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澎湃新闻记者 周炎炎

Journalist. Cho Inflammation.


At the end of October, with the suspension of China’s two largest Bitcoin exchange gunnets and the OKCoin line, digital currency seems to have stagnated over renminbi transactions. But speculators can’t afford to sit when bitcoin prices hit US$7,500.


Mainland customers rushing to Hong Kong Exchange


& & ldquo; Chinese playing bitcoin is still an off-the-shelf combination, ” and a manager of the domestic Bitcoin exchange said he wanted to make news. But he also mentioned that the Mainlanders now want to make in-house deals, mainly through the grey area of some Hong Kong exchanges, such as Bitfinex and OKEX.

按照正规的香港比特币交易所的KYC规定(即Know your customer,了解你的客户政策,指对账户持有人的强化审查,了解资金来源合法性,是反洗钱用于预防腐败的制度基础),用户需要居住在香港,并提供详细的身份证明。然而上述人士告诉澎湃新闻:“有很多注册在香港的平台的身份认证形同虚设,很多内地投资者通过香港平台进行场内交易,近期尤为火爆。”

According to the KYC of the regular Hong Kong Bitcoin Exchange (i.e. Know your customer policy, which refers to enhanced scrutiny of account holders, understanding the legitimacy of funding sources, and the institutional basis for anti-money-laundering to prevent corruption), users need to reside in Hong Kong and provide detailed identification. However, the above-mentioned sources tell the news: “ many registered platforms in Hong Kong have a false identity certificate, and many Mainland investors conduct on-site transactions through Hong Kong platforms, which is particularly intense in the recent period.


said it was interesting that these platforms appeared to be dedicated to Mainlanders & ldquo; opening doors & rdquao; and that, for example, IP addresses in the United States could not be registered and sold, and might be in the way of more stringent United States regulations on Bitcoin identification, such as Bitfinex's notification that trading, charging and offering services to individual users in the United States would cease by November 9.


Bitfinex, a Hong Kong-based Bitcoin and Encrypted Currency Exchange, accounts for 40 per cent of the world's transactions in bitcoins against the United States dollar. The company's operating team is anonymous and no one knows who actually controls the platform.


& & ldquo; a Hong Kong exchange can do futures 10 to 20 times the leverage, and futures are delivered in excess of the global spot amount, which is a big casino, & & rdquao; as described by the management of the Bitcoin exchange above.


Buying and selling bitcoins in other countries is much more difficult than in Hong Kong, China. South Korea, Japan, the United States, etc., require rigorous identification, and must be a citizen to register their accounts. The only way to do so is to seek the help of their own citizens in the countries where the target exchange is located, but the question of trust is difficult to resolve.


As to whether the next regulatory sector would restrict the foreign exchange transactions of Chinese investors in bitcoin, a financial regulator once said to the news that bitcoin itself was decentralized and that it was difficult for current regulatory techniques to influence it and only control the flow of funds.


off-site transactions&ldquao; Big Blasts&rdquao;


& & ldquo; traders in off-site transactions made a profit, currently earning a difference of RMB 200 to RMB 500 per currency, and & & rdquo, a group of wealthy owners; and the above-mentioned Bitcoin exchange managed the news.


At the beginning of Bitcoin’s birth, there were first off-site transactions, and the shift in China’s policy winds led to transactions & & ldquo; re-realization & & rdquo; three types of off-site transactions, one P2P&ldquao, which was a bridge between online trading platforms; the other B2C model, which was sold to platforms, and the other one-on-one model, which was a QQQ, micro-letter, etc.


According to the Bitcoin Off-Site Transaction Test Report, launched on 27 October by the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security, three modalities are as follows:


First, online P2P transactions typically take place through off-site trading platforms such as LocalBitcoins and CoinCola.


Second, on-line B2C transactions, the user may purchase or sell bitcoin directly to the platform, the price of which is specified by the platform. After receiving payment from the user, the platform releases bitcoin directly to the buyer or, upon receiving bitcoin, to the seller.


III. In off-line transactions, buyers and sellers conduct transactions on-line or off-line through online chat tools such as the QQ Group, the micro-message, the Telegram Group, the Slack Group, or face-to-face purely under-line.


The report shows that, with the introduction of regulatory policy in September, the country’s Bitcoin off-site trading platforms, such as currency viewing, bitcoins, and so on, have been phased out. The four Bitcoins off-site trading platforms currently used by domestic users are overseas, with Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola, and BitcoinWorld.


From the scale of the transaction, it can be seen that off-site transactions started precisely as a result of Chinese regulatory intervention & & ldquo; the outbreak & & rdquo; before February 2017, BTC-CNY off-site transactions were relatively small. As the main domestic Bitcoin trading platform banned currency coins at the beginning of February, the volume of transactions increased in an outbreak.


, however, in comparison to the scale of the transaction, the current P2P model of BTC-CNY's average daily off-site transaction amount is only about 1/100 of the amount traded in the previous period. That is, the current P2P off-site transaction is not comparable to the size of the exchange in the year.


According to the report, both parties to an off-site transaction were more anonymous, there were numerous channels through which transactions could be paid, and there was a potential for fraudulent transactions.


Even so, in the trading group of QQ, such voices are heard.


& ldquo; 42000 out of 5 BTC with second hair. & rdquo;

“长期高价收比特币,莱特币,以太币,以太经典,狗狗币。BCC,ZEC,达世币,NEO ,EOS,OMG,QTUM,BTM,BTS ,TRON等大量收各种山寨币,咨询请报上英文代码。”

& ldquo; long-term high-priced Bitcoin, Lightcoin, in taters, in taters, in talismans, dog coins. & NCC, ZEC, infinity, NEO, EOS, OMG, QTUM, BTM, BTS, TRON, etc.


The above-mentioned Bitcoin exchange sources have expressed confusion: “ there has been a huge collection of money outside the field, unknown to what it is, to push it up, and the capital behind it must be deep. & & rdquo;




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