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Over the past 10 years, the block chain projects, which are represented by Bitcoin and Etherms, have sprung into the horizon. This paper summarizes some of the representative block chain projects, analyses the current state of development of block chain technology in various contexts and provides corresponding projections of future trends.

回顾区块链的发展历史,2008年10月31日,化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的比特币创始人向世人公开了《比特币白皮书》,这标志着区块链技术正式进入了应用阶段。

Looking back at the history of the development of the block chain, on 31 October 2008, the founder of Bitcoin, alias Satoshi Nakamoto, made the White Paper of Bitcoin public, marking the formal entry into the application phase of block chain technology.


Globally, the block chain project has covered a number of important areas, including developers'tools, digital money and electronic payments, pan-financial, social and recreational, network transmission and security, data storage and computing.


In particular, the emergence of smart contracts has accelerated the process of application of block-chain technologies by virtue of their flexible and adaptable features. As one of the leaders, the Taipan has taken the lead in achieving intellectual contract excellence and supporting the development of multiple computer languages; using a highly scalable public block chain, Lisk has provided users with a platform for decentralizing applications based on JavaScript.

围绕着智能合约,一系列拓展应用项目也相继出现。其中,Codelegit、Mattereum着力于解决智能合约的合法化问题;Kleros能处理智能合约之间的争端。此外,为了方便分布式商业应用的开发,区块链操作系统EOS也应运而生。相比于智能合约,EOS为开发者提供了更多的底层模块,如并行运算、数据库、账户系统等。而Aion等第三代区块链技术使跨链交易成为了可能。其中,Cosmos是由大量独立的区块链构成的网络,通过其网络,用户能够使用内部区块链通信包将代币从一条区块链转移至另外的区块链上。相比于互联网,Cosmos所构想的区块链网络在信息交互的同时,也实现了资产价值传递。通过IBC跨链协议,基于Cosmos的Tendermint Core开发的区块链之间能实现代币的跨链转移,而对于类似于以太坊一类的基于PoW共识机制生成的公有链,可以使用Pegged Zone桥接。

In addition, in order to facilitate the development of distributed commercial applications, the block chain operating system EOS should also operate. Compared to the smart contract, EOS provides developers with more ground modules, such as parallel computing, databases, account systems, etc. The third generation block chain technology, such as Aion, makes it possible to trade across chains. Among these, Cosmos is a network of independent block chains through which users can use internal block-chain communication kits to transfer intergenerational currency from one block chain to another. In contrast to the Internet, the sector-chain network that Cosmos envisions provides more ground modules, such as parallel computing, databases, accounts, etc.


Digital currency, including Bitcoin, is undoubtedly the most mature and widespread application of block-chain technology to date. In the case of bitcoin, the number of bitcoins currently in circulation on the market is already over 120,000, and its total market value, if measured at the price of a single bitcoin of 50,000 yuan, is about 6 billion yuan yuan.


On the other hand, a number of payment scenes have begun to support digital currency as one of the means of payment. For example, a prominent PC manufacturer, DELL, has supported the purchase of its computer products in Bitcoin for local markets in the United States; Microsoft, in collaboration with Bitpay, has allowed users to buy their apps, games, etc. indirectly; and third-party payment platform PayPal, in partnership with the three main bitcoin payment platforms, Bitpay, Coinbase and Gocoin.

类似支付需求的产生和扩大,也推动了数字货币支付工具及其衍生技术的发展。当前,大多数数字货币均有对应的电子钱包可以下载使用,如Cardano Foundation的代达罗斯电子钱包、Ethereum钱包、支持多种数字货币的第三方钱包应用Ledger等。另外,基于以太坊区块链和Proof-of-Processed-Payments的电子支付应用Metalpay在提供法币转账功能的同时,会给予用户相应比例的Metal币作为报酬。而Dash、Moreno、Verge等新型的数字加密货币开始出现,通过将交易信息以交易簇的形式记录,将用户信息通过“主节点”混淆交易实现匿名,极大地提高了电子支付的隐匿性。

The creation and expansion of similar demand for payments has also contributed to the development of digital currency payment instruments and their derivatives. Most digital currencies now have corresponding electronic wallets that can be downloaded, such as the Deedaros electronic wallet of Cardano Foundation, the Etheeum wallet, and the Ledger application of third-party wallets that support multiple digital currencies.


As bottom-level technologies and infrastructure developed, block chain technologies began to move into the broader financial sphere.


(1) Transactions


For example, Airswap uses a decentralised e-money exchange based on a Taiyo smart contract. Users can do anonymous transactions on a global scale without registering through their smart contracts. While decentralizing an exchange avoids the hosting of personal assets to some extent improves security, its characteristics may conflict with anti-money-laundering rules and face greater policy risks. Outside the exchange, 0x offers a decentralized exchange agreement based on a remote chain, using a replayer order book model, which requires a chain-to-coupled transaction.


