This lesson, which tries to dig bitcoin, reminds us that it's just a game, and reminds us that mining needs to be rational and not blind. But when you brag about it, you can also say that you dug bitcoin, too.
Digging bitcoin, with low requirements for cpu and memory, requires only a slightly better card, which is very similar to dog coins.
1)比特币钱包地址:https://electrum.org/#download 1) Bitcoin Wallet Address: https://electrum.org/#download 安装的系统最低是win7版本,看图: The minimum installed system is version win7, which shows the following:
2)下载好就直接安装,安装过程略过。 2) The download is done, the installation is done directly, and the installation process is omitted. 3)安装向导 3) Install Wizard 安装好之后,打开这个钱包,我们就开始跟着向导设置! When it's installed, open this wallet and we'll start following the wizard's settings! 1,第一步,自动连接到服务器 One, first step. Automatically connect to the server.
2,之后都根据默认选择点击下一步即可,创建新钱包,选择默认标准钱包,之后,创建一个新的密语种子。在之后,会为你生成一个密语种子,这个一定要复制下来记牢。 Then click on the next step based on the default selection, create a new wallet, select the default standard wallet, and then create a new whisper seed. After that, you will be given a secret feed, which must be copied and kept in mind.
3,继续下一步,会让你输入密语种子。 Three, continue the next step and let you enter the secret language seed.
4,设置密码 Four, set the password.
5,进入钱包后,生成一个比特币的收款地址,具体看图: 5. Upon entering the wallet, a pick-up address for bitcoin is created, as shown in the following graph:
3)还在此页面,点击右上方,添加新矿机。 3) Also on this page, click on the top right to add a new miner.
4)根据自己的显卡配置来进行相关选择。 4) The choice is made on the basis of its own card configuration.
5)下载NiceHash QuickMiner,不过下载前你需要关闭你的杀毒软件或者其他的安全软件。 5) Download NiceHash QuickMiner, but before downloading you need to close your anti-drug software or other security software. 6)关闭安全软件后,我们会获取下载地址,会跳转到GitHub下载NiceHashQuickMiner 6) When the security software is closed, we'll get the download address and jump to GitHub to download NiceHashQuickMiner
7)安装NiceHash QuickMiner,注意,软件需要在win10 64位系统上才能正常安装。具体安装略过。 7) Install NiceHash QuickMiner, bearing in mind that the software needs to be installed properly on thewin1064-bit system. 文章加密,密码获取,可加tg获取。 Articles are encrypted, passwords are available, and tg is available. tg群:https://t.me/joinchat/SKct5jFnL_PUvCFr 入群后,输入玩玩比特币,即可获得密码,如下: When you enter the group, enter bitcoin to get the password, as follows: 4)软件里面也可以看到正在挖矿。 4) Mining can also be seen in the software.1、安装钱包
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