供稿:Sylvia /?Jim / Mat / Riffi / PunkoSpecial thanks: Thanks to the following small partners for their outstanding contributions to this weekly paper
:版权发布:本周报由 WolfDAO(@10xWolfdao) 协作发布,仅供学习交流、研究或欣赏;内容原创,如转载请说明来源;
Copyright: This week's newspaper, published in collaboration with WolfDAO (); original content, if reproduced, please indicate the source;
Reasons for decline
- 1. 利率决策维持不降息,消息落地后市场转为利空
- 2. 近期btc合约市场出现多头减仓转为空头增仓的趋势
- 3. 价格接近宽幅震荡中枢,关键转折阶段,需关注66500,为震荡区间上下轨切换的关键点位。
- 4. 未来一周以观望为主
- 1. 资金面紧张,稳定币和ETF数据均不及预期
- 2. 链上筹码分析,如果目前价格上涨,不需要注意,如果目前价格下跌,链上筹码分布特征可能会造成价格较为快速的波动
- 3. 本周从技术分析上有两点需要注意,一是在CPI数据发布前,市场先行进行了下跌,二是在最近的走势中其实是弱于纳斯达克的走势
The four-hour line is now in the rebound structure. The fall indicates that the empty is out of order and that the market will continue to fall next week if more than one week does not show strength.
- Meme:PolitiFi代币短期内表现出显著增长,特别是在与政治相关的meme代币(如MAGA和MAGA HAT)的推动下。
- RWA:通过将现实世界资产代币化,引入新的投资渠道,持续吸引投资者的关注。
- AI:展现了广泛的应用前景,进一步巩固了其市场热度。
In addition to the day-to-day follow-up projects, two more projects are recommended for comparison of performance this week.
CRV (Curve Finance)
- 1. 创始人借贷逼近清算线引发市场短期波动
- 2. 存在反弹机会
- 3. 长期前景因市场竞争激烈而不确定
Milady (Ladys)
- 1. 以Milady NFT形象制作的社区自治meme币
- 2. 热度较高
- 3. 受到DWF Labs支持
- 4. 成功进行CULT预售筹资
- 5. 有望登陆Binance合约平台
Prices are currently in the middle of a wide-band shock trajectory, focusing on whether the 66,500 dots can be effectively supported. If they fall, they can see 60,000 lines, and if they do not fall, they are expected to return to orbit.
数据来源:Tradingview — BTC价格走势
2. 美国利率决策发布后未来重点关注经济数据
inflation data : Powell has repeatedly stressed that inflation is still too high and has been higher than expected in recent months. He said that he would not consider lowering interest rates until he had more confidence in inflation continuing towards the 2% target.
employment market data : While the current employment market is generally strong, Powell mentions that the Fed is also prepared to respond to unexpected employment weakness. This suggests that changes in employment data will also affect policy orientation. Particular attention should be paid to indicators such as unemployment, growth in non-farm employment, etc. .
Economic activity data: Powell refers to the uncertainty of economic prospects and the need for the Fed to balance employment with prices and avoid overstretching economic activity. Data reflecting economic dynamism, such as GDP growth, consumption, investment, etc., therefore need to be closely monitored .
inflation expectations: Powell believes that long-term inflation expectations remain stable at present, but this is a risk point that needs attention. If inflation expectations rise significantly, they may affect real inflation and policy space.
Financial markets :
美联储将 QT 缩减幅度超过预期的 300 亿美元,而是将 QT 缩减 350 亿美元,这意味着 TSY 的赎回上限从 600 亿美元/月 降至 250 亿美元 /月。QT 减少会使美债收益率下降。
The Fed reduced the QT by more than $30 billion, but instead reduced the QT by $35 billion, meaning that TSY’s foreclosure cap was reduced from $60 billion/month to $25 billion/month. The QT reduction would reduce the return on US debt.
