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2009年1月,基于区块链结构的比特币网络悄然问世,其融合了现代密码学和分布式网络技术等重要成果。在比特币出现后的数年里,在纯分布式场景下比特币网络稳定支持了海量转账交易,证明区块链数据结构很好解决了分布式记账的基本需求,基于区块链结构的分布式记账技术开始大量出现。 随着最前沿的信息科技成果不断融入金融行业,以区块链(Blockchain)为基础的分布式账本技术(Distributed Ledger Technology,DLT)崭露头角,并在部分场景(如跨境支付)中得到探索和落地。 分布式账本技术的核心价值在于为未来多方协同网络提供可信基础。区块链引发的记账技术的演进,将促使商业协作和组织形态发生变革。

In January 2009, the Bitcoin network, which is based on the structure of the block chain, quietly emerged, combining important results, such as modern cryptography and distributed network technology. In the years following Bitcoin’s emergence, the Bitcoin network stabilized to support large-scale transfer transactions, demonstrating that the block chain data structure was a good solution to basic needs for distributional accounting, and that distributed account technology based on the structure of the block chain began to emerge.


区块链的实现有三个重要的概念: A、交易(Transaction) 交易是一次对账本的操作,导致账本状态的一次改变,如添加一条转账记录。 B、区块(Block) 区块用于记录一段时间内发生的所有交易和状态结果等,是对当前账本状态的一次共识。 C、链(Chain) 链由区块按照发生顺序串联而成,是整个账本状态变化的日志记录。

The realization of the block chain has three important concepts: A, Trading, is an operation of a reconciliation, which leads to a change in the account's status, such as the addition of a transfer record. B, Block (Block), which is used to record all transactions and status results that have occurred over a period of time, is a common understanding of the current account's status. C, Chain (Crain), which is linked by blocks in order of occurrence, is a log record of the change in the account's status.



The goal of the block chain is to achieve a distributed data log book that allows only additions and non-removable deletions. The basic structure of the bottom of the distributed account book is a linear chain table consisting of a chain of blocks in which the Hash values of the leading block are recorded in a successor block. A block (and the transactions in the block) can be quickly tested by calculating the Hashi value. The middle node of the network may propose the addition of a new block, but a consensus mechanism must be used to obtain confirmation of the block.


比特币的区块链工作过程如下: (1)用户通过比特币客户端发起一项交易,消息广播到比特币网络中等待确认。网络中的节点会将收到的等待确认的交易请求打包在一起,添加上前一个区块头部的哈希值等信息,组成一个区块结构。然后,试图找到一个nonce串(随机串)放到区块里,使得其哈希结果满足一定条件(比如小于某个值)。计算nonce串的过程,即俗称的“挖矿”。nonce串的查找需要花费一定的计算力。 (2)一旦节点找到了满足条件的nonce串,区块在格式上就变得合法,成为候选区块。节点将其在网络中广播出去。其它节点收到候选区块后进行验证,发现确实合法,就承认区块是一个新的合法区块,并添加到自己维护的本地区块链结构上。当大部分节点都接受了该区块后,意味着区块被网络接受,区块中所包括的交易也就得到确认。 比特币的区块链工作过程可以简化为两个关键流程,一个是完成对一批交易的共识(创建合法区块结构),一个是新的区块添加到区块链结构上,被网络认可,确保未来无法被篡改。 比特币基于算力(寻找nonce串)的共识机制被称为工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)。因为要让哈希结果满足一定条件,并无已知的快速启发式算法,只能对nonce值进行逐个尝试的蛮力计算。尝试的次数越多(工作量越大),算出来的概率越大。 通过调节对哈希结果的限制条件,比特币网络控制平均约10分钟产生一个合法区块。算出区块的节点将得到区块中所有交易的管理费和协议固定发放的奖励费(每四年减半)。 比特币网络是任何人都可以加入的,如果网络中存在恶意节点,能否进行恶意操作来对区块链中记录进行篡改,从而破坏整个比特币网络系统。比如故意不承认别人产生的合法候选区块或者干脆拒绝来自其它节点的交易请求等。 实际上,因为比特币网络中存在大量(据估计数千个)的维护节点,而且大部分节点都是正常工作的,默认都只承认所看到的最长的链结构。只要网络中不存在超过一半的节点提前勾结一起采取恶意行动,则最长的链将很大概率上成为最终合法的链。而且随着时间增加,概率会越来越大。例如,经过6个区块生成后,即便有一半的节点联合起来想颠覆被确认的结果,其概率也仅为(1/2)^6≈1.6%,即低于1/60的可能性。10个区块后概率将降到千分之一以下。 如果整个网络中大多数的节点都联合起来作恶,可以导致整个系统无法正常工作。往往意味着付出很大的代价,跟通过作恶得到的收益相比,往往得不偿失。

