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Abstract: The Web3.0 technology injects new life into the field of education with its main features of “intellectualization, personalization and convergence.” The article describes the concepts and characteristics of Web3.0 and, in the light of the current state of school-based training, discusses how to build a school-based training platform based on Web3.0 technology to improve teachers' professional skills, with a view to clarifying research thinking and providing a reference for further research on the construction of a school-based training platform for teachers under Web3.0 technology.


Keywords: Web3.0; teacher's school-based training; construction

中图分类号:G715 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-4156(2013)01—085-03

Central Chart Classification Number: G715 Bibliography Code: A Article No: 1009-4156 (2013)01-085-03


In response to the need to reform and develop basic education and to promote quality education, more scientific and informative teacher-based training is now an imperative. By presenting the concepts and characteristics of Web3.0 and taking into account the current state of school-based training, the present paper explores how to build a school-based training platform based on Web3.0 technology, with a view to developing a learning platform to improve teachers’ professionalism, with a view to clarifying research ideas and providing a basis for further research on the construction of a school-based training platform for teachers under Web3.0 technology.




(i) Training content does not really meet the needs of teachers


Teacher training in higher-level organizations is largely based on a teacher training system that harmonizes curricula and teaching materials, moves away from practical teaching, lacks an understanding of the challenges that teachers face in their teaching practices, and does not provide training and guidance on practical issues.


(ii) Disconnection between training in intellectual skills and practical teaching


The current teacher’s home-page training is generally organized by teacher training institutions or other out-of-school education administrations. Thus, it is often the case that most of the knowledge and skills acquired by the trained teachers are out of step with the actual work and cannot be actually applied to the actual teaching work, most of which is outside the school and the classroom and does not really correspond to the actual needs of the teachers.


(iii) The form of training is too monolithic to affect the practical impact of training


Most of the current school-based training takes the form of specialist instruction, specialist guidance, specialist lectures, and a single indoctrination training style for teachers. The theoretical knowledge described is too theoretical, and there is a lack of interactive forms of teaching, teachers do not have the opportunity to share their experiences with others, and the closed nature of communication makes the overall training climate boring and exhausting.


(iv) Lack of personalization


In the teaching profession, there are differences in the level of individual awareness, age studies, teaching subjects, and individual abilities. The current training of teachers in the school curriculum does not provide tailored training, depending on each individual’s circumstances.


(v) Visible industrial contradictions


Teachers with heavy teaching tasks devote more time to training, meetings, discussions, etc. while working.


School-based training is a very important means of improving the teaching and learning capacities of teachers. Building a good school-based training model is an effective means of raising the educational and scientific level of teachers. The training of good teachers is more important in socio-economic development.


II. Basic overview of Web3.0


Web3.0 is based on Web 2.0, which has achieved a more “intelligent human-human-machine-to-human” Internet model, with the following four main features:


(i) Basic configuration of humanized user experience and individualization


Web3.0 is a people-centred Internet model designed entirely in accordance with and in the main direction of user preferences, which introduces preferred information processing and individualized engine technology based on filtering of UGCs. The preferred information processing is to analyse and organize it according to the user’s search habits and to design the best options to help users easily and quickly search for the information they want to see.


(ii) Free integration and effective aggregation of micro-contents


Web3.0 uses Mashup technology to integrate the information generated by users during the search process as necessary in order to make the information of its content more specific and more accurate in its description, thereby facilitating further user retrieval of the information. The application of polymerization technology in the Web3.0 model has played a greater role in combining traditional techniques of polymerization with excavation techniques, creating a more individualized search speed, faster search results, and a more accurate “Web dig for personal search engines.”


(iii) Adequacy of information services to multiple terminal platforms


Web 2.0 can only be used through PC terminals on a very single platform on the Internet, and Web3.0 network models have been compatible with different terminals. It integrates the universalization of the network and the common use of public display devices and personal intelligence terminals, as well as the application and development of E-RAD technologies, allowing embedded technologies to play a greater role in the Web3.0 model, making it easier to obtain information on the Internet.


(iv) Effective and orderly digital new technologies


The SNS (social network service system) set up on Web3.0 is credible, VoIP and IM are manageable, and the Blog/Vlog/Wiki are controlled, allowing for an orderly and effective integration and integration of digital communication and information processing, networking and computing, dissemination and management, arts and humanities.


Under the Web3.0 model, the verification and authentication of real information from users is more rigorous and the information from higher credible sources is more valuable, while at the same time it is further facilitated by easier interpersonal interaction, from which users can quickly find the required talent or information materials of interest.


The more reliable a user is, the more information that is available automatically tops up, so that useful, real information can quickly appear before the user, increasing the use of the information and reducing the time it takes to find it.


Controllable Blog/Vlog/Wiki under the Web3.0 model can increase the use of information, link information and use, and provide a quick interface between more credible information and user access.


In the age of informatization, the advent of Web3.0 technology is a necessary trend in the development of information technology and a further development based on Web 2.0 technology, and it is also an important technology that promotes the informationization of education in order to inject dynamism and life into the field of education. The introduction of web3.0-based teacher-based school-based training is an important way of overcoming the shortcomings of traditional school-based training, improving the quality of teachers, innovative school-based training modules, and promoting educational development.


III. Building a web3.0-based platform for teacher-based school-based training


The Web3.0-based platform for teacher-based school-based training is a more comprehensive, targeted, effective and personalized version of the modern school-based training model for school-teachers, based primarily on the school itself, using information technology and the Internet, to inform education. Informatization is a necessary trend in social development, and it has become an important indicator of the state’s current state-of-the-art skills.


