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2023 / 8 月13 日下午,知名加密货币资讯网站Coingecko 发了一则推文,列出根据现货交易量数据,2023 加密货币前十大中心化交易所及其交易量占比。

2023/In the afternoon of 13 August, Coingecko, a well-known encrypted currency information website, sent a tweet listing the top ten centralized exchanges of encrypted currencies and their share of transactions based on spot traffic data.


On the basis of the information in this tweet and on the Coingecko website, the editor briefly describes the 10 exchanges if you do not have an exchange account or if you are looking for a new exchange to open.


Because it is relatively safer, it also means more users, easier access to relevant information and easier answers to questions.

交易所不是绝对安全,曾经非常知名的FTX 交易所在2022 年说倒就倒,但整体来说,愈知名愈主流的交易所受到愈多注意,资讯较为公开透明,整体安全性较高。网路上也有更多资讯可以比对,有更多相关教学问答,更有助于新手入门。

The exchange is not entirely secure, and the once-famous FTX exchange collapsed in 2022, but overall, the more well-known and mainstream exchanges receive attention, information is more open and transparent, and overall security is more secure. More information can be found on the Internet than on the right side, with more questions and answers on the subject and more useful to newcomers.


The more information, the more open and transparent, the less room for survival.

Binance(点此注册)中文名称币安,是币圈龙头交易所,占据市场过半的现货交易量,目前有364 种加密货币及1389 个交易对。

Binance (="https://static.jbzj.com/qkl/ba/bafy.html" target="_blank") is registered in Chinese, is a leading currency ring exchange with over half of the market's spot volume, with 364 encrypted currencies and 1389 transactions.

币安在2017 年由赵长鹏与何一共同创办,两人都是币圈知名人士,赵长鹏人称CZ,币安一开始成立于中国,在中国禁止加密货币之后将中心移转至全球范围,注册在开曼群岛。除了提供现货交易之外,也提供杠杆与合约交易,并有多种理财商品,例如活期、定期、双币理财... 以及交易机器人等功能,不时会有新币上市Launchpad 活动。

In 2017, the currency was created by Zhao Changjun, who is a leading currency-crowder, known as the CZ, and was originally established in China, moving the centre to a global level, registered in the Cayman Islands after China banned encrypted currency. In addition to providing spot transactions, it also provides leverage and contract transactions, and a variety of financial goods, such as current, periodic, double-currency money management... and trading robots, and there are now new currency listings for Launchpad.

交易所之外,币安也开发自己的区块链- BNB Chain (原BSC 币安智能链) ,$BNB 是链上原生代币& 交易所平台币。

Outside the exchange, the currency also develops its own block chain - BNB Chain (the original BSC smart chain), and $BNB is the original intergenerational & exchange platform currency on the chain.

币安支持信用卡买币,也可以透过C2C 的方式充值。

The currency supports the purchase of a credit card and can also be charged through the C2C method.

Upbit 于2017 年成立,注册在韩国,Upbit Korea 是韩国交易量最大的加密货币交易所,目前提供190 种加密货币及301 个交易对。在有些限制区域成立不同的实体,例如Upbit Singapore、Upbit Indonesia、Upbit Thailand,规模就各自不同,例如Upbit Global 目前只提供38 种加密货币交易, Upbit 目前并不支持合约或杠杆交易。

Upbit was founded in 2017, registered in Korea, where Upbit Korea is the country’s largest encrypted currency exchange and currently provides 190 encrypted currencies and 301 transactions. In some restricted areas, entities such as Upbit Singapore, Upbit Indonesia, Upbit Thailand are established on different scales, such as Upbit Global, which currently provides only 38 encrypted currency transactions, and Upbit does not currently support contracts or leverage transactions.

Upbit 交易所网址:https://upbit.com/home

Upbit Exchange web site: https://upbit.com/home

OKX(点此注册)交易所中文称为欧易,2017 年成立,前身为OKEX,2022 年品牌升级为OKX,注册于塞席尔,目前提供345 种加密货币及573 个交易对,现货之外也提供杠杆与合约交易、衍生品、交易机器人、以及理财服务。

The OKX (, was established in 2017 and formerly OKEX 2022 brand upgraded to OKX, registered in Seville, currently provides 345 encrypted currencies and 573 transactions, which also provide leverage and contract transactions, derivatives, trading robots, and treasury services in addition to current goods.

