比特币NFT销量达到 40 亿美元

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:22 评论:0



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最近的比特币新闻显示,继以太坊、Solana 和 Ronin 等知名山寨币创下历史新高之后,头号加密货币 NFT 的历史销量已达到 40 亿美元。与此同时,尽管新山寨币 KangaMoon 在目前的预售中迄今已上涨 400%,但预计其价格在首次亮相后将进一步飙升。让我们来找出原因。

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尤其是即将推出的 KangaMoon “Kangaverse” 平台,它采用了一种特殊的“边玩边赚”机制,为用户和交易者提供了赚钱的机会。在这里,玩家可以参加各种活动,包括以战斗为主题的比赛、投机性投注、交易游戏内资产和特殊赠品,以赢得通常以网络原生代币 KANG 和其他贵重物品的形式出现的奖品。

In particular, the upcoming KangaMoon “Kangaverse” platform, which uses a special “profit-by-play” mechanism, provides opportunities for users and traders to make money. Here, players can participate in a variety of activities, including battle-oriented competitions, speculative bets, trading of assets in games and special gifts, to win prizes, often in the form of web-based native currency KANG and other valuables.

鉴于预售阶段的出色表现,KangaMoon 目前拥有超过 32,000 名注册用户,其中 10,000 人为代币持有者。除此之外,KangaMoon 刚刚与 RaidSharkBot 合作,旨在扩大市场覆盖面和社区参与度,并最终将其影响力扩展到整个加密货币市场及其他领域。

In view of the excellent performance of the pre-sale phase, KangaMoon currently has more than 32,000 registered users, of whom 10,000 are token holders. In addition, KangaMoon has just worked with RaidSharkBot to expand market coverage and community participation and eventually extend its influence to the entire markets and other areas.

尽管 KangaMoon 仍处于奖励预售阶段,但原生 KANG 代币的价格已大幅上涨。因此,在代币价格从预售开始时的 0.005 美元上涨至目前的 0.025 美元后,该代币已为早期 KANG 代币购买者创造了超过 400% 的收益。随着代币的不断增长,现在为潜在买家提供了一个很好的切入点,尤其是 CoinMarketCap 和 CoinGecko 已上架该代币,而 BitMart 也将很快上架它。

Although KangaMoon is still in the pre-sale stage, the price of the original KANG token has risen significantly. Thus, after the price of the token rose from US$0.005 at the start of the presale to the current US$0.025, it has generated more than 400% of the proceeds for the early KANG coin purchasers. With the growth of the tokens, there is now a good entry point for potential buyers, especially CoinMarket Cap and CoinGecko, which have been installed, and BitMart will soon do so.

根据最近的比特币新闻,NFT 数据追踪机构 CryptoSlam 于 6 月 4 日透露,比特币区块链上的 NFT 总销售额最高时超过 40 亿美元。这一金额包括 8200 万美元的洗售和 39.7 亿美元的 NFT 销售额。比特币 NFT 在过去 30 天内的销售额为 1.71 亿美元,使其成为销售额最高的区块链。

According to the recent Bitcoin news, NFT data tracking agency CryptoSlam revealed in June 4 that "internal_link_"target="_blank" href="https://www.fx168news.com/info/0010008"  ="https://www.fx168news/info/0010008" ; nb's sales of US$2.7 billion, including the sales of US$0.7 billion, the sales of US$2 billion, including the sales of US$0.7 billion, the sales of US$20.

尽管基于比特币的 NFT 在 30 天交易量上领先,但其销售排名仅使其成为第四大区块链。与此同时,比特币价格在过去一周内上涨了近 3%。目前交易价格超过 69,000 美元大关,持有者保持乐观,因为他们预计比特币价格很快就会突破历史最高水平。

While & nbsp;   leading 30-day trade volume, its sales rank is only the fourth largest chain. At the same time, .