In addition to e-money, a number of exchanges are beginning to emerge that are based on traditional financial assets. EverMarkets has opened a door to block-chain technology trading futures, which can effectively reduce transaction costs.


In the current environment, regulators around the world are still cautious about the development of digital money, especially in the form of incentives for digital currency development, and the existence of unreasonable factors in the digital currency market. As a result, exchange projects are exposed to a greater risk of policy uncertainty in the external environment.


(2) Loans

区块链技术在贷款领域也有所应用。WeTrust的第一款产品Trusted Lending Circle利用区块链技术实现了在一个可信群体中循环借贷的过程。SALT允许用户以其拥有的数字货币资产作为抵押物获得现金贷款。ETHLend则需要以ENS域名作为贷款抵押品,获取以太币贷款。当前,区块链技术被应用于贷款场景下,是资产端的一项较大创新,也提高了获客效率,但其并未在关键环节为贷款,特别是网络贷款的发展产生颠覆性的作用。

Block chain technology is also applied in the area of loans. WeTrust’s first product, Trusted Lending Circle, has achieved a revolving process of lending in a credible group, using block chain technology. SALT allows users to obtain cash loans with their own digital monetary assets as collateral.


(3) Insurance


In this context, InsureX selects smart contracts structured in Ether, based on the insurance market for block-chain technologies, resolving untrustworthy issues between the parties and bringing together institutions such as insurance companies, reinsurance companies and brokers to create efficient and transparent markets. Aigang uses block-chain technologies to create a network-oriented DAO framework for insurance. In this case, insurance insurance coverage and claims processing will be automatically implemented by smart contracts. And other contributors can develop new modules to support innovative LOT insurance products in accordance with Aigang’s agreement.


(4) Investments

虚拟货币市场的火热促使越来越多的区块链企业开始专注于数字货币的投资价值开发。ICONOMI作为一个数字资产管理平台,可以为投资用户提供多种数字资产组合(Digital Asset Array,DAA)。Numerai利用以太坊区块链和其代币Numeraire构建了人工智能对冲基金。Cindicator将大量的不同类别金融分析师和全套机器训练模型相结合,并为能有效管理传统金融和加密市场上的投资者资本而设计了“混合智能”策略。

As a digital asset management platform, ICONOMI can provide investors with a multiplicity of digital asset combinations (Digital Asset Array, DAA). Numerai builds artificial intelligence hedge funds using the Etherm block chain and its token Numeraire. Cindicator combines a large number of different types of financial analysts with full machine training models and designs a “mixed intelligence” strategy to manage investor capital in traditional financial and encrypted markets.


The impact of block chain technology has even extended to our area of life.


通过社交软件Steemit,用户在发帖分享个人生活状态的同时,还可以根据文章的点赞量获得相应比例的Steem Dollars作为报酬。Flixxo利用区块链和torrent技术创建了一个由创造者组成的视频共享平台社区。当内容创造者将视频上传到分布式网络中,可以从观看者获取收益并兑换为Flixx(一种代币)。

Through the social software Steemmit, users can be rewarded with a proportion of Steem Dollars according to the amount of credit given to the article. Felixo uses block chains and torrent technology to create a community of creators of video-sharing platforms. When content creators upload videos into distributed networks, they can get a profit from viewers and convert them to Flixx (a token).

在通讯方面,Mercury Protocol是一种为通讯平台打造的开源项目,利用去中心化的区块链技术,任何集成Mercury Protocol的通信平台将能够相互交换消息和发布内容,通过假名保护用户隐私,利用代币鼓励用户参与,而且,和具有单一断裂点的私有系统相比,其网络安全性有较大提高。

With regard to communications, Mercury Protocol is an open-source project for communication platforms, using decentralized block chain technology, any communications platform that integrates Mercury Protocol will be able to exchange information and publish content, protect user privacy through pseudonyms, use tokens to encourage user participation, and have greater cybersecurity than private systems with single breakpoints.


区块链技术在游戏领域发展空间巨大,涉及游戏内容、对战平台、游戏币以及游戏道具交易等。其中,Firstblood是一个基于以太坊智能合约的电子竞技平台,不仅允许多种对战模式,支持Dota2等多款游戏,还有奖励机制鼓励更多的玩家参与。Enjin Coin是一种ERC-20代币,为游戏开发者和内容创造者提供了电子货币支持。DMarket基于区块链和智能合约,为游戏虚拟物品交易开辟了新的通道。

Block chain technology has a huge potential to develop in the field of games, involving game content, platforms for battle, coins for games, and prop trading. Firstblood is an electronic playing platform based on an ETA smart contract that not only allows multiple modes of battle, supports Dota2 games, but also provides incentives to encourage more players to participate. Enjin Coin, an ERC-20, provides electronic currency support to game developers and content creators. Dmarket, based on block chains and smart contracts, opens up new channels for virtual items trading in games.

