
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:25 评论:0



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The word "block chain" has been widely circulated online since the end of 2017, but few people really know what it is. Rather, it is the application of the block chain, which is more interested in bitcoin, because bitcoin represents wealth. But what is bitcoin, where bitcoin comes from, and where it eventually goes.


The author of Block Chain Plus, Dudun, a network of mobile securities service platforms, co-founder and co-founder of the CMO, Bitcoin Trading Platform (Kyoto) and former leader of DiscuzI products from a well-known community-based software with outstanding performances in the areas of investment, marketing, operation, and creativity. completes a business start-up before the age of 30, completing a backlash from a millionaire to a billionaire.


In the book Block Chain+, Dou deals mainly with the applications of block chains in finance technology, smart logistics, public affairs, industrial manufacturing, agriculture, health care, charitable public goods, digital entertainment, and intelligent transport . There is no emphasis on what block chains are. Like the Internet, you do not need to know what the bottom technology of the Internet is, what the TCP/IP is, what the C language is, how the APP is generated, and all you need to know is how the Internet can make our lives better.


Similarly, the book Block Chain Plus says that the block chain will make our lives even better in those ways. You don't need to know what a block chain is. You just need to know a few of its basic features, just like you need to know that a cell phone wants to connect to the WIFI.


The chain of blocks has several important features, which are also recognized as the characteristics that can alter the functioning of the world as a whole:


1, decentralised. Simple enough to understand that the block chain is a direct point-to-point transaction without intervention by a third party. As to why it can be done without third-party intervention, it can be understood: I give you a dollar, and now I give you a dollar with the horn, I give you a dollar, you make sure you get a dollar when you get a dollar, and you tell others that the rest of you will record a dollar I give you on their ledger.


2, information cannot be tampered with. Once the information is authenticated and added to the block chain, it is permanently stored. Unless more than 51 per cent of nodes in the system can be controlled at the same time, changes to the database on a single node are ineffective and therefore the data stability and reliability of the block chain are extremely high.


3, detrust >. the entire transaction is transparent and records cannot be tampered with.


These three features are the three most significant features of the block chain and the three most regarded as the most important features of the block chain. If you want to know more about the block chain, you need to know the bottom of the block chain, but it's boring.


The history of the development of the block chain, the block chain, 1.0 times: Bitcoin. The block chain, 2.0 times: Etherm, smart contracts. meets certain conditions for automatic execution. For example, when a will is made, the bank's money goes directly to his son's account. When you die, the contract is automatically executed. The block chain, 3.0, the era of application.


Block chains + financial technology. Digital money, supply chain finance, cross-border payments and settlements, paper business, securities transactions, customer letters. Financial generation is based on trust, whereas block chains are the solution to trust problems, and they are first used in finance, bitcoin.


Block Chain + Energy. Power generation, distribution, load. Energy generation, distribution, load, application of block chain smart contracts, allows more energy to be used to avoid energy losses.


block chain+insurance. decentralised risk prevention system, data-driven management of claims, new business models in the insurance industry, digital asset-based insurance will emerge, and the role of insurance companies will change.


Block chains + smart logistics. The transparent security of logistics information and goods, the balance between business efficiency and cost, optimal selection of cargo transport routes and schedules, and improved micro-enterprise financing are difficult. Block chains cannot be tampered with, and data storage functions can be used in the logistics industry to significantly increase the speed of the logistics industry as a whole.


Block Chain + Public Service. Government Information Protection, Citizenship and Rights Validation, Government Openness, and Tax Regulation.


Block Chain + Industrial Manufacturing. Increment Manufacturing, Industrial Goods Networking, Digital Industries.


Block Chain + Agriculture. Transparency in informatization of products, Internet intelligence and scalability, agricultural insurance.


Block Chain + Health. Electronic health cases, medical data sharing, medicines protection against forgery.


block chains + charitable public goods . precision poverty alleviation, search for people, donations. A family's income is recorded on the block chain, which is inexorable, so we know that the family is truly in need of help, and we go to poverty alleviation.


Block Chains + Digital Entertainment. protects authors' rights, removes third parties, and removes the island crisis.


Block chains + smart traffic. Vehicle certification management, electronic token fines for traffic violations, recording of vehicle locations, easing traffic jams and improving road efficiency.


The block chain, like the Internet, will penetrate every corner of our lives in the future, and it is only the beginning, just as we did not believe in the Internet at the beginning, and we still have doubts about the block chain, but that does not prevent us from using it. It just needs to be used one day when it can help us in a better life.


The Block Chain+ is just telling you that the future block chain may have this effect, that's all. It's not that important to understand it and not understand it. As a non-skilled person, just need to use it.


I put the whole book together as a logical thought map that would be of great help to the practical application of the methods in the book.


Deep thinking, deep reading, one book, one world. I'm deep reading, public number: deep reading, welcome to think about the world together!




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