币圈defi是什么意思 defi是什么意思 币圈

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本篇文章给大家谈谈币圈defi是什么意思,以及defi是什么意思 币圈对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。

This article tells you what defi means, what defi means, what defi's knowledge of the currency, which may be a little long, but hopefully you can read it, build up your knowledge, and above all, help you, solve your problems, and don't forget your collection.

币圈defi是什么意思 defi是什么意思 币圈


DeFi is called duOpenfinance.


Decentralized finance means that you can have your assets completely and completely, unlike centralized finance, the CEFI. There are a lot of local applications, such as insurance, borrowing, mining, etc., that are now a popular concept in the currency circles.


Extended information:


Main features of the DeFi:


X-DeFi uses block chain technology and smart contract technology, replacing traditional trust based on people or third-party institutions with decentralised Balance agreements to build transparent and open financial systems.


X-DeFi needs you to trust the broker, and X-DeFi needs you to trust the agreement.


X-DeFi’s vision is that all assets can be sokenized and freely traded in a globally open market. X-DeFi’s 2.0-upgraded version of DeFi focuses on zero-risk, risk-free distributed finance, the use of Tezos chain ecology, and cross-chain support for multi-asset portfolio collateral.


What the hell is DiFi?

网络上有很多关于 DeFi的定义,目前通用的定义是这样的:DeFi是自己掌握私钥,以数字货币为主体的金融业务这个定义包含三个层面的意思:

There are many definitions of DeFi on the Internet, which are now commonly used as follows: DeFi is a financial business with its own private key, dominated by digital money, which has three dimensions:


Take your own private key.


Quantum currency as the main currency


Financial operations

DeFi是Decentralized Finance(去中心化金融)的缩写,也被称做Open Finance。它实际是指用来构建开放式金融系统的去中心化协议,旨在让世界上任何一个人都可以随时随地进行金融活动。

DeFi is an acronym for Decentralized Finance, also known as Open Finance. It is a decentralized agreement designed to create an open financial system that allows any person in the world to carry out financial activities at any time or place.


In the existing financial system, financial services are largely controlled and regulated by the central system, whether it is the most basic access transfer, loan or derivative transaction. DeFi, for its part, hopes to create a transparent, accessible and inclusive point-to-point financial system through distributed open-source agreements that minimizes the risk of trust and makes financing easier and easier for participants.

最近,DiFi的概念又逐渐火了起来,DiFi一直都被认为是区块链最有可能落地的领域,而最近在 DiFi领域,有一个非常火的明星项目,Compound。Compound是一个基於以太坊的 DeFi协议,主要实现的业务类似於银行的「抵押借贷」,用户可以将自己的资产抵押在协议中获得年化收益,而资产的借出方则需要支出相应的利息。

More recently, the DiFi concept has been seen as the area where the block chain is most likely to land, and recently, in the DiFi area, there is a very hot star project, Compound. Compound, a DeFi-based agreement based on the Etherms, realizes mainly a business similar to a bank's “mortgage lending” in which users can mortgage their assets for annualized gains, while the borrower of the assets spends the corresponding interest.

在 DeFi生态中 Compound的地位也是响当当的,毕竟 DeFi各项目之间交织在一起,而 Compound则是众多 DeFi产品的基础。因此,Compound推出的“借贷即挖矿”,其影响也是巨大的,有可能改变整个 DeFi市场的格局。

The position of Compound in the DeFi ecology is also relevant, after all, because the projects of the DeFi are interwoven, and Compound is the foundation of many of the DeFi products. So, the impact of Compound’s introduction of “lending is mining” is enormous, and it has the potential to change the pattern of the entire DeFi market.

按照 COMP的总代币量,并按照当前 ETH230美元的价格,其整体市值(包括未流通代币)达到 998,761,200美元,位居 DeFi市值第一,超过 Maker代币 MKR的市值(截止到蓝狐笔记写稿时,Maker市值为 540,726,781美元。)即便按照流通代币的市值来看,Compound当前已发行的代币量为 5,770,890个,其市值也达到 576,374,102美元,也超越 Maker成为 DeFi市值第一。

The market value of COMP as a whole (including undistributed tokens) amounted to $998,761,200 at the current ETH230 price, which was the first in DeFi and exceeded the market value of Maker in MKR (at the time of writing the blue fox notes, the market value of Maker was $540,726,781). Even according to the market value of the current ETH230, the current market value of Compound was 5,770,890, and its market value was $576,374,102, which exceeded the market value of Maker as the market value of DeFi.

