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: Full implementation of negative list management for market access


The Office of the State Council issues opinions on further optimizing the business environment to reduce the systemic transaction costs of market access and fully implements market access negative list management. Sound market access negative list management and dynamic adjustment mechanisms are in place.


& ldquao; Belebre & rdquao; Trademark denied: Co-food has nothing to do with station B


In response to information on “ B Station vs & & ldquo; BBBB; Trademark rejected ” B Station responded that user complaints were received that “ Cat Mayor ” & & ldquo; & & ldquo; Bbbibilili” Trademarked Co-Foods. These joint foods have nothing to do with B Station. B Station-related trademarks & & ldquo; Bekbibili& rdquo; food categories were taken by Four Seasons of Artistic Cultures Ltd. in 2017, which later transferred the trademarks to Jinjiang Building Foods Ltd. to produce sugar products such as jelly and sell them on major electrical platforms, resulting in consumers mistakenly considering them to be B Station's official names or authorized products.

iPhone 14系列手机未发售已涨价:现货溢价200-4000元

iPhone 14 series unsold increased price: current premium of $200-4000

原定于9月16日正式发售的iPhone 14系列在15日已有渠道流出现货,普遍加价在2000元甚至3000元以上。从多个手机经销商、黄牛等渠道了解到,目前可提现货的三款iPhone溢价在200-4000元不等,不同颜色、内存款式根据需求有不同幅度的涨价。其中,溢价最高的是iPhone 14 Pro Max紫色款,其1TB内存型号原价13499元,渠道现货价达到了17000元以上。

The IPhone 14 series, which was scheduled for official sale on September 16, has flowed over 15 days, with a general increase of $2,000 or more. According to a variety of sources, such as mobile phone distributors, yellow cows, three of the available iPhone premiums ranged from $200 to $4,000, with different colours and intra-deposit patterns increasing by more than $17,000 depending on demand. Of these, the highest premium was iPhone 14 Pro Max purple, with an original price of $13499 for its 1 TB storage model, and the current price for the channel was $17,000 or more.




2022 & ldquao; award for scientific exploration & rdquao; publication of the list of winners, first & ldquao; post-90 & rdquao; winner


Fourth & & ldquo; Science Exploration Award & rdquo; official announcement of the list of winners, with 50 winners from 18 cities and regions, with the first winners from Macao, Dalian, Shenyang and Zinnan; 30% (15) of the winners declared freely, with new heights; first & & & & & & & 90 & & & rdquo; winners born with the first winners in the field of medical science; & & & & & & rdquo; established in 2018, with 14 scientists from Yang Zhenning, Yong-yung, Shih-h, Pan Ji-hung and Xue Xiaoqiang co-sponsored by the Foundation.


National Energy Authority: 10.7 per cent increase in electricity consumption for the whole of society in August


The National Energy Agency publishes data on electricity consumption for the whole of society in January-August. In January-August, the aggregate consumption of electricity for the whole of society rose by 4.4 per cent compared to 57,839 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) in January-August, and in August it increased by 10.7 per cent compared to 852 billion kWh in August.


The Smart Network Unmanned Vehicle Pilot


With a view to improving the level of intelligent traffic in the deep Australasia Cooperation Area and accelerating the work of UAVs in the Cooperation Area, on 15 September the Cooperation Area held a launch ceremony for the UAV Pilot Launch of UAVs. After a review by the UAV Working Group on UAVs in the Cooperation Area, 10 UAVs in the Smart Network for the first time moved on the open road of the Zone, marking the formal entry into the implementation phase of UAV testing and demonstration applications in the Cooperation Area.

荣耀X40手机及荣耀MagicBook V 14笔记本2022正式发布

Glory X40 mobile phone and honor for MagicBook V 14 notebook 2022 are officially released

持防误触算法;搭载5100mAh电池,支持40W快充;售价1499元起。荣耀还发布了笔记本MagicBooK V 14 2022,该款笔记本同时拥有TOF传感器和500万高清摄像头,全系搭载12代英特尔酷睿标压处理器,采用60Wh大容量电池,配置100W氮化镓充电器(独显版),并支持换机克隆、荣耀分享、多屏协同功能。

It also publishes a notebook, MagicBooK V 14 2022, which has a TOF sensor and a 5 million high-resolution camera, is equipped with a 12-D Intelcour Wisdom voltage processor, uses a 60-Wh large-capacity battery with a 100-W nitrous diazine charger (Unic) and supports machine-change cloning, honor sharing, multiscreen synergy.