> 时间节点:降息预期,有两个重要时间点 > Time node: interest reduction expected with two important points of time > 降息数据 > interest-reduction data 根据 CME 当日数据,9月18日,不降息 30.6%,降息 2.5 基点 57.2%,降息 5 个基点 12%。总的降息预期概率是 69.4%。 According to CME data for the same day, on 18 September, there was no interest reduction of 30.6 per cent, 2.5 basis points, 57.2 per cent and 5 basis points, 12 per cent. The overall probability of interest reduction is expected to be 69.4 per cent. 11月7日,不降息的概率 17.8%,降息 2.5 基点为46.5%,降息 5 个基点 30.6%,降息 7.5 基点为5%。总的降息预期概率是 82.4%。 On 7 November, the probability of no interest reduction was 17.8 per cent, the 2.5 basis point was 46.5 per cent, the 5 basis point was 30.6 per cent and the 7.5 basis point was 5 per cent. The overall probability of interest reduction is expected to be 82.4 per cent. > 降息推演 > interest-reduction thrust 考虑到美国大选情况,大选在11月降息前2天,如果11月开始降息,利好落地,选举期间金融市场会砸盘,引发市场波动,影响选举结果。 Taking into account the general elections in the United States, the general elections took place two days before the reduction in interest rates in November and, if interest rates were to begin in November, financial markets would collapse during the elections, triggering market fluctuations and affecting the outcome of the elections. 如果9月开始降息,距离11月大选还有2个月,即使美股砸盘回调,也有足够的时间消化短期泡沫,保证选举期间股市表现稳定。 If interest rate reductions begin in September and are two months from the November general election, even if the United States dollar is rewinded, there will be enough time to absorb the short-term bubble and ensure stable stock market performance during the election period. > 推演结论 & gt; extrapolating conclusions
综合以上,9月份开始降息的概率是最大的。 如果此推断成立,那么6~8月三个月的时间,金融市场有降息预期的潜在利好,利好美股和加密市场。
Combined above, the probability of starting interest reductions in September is the greatest. If this assumption is established, the financial markets will have the potential benefits of reducing interest over the three-month period from June to August, for the benefit of the United States stock and encryption markets.
3. 市场异动
The United States shares are on track, and market liquidity is currently concentrated in the United States, with no overflowing to the btc price, and has recently broken the trend of the United States stock-to-btc connection, which is more vulnerable than the United States share, but overall, the United States upper hand has some support for currency prices.
4. 资金流入 / 流出
The current shift from net inflows to net outflows, coupled with falling prices, requires new hot topics to drive emotional and financial upwards.
The volume of transactions has shifted from a contraction to an increase in volume, and trading behaviour has increased, but is dominated by outflows, requiring attention to the price implications of the encryption market's own subject matter.
1.USDC & USDT 稳定币流通量
The steady currency, which stands at $145,007 million, and this week's steady currency, which has increased by 389.2 million (at a distance of 0607), has remained as a whole or as a cross-section for two months, with no upward trend in funding, the net flow of ETF funds over the past five trading days has been -259.5 million (excluding Friday) and the market is still strained.
2. USDC & USDT 场外折溢价
The out-of-the-field premium is basically the same as maintaining a medium-shock posture.
3. 合约市场数据 — — 永续合约资金费率
The annual interest rate of the USDT leverage transaction and the financial rate of the permanent contract fell on June 11 (before the CPI data meeting) and the market moods fell. This was still a strange thing to understand at the time, and we can explain it in the light of the subsequent analysis of the behavior.
4. 基金市场数据 — — ETF数据
数据来源:Soso Value
5. BTC链上地址数据
There was a slight decrease in the number of banknotes held in the chain at 1K-1W (24.679 per cent - 24.38 per cent), there was no significant change in the number of addresses held in currencies greater than 1K (40.231 - 40.193 per cent) and there was no significant change in data characteristics on the chain
6. BTC链上筹码数据
We mentioned in the previous issue that 12.38% of the total value had accumulated within the range of 66254–70671, and the ratio is now 12.65%. The movement of the chips this week is mainly within this range, where prices are now below current prices, where liquidity support is relatively small, which, if worn down, may have moved faster, and that the current price is 6-7% for the entry code of 70671 above, which is likely to soon reach the cut-off range of short-term chips, and could increase market volatility if moving downwards. If the market were able to cut across, it would indicate the current price and the willingness to cut down. Don't forget, we mentioned in our weekly report last month that some of the chips in the 66,000 field did not move in the 14% top.
In summary, if the current price rise and the data on the chain are not indicative of the situation, if the current price drop is likely to be a more rapid fluctuation, and if there is no stoppage in the chips when the price falls, then the market decline is sufficiently divisive to be played up.