OKX 也有自己的区块链OKX Chain,$OKT 为链上原生代币,$OKB 则为交易所平台币。近期也推出了OKX Web 3 钱包,是一款基于MPC 技术的AA 智能合约帐户钱包,支持多链,也预告未来会支持社交恢复。

OKX also has its own block chain OKX Chain, US$OKT as original in the chain, and US$OKB as exchange platform currency. It has also recently been launched as an AA smart contract account wallet based on MPC technology, supporting multiple chains and predicting that future social recovery will be supported.

OKX 支持信用卡买币,C2C 法币买卖币。

OKX Supports credit cards to buy money, C2C French currency to buy and sell.

Coinbase 是美国最大的交易所,2021 年在美国NASDAQ 上市,是美国第一家上市的加密货币公司。

Coinbase, the largest United States exchange, was listed in 2021 in NASDAQ, the first United States-listed crypto-currency company.

2012 年在美国由前Airbnb 工程师Brian Armstrong 和前高盛交易员Fred Ehrsam 共同创立,目前支持243 种加密货币及528 个交易对,不支持保证金与杠杆交易。

Founded in 2012 in the United States by Brian Armstrong, a former Airbnb engineer, and Fred Ehrsam, a former Goldman Sachs trader, currently support 243 encrypted currencies and 528 transactions and do not support bond and leverage transactions.

在2023 年8 月推出自己的区块链Base,基于OP Stack 技术打造的Layer 2 链,上线仅仅几天, #OnChainSummer就抓住了整个币圈目光,链上资产已突破1.3 亿美金。

In August 2023, he launched his own block chain, Base, a Layer 2 chain based on OP Stack technology, and just a few days on the line, #OnChainSummer grabbed the whole currency circle, and the assets on the chain have passed $130 million.

Coinbase 交易所网址:https://www.coinbase.com/

Coinbase Exchange web site: https://www.coinbase.com/

Bybit 由有长达8 年的外汇经纪资历,传统金融背景出身的Ben Zhou 在2018 年创立,注册在英属维京群岛,总部在杜拜,原先只提供加密货币衍生品服务,像是期权、合约等专门提供给交易员使用较高阶复杂的金融商品,后来在2021 年正式开始提供加密货币的现货交易,目前提供329 种加密货币及414 个交易对。

Bybit was founded in 2018 by Ben Zhou, with eight years of experience in foreign exchange brokerage and a traditional financial background, and registered in the British Virgin Islands, with headquarters in Dubai, where only encrypted money derivatives services were previously provided, such as options, contracts, etc., specifically for dealers to use higher-level and complex financial goods, and then officially started to provide spot transactions in encrypted currency in 2021, currently providing 329 encrypted currencies and 414 transactions.

Bybit 主力在合约交易市场,有全球最大的USDC 期权交易市场,还有定期/ 活期/双币/ 流动性挖矿等理财商品、Launchpad 新币认购、NFT 交易市场,以及现货交易与跟单机器人的服务。

Bybit focuses on the contract trading market, with the largest USDC options market in the world, as well as financial goods such as regular/ current/double currency/liquid mining, Launchpad new currency subscriptions, NFT trading markets, and the services of spot trading and documentary robots.

且不强制KYC,即使没有用身份证明文件验证帐号,也有每日20,000 美金的提领额度。支持信用卡买币& P2P 法币买卖币。

If you do not have an identification document to verify the account number, you will receive $20,000 a day. You can support a credit card to buy & P2P in French currency.