The price of molybdenum in


On September 15, molybdenum prices for more than 50% of the content of a mine in Henan ranged from $2915/tonne to $2940/tonne/tonne. The cost of magnesium production has risen to more than $1.99 million/tonne, according to information from rich treasures.


national production of 2-priced HPV vaccine release accelerated: Guangdong launched free HPV vaccination for girls of appropriate age


There has been significant progress in the first attempt at free vaccination against HPV in the interior of the country. Since then, free HPV vaccination has been provided to eligible girls in Guangdong.


metaspace platform & ldquao; 42VERSE&rdquao; declared state-owned capital investment


In recent days, the new space platform & ldquo; 42 VERSE & rdquo; the parent company Qin Royal Island Digital Technology Ltd. announced capital injections from the Qin Royal Island State Asset Management Company Ltd. The 42 VERSE dollar cosmodrome platform was officially launched in early August and now has more than 30 brand partners, including Layabox, Genesis Capital, Hua Ying, and Hua Yunhu.


Hinwangda: 30GWh Power Batteries Production Base proposed for construction at $12 billion


The Hinwangda announcement states that the subsidiary Hinwanda Automobile Battery is to sign an investment agreement with the people's government of the city of Yichang, the East Wind Group and Dong Fenghai for the Hinwangda Windy Chang power cell production base project. The project invests mainly in the development, design, production and marketing of power cell cores, modules, PACK and battery systems. The project plans to invest a total of about 12 billion yuan in the construction of 30 GWh power cell production bases: the first phase is to be implemented in two phases, with an investment of about 8 billion yuan and the construction of 20 GWh power cell projects; the second phase is to invest about 4 billion yuan in the construction of 10 GWh power cell projects.


news that fast-tracked business organizations have been restructured to accelerate full commercialization


According to Late Post, after more than a month in leading the internationalization operation, the Senior Vice-President of the Rapids, Ma Hongbin, has made a series of adjustments to the structure of the sector. After this adjustment, the head of the internationalization product and operation, Seo Ji-wei, will be responsible for the product only, while the operations will be covered by the transfer of the domestic main station, and both will report to Ma Hong-bin. The former head of the internationalization technology and growth team, Wang Mi-Hung, has left the Internationalization Department and will be an assistant to the CEO. It has been reported that Ma Hong-bin will continue the broad course of the internationalization department's operations previously defined: no large-scale growth, full and accelerated commercialization. Three


The United States will invest $2 billion to support indigenous biotechnology and biomanufacturing


On the morning of September 14, local time, the White House of the United States hosted a biotechnology and biomanufacturing summit, which officially announced $2 billion & ldquo; the National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Plan & & rdquo; hereinafter & & & & & & details. Two days ago, President Biden of the United States signed an executive order announcing the launch of the plan to strengthen the domestic biomanufacture supply chain and ensure that the United States is leading the technological revolution. This was a further step towards the implementation of the 2022 Chips and Science Act signed five weeks ago by Biden.


United States gas futures fell by over 8%


On September 15, US gas futures fell short, falling by more than 8 per cent in the day, now reporting $8.37/million in heat. According to previously published data, the US stock of EIA gas increased by 77 billion cubic feet by the week of September 9th.


"Strong" is an empty target: $18.4 billion in empty positions .

据财联社,华尔街空头正将目光瞄向美股大型科技股。据金融分析公司S3 Partners当地时间9月14日发布数据,截至9月13日,苹果最新未平仓空头头寸为184.44亿美元,自2020年4月海外新冠疫情暴发以来首次超过特斯拉,已成为华尔街空头的头号做空目标。数据还显示,华尔街第三大做空目标是微软、随后是亚马逊、VISA、谷歌母公司Alphabet。

According to FAFIA, Wall Street is looking at the big US share of technology. According to data released by the Financial Analysis Company S3 Partners on 14 September local time, Apple’s latest unsettled head position was $18.444 billion as of September 13th, surpassing Tesla for the first time since the outbreak of the new overseas crown in April 2020 and becoming the head of Wall Street. The data also show that Wall Street’s third largest target was Microsoft, followed by Amazon, VISA, Google Mothers Alphabet.


3 billion dollars worth of strong! The founder of Patagonia announced the donation of the entire company.


According to The New York Times, the founder of the American outdoor brand Patagonia, 83-billion-year-old Yvon & Middot, has renounced corporate ownership and donated shares to trust funds and non-profit organizations, all of whose profits have been used to protect the environment and cope with the climate crisis. Patagonia was founded in 1973 and has been running for more than 50 years in the hands of Johannad, currently worth about $3 billion, and is expected to generate about $100 million a year.