有了 COMP,Compound可以有更多的牌可以打。比如,在特定情况下,尤其是在早期,用户在 Compound上借钱,不仅不花钱,还能赚钱。这意味着,用户不仅可以免费使用 Compound上的加密资产,还可以赚到钱。这裏的秘诀在於 COMP的存在,由於 COMP价格上涨,导致人们借钱的目的不是因为需要钱,而是因为可以赚取 COMP。

With COMP, Compoun can have more cards to play. For example, in certain cases, especially at an early stage, users borrow money on Compound, not only for free, but also for money. This means that users can not only use encrypted assets on Compound free of charge, but also for money. The secret is the existence of the COMP, which is the reason why people borrow money not because they need it, but because they can earn it.


The Comboud model is rather novel, and you can focus on it.


Mathematical Model Calculating



最低价 9308.82,最高价 9634.20

Minimum price 9308.82, maximum price 963 4.20


Currency Trends - Mainstream Currency

BTC:据库币全球站数据,比特币目前报价 9535美金,24小时涨幅 1.16%。

BTC: According to Coin Global Station data, Bitcoin currently offers $9535, a 24-hour increase of 1.16 per cent.

昨日 BTC在 9000美元附近短暂整理後於夜间开启反弹行情,走势持续反弹并一举突破强弱分界线 9400~9500美元区域,现暂承压於 9600美元强阻力。

Yesterday, BTC opened up a backlash at night after a brief clean-up near $9000, and continued to bounce and break through the area of the power-and-power divide of $9400 to $9,500, which is now under pressure of $9,600.

老坛认为:昨日走势仅仅短暂测试 9000美元支撑便止跌,一定程度上反映出空头力量不具备延续性,整体看空情绪并不浓,这也是为何凌晨的反弹并未伴随明显放量但依然上行无阻,然而投资人不该过於乐观的估计多头的强度,从目前盤面上看,9600美元短时成为反弹延续的障碍,该区域存在一定的抛压,若反弹能够持续放量突破 9600美元,那麼将提升後市再次测试万元大关的概率,反之若回调跌破 9400美元则存在继续再探 9000美元的可能性。提醒投资人日线级别走势仍处於缩量整理形态,在成交量明显放大前,多空双方将始终处於一个难分伯仲的局面,这意味着震汤格局暂时难以被打破,除做波段外的中长线交易策略并不适合当前行情。

In the view of the old world, yesterday’s short-lived test of $9000 has stopped, reflecting in part the lack of continuity of the empty force and the lack of overall sentiment. This is also why the early morning rebound has not been accompanied by a clear release, but it is still unstoppable. However, investors should not be over-stretched by optimistic estimates. The short-term impact of $9,600 has been an obstacle to the continuation of the rebound, and there is a certain drop in pressure in the region. If the rebound can be sustained by $9,600, then the post-market will be pushed back to test the probability of the 10,000 dollar, and if the $9,400 falls back, there will be a possibility of continuing to explore the $900.

DiFi概念热度不减,比特币再次突破 9500!

DiFi concept has no loss of heat. Bitcoin has broken 9500!

ETH:走势近期表现出弱於 BTC的态势,今晨的反弹强度偏弱,暂时承压於 235美元,217美元支撑可视为强弱分界线,跌破该点位或进入深度回调,上方突破 239美元阻力存在形成双顶概率。

ETH: The trend has recently been weaker than that of the BTC, with a weak rebound this morning and a temporary pressure of US$ 235, supported by US$ 217, which can be considered as a strong and weak dividing line, falling through the point or entering deep echoes, with a two-top probability of breaking through the US$ 239 resistance.

BCH:目前这个位置处於不上不下的尴尬点位,下方的支撑在 230,虽然跌破 230但是币价再度拉回到该位置上方,上方的压力位关注 243,上一轮的回调就是从 243这个位置遇阻回落,日内若再次反弹至该点可看空。

BCH: The position is now no less embarrassing than 230, and the bottom is supported by 230, although the price has fallen, but the price has been pulled back above it again, and the pressure above is focused on 243, and the last round of feedback has been blocked from 243, and if the sun returns to that point again, it can be seen to be empty.