7. 过去一周日线和四小时技术分析
One week after the release of important data and one week after the market's eye on the data, it's time to focus more on the game inside the market.
- 参照前面我们建议关注的重要数据发布
As we have previously mentioned, BTC has now fluctuated in recent times with the release of macro-data and lacks its own intrinsic power. It may be a bit decoupled from the market's own structure and K-line analysis. From a purely transactional perspective, interest reductions are good, but, if they are too full, the forward period is expected to lead to small-cycle markets reaching high points, or to a substantial influx of funds into the market, which would lead to a gradual recovery of the upward trend.
Last week, there were two points to note from the technical analysis that the market had fallen before the release of the CPI data, and that the recent trend was actually weaker than that of NASDAQ. From these characteristics, in the combination of financial data (stable currency flows, leveraged market sentiment, chain characteristics), it seems to me that the market itself is a bit weak, but the four-hour line is now in the rebound structure. The fall indicates that the empty head has already been shown, and if strong > fails to show strength, for example, to return to over 68,000 this week, the market will continue to fall this week.
- 苹果宣布与 OpenAI 合作,在操作系统层面将 ChatGPT 集成到苹果设备中!埃隆·马斯克对这一整合表示担忧,并威胁说,如果这一整合得以实施,他将禁止其公司使用所有苹果设备。
- Andrew Tate 职业拳击手,发行推广Meme代币“DADDY”,但是被爆出在推广期间存在黑幕,甚至有消息称 Andrew Tate 将于 2024 年 6 月 9 日发行代币,这引起了一些人的恐惧和不确定性。社交媒体中对不同代币(如 $DADDY 和 $MOTHER)的比较增加了项目&代币以及事件的影响度。
- Curve Finance 首席执行官Egorov 用他的 CRV 抵押品借入稳定币,导致CRV价格下跌,创始人面临潜在的清算风险;CRV清算行为引发市场抛售,也影响了其他 DeFi 协议。
Policy developments
联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 会议、CPI 数据、利率决定以及对包括比特币等加密货币在内的各种资产的潜在影响
Federal Open Market Commission (FOMC) meetings, CPI data, interest rate decisions and potential impact on various assets, including encrypted currency such as Bitcoin
美国 CPI 数据显示通胀率低于预期的 3.3%,多项数据发布引发了人们对即将召开的 FOMC 会议可能降息的猜测。加密货币市场对这一消息做出了积极反应,比特币和山寨币出现反弹。
The U.S. CPI data show a lower than expected inflation rate of 3.3%, and a number of data releases have raised speculation about the possible reduction of interest rates at the forthcoming FOMC meeting. The encrypted currency market responded positively to this news, with a rebound of Bitcoin and Mountain Coin.
Project movement
- Parcl:与 Parcl 奖励分配有关。用户表达了担忧并寻求有关何时分配奖励的最新消息。
- Hedera:Hedera 引入特殊用途网络 (SPN),讨论围绕 SPN 对 Hedera 生态系统的潜在影响以及企业重点和零售市场可持续性之间的平衡展开