In the school-based training of teachers, the schools are the backbone of the school-based training, the teachers are the backbone of the training, and the Web 3.0 technology is the vehicle of the school-based training. It also means that the building of a web-based school-based training platform for teachers, based on Web-3.0, has the value of sharing information, enhancing communication functions, promoting the professional development of teachers, improving the overall quality of teachers, and building a high-quality teaching staff.


(i) School-based course resource platform


1. Need for and functioning of the new curriculum. The implementation of the new curriculum will require substantial and practical resources, in particular the resources of the school-based curriculum to support the implementation of the new curriculum. Teachers play a vital role in curriculum reform, and they know best the needs of the students. Therefore, school-based and teacher-in-service resources will not only enable teachers to learn continuously, but also meet the needs of students'interests and individualization. Only the establishment of a resource base for the school-based curriculum based on the specialties under Web3.0 technology will facilitate the exchange and sharing of information, influence the professional development of teachers, promote lifelong learning of teachers, and meet the needs of society for information-age teachers, thus affecting the process of school informatization.


The resources for this course should include teaching and scientific research, education and management, information technology education, and social and labour practices.


3. Technical support. The resource base under Web3.0 addresses many of the problems that could not be solved during the Web 2.0 period. The Web3.0 resource base has standard attributes, and the information resources of each of its smallest units are uniquely identified, so that the source of the resources can be clearly identified, which is very useful for the construction of the current resource platform for the course, as it provides access to highly credible and rich information resources.


Using the resources of the Resource Pool to build the resources of the school curriculum, Web3.0 information intelligence analysis and filtering can quickly filter out inappropriate resources based on the information provided by the teachers, analyse the resources needed by the teachers and give the most appropriate resources, which can save considerable time and greatly facilitate the building of the resource base for the school curriculum.


(ii) Networked learning platform for teachers


1. The need for and functioning of the new cycle of basic education curriculum reform require a greater demand on the part of teachers at large, whether in terms of teaching methods, teaching behaviour or educational concepts. This requires that teachers be actively involved in learning, increasing specialization and acquiring up-to-date educational concepts in order to be able to adapt to the needs of new-time educational development. At the same time, web-based learning environments can overcome the disadvantages of traditional school-based training and enable teachers to gain real access to learning opportunities, thus improving overall quality.


2. Specific design. The teacher's web-based learning platform should include text materials, videos, PPTs, etc.


3. Technical support. Artificial intelligence is the core technology of Web3.0, so that virtualization and visualization can be achieved. It can provide smooth images and high-quality videos, provide more realistic and living scenarios, and create great development space for false learning, with teachers simply having to browse and learn through web browsers.


The highly aggregated functionality of information also creates an efficient web-based learning environment for teachers, who can choose the right learning resources at their own request, gathering them under their own personal portals for ready viewing. The highly aggregated function of information can better organize learning and working hours and ease technical contradictions.


The smart search engine of Web3.0 helps teachers to achieve better self-learning. Teachers are no longer simply trained, and they can use the resources on the web-based learning platform to better target their needs, which greatly enhances the interest of teachers in self-learning.


(iii) Interactive communication platform


1. Needs and functions. School-based training under the new curriculum changes, in addition to requiring individual teacher autonomy, also emphasizes interaction and communication in the training. Interaction and communication are important ways to improve individual teaching. The interactive communication platform built under Web3.0 technology provides an open environment for interaction between teachers and, at the same time, greater freedom of communication.


2. An interactive platform should include personal blogs, individual microblogging, online chat tools, etc. Teachers can publish their own teaching views, opinions, or thought about the priorities or difficulties encountered in teaching on microblogging or their own blogs, and they can upload their teaching, text or teaching to their personal pages for communication and sharing with others.


3. Technical support. Web3.0 is represented by blog technology, and its multi-end interface functions allow for free dissemination of micro-information at various terminals with a high degree of compatibility, and users achieve free interaction at the end.


(iv) Individual learning assessment platform


1. Need and function. The individual learning assessment platform enables teachers to manage their learning efficiently and achieve self-assessment.


2. Specific design. The individual learning assessment platform should include learning content, learning progress, learning assessment, learning completion, learning plan, etc.


3. Technical support. Web3.0 allows for the collection of information used in the learning process, making it easy for teachers to view dynamic information, collate information, manage their own learning content and simplify an otherwise complex and cumbersome process, which also saves time. At the same time, teachers can open a browser on any computer and directly access their own personal learning assessment platform.


In addition, web-based training feedback platforms, web-based learning platforms, web-based laboratories and others could be established on the school-based training platform.


A platform based on Web3.0 technology can also enrich teacher-based training by allowing teachers to organize their own time, choose their own training content, reduce technical contradictions and increase their interest in self-learning; help teachers to communicate and communicate to achieve common progress; and improve the effectiveness and relevance of teacher-based training. Therefore, the construction of teacher-based training based on Web3.0 technology is not to deny past training models, but rather a useful addition to traditional training models.


[Foundation project: Project “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Education Science” in Guangdong Province: “Study of the Impact of the Information Technology Environment on the `Knowledge' of Urban and Rural Students” (No. 11JXN,050)


[Liang Wei-chung: Lecturer, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Kayin Academy, Master's degree. Research orientation: IT education, educational informatization, digital teaching resource development]




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