本网讯 在第四届中国国际进口博览会期间,普华永道中国税务部主管合伙人、中区市场主管合伙人、中国上海主管合伙人黄佳及普华永道中国金融科技合伙人张俊贤,唯链科技财务副总裁盛云斐就“低代码+区块链”的应用进行了深度讨论。
During the 4th China International Import Fair, 在《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》中,区块链被明确写入“培育壮大人工智能、大数据、区块链、云计算、网络安全等新兴数字产业”。近年来,区块链技术创新不断,国内外企业也在快速拥抱区块链和数字产业。普华永道与唯链则在积极探索“区块链+”的行业前沿。本次圆桌旨在讨论企业运用区块链的开发成本效率,提升企业区块链应用价值。 In the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Vision 2035, the block chain is explicitly included in the “Build-up digital industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, block chains, cloud computing, and network security.” In recent years, the block chain has been technologically innovative, and domestic and foreign enterprises have been fast hugging the block chain and the digital industry. 普华永道在区块链应用领域的艾安追踪基于唯链区块链平台打造。艾安追踪利用了区块链技术可溯源,不可篡改,去中心化的特性,在环境、ESG、零售、能源、医疗等多个领域,加快释放了区块链更多的可能性。 In the area of block-chain applications, PricewaterhouseCoopers tracks Ayan based on a chain-only platform. The Ayan tracks use block-chain technology to trace it, make it impossible to alter it, decentralize it, and accelerate the release of more of it in a number of areas, such as the environment, ESG, retail, energy, and medical care. 在食品安全领域,艾安追踪基于区块链技术能实现“一物一码”的数据记录,能为消费者提供食品溯源依据,为生产和物流企业提供识别和证明食品流转的可靠性。 In the area of food safety, Ayan tracks data records based on block chain technology that achieves a “one-size-fits-all” approach, provides a basis for food traceability for consumers, and identifies and proves the reliability of food flows for production and logistics enterprises. 本次圆桌不仅展示了普华永道的创新产品成果,同样凸显了其在长期创新方面的投入和显著成效。自2018年5月与唯链建立战略性协作关系以来,普华永道在以区块链技术为代表的前沿科技领域进行了一系列拓展探索,并致力于将区块链技术与低碳转型、数字经济建设有机结合,做到了先于时势、合于时宜,为唯链成为产业区块链先锋提供了自身长期积淀的资深行业经验。 This round table not only showcases the achievements of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ innovative products, but also highlights its investment and remarkable results in long-term innovation. Since May 2018, when it established a strategic partnership with the chain-based industry, PricewaterhouseCoopers has undertaken a series of outreach explorations in the cutting-edge field of technology, represented by block-chain technology, and has worked to integrate block-chain technology with low-carbon transformation and digital economy-building, providing its own long-term industrial experience of cutting-edge, high-level industry experience. 黄佳表示:“普华永道将继续致力于创新事业的发展,把握包括区块链技术在内的国家战略技术,并将其运用到更广泛优质的业务中。对初创技术企业的合作,与更多企业合作共建生态圈,代表着普华永道的技术洞见,以及我们长期融合、助力、参与科技革新的决心。” Huang Jia said: “PwC will remain committed to the development of innovative industries, mastering national strategic technologies, including block-chain technologies, and applying them to a wider range of high-quality operations. Cooperation with start-up technology enterprises, working with more firms to build an eco-coopers, represents PwC's technological insight, and our determination to integrate, help and participate in technological innovation over the long term.” 盛云斐表示:“作为长期深耕企业级区块链应用的企业,我们关注行业层面的创新,比如本次普华永道推出的新产品,并且关注企业长期战略层面的可持续投入。我们为企业提供一条‘绿色’的链,即节能环保的底层技术,同时为企业提供‘低投入’的开发环境,让链上数字化成为一种轻量、可持续、长期有益的转型方向。” “As an enterprise that uses long-term deep-farming enterprise-level block chains, we are concerned with innovation at the industry level, such as the new product launched by PricewaterhouseCoopers, and with sustainable inputs at the corporate strategic long-term level. We are providing businesses with a “green” chain, i.e., energy-efficient and environmentally friendly bottom technologies, while at the same time providing them with a “low input” development environment, making digitalization of the chain a light, sustainable and long-term beneficial transition.” (美通社) 责任编辑:连帆 审核:王金臣
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