消息称苹果iPhone 14 / Pro系列卫星通讯功能将扩展到更多国家/地区

news that the Apple iPhone 14/Pro series of satellite communications will be extended to more countries/regions

所有四款iPhone 14型号都包括新的卫星通讯紧急SOS功能,该功能将于11月在美国和加拿大地区推出,今天的一份新报告称,苹果计划随着时间的推移将该功能扩展到其他国家/地区。

All four iPhone 14 models include a new satellite communication emergency SOS function, which will be launched in the United States and Canada in November, and a new report today states that Apple plans to extend this function to other countries/areas over time.


Microsoft is uncompromising, and the United Kingdom has announced an in-depth investigation into the Microsoft takeover of the snowstorm transaction .


It was reported that the British Antimonopoly Regulator & ldquo; the Competition and Market Authority & & rdquo; and CCA) announced today that, as Microsoft refused to compromise, it had decided to open an in-depth antimonopoly investigation into the violent snow deal of Microsoft acquisitions.


Adobe announced the acquisition of Figma the online design start-up company for about $20 billion.


It was reported that Adobe announced today that a final acquisition agreement had been signed with Figma, the start-up company, which would buy Figma in cash and stock of approximately $20 billion, a & ldquao development; an online design collaboration tool & & rdquao; and a start-up enterprise.


Google Applications Shop is under antimonopoly investigation in Indonesia: Developers are forced to use their payment system

据报道,印尼反垄断监管机构“竞争管理局” (KPPU)今日宣布,已对谷歌Play Store应用商店展开反垄断调查,因为它强制开发者使用谷歌的专有支付系统,涉嫌不公平竞争行为。

It was reported that the Indonesian Antimonopoly Regulator & ldquo; the Competition Authority & & rdquo; (KPPU) announced today that an antimonopoly investigation had been opened into Google Play Store application stores because it forced developers to use Google's proprietary payment system and was suspected of unfair competition.


据国外媒体报道,本月8日,比亚迪与WHA伟华集团大众有限公司签约,正式签署土地认购、建厂相关协议,标志着比亚迪全资投建的首个海外乘用车工厂正式在泰国落地,企业全球化进程开启崭新篇章。而在上月8日,比亚迪已携手RÊVER Automotive在曼谷召开品牌发布会,宣布正式进入泰国乘用车市场。随着比亚迪进入泰国乘用车市场、并在泰国投资建厂,东南亚电动汽车市场也就迎来了新的参与者,这一电动汽车市场的竞争就会更激烈。

According to foreign media reports, on 8 of this month, Biadi signed a contract with WHA Weihua Group Mass Limited to formally sign an agreement on land acquisition and plant construction, marking the first overseas car factory to be fully invested in Biadi’s land in Thailand, and the business globalization process opened a new chapter. On 8 last month, Biadi joined RÊ VER Automotive held a brand launch in Bangkok, declaring official entry into Thailand’s car market. With Biadi entering Thailand by car and building an investment plant in Thailand, the South-East Asian electric car market will have new players, and competition in this electric car market will become more intense.


Meta Oversight Board claims that Facebook's automatic photo removal is disabled


The Supervisory Board of Meta stated that the company should be more cautious about the auto-censorship tool and criticized, for example, for deleting a cartoon depicting violence by the Colombian police. This decision was taken when the Commission dealt with a series of new cases, including a video of sexual assault in India.



substantial decline of nearly 40% in the price of some of the GPUs that took place after Tai Fan merged

据财联社,dexerto报道,随着以太坊合并顺利完成,GPU矿机需求似乎已出现缩水,很大一部分挖矿市场也将不再关注GPU。目前部分GPU价格也出现快速下跌,eBay平台上RTX 3080 10GB Founder's Edition型号在6月中旬的售价约为750美元以上,但现在已跌至500-600美元区间,价格下跌达到39%。

According to FAFI, with the successful completion of the Etherm merger, the demand for the GPU mine seems to have shrunk, and a large part of the mining market will no longer be concerned about the GPU. The current price of some of the GPUs has also fallen rapidly, with the eBay platform's RTX 3080 10GB Funder's Edition model selling more than $750 in mid-June, but it has now fallen to between $500 and $600, down to 39%.


ASML will have 4,500 employees in Taiwan this year.