The course of work of the block chain in Bitcoin is as follows: (1) the user initiates a transaction (such as a value) through a bitcoin client, and the message is broadcast to the Bitcoin network for confirmation. The node in the network will package the pending transaction request, adding information such as the Hashi value of the head of the previous block, into a block structure. The nonce string (random) will then be found in the block, making the Hashi result meet certain conditions (for example, less than a value). (1) The process of calculating the nónce line, which is known as the “digging” of the nonce point, which is known as the “drawling point” of the nonce line of the net, will require a certain amount of computing power in the network. (2) Once the node of the nonce has been found to meet the conditions of the node of the node of the node of the node, it will be legal, it will be broadcast in the network, it will be confirmed that the stop of the no more than the no-stopped zone of the no-moment (the-moment of the no-moment of the no-monet, which is not-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to


区块链的技术特点如下: A、分布式容错性 分布式账本网络极其鲁棒,能够容忍部分节点的异常状态。 B、不可篡改性 共识提交后的数据会一直存在,不可被销毁或修改。 C、隐私保护性 密码学保证了数据隐私,即便数据泄露,也无法解析。

The technical characteristics of the block chain are as follows: A. Distributive tolerance The distributed account network is extremely powerful and allows for the abnormal state of some of the nodes. B. Irregularity. Data will remain and cannot be destroyed or modified after the submission of the consensus. C. Privacy protective cryptography guarantees data privacy and cannot be solved even if the data are leaked.


区块链的业务特点如下: A、可信任性 区块链技术可以提供天然可信的分布式账本平台,不需要额外第三方中介机构参与。 B、降低成本 跟传统技术相比,区块链技术可能通过自动化合约执行带来更快的交易,同时降低维护成本。 C、增强安全 区块链技术将有利于安全、可靠的审计管理和账目清算,减少犯罪风险。

The operational characteristics of the block chain are as follows: A, Trustable Block Chain Technology, which provides a natural and credible distributed platform of accounts, without the involvement of additional third-party intermediaries.B, Reducing costs, compared with traditional technologies, may result in faster transactions through automated contract implementation, while reducing maintenance costs.C, Enhancing security Block Chain Technology, which will facilitate safe and reliable audit management and account clearing and reduce the risk of crime.


基于区块链的分布式账本特点如下: A、维护一条不断增长的链,只可能添加记录,而且记录一旦确认则不可篡改。 B、非中心化或者多中心化的共识,无需集中的控制,实现上尽量分布式。 C、通过密码学的机制来确保交易无法被抵赖和破坏,并尽量保护用户信息和记录的隐私性。

Distributive books based on block chains are characterized as follows: A. Maintenance of a growing chain may only add records, and records, once confirmed, cannot be tampered with.B. Uncentralized or multi-centralized consensus does not require centralized control to achieve maximum distribution.C. Passive mechanisms to ensure that transactions cannot be denied or undermined and to protect the privacy of user information and records as much as possible.


区块链技术已经从单纯的技术探讨走向了应用落地的阶段。国内外已经出现大量区块链相关的企业和团队,少数企业已经结合自身业务摸索出了颇具特色的应用场景,但更多的企业还处于不断探索和验证的阶段。 区块链的合适应用场景必须从区块链技术自身的特性出发进行分析。区块链在不引入第三方中介机构的前提下,可以提供去中心化、不可篡改、安全可靠等特性保证。因此,所有直接或间接依赖于第三方担保机构的活动,均可从区块链技术中获益。目前倍受投资关注的区块链应用领域主要有金融服务、征信和权属管理、资源共享、贸易管理等领域。

Block chain technology has moved from simple technical exploration to application. A large number of firms and teams associated with block chains have emerged, both at home and abroad, and a small number of firms have developed distinctive applications in the context of their own operations, but many more are still in the process of being explored and validated.



Some investment agencies are also applying block chain technology to reduce management costs and control risks. But when introducing block chain technology, attention must also be paid to the problems and risks that may arise.



The main technical problems in the area of letters and tenure are the lack of adequate data and analytical capacity, reliable platform support, and effective data integration management. Block chains are considered to facilitate data transactions and flows and provide secure and reliable support.



Sharing economies, represented by Airbnb, will welcome decentralized applications that can reduce management costs. Resource-sharing is relatively focused and has a large design space that attracts considerable investment attention.



Block chain technology can help to automate cumbersome procedures and processes in international trade and logistics supply chains. Trade management programmes based on block chain design can greatly facilitate the participation of multiple firms.




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