The Chinese economy has entered the bottom of the short-cycle, but expectations for a strong recovery should be lowered: in the coming months , as economic activity slows sharply and widely, policy support will intensify, and the Chinese economy will gradually enter the bottom of the short-cycle? China is at a critical juncture: it wants to stimulate, but does not want to appear to deviate from the structural reforms initiated a few years ago.
Three balance sheets in the Chinese economy are deteriorating, but the leverage level has not yet reached the critical point: the strength of the recovery of
The trading zone of the
If the trade war deteriorates, the tone of supply-side reform and real-estate regulation will be weakened: the collapse of the stock market and the short-term impact of the soybean futures trade suggest that the short-term effects of the trade war are largely reflected in prices. Further reduction, interest and tax cuts, window lending, easing of real-estate restrictions, and easing of supply-side reforms are all possible.
If the trade war worsens, the policy response will be symmetrical. The recent recovery of markets has taken away the combination of these policies. When policies are introduced, the market reacts lightly, bearing in mind that we manage the economy, not market prices.
The impact of the Chinese-American trade war?
But, as the starter of the trade war, the US market did not really feel that impact – until recently, China’s economic slowdown became more pronounced, and the US economy’s short-term cycle peaked. The question now is: has China’s stock market absorbed the effects of the trade war when it experienced a sharp fall of more than 30% and was listed as one of the world’s worst performers this year?
In response to the above questions, we calculated the 40-week logarithmic return on the previous composite index. We wanted to examine whether the collapse in 2018, compared to several prominent bears markets in history, had reached the bottom zone. As can be seen, after the stock market crash in 2018, the return indicator had fallen to the 2001 US economic depression, and in 2005 it had broken 1,000 points and levels during the 2011 sovereign debt crisis in Europe. However, the magnitude of the collapse was not as high as the global economic crisis in 2008 and the extent to which the Chinese stock market bubble broke down in 2015 ( to
The extremely low market returns of indicate that stock prices have been factored into the short-term impact of the trade war.
One way to measure the impact of the trade war is to observe the price of soybean futures. This is because of the importance of soybeans in US exports to China, and the influence of the Midwest State of Agriculture in US elections.
The prices of American soybean futures are no longer low.
Our economic cycle model shows that, in view of fiscal stimulus and the implementation of monetary easing policies, the short cycle of the Chinese economy will gradually enter the bottom zone in the coming months. Our cycle model also shows that the short economic cycle in the United States is at its peak and will continue to disrupt overseas markets in the short term. (Please refer to the report : conflict in the Chinese-American cycle > / strong > )
At this point, we will see that, despite falling interest rates, credit expansion has slowed below nominal economic growth. Growth in economic activity, particularly in real estate construction in China, is slowly stagnating; consumption is weak; and stock levels are low.
然而,一个经济周期如果要走出低谷,往往需要政府政策的帮助。挑战越大,政策支持的力度就需要越高 --- 就像现在一样。政策有效的必要条件是,政府仍然有刺激的余地,而私人部门的资产负债表里,杠杆还没有被加到无以为继的地步。简而言之,在公共和私人部门的资产负债表里,仍有转高移杠杆负担的空间。
However, an economic cycle often requires the help of government policies if it is to get out of the valley. The greater the challenge, the stronger the policy support -- as it is now -- is needed. The necessary condition for policy effectiveness is that there is still room for government stimulus, and leverage has not yet been added to the private sector’s balance sheets.
In the following part, we will look at the leveraging of different sectors of the Chinese economy.
2.1? Family: China’s real-estate bubble? > a different perspective
China’s real estate is a bubble. The debate on China’s real-estate bubble has been inconclusive.
As China’s economy slows, the pressure on real-estate prices has become more pronounced. Experts have debated whether the shift to high housing prices has led to an increase in the leverage rate of Chinese households to unsustainable levels, and has affected consumption levels.
In addition to the traditional indicators that measure home price affordability and household balance sheet health, we believe that a time- and regional survey of the solvency of Chinese households may be more illustrative. If Chinese households can afford their monthly mortgages, it is reasonable to use leverage to invest in real estate as long as the return on home purchases exceeds the mortgage rate.
