The Regional Morning News is an early information channel created by regional media for users, providing up-to-date, fastest and most valuable global block chains and digital money information. The channel content is carefully screened by regional editors for the most valuable information that has taken place around the world in nearly 12 hours, allowing users to keep abreast of the latest market developments, keeping abreast of the latest developments in the industry, and making some people understand the “regional situation” first.
CME比特币期货BTC 7月合约收跌230美元,跌幅大约3.54%,报6270美元,统计数据显示,CME比特币期货连续两个交易日录得前月合约收盘纪录新低。CBOE比特币期货XBT 7月合约收跌258.89美元,跌超3.96%,报6276.11美元,CBOE比特币期货也录得前月合约收盘纪录新低;8月合约收跌逾4.45%,报6275美元。
The CMEbit currency futures BTC fell by $230 in July, a decline of approximately 3.54 per cent and $6270, and statistics show that the CMEbit futures recorded a new low in the collection of pre-month contracts for two consecutive trading days. The CBOEbit futures XBT fell by $258.89 in July, exceeding 3.96 per cent, reported $6276.11 and recorded a new low in the collection of prior-month contracts; and the contract fell by more than $4.45 per cent in August, reporting $6275.
According to Coindisk analysts, there are indications that Bitfinex is likely to be oversaled today. According to the Bitfinex exchange, the Bitcoin relative strength and weakness index (RSI) has reached its lowest level since August 2016 (26.4) after the BPI had reached its lowest level of $7013 in 70 days.
今日加密货币市场普跌 市值前20币种只有1种上涨
Today, the market for encrypted money falls, and the market value rises by only one in the top 20 currencies.
Data from the coinmarketcap platform show that the total market value of encrypted currencies is currently $27.26 billion, with 24-hour transactions amounting to $170.03 billion, and the market value of Bitcoins represents 40.3 per cent of the total market value of encrypted currencies. Over the past 24 hours, 19 of the top 20 encrypted currencies have fallen and only the USDT has risen.
同一地址凌晨现多笔交易 共转出915个比特币
追踪消息显示,BTC今日凌晨出现大额交易,地址17A16QmavnUfCW11DAApiJxp7ARnxN5pGX陆续转出915个比特币。 Follow-up information indicates that BTC had significant transactions in the early morning hours of this year at 17A16QmavnUfCW11DAApiJxp7ARnxN5pGX, which transferred 915 bitcoins. 德克萨斯大学研究生:所有加密货币的价格都受到了价格操纵影响 德克萨斯大学的金融学教授John Griffin和研究生Amin Shams发表的一篇论文显示,去年比特币及其他主流加密货币价格上涨中至少一半可能是由价格操纵活动推动的。今日在CNBC的Fast Money节目,Amin Shams表示,任何投资者首先需要从市场获得的是信任,市场达到自然成长首先需要完整性。在2017年的繁荣时期,比特币和其他加密货币的价格上涨,可能并非全是基于需求的推动。他还指出,不同加密货币的价格是相互关联的,很难区分不同的加密货币,他发现所有加密货币的价格都受到了(价格操纵的)影响。被问及比特币鲸鱼时,他承认可能会存在比特币鲸鱼,但他们并没有特别关注这一点。 John Griffin, Professor of Finance at the University of Texas, and Amin Shams, a graduate student, showed that at least half of last year’s price increases in bitcoins and other mainstream encrypted currencies could have been driven by price manipulation. Today’s Fast Money show at CNBC, Amin Shams says that any investor needs trust first from the market, and that the market’s natural growth first needs integrity. EOS主网激活投票率已达8.4255%
根据EOS Authority投票统计,目前EOS主网投票率为8.4255%。目前EOS区块链正在进行激活,如果没有15%的投票支持,EOS链条仍不能运行。imToken昨日已经正式开放EOS投票;Bitfinex今日也发起“Bitfinex是否应暂时持有EOS余额以促成EOS网络激活”的公众投票。目前EOS现均价为9.76美元,跌幅为10.29%。
According to EOS Authority voting statistics, the EOS main network currently has a voter turnout of 8.4255%. Currently, the EOS block chain is being activated, and the EOS chain is still not functioning without 15% of voting support. ImToken officially opened the EOS vote yesterday; Bitfinex also launched a public vote today on “whether Bitfinex should hold the EOS balance temporarily in order to activate the EOS network.” The current average cost of EOS is $9.76, or 10.29%.
据ccn报道,今天上午,爱尔兰领导人Taoiseach Leo Varadkar在都柏林的MoneyConf会议上宣布,政府正准备将爱尔兰的首都变为欧洲的技术之都。Varadkar称,没有任何比爱尔兰更好的讨论网络安全,区块链,加密货币,人工智能,监管和未来金融科技等问题的地方。
According to ccn, this morning, Irish leader Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced at the MoneyConf conference in Dublin that the government was preparing to transform the capital of Ireland into a technological capital in Europe. Varadkar stated that there was no better place than Ireland to discuss issues such as cybersecurity, block chains, encrypted money, artificial intelligence, regulation and future financial science and technology.
Canadian authorities have amended anti-money-laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing laws to prevent individuals from using the regulatory loopholes of encrypted currency exchanges and companies for fraud in order to promote order in the financial and encrypted currency industry.
美国证券交易委员会主席: 比特币是首个可以替代法定货币的加密货币
在美国数字资产生态系统中,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)一直以来扮演重要的监管角色。在最新的进展中,SEC主席Jay Clayton明确表示,比特币是唯一一种不属于证券类别的加密货币,这是因为比特币是首个可以替代法定货币的加密货币。
In the US digital asset ecosystem, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been playing an important regulatory role. In recent developments, SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has made it clear that Bitcoin is the only encrypted currency that does not fall into the securities category, because Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency to replace statutory currency.
更多区块链资讯请关注区势传媒 www.55coin.com
本文来源:区势传媒 责任编辑:Byzantium。
More information on the block chain can be found in the regional media www.55coin.com
source: regional media responsible editor: Byzantium.
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