Currency Trends - Platform Currency

平台币方面,以震汤为主。24小时内,KCS上涨 3%,HT上涨 2.6%,OKB上涨 2.6%,BNB上涨 4%。比特币反弹又带动整个市场拉升,平台币这种价值币种当然也会跟涨,近期各大平台币消息面都比较匮乏,很难走出独立行情,都是跟随比特币走势,所以继续持有即可。

In 24 hours, KCS rose by 3 per cent, HT by 2.6 per cent, OKB by 2.6 per cent, and BNB by 4 per cent. Bitcoin rebounded to pull up the whole market, and, of course, the value of the platform coins increased.


Now people in the currency circle often mention that DeFi, especially UNI and Sushi, used to be very popular. So what does DeFi mean here? Let's get this straight!


DeFi's Chinese translation, “decentralized finance”, evolved with the maturity of block chain technology, is a typical distributed economy (known as DeCo). DeCo's concept of exit from market economy is a form of market economy. Thus, its two core mechanisms are similar to the market economy: a price mechanism that leverages the allocation of economic resources through price-aggregation information; and economic incentives that regulate the behaviour of participants through economic incentives. Deco uses the block chain as an infrastructure for managing public affairs through decentralized community autonomy. The DeCo development process can be divided into four stages:

第一阶段是DeCo 1.0,基于公链内的经济活动。围绕分布式账本,利益相关者将共同维护网络的共识机制,并通过“通货膨胀税”和手续费提供激励。公链中的经济活动相对简单,核心问题是如何以去中心化的方式激励区块节点,使其维持分布的账本。它主要使用两个经济工具:一个是块奖励,另一个是交易费。

The first stage is DeCo 1.0, based on economic activity within the public chain. Around distributed accounts, stakeholders will jointly maintain the network’s consensus mechanisms and provide incentives through “inflationary taxes” and fees. Economic activity in the public chain is relatively simple, and the central question is how to stimulate block nodes in a decentralized way to maintain distributed accounts. It uses two economic instruments: one is an incentive and the other is a transaction fee.

第二个阶段是DeCo 2.0,它基于公共链,围绕区块链应用程序引入了智能合约。现阶段以智能合约为去中心化自治组织框架,探索分布式自治机制,并基于区块链进行商业应用。在这个阶段,分布式自治组织(DAO)的概念出现了,这是一种将广阔的经济场景与区块链连接起来的尝试。例如,区块链用于计算能力、存储空间、贷款以及文件和数据共享等应用。

The second phase is DeCo 2.0, which is based on the public chain and introduces smart contracts around block chain applications. At this stage, smart contracts are used as a framework for decentralizing autonomous organizations, exploring distributed self-government mechanisms, and commercial applications based on block chains.

第三阶段是DeCo 3.0,也就是最近兴起的“DeFi”(去中心化财务)。在DeCo 3.0时代,数字合同、数字货币和数字资产被非常巧妙地集中在一起。只有在这个阶段,区块链作为一个分散的价值网络的重要性才能真正体现出来。这时数字货币的整个体系完善了,稳定的货币出现了。区块链经济活动中使用稳定的货币作为支付和交易媒介,改善了数字货币的价格波动问题。

The third stage is DeCo 3.0, the recent emergence of “DeFi” (decentralized finance). In the DeCo 3.0 era, digital contracts, digital money and digital assets were very cleverly grouped together. Only at this stage can the importance of block chains as a decentralized value network be truly demonstrated.

第四阶段是即将到来的DeCo 4.0,即分布式经济生态。第一,真正去中心化的信任网络,会把各种经济场景连接起来,建立去中心化的信任关系。第二,采取社团或联盟的形式作为组织,比如像脸书一样与其他企业组成协会,每个组织只有1%的投票权。第三,出现了一个新的经济学课题——“不再以股东的利益作为经济组织的经营目标”。

The fourth stage is the forthcoming DeCo 4.0, or distributed economic ecology. First, a truly decentralized network of trust that connects various economic scenes and builds decentralised trust relationships. Second, organizations are organized in the form of associations or coalitions, such as Facebook, which form associations with other enterprises, with only 1 per cent of each organization's vote. Third, a new economics theme has emerged: “No longer the interests of shareholders as the business objective of economic organizations”.




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