图3: 35城的可支配收入增长快于房贷还款月供
Figure 3: 35
At the national level, we found that household disposable income grew faster than housing prices. Housing repayments accounted for 39 per cent of total household income. This percentage had risen to levels similar to those in 2007 and 2011. These two years later were a difficult year for the Chinese economy (`strong' figure > strong3 > / strong > / strong > ). At this point, when interest rates in the United States started to rise from the bottom of history, the target was 21 per cent. This can be understood to seem to be heavily indebted to Chinese households.
Figure 4:? Hong Kong//strang>/United States mortgage burden
On the basis of reasonable assumptions, we have applied the same measure to take account of the mortgage burden in 35 major Chinese cities (figure
Figure 5: The mortgage burden in some of the major cities (a complete urban chart is provided in the appendix)
In summary, we conclude that the increase in the mortgage burden of Chinese households relative to disposable income has worsened to levels consistent with those of 2007 and 2011. The following two years, 2008 and 2012, were real-estate markets and economic difficulties. These years are also consistent with those of the short-cycle of the United States economy (the short-cycle of the United States economy is discussed in detail in our subsequent reports).
2.2? Local government liabilities >
From a historical point of view, the state has allocated $4 trillion since 2009 to stimulate economic growth, and the local government debt crisis has surfaced for the first time since 2010. I remember today that a large team of investors was leading a due diligence exercise on this issue, and that the cities of the Yangtze River and the downstream have been visible.
The challenge in analysing local government liabilities lies in their transparency. First, it is difficult to collect reliable and reliable data.
Our approach is to use individual debt data (including local government bonds and local government financing platform debt) to aggregate the explicit debt of local governments from the bottom up. These data include information on principal maturity and interest rate payments. We then compare the bottom-up aggregation of these data to various news reports and national audit data to verify its validity. Obviously, our analysis does not include contingent hidden debt. The central government’s fiscal deficit level is currently 2.7 per cent, a low deficit level compared to 3 per cent of international standards, so we focus our analysis on local government debt. Our analysis is considered as the best scenario ( map6).
After deducting fixed expenditures, including the provision of public security and education, and taking into account the maturity schedule of its debt, we find that local governments will have a small, unfunded debt service in 2019. As a result of the large number of bonds issued that have expired over the past three years, local government debt will deteriorate significantly in the second half of 2020. We can assume that these bonds will be replaced by new debts by 2020, but this strategy will further enhance local government leverage.
Even so, local governments will remain a huge challenge in financing their liabilities in the second half of 2020. In any case, local governments’ liabilities will eventually be challenged.
Figure 6:?
Recently, there have been concerns that private enterprises in China may “fall back” if market instability persists. Many criticisms point to a serious polarization in the financial position of public and private enterprises in manufacturing, which is evidence of the difficulties that private enterprises are struggling with in the middle of the gap.
Despite these concerns, manufacturing is only one of the components of China’s economy that is in transition to consumption. Moreover, in capital-intensive industries, comprising many of the major upstream commodity producers, Chinese firms have a unique pre-existing advantage.
By measuring the EBITDA/net interest coverage of each company, we analyse the debt-paying capacity of listed enterprises. We aggregate the financial data of listed companies from the bottom up and group them according to the ownership structure. In fact, we find that while private enterprises have somewhat weakened, the debt-servicing capacity of State-owned enterprises and local governments has improved over the last five years. Despite this, net interest coverage by private enterprises remains about seven times higher, that is, at a reasonable level in relation to any criteria (
In our quantitative analysis, it was found that since the beginning of 2005, the absolute and ratio of stock pledges to the total market value of the market had increased significantly, and even the bursting of the stock market bubble in 2015 had only temporarily depressed the growth of stock pledges. Market pledges had been on the rise until March 2018, and had then declined sharply. This showed that, with the rapid collapse of the market, demand for stock pledges increased – as did demand for stock pledges to replenish them.
However, given that the emerging markets as a whole have been subject to significant puncture since the end of January, and that since the collapse of the stock market bubble in 2015 the share of the market pledge has been growing as the market has been repaired, equity pledge lending has not always been the cause of the bear market’s emergence, although it has indeed increased its smell. At the same time, large fluctuations in the United States market have been compounded by the combined effect of short-term cycles in the United States, which we will continue to discuss in the next part of the report.
图7:?上市公司EBITDA /净利息覆盖率
Figure 7: net interest coverage for listed companies EBITDA /
III. Short-cycle Central American economy
"The only lesson we've learned from history is that we don't learn anything from history."