According to the Taiwan Regional Journal of the Economy, the global light engine leader ASML will have 4,500 employees in Taiwan this year. ASML currently has 35% of its employees graduating from non-scientific science. Style=


Guangdong ALI Drug Development Platform & ldquao; Grand Bay Biology & rdquao; completion of over $1 billion Pre-B round finance

2. 广东深圳储能公司“德兰明海”获数亿元融资

2. & nbsp; Guangdong Shenzhen Reserve Energy Company & & ldquao; Delaming Sea & rdquao; hundreds of millions of yuan in financing

3. Benivo获得1200万美元战略投资

3. & nbsp; Benivo received $12 million in strategic investments

4. Jobbatical获得1160万欧元A轮融资

4. & nbsp; Jobbatical received 11.6 million Euro A round of finance



1. Entrepreneurship Board: first adopted by three companies, such as Great Wall Information

2. 证监会同意华厦眼科等4家企业创业板IPO注册

2. & nbsp; CSRC agreed to register four business start-up boards, such as Chinese ophthalmology, IPO

3. 创业板上市委:维嘉科技等三公司首发9月22日上会

3. & nbsp; Business Board Listing Committee: launch of September 22 by three companies, Vega Technology and others

4. 乐普医疗:发行GDR招股书获瑞士交易所监管局批准

4. & nbsp; Leupe Medical Care: release of GDR subscriptions approved by the Swiss Exchange Supervisory Authority



1. As of the date of the publication, the popular stock market had fallen by more than 1 per cent, the ideal and pelican cars by 0.34 per cent, the B station by 0.33 per cent, the Kyoto East by 0.12 per cent, the 100 per cent by 0.37 per cent and the Alibaba by 0.26 per cent.

2. 美股大型科技股盘前涨跌不一,截至发稿,Netflix涨2.85%,预计低价广告版服务一年内能吸引4000万人订阅;特斯拉涨0.36%,亚马逊跌0.23%,Meta跌0.16%,谷歌跌0.14%,微软跌0.11%,苹果跌0.06%。

2. & nbsp; US share of large-scale science and technology stocks varied, with Netflix rising by 2.85 per cent and expected to attract 40 million subscriptions within one year of low-cost advertising services; Tesla by 0.36 per cent, Amazon by 0.23 per cent, Meta by 0.16 per cent, Google by 0.14 per cent, Microsoft by 0.11 per cent and Apple by 0.06 per cent.

3. 恒指收涨0.44%,恒生科技指数涨0.25%;复星系反弹,复星国际涨近10%,复星医药、复星旅游文化涨超1%;房地产、CRO、食品饮料板块领涨,碧桂园、富力地产涨超8%,药明生物涨超6%,药明康德、泰格医药涨超5%;风电、光伏、汽车板块跌幅居前,新特能源跌超8%,协鑫科技跌超5%,大唐发电、华润电力跌超4%;南向资金净买入21.6亿港元。

3. & nbsp; consistent growth of 0.44 per cent and growth of 0.25 per cent in the constant science and technology index; rebounding of the galaxy, with an increase of nearly 10 per cent internationally, with a rise of more than 1 per cent in the medicine and the tourism culture of the restars; an increase of more than 8 per cent in real estate, CRO, food and drink plates, an increase of more than 8 per cent in the Bien Qui Garden, a rise of more than 6 per cent in the drug-edicting organisms, and an increase of more than 5 per cent in the medicine of the drug Minds and Tags; an increase of more than 8 per cent in the energy supply of wind power, photovoltaics, car plates, a fall of more than 5 per cent in the technology of the Sun, a fall of more than 4 per cent in the power generation of the Tang, a fall in the power supply of China and more than 4 per cent in the electricity of China; and a net purchase of HK$ 2,16 million from the South.


opporeno3 new release


What are the trends in the


Forward-looking Industry Fellow:


1. Current status of the development of the Chinese cultural collection industry


According to data provided by the Yachang Art Market Monitoring Centre, in 2021 the number of pieces of art auctions was significantly increased. In 2021, the number of pieces of art auctions was 13.75 million, or 41.664 billion yuan, an increase of 63.45 per cent and 41.03 per cent, respectively, compared to 2020.


Chart 1: National Conclusion of Art and Art of Monuments in 2021 (in thousands of pieces (sets), billion yuan)



2. Trends in the development of the Chinese cultural collection industry

2021年12月27日,国家文物局、国家发展改革委等六部门发布了《关于加强民间收藏文物管理 促进文物市场有序发展的意见》,从规范鉴定、加强保护、鼓励利用、引导收藏、保障流通、丰富供给、促进回流、严控流失、优化购销、做强拍卖、创新业态、政策扶持、人才培养、联合监管、部门协调等15个方面提出发展措施。未来,在政策的推动下我国文化收藏产业将加速发展。

On 27 December 2021, the National Antiquities Office and the National Commission for the Development and Reform of Antiquities published an opinion on strengthening the management of folk collections and promoting the orderly development of the cultural heritage market.


In terms of trends, there is a clear upward trend in future auctions in the cultural collections sector, while the country will accelerate the establishment of a system for the evaluation and evaluation of cultural objects.


Figure 2: Trends in the development of the Chinese cultural collection industry



More detailed information on research in this sector can be found in




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