安全性、可验证和互操作性等特点。DID系统以去中心化的方式实现身份的发现、识别和验证,不依赖中心化身份系统的审核和许可。

In the entire Web3.0 architecture & #xff0c; decentralised identity & #xff08; Decentralized identity & #xff0c; DD& #xff09; is a critical link. DD corresponds to the core concept of Web3.0 & #xff0c; allows users to own and control their digital identity. DD contains user identification information and privacy data & #xff0c; xff0c is used only with user authorization; xff0c is used; features such as security, authentication and interoperability are present. DD achieves identity discovery, identification and verification xff0c in a decentralized manner; does not rely on centralised identification system verification and licensing.

(3) 分布式存储

(3) Distributed storage


Web3.0 is committed to changing the centralization platform's control over data & #xff0c; from this perspective , Project Web3.0 will not store data in centralised servers. Therefore , Project Web3.0 will have large data storage needs & #xff0c; distributed storage is an important infrastructure. Compared to traditional centralization storage & #xff0c; distributed storage has the advantages of high safety, privacy protection, and preventing single point failure. But in practical application & #xff0c; distributed storage faces risks in terms of reliability, user experience, and regulatory policy. The main distributed storage items include Filecoin and Arweave.

(4) 隐私计算

(4) Privacy calculations


In Web 2.0 & #xff0c; the business model of the centralized platform generally captures flows and profits through user data resources. In Web3.0 & #xff0c; there is also a need for data use and analysis. But taking into account data security and personal privacy & #xff0c; the need to perform computational tasks with user data and privacy guarantees & #xff0c; and the use of privacy calculations. Secure multi-counting is a solution to privacy calculations & #xff0c; it allows for coordinated calculations where privacy is protected between untrusted participants.


Web3.0 有哪些应用?

Web3.0 Which applications xff1f;


To centralize Autonomous Organizations (DAO)


DAO is a community shared by online members xff0c; it is managed by consensus of members rather than by centralized leadership.



去中心化金融或 "DeFi "是指金融领域(储蓄、贷款和外汇兑换)的去中心化应用。

Decentralized financial or & #34; DeFi & #34; financial field & #xff08; savings, loans and foreign exchange conversion & #xff09; decentralized application.


Stable Currency and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs)


Stable currency is the private-issued encrypted currency xff0c; it is relative to the United States dollar or the euro xff0c; stable currency will remain stable for some time. Stable currency with French currency collateral: for example, a stable currency pegged to the dollar xff0c; a reserve of assets kept in French xff0c; matching the issuing value of each currency. Other items are usually stable by mortgageing digital assets or automatically executing smart contract algorithms. Central Bank digital currency xff08; CBDCs#xff09; a digital currency issued by the Government xff0c; symbolizes State sovereignty and obligations.


Privacy and digital infrastructure


The limitations of many of the current block chain networks are that they are designed to be fully transparent. But xff0c; cutting-edge studies in new areas of cryptography xff0c; making mathematical proof of the validity of the information xff0c; and not the provision of the information itself.

创造者经济 (Creator Economy)

Creative Economy


The creator's economy xff0c; an emerging creative community xff0c; artists, musicians, game developers, etc. xff0c; direct to supporters xff08; fans xff09; connections xff0c; cooperation without intermediaries xff0c; and creators'access to independent sources of income.


#xff08; Gamefi)


& #xff0c, a block-based game; is a game built in block-chain technology.

虽然2014年Web 3.0就被提出,但因为缺乏一个非常具体且被大众熟知的应用场景,一直都处于一个不温不火的状态。但今年,随着数字货币、NFT、元宇宙等全面爆发,越来越多的人开始参与到去中心化、虚拟身份、加密货币的讨论之中,也顺势点燃了科技界和投资界对于Web 3.0的热情。以红杉资本,A16Z为代表的风投开始跑步入场,从解构 Web 3.0概念到提前布局相关公司再到游说监管部门调整政策,大有一种Web 3.0大势将至的感觉。

Although Web 3.0 was presented as xff0c in 2014; but the lack of a very specific and well-known application xff0c; it has always been in a quiet state. But this year xff0c; with the full outbreak of digital money, NFT, meta-cosm, etc. xff0c; an increasing number of people starting to participate in discussions on decentralizing, virtual identity, encrypted currency xff0c; and also rekindling the enthusiasm of the scientific and investment world for Web 3.0.




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