3.1 ?
The US economy has one? 3.5? The Chinese cycle is? 3. In the following pages, we will use graphs based on quantitative analysis to describe the cyclical characteristics of the US-China economy.
在我们第一篇关于量化经济周期的、题为《中国经济周期权威指南》的论文在2017 年三月发表后,我们应邀在中国最负盛名之一的大学里,讲授了一节关于经济周期的公开课。当时,一位著名的杰出经济学家打趣道:“你能用这个周期理论来交易吗?你怎么能确定下次还会是一样的呢?”
After our first paper on the Quantified Economic Cycle, entitled "The Authoritative Guide to China’s Economic Cycle" was published in March 2017, we were invited to give an open lecture on the Economic Cycle at one of China’s most prestigious universities. At that time, a prominent economist made fun: “Can you trade with this cycle theory? How can you be sure that it will be the same next time?”
诚然,预测是困难的,尤其是要预测未来的时候。虽然所有的模型都是错的,但仍然有一些模型是有用的。任何周期性模型的意义都在于评估和预测许多人难以察觉的潜在趋势,以及拐点的大致时间。这样的预测虽然没有必然兑现的保证,却提高了交易盈利的可能性。顺便说一句,2017 年十二月初,我们发表了题为《2018年展望:无限风光》的 2018 年展望报告。其中偏保守悲观的观点正是基于中国 3 年周期的最后下降阶段。这个偏空的意见与当时普遍乐观的共识相悖。自一月底见顶以来,上证综指已经下跌了约30%。现在最迫切的问题是:何处是底?
Admittedly, predictions are difficult, especially when it comes to predicting the future. While all models are wrong, there are still models that are useful. The meaning of any cyclical model is to assess and predict potential trends that are difficult for many to detect, as well as the approximate timing of the turning point.
图8: 美国经济的短周期与上证A股市盈率的比较。美国经济的短周期已见顶。
Figure 8 of
3.2? short-cycle of the United States economy
? “In economics, what we refer to as a cycle is usually a business cycle of 7 to 11? > > > > we all agree to call it
In figure
1)? Since 1994? there have been 6? 3.5? short? and 3? 7? mid-year cycles (as shown by the blue and red arc above the bottom time axis of chart xx). The last two full mid-periods are 2001? December? 2008? December 2008 and 2008? December 2015? December 2015, and mid-2005? and mid-2012? respectively.
2) The first 3.5 in the mid-year cycle? In the short-year cycle, when the short-cycle ends the upward trend and then goes down through the middle cycle (marked with a blue circle), it is often accompanied by a regional crisis (expressed and marked with a blue shadow period). For example, the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and Russia’s default of 1998 and the European sovereign debt crisis of 2011 and the historical United States sovereignty rating of 2011, the current crisis in Turkey and Argentina seems to be a mid-term crisis of this nature.
In the second half of the mid-year cycle, 3.5? The short-year cycle and 7? The mid-year cycle start down at the same time (expressed in the red circle), there are often larger crises. For example, the bursting of Internet bubbles in 2000 and 2001, the terrorist attacks in 2001 and the recession in the United States, and the global financial crisis in 2008 (in the red-shadowed period and the notes). Although rarely discussed, both 2001 and 2008 saw similar declines in the United States stock market. These deep crises have given us a reasonable time anchor to calculate the duration of the cycle. The positive impact of the upward trend on asset prices is often longer than the negative impact of the downside trend.
History shows that the challenge facing the global market is likely to be 11? The last part of the mid-year cycle. This medium cycle consists of 3? 3.5? short-year cycles, starting at the beginning of 2009? and ending at the beginning of 2019.
5)?未来几个月里,中国自身的3?年经济周期正进入最后下行阶段。我们的模型结论显示,中国周期的这一下行阶段恰好与美国3.5?年短周期的后期下行阶段相一致(4Q18 - 1Q19)。我们将在本报告的后面部分更新我们的中国经济周期模型。这将是动荡之季。尽管中国股市已经便宜了许多,这一周期阶段的时间巧合很可能是当前中国股市难以寻底的原因。
5. In the coming months, China’s own 3-year economic cycle is entering its final phase. Our model findings show that this phase of the Chinese cycle coincides with 3.5 in the US. The latter stage of the short-term cycle (4Q18-1Q19). We will update our model of the Chinese economic cycle later in this report. This will be a turbulent season.
