Chinaz.com note & #xff1a; many people may be like editor-in-chief #xff0c; to understand the concept of block chains & #xff0c; to read numerous articles & #xff0c; but much of what is said is a big concept. Although every word can read #xff0c; but not even together. So xff0c; what is the chain of blocks? How can one phrase be interpreted? Below is a small compilation of answers #xff0c; hopefully useful for all.
The most brilliant explanation of #xff1a;
The block chain is a multiplicity of sources of information that are identified and stored in multiple locations.
Example: xff1a;
If the leader gets knocked down by you xff0c; if you don't have the time to report xff0c; because you're the centre of the report xff0c; the control center solves the problem. But if you get a video camera on the street xff0c; xff0c seen by countless eyes; although it's only a few dozen seconds xff0c; they can't believe that their eyes are in agreement with each other; this is when the leadership is out of hand. This is the chain of blocks.
Your boyfriend promised to buy Chanel #xff0c; you hired a guarantor to vouch for it xff0c; you paid the treasure to act as a guarantor in this contract. Your boyfriend promised to buy Chanel #xff0c; then sent this message to all friends and relatives xff0c; formed a contract worldwide xff0c; failed to perform xff0c; directly affected his credit values for various social roles, such as banks/companies xff0c; this is the chain of blocks.
Similar to Central TV & #xff0c; it represents the centralization of news & #xff0c; we need to access information through this media channel & #xff0c; but the decentralization of blocks is where each of us can be a source of news & #xff0c; not subject to this mass communication & #xff0c; and the media has to pay for the information we provide.
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