以太坊的价格即将达到 4,000 美元,之后将创下新高。这一上涨与人们的猜测相符,即最近的 ETF 批准可能会引发价格大幅上涨。截至撰写本文时,以太坊的价值为 3,777 美元。24 小时以太坊交易量下降至 122 亿美元。此外,尽管该山寨币的市值为 4535 亿美元,但以太坊交易量下降了 10.61% 。

At the time of writing, of $3,777. 24 hours down to $12.2 billion in tampon transactions. Moreover, despite a market value of $4.535 billion, trade in tampon fell by 10.61 per cent.

以太坊第 2 层网络锁定的总价值即将达到创纪录的 470 亿美元,这也表明金融活动强劲。鉴于最近 ETF 获得批准,加密货币投资者和以太坊主要利益相关者对机构投资的潜在增长持乐观态度。

The total value of the 2-tier network lock-in is about to reach a record US$ 47 billion, which is also a sign of strong financial activity. Given the recent approval of the ETF, encrypt currency investors and key stakeholders in Taipan are optimistic about the potential growth in institutional investment.

在 116.00 美元至 164.50 美元之间盘整了一个多月后,市值 763 亿美元、市值排名第五的 Solana (SOL) 突破了 164.50 美元的阻力位。凭借这一突破,它开始了向 216 美元迈进的旅程。从 Solana 价格图表中可以看出,Solana 代币经历了抛售压力

After more than a month of rounding up between $116.00 and $16.50, the market value of $76.3 billion and the fifth-highest-ranking Solana (SOL

在突破 164.50 美元的阻力位并达到 189 美元的高位后,再次获得肯定。

Once again, it was confirmed after breaking 164.50 dollars in resistance and reaching a high of 189 dollars.

与此同时,Solana 的单币价格在过去 30 天内上涨了 13.42%,从 147 美元涨至 166 美元。此外,在经历了 189 美元的抛售压力后,Solana 代币已回升至 164.50美元的支撑位上方。如果 Solana 回到 116.00 美元至 164.50 美元的区间,其跌势可能会加速。然而,如果 Solana 每天都收于 164.50 美元的支撑位上方,其价格很可能会向 216 美元的阻力位移动。

Meanwhile, Solana's single-currency price has risen by 13.42 per cent over the past 30 days, from $147 to $166. Moreover, after a sellout pressure of $189, Solana's counter-bill has returned to the supporting position of $164.50. If Solana returns to the area of $1 116.00 to $16450, its decline may accelerate. However, if Solana receives $164.50 a day, its price is likely to move towards the resistance position of $216.

根据最近的 Ronin 价格预测,Ronin 的价值预计将下降 10.33%,并在 2024 年 7 月 4 日达到 2.78 美元。此外,技术指标表明当前情绪看涨。在过去 30 天中,Ronin 代币有 13/30(43%)的绿色天数和 8.01% 的价格波动率。Ronin 的预测表明现在是购买 Ronin 的好时机。

According to recent Ronin price projections, Ronin’s value is expected to decline by 10.33% and reach US$ 2.78 by July 4, 2024. Moreover, technical indicators indicate that the mood is rising. In the last 30 days, Ronin has had 13/30 (43%) green days and 8.01% price fluctuations. Ronin’s projections indicate that it is now a good time to buy Ronin.

根据过去 Ronin 的价格波动和 BTC 减半周期,预计 Ronin 币 2025 年的年度低价为 2.10 美元。预计 Ronin 的价格将在来年上涨至 5.5 美元。目前,2025 年 Ronin 的价格预测范围为低端 2.10 美元和高端 5.5 美元。如果 2025 年 Ronin 达到更高的价格目标,Ronin 可能会比目前的价格上涨 77.4%。

On the basis of past price fluctuations in Ronin and the halving of the BTC cycle, the annual low price of Ronin is expected to be $2.10 in 2025. The price of Ronin is expected to rise to $5.5 in the coming year. Currently, Ronin's price projections range from $2.10 to $5.5 in the lower end of 2025. If Ronin reached the higher price target in 2025, Ronin could increase 77.4 per cent more than it currently is.




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