图8是我们使用彭博图表工具绘制的。虽然它合乎常理,并具有视觉上的冲击,我们需要量化建模以验证它的严密性。从图9到图11,我们使用调整后的每股收益的月度数据来模拟美国经济的短周期和中周期。我们的量化模型可以清晰地展示,过去20 多年美国经济的3.5 年短周期,以及包含了两个3.5 年短周期的7年中周期。
Then we add the macroeconomic variables of the United States, such as the index of 500, industrial output, capacity utilization, economic leadership indicators, capital spending plans and employment, to the United States economic cycle indicators. Readers can clearly see a strong link between these variables and cyclical indicators.
It is worth noting that the correlation of these prices between market prices, output, turnover, or surveys proves the validity of our cyclical models: the cyclicality of the definition here cannot simply be eliminated as an accident. All these important time series show similar lengths of clearly defined time periods.
There are few widespread deviations from the general rules in these cycles. Even in the case of deviations from the fundamental trend, such deviations tend to be merely the power that accelerates or hinders their own operations, not the fundamental trend itself. Such rare deviations are in themselves noteworthy evidence of the existence of cycles.
事实上,美国经济的3.5 年短周期与中国经济的3 年周期是基本一致的。我们在之前发表于2017年三月的、题为《中国经济周期权威指南》的报告中量化证明了中国经济的三年周期。这两个经济体中由两个短周期组成的6至7年的中周期也是基本一致的。中美两国短周期以及中周期的交汇必然对经济和市场表现,以及政策的选择产生深远影响。
In fact, the 3.5-year short-cycle of the US economy is largely consistent with the 3-year cycle of the Chinese economy. The three-year cycle of the Chinese economy was quantified in our previous report, published in March 2017, entitled A Guide to China’s Economic Cycle Authority.
图9:量化的美国经济3.5 年短周期和标普500指数的对比。美国经济的短周期已经见顶。
Figure 9: Quantified United States economy 3.5 short-term comparison of the standard 500
3.3? Practical observations and policy options
In the preceding and subsequent discussions, we used econometrics to define the United States by 3.5? The three-year short-cycle of the economy of China. It is precisely because of the ups and downs of the economic cycle that we have observed the similarities and parallels in the volatility of macroeconomic variables across countries. The cycles seem to be moving in rhythm around their established trends. We do not have to dwell too much on the difference between the short-cycle of the United States and the short-cycle of China, because the cycles cannot be as sophisticated as the alarm clock.
康德拉季耶夫在他开创性的著作《经济的长波》中讨论了短/中周期与长周期之间的差异。他似乎不同意一些批评者的看法,即中周期是由资本主义制度推动的,并受到“偶然的,经济以外的情况和事件的催化,例如:1)技术的进步; 2)战争和革命; 3)新国家融入世界经济和4)黄金生产的波动。”相反,他认为这些看起来改变了历史进程的变化其实是周期内生的。
Kondradiyev discusses the difference between short/medium and long cycles in his pioneering book, Long Waves of the Economy. He does not seem to agree with some critics that the medium cycle is driven by the capitalist system and is “accidentally driven by circumstances and events outside the economy, such as: 1) advances in technology; 2) wars and revolutions; 3) integration of new countries into the world economy; and 4) fluctuations in gold production.” On the contrary, he argues that these changes that seem to have changed the course of history are actually born within the cycle.
For example, technological advances may have occurred several years before the turning point of the cycle, but new technologies cannot be put into use immediately in unfavourable economic conditions; wars and revolutions may be the result of competition for scarce resources to develop the economy; as the expansion of demand in the old world exacerbates the desire to open new markets, the new world is gradually integrating into the old world; and the increase in gold production is the result of increased monetary demand as a result of the expansion of the economy.
While these historical events have had far-reaching effects on markets, the different supply and demand patterns of the economic cycle and their impact on market prices have helped to observe and explain these events. The mood swings that have kept pace with market prices may have drawn our attention to these events.
For example, with America’s short-cycle 3.5? The mid-year cycle runs through seven?
Figure 10 : Quantified comparison of short-term cycles of the United States economy with macroeconomic variables. The short-term cycles of the United States economy are over.
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