- Uwu:DeFi 协议 UwU Lend 被黑客攻击,损失近 2000 万美元;社区成员声称该项目的团队负责人可能参与了资金盗窃。
- zksync / airdrop:向 695,232 个钱包空投 37 亿个 ZK 代币,占总供应量的 17.5%。空投旨在奖励早期用户和采用者,没有锁定期,每个钱包的上限为 100,000 个代币。
- Daddy:价值大幅上涨。由 Andrew Tate 支持,他拥有很大一部分。代币和 $MOTHER 的进行了比较并讨论了它们的估值和表现。
- Doky:被炒作成加密货币市场上的下一个大 meme 币。
- HEGE:即将在 CEX 上市、强大的社区支持、有机增长和对该项目的积极情绪而受到欢迎。
2. 本周舆情热门项目
3. 热门赛道
各赛道数据表现 数据来源:Coingecko
- Meme赛道
上周的数据中,大部分赛道整体处于下跌状态,这很可能受到了宏观经济环境和市场不确定性的影响。然而,值得关注的是,在这一波动中,Meme赛道中的PolitiFi代币表现出了出色的回弹速度,特别是在短期内取得了显著的增长。这种快速的回弹主要受到特定事件驱动,例如大选周期的临近,使得与政治相关的meme代币如MAGA和MAGA HAT受到了投资者的热捧。
- 长期赛道 — — RWA & AI
此外,RWA(Real World Assets)和AI赛道在本周依然保持了较高的关注度。这两个赛道不仅具有较长远的期望值,同时也因其与现实世界的紧密关联和叙事性而持续吸引投资者的目光。RWA赛道通过将现实世界中的资产代币化,提供了新的市场机会和投资渠道。而AI赛道由于其在各类应用中的广泛潜力,特别是在区块链技术的优化和自动化管理上的应用前景,进一步巩固了其市场热度。总体来看,这些赛道的表现和市场关注度,表明投资者正在寻求既有短期盈利机会,又具备长期成长潜力的投资方向。
- 上线主流交易所:当项目成功上线诸如Binance和韩国交易所这样的主流平台,通常会显著提升其流动性和曝光度,这是因为这些平台拥有庞大的用户基础和高交易量,从而吸引更多投资者关注和参与。
- 开展空投活动:通过空投活动,项目方能够在短时间内迅速增加社区用户数量和活跃度。空投不仅能激发用户的参与热情,提高项目的知名度,还能通过良好的用户体验和社区互动,增强用户对项目的粘性和信任感。
- 获得知名VC的投资支持:获得知名风险投资公司(VC)的投资和支持,不仅为项目提供了必要的资金支持,还提升了项目的信誉和可信度。知名VC的背书常代表着对项目技术、团队及发展潜力的高度认可,能够大幅提高市场对项目的信任度,从而促进项目的发展和扩展。
4. 热门项目推荐
项目1:CRV (Curve Finance)
Curve Finance是一家自动化做市商和去中心化交易所,特别专注于低滑差的高效稳定币交易。它提供各种稳定币,如USDT、USDC、TUSD、BUSD等。通过Curve,交易者可以使用DeFi服务,如流动性挖掘和收益种植,降低风险。
Curve Finance is an automated market and decentralized exchange, with a special focus on low-sliding, efficient and stable currency transactions. It provides a variety of stable currencies, such as USDT, USDC, TUSD, BUSD, and so on.
CRV(Curve Finance)
- 重大事件
6月13日链上分析师发现 CRV 创始人借贷逼近清算线,引发鲸鱼狙击定向爆破。短期内CRV 的价格跌破了 Curve 创始人 Michael Egorov 的清算价,其在 5 个协议中的全部 9 位数贷款头寸都被清算并产生了一千多万USD的坏账。币安上CRV跌幅最大超过 40%,最低价 触及0.219U。
- 后市走向
- 利好
- 利空
Curve的机制核心是围绕着 CRV 进行分红拆分。通过锁定CRV成 veCRV造成流动性沉没成本,再通过 CRV提供激励给拆分盘,目前链上大部分协议(包括AAVE等)的基础收益收益都比Curve高,Curve 大部分流动性池的主要收益还是来自 CRV 的排放。 尽管Curve协议对于CRV不是绝对依存关系,但是币价暴跌带来的收益下降和恐慌情绪很可能造成后续大量流动性出逃。
- 总结
项目2:LADYS (Miladys meme token)
Miladys meme token(ladys)是以Milady NFT 系列Ladys形象制作的社区自治meme币,体现了meme力量和网络爱情的不屈不挠精神。
- 后市利好因素
Futures Next Source: Binance
可能登陆Binance合约平台。目前在币安Futures Next平台的代币提名池中Miladys排名第二,投票人数第一,表明市场对于Miladys上线币安合约平台抱有积极态度。
Cult预售。据官方消息,Milady创始人(Charlotte Fang)发布的预售Meme项目CULT预售已完成,总计筹集5861.8枚ETH,约2045万美元。对于这种已有品牌信誉基础的项目,有可能会通过对原品牌赋能等其他方式来拉盘进而吸引市场注意力。
DWF Labs投资。6月3日,Milady(LADYS)已成功获得了DWF Labs的500万美元投资。这笔投资进一步巩固了$LADYS作为meme文化核心地位。
以上就是 WolfDAO 有关本期周报的主要内容了,欢迎互动讨论
That's the main part of WolfDAO's story about this week's paper. Welcome to the interactive discussion of
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