Kucoin 中文称为库币,成立于2014 年,注册在塞席尔。目前支持750 种加密货币及1329 个交易对,现货交易之外也支持合约与杠杆交易,提供理财服务、交易机器人,交易所也内建P2P 交易,特色之一在于介面相当简洁,支持的币种相较于前面几间交易所更多,同时也提供多样化的功能。

In Chinese, Kucoin is called a banknote, which was established in 2014 and is registered in Seville. Currently, 750 encrypted currencies and 1329 transactions are supported. In addition to spot transactions, contracts and leverage transactions are supported, financial services are provided, trade robots are provided, and the exchange is built into P2P transactions, one of the features of which is that the interface is fairly simple, supporting more currencies than the previous ones, and providing a variety of functions.

Kucoin 支持信用卡买币& P2P 交易。$KCS 是Kucoin 的平台代币,也是他们自己所开发的区块链 KucoinChain (KCC) 上的原生代币。

Kucoin supports credit card purchases & P2P transactions. $KCS is the platform token for Kucoin and the original token on the Kucoin Chain (KCC) chain that they themselves have developed.

Kucoin 交易所网址:https://www.kucoin.com/

Kucoin Exchange web site: https://www.kucoin.com/

Bithet(点此注册)于2018 年成立,总部在新加坡,注册在塞席尔,背景公司属于著名金融品牌Bitget Group,获得新加坡当地多项监管方面的认证,目前提供560 种加密货币及642 个交易对。提供现货、杠杆与合约交易,有交易机器人,理财服务,Launchpad 新币上市活动等。可信用卡买币,也有P2P 交易。

Bithet (

交易所之外也提供钱包服务,Bitkeep 是一个去中心化的多链钱包,目前正在进行品牌重塑,更名为Bitget Wallet,是可以自己掌握私钥的去中心化钱包,支持MPC 技术,内建Swap 功能。

A wallet service is available outside the exchange, and Bitkeep, a decentralised multi-chain wallet, is currently being rebranded and renamed Bitget Wallet, a decentralized wallet with its own private key, supports MPC technology, and builds up the Swap function.

$BGB 是Bitget 交易所的平台代币。

$BGB is the platform token for the Bitget exchange.

MEXC 中文称抹茶交易所,特色在于支持非常多种加密货币,以及非常低的手续费率,目前提供1601 种加密货币与1979 个交易对。成立于2018 年,总部在新加坡,注册在塞席尔,现货、杠杆与合约交易之外,还提供ETF 交易,也提供理财服务,不时会有新币上市等LaunchPad 活动。

MEXC in Chinese refers to the Tea Purge Exchange, which is characterized by support for a very wide variety of encrypted currencies, as well as very low processing rates, and currently offers 1601 encrypted currencies against 1979 transactions. Founded in Singapore in 2018, it provides ETF transactions and financial services, including LaunchPad activities such as the listing of new currency.


Because of the large number of currencies that are supported, many of the first-line small coins will choose to be marketed on the tea market, making it easier to buy earlier ones, which is a common exchange where the small currency explodes.

$MX 是MEXC 抹茶交易所的平台代币。

$MX is the platform of the MEXC tea exchange.

MEXC 抹茶交易所网址:https://www.mexc.com/

MEXC Tea Exchange web site: https://www.mexc.com/

Gate.io 特色也是支持非常多种加密货币,目前支持1730 种加密货币及2955 个交易对。2013 年时由创办人韩林在中国成立,前身是Bter (比特儿),在中国禁止后离开,目前注册于开曼群岛,更名为Gate.io,俗称芝麻交易所or 芝麻开门交易所。

Gate.io also features support for a very wide variety of encrypted currencies, and currently supports 1730 encrypted currencies and 2955 transactions. Founded in China in 2013 by its founder, Hanlin, a Bter (Bittle), who left after China’s ban, is now registered in the Cayman Islands, known as Gate.io, commonly known as the Sesame Exchange or Sesame Open Sesame Exchange.

现货交易、合约交易、交易机器人、理财服务都有提供,也支持信用卡买币与C2C 交易。因为支持币种多,也是一个常见小币爆击的交易所。

Current transactions, contractual transactions, trading robots, financial management services are available, and credit card purchases are also supported for C2C transactions. Because of the large number of currencies in support, it is also a common exchange for small currency blasts.