在音乐领域,Ujo Music的区块链项目使音乐家可以在区块链上发布和管理自己的音乐版权,获得收益。Imogen Heap发起的Mycelia和PledgeMusic创始人Benji Rogers成立的Dot Blockchain Music,预示着将有越来越多的音乐产业项目转向区块链技术。

In the area of music, Ujo Music’s block chain project allows musicians to publish and manage their music rights on the block chain and to gain profits. Dot Blockchain Music, launched by Imogen Heap and Benji Rogers, founder of PledgeMusic, portends that more and more music industry projects will move to block chain technology.


In addition, through VR virtual reality platform Decentraland, which is built on the Etheria block chain, users can create, experience, or even benefit from the development of platform content and process experiences.


The block chain technology has brought about significant changes in the application of social entertainment. Reliance on decentralisation and a high degree of autonomy, users’ rights and interests have been broadened, moving from those who experience and use the product to those who manage it.

在网络传输方面,IPFS文件传输系统是一个面向全球的、点对点的分布式版本文件系统,用基于内容的地址替代基于域名的地址,加快了网页的速度,是对传统的超文本传输协议(HTTP)的一次巨大创新。随着人们对隐私保护需求的逐渐旺盛,VPN需求激增。而Mysterium Network向用户提供了一种基于区块链的去中心化VPN产品,用户能够安全匿名地连接互联网,也可以在系统中分享闲置的带宽来赚取代币回报。另外,区块链与物联网技术的融合也是当前的一大发展趋势。Oaken Innovation采用物联网硬件设备与分布式软件平台相结合,试图完成机器的自动控制,以实现真正的价值传递。

In terms of network transmission, the IPFS file transfer system is a global, point-to-point distributed version of the file system, which uses content-based addresses to replace domain-based addresses. It speeds up web pages and is a major innovation to the traditional hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). VPN demand surges as the demand for privacy protection grows. Mysterium Network provides users with a decentralized VPN product based on block chains that allows users to safely and anonymously connect to the Internet and to share idle bandwidths in the system to replace currency returns.


In terms of cybersecurity, in response to the DDoS attack and in order to ensure that regular users have access to the site, Gladius, the block chain project, has proposed a decentralised solution that both reduces the risk of DDoS attacks and speeds up page loads.


(1) Storage


The block chain technology has a number of advantages in data storage. Factom, using the immutable characteristics of block chain technology, innovates the way in which data are recorded and managed in the business community and government. It is now working with the data provider Intrinio, where all financial market data will be published on Factom. Big ChainDB starts with a distributed database, which adds the characteristics of block chains to centralization, immutable and digital assets, and allows for a million write-ups per second. Stoj allows users to lease and purchase storage spaces through DriveSahre and MetaDisk, enabling the centralization of data files.


(2) Distributive Calculate


Golem has created a decentralised computing network, where users can contribute and use the computing power of other users to solve the huge computing problems of CGI rendering, machine learning, etc. iExec is committed to building a decentralised cloud computing network through which users can share their applications and data in addition to their computing power.


The centralization of block-chain technology is perfectly compatible with cloud technology. Using block-chain technology, distributed cloud storage and distributed cloud computing have become a reality, contributing, on the one hand, to the rational allocation and utilization of computer hardware resources, and, on the other, to a global division of labour.

此外,区块链技术也应用于身份识别、票务、隐私管理、电子商务、能源、供应链等多个场景。从上述项目的特点看,区块链技术的应用基本围绕着其去中心化、不可篡改、高度自治和信息透明的特点展开。这些特点确实在部分领域产生了巨大的创新价值。而从发展趋势看,政府机构将更多地参与到区块链技术的落地过程,特别是在身份管理、个人信用、金融等需要信用背书和政策密集的领域。在信息透明方面,私有链将是大多数区块链项目的基础。因为其特有的权限管理使得信息透明与隐私需求达到了平衡。另外,在技术层面上,多元化的特点要求区块链项目具有更强的适应性,能充分实现跨链的需求。(文/盈灿咨询 袁鑫强 )

In addition, block-chain technology is applied in a number of contexts, such as identification, ticketing, privacy management, e-commerce, energy, and supply chains. From the characteristics of the above-mentioned projects, the application of block-chain technology revolves around its decentralized, non-manual, highly autonomous and transparent information features.








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