Speaking of grid strategy & #xff0c; most users who believe that they have used strategic transactions & #xff0c; are familiar. And today we are talking about #xff0c; the advanced version of grid transactions
The limitless grid is called the limitless grid xff0c; it gives you unlimited possibilities xff0c; it not only breaks the framework limit on prices xff0c; it keeps you in a position to sell and continue indefinitely. The essence of is to try to earn profits xff0c through continued low-buying; and to keep the currency equal to the value of the position in the upswing.
1. #xff0c; has a higher yield #xff08; unilateral indications of movement are in one direction only xff0c; or only up and down xff0c; or only up and down. xff09;
xff0c; Infinite grid robots can make a higher profit if they have a unilateral move or a good investment target. Because of the equivalent of a listing and in order to keep the assets in the robot at a fixed value xff0c; xff0c where there is always a currency to sell; robots will help you earn a lot xff0c; master the full band xff0c; and keep the profits all locked up.
2. Long-term >/strong machine > /strong >
As long as the movement is in a upward trend xff0c; or as long-term benefits for the target you have chosen xff0c; xff0c after opening the infinity grid robot at a relatively low point; xff0c if the robot automatically arbitrs you xff0c; and xff0c if the market, the mark, is in the bag.
3. Setup simple hands
Unlimited grid robots are designed with a simple upper hand xff0c; they are designed with a simpler set of parameters than normal grid transactions xff0c; they simply need to set the lower price of the area and single grid profit xff0c; they can re-enter the investment amount to complete the billing xff0c; and there is no need to re-interpret or refine points.
1. A minimum investment amount is required and the average investment amount is higher
One of the disadvantages of the limitless grid is to avoid currency-bearing changes in the unlimited grid robots affecting arbitrage & #xff0c; xff0c, subject to the accuracy of currency transactions and minimum turnover; minimum requirements for initial input xff0c at the time of billing; at least $50 or more; and xff0c; because the infinite grid itself does not have an inter-zone ceiling price (i.e. a wider range of trading zones) xff0c; therefore, much larger funds will be needed to ensure that the transaction can proceed smoothly.
2. Poor utilization of funds
Both grid transactions and skybills concentrate funds in specific areas xff0c; so money can be effectively configured xff0c; and it is more efficient to use it. The concept of price zones is an unlimited grid defect xff0c; and, in order to maintain the fixed value of assets in robotics xff0c; therefore, there are many funds that are not used xff0c; and there is a situation where funds are idle. This is more evident when 80 per cent of the market is in shock.
In addition, xff0c; Unlimited grids do not have the function of profit extraction xff0c; this is also one of the reasons for the poor use of funds. Because of the calculation formula for profit extraction xff0c; because of the parameters for xff0c; which includes xff0c; whereas this parameter is officially unlimited grid xff0c; therefore, in the operating logic of the current limitless grid xff0c; because it is impossible to allow investors to profit for other investment purposes. If you want to profit xff0c; or if you want the limit grid to cover your profits xff0c; xff0c; you can only close the original limit grid robot xff0c; and you can reopen a new order.
3. No profit in excess of the lower price range
xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xxff0c; xxff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xxff0c) if the user sets up the overprice; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c;
So xff0c; the three above are the limitless grid defect xff0c; the timing and future development of the investment target are carefully assessed before being used xff0c; and the arbitrage is avoided.
1xff09; xff0c after entry into OKX; selecting " Strategy trading mode " xff0c on the Trades page; then selecting unlimited grids
2xff09; enter parameters in the transaction page or use smart xff0c; then confirm the amount of investment xff0c; create grids.xff08; funds invested after grid creation separate from the transaction account xff0c; independently use xff09 in the grid policy;
3) Once created, you can view and manage grid policies in the " Strategy " below the transaction page.
- 策略运行期间可以随时提取网格套利产生的收益,或者停止网格。
- 策略停止后可以在历史策略中看到之前运行的网格策略
2、 网格策略的相关术语和参数
2 creation modesxff1a;
手动创建:根据自己对震荡行情的区间判断来设置参数和触发条件,目前欧易现货网格策略可以设置价格触发和 RSI 技术指标触发两种触发类型。
Manually create xff1a; set parameters and trigger conditions xff0c on the basis of their inter-segregation judgement of tremors; the current EAF grid strategy can set price triggers and RSI technical indicators trigger two trigger types.
智能创建:直接使用系统智能推荐的网格策略参数。系统自动推荐参数的逻辑是:网格区间最低价为过去三个月Bollinger Bands下限。
Smart creation & #xff1a; direct use of the grid policy parameters recommended by system intelligence. The logic of the system's automatic recommended parameters is xff1a; the minimum price for grid space is the lower Bollinger Bands in the last three months.
Specific parameters for the grid
The lowest price of the zone xff1a; the market price below the lowest price of the zone xff0c; the strategy will no longer be to perform the next single operation.
Single grid profit margin xff1a; range of profit margin per grid is xff08; 0.8%-10%)
The amount of input xff1a; the amount of each currency invested in the grid strategy. Of which xff0c; the maximum available in each currency equals the current maximum number of transferable amounts of that currency in the transaction account.
等比网格:每相邻两档挂单价格的比值相等(例如1、1.1、1.21、1.32,比值都是10%), 无限网格仅存在等比模式。
e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.21, 1.32 & #xff0c; all 10% & #xff09; Infinite grids only exist in equivalency mode.
xff1a; xff0c when the currency price rises to that price; strategy automatically stops and sells the currency in hand.
xff1a; xff0c when the price falls to that price; strategy automatically stops and sells the currency in hand.
区间最低价:65,000 USDT
Lowest price between zones xff1a; 65,000 USDT
Single grid profit margin xff1a; 0.8%
Inputs xff1a;4000USDT
BTC/USDT prices at strategy creation are xff1a; 68,900 USDT
Trigger type xff1a; price trigger
触发价格:68,000 USDT
Trigger price xff1a; 68,000 USDT
延迟开始: 0 秒
Delay start & #xff1a; 0 seconds
止盈价格:80,000 USDT
Stopped prices xff1a; 80,000 USDDT
止损价格:64,000 USDT
No loss price xff1a; 64,000 USDT
Phase I - Initial Hangup & #xff1a;
卖单:系统会计算策略的卖单价格每档价格分别是68,544、68,772…… 最高价,按等比价格计算, 每档价格为上一档价格乘以一加单网格利润率。
Lists & #xff1a; The system calculates the purchase orders price of 68,544, 68,772 / the maximum price & #xff0c; each price is equal to the previous price multiplied by a single grid profit margin.
买单:系统会计算策略的买单价格每档价格分别是68,000、67,460.3…… 区间最低价,按 比价格计算, 每档价格为上一档价格除以一加单网格利润率。所挂买单需要大于区间最低价。
& #xff1a; the purchase price for which the system calculates the strategy is 68, 000, 67, 460.3...the lowest price in the area & #xff0c; by comparison, each price is divided by a single grid profit margin. A purchase order requires more than the lowest price in the region.
Phase II - Strategy operation xff1a;
If the market price falls by 67,460.3 & #xff0c; if the place buys xff08; xff09; xff0c; if the price rises xff0c; if the application is automatically higher by 67,460.3-25000 xff08; i.e., 68,000 xff09; if the sale order is on xff08; xff09; if the price rises xff0c; and if the purchase order is placed at the lower counter.
In addition, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xffc.; xff0c.; xffc.,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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