Gate.io 交易所网址:https://www.gate.io/

Gate.io Exchange web site: https://www.gate.io/

Kraken 中文称海妖交易所,是老牌的加密货币交易所之一,2011 年就成立,注册于美国。目前支持224 种加密货币及649 个交易对,现货交易之外,对于等级比较高的用户也提供合约交易,也提供部分币种的质押理财服务。

Kraken, called the Seal Exchange in Chinese, is one of the old crypto-currency exchanges that was established in 2011 and registered in the United States. Currently, 224 encrypted currencies and 649 transactions are supported, and, in addition to spot transactions, contract transactions are offered to higher-ranked users, as well as part-currency pledge money services.

Kraken 交易所网址:https://www.kraken.com/

Kraken Exchange web site: https://www.kraken.com/

加密货币领域诈骗非常多,常见手法之一就是骗你到假的交易所交易,转币进去之后就转不出来了,想要转币出来,客服会有各种说法要你补更多钱进去,例如补税、补手续费、补汇差... 总之要转更多钱进去才能把币转出,真正的交易所绝对不会做这种要求,转币出来除了内扣转帐手续费之外不会需要额外补钱进去。

One of the common methods used to trick you into a fake exchange transaction, to transfer money, to transfer money, and to make it come out of the service, there will be various claims that you will have to make more money, such as taxes, fees, money transfers... in any case, more money will have to be transferred in order to transfer the currency, which will never be required by the real exchange, and no extra money will be needed in addition to the internal charge of transferring the money.


The other way is that you did register for the real exchange, but then you called the fake fishing website, entered the account code on the fishing website, and the hacker stole the assets from the real exchange account.

1 只使用查的到资讯的交易所- 使用Coingecko / Coinmarketcap查询交易所,这里面查不到资讯的不要用

1 Exchanges with only available information - Coingecko /  Coinmarketcap Search Exchange, which does not allow for undetected information.

2 不要点陌生网友提供的连结,从上述两个网站比对,确实找到交易所真正官网

2 Do not add up to the connections provided by strangers, match the two sites above, and find the real official network of the exchange.

3 加入我的最爱,加入浏览器书签,之后都从书签直接连过去

Add my favorite, join the browser bookmarks, and then go straight through the bookmarks.


When we register accounts on a centralized exchange and transfer encrypted monetary assets into the exchange, it is to some extent tantamount to giving control over these encrypted currencies to the exchange. A bit like putting money in a bank, what banks will do with it is beyond our control, and if the bank's reserves are inadequate, the assets in it will be at great risk.


The exchanges are similar in this part, where many of our assets are stored, where the exchange must have a corresponding reserve, and where there are not enough reserves, there are higher risks to the exchange.

DeFiLlama 是知名的DeFi 链上数据平台,大多数DeFi 相关的数据都可以在这网站中找到,而不只是DeFi,网站中也能看到目前交易所公开的储备状况。

DeFiLlama is a well-known data platform on the DeFi chain, where most of the data related to DeFi can be found, and not just DeFi, where the current stock available on the exchange can also be seen.

Assets 指的是交易所所有的链上资产总计,这数字包含交易所自家代币价值,但当交易所出事时自家代币通常也会跟着崩跌,想把这部分排除的话则是看Clean Assets ,这就是排除交易所自家代币后的链上资产总值。

Assets refers to the stock of assets in the chain that is owned by the exchange, which includes the value of the exchange's own currency, but it usually collapses when the exchange goes into trouble. To exclude this part is to look at Clean Assets, which excludes the total value of assets in the chain of the exchange's own currency.


Figures will also be provided on the asset entry and exit status of the exchange, spot transactions, unsettled contracts, average leverage status, etc.

本篇文章介绍的十间交易所,有七间可以在这里看到公开的储备状况,另外三间没有资料(Coinbase、Kraken、Upbit) ,这并不是表示它们没有储备,而是目前这三间交易所没有完整公开所掌握的冷热钱包资讯。

The fact that seven of the 10 exchanges described in this article have access to public reserves and that three have no information (Coinbase, Kraken, Upbit) does not mean that they do not have stocks, but that the three exchanges do not currently have full disclosure of information on cold wallets in their possession.




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