
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:27 评论:0



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question 1: What is the contractual validity of the Bitcoin “mining” case?


The circular issued by the People's Bank of China and others on 15 September 2021 on the further prevention and treatment of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions (Silver Issue No. [2021] 237) emphasizes that the virtual currency of Bitcoin and Temas does not have the same legal status as the legal currency and cannot circulate as a currency on the market. At the same time, the circular clearly states that virtual currency-related operations, such as virtual currency exchange, the provision of services to broker virtual currency transactions, are all illegal financial activities and are strictly prohibited and prohibited by law; that any legal person, illegal organization or natural person invests in virtual currency and related derivatives that are contrary to public order, and that the related civil law acts are null and void and the resulting losses are borne by it; and that transactions suspected of disrupting the financial order and endangering financial security are investigated by the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.


Virtual currency “mining” activities refer to the process of producing virtual currency through dedicated “mine machines”, the high energy consumption and carbon emissions, their low contribution to the national economy, their limited driving role in industrial development and scientific and technological progress, and the increased risks associated with virtual currency production and trading links, which have a negative impact on the promotion of high-quality economic and social development and the reduction of energy savings. The circular issued on 3 September 2021 by departments such as the National Development Reform Commission on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities (release No. [2021] 1283) distinguishes between “mining” increases in virtual currency and stock projects, maintaining the principle of classification.


When the People's Court hears disputes involving virtual currency “mining” such as Bitcoin, it should take note of changes in the State's important regulatory policy and accurately determine the validity of the contract. In disputes relating to virtual currency “mining” activities such as Bitcoin, the People's Court shall treat them differently as a time node of 3 September 2021: contracts concluded after that point shall be deemed null and void; the relevant contracts entered into before that point shall not simply deny their validity, but shall be determined in the light of the facts of the case, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code on the validity of the contract. If the People's Court, after hearing, determines that the contract is null and void, the parties request delivery of property or payment of the price in accordance with the contract, the People's Court shall not support them; if the parties request the other party to return property acquired as a result of the contract, the People's Court may support them; if the parties are unable to return, the parties claim compensation for the legal monetary value of a virtual currency such as Bitcoin, the People's Court shall not support them, except if the parties agree between themselves on the validity of the contract, but have not fulfilled, and the parties request the parties to assume responsibility for breach of the contract, and the parties's.

  点评专家:北京航空航天大学法学院党委书记、教授  周友军

point reviewer: Party Secretary, Professor & nbsp, Beijing Academy of Aeronautics and Space Law;


As a result, on 3 September 2021, departments such as the National Development Reform Commission issued a circular on the remediation of the virtual currency “mining” activity, which included the “mining” activity in the context of the phase-out of the class industry. The answer to the question was also clear about the legal consequences of the invalidity of the contract in the “mining” case in the context of article 153, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code, which considered the violation of important regulatory policies of the state to be contrary to public order and thus to the non-attainment of the contract. The People's Court, in its consideration of the Bitcoin “mining” case, incorporated the above-mentioned important regulatory policy into the key considerations identified in the validity of the contract, could safeguard and steer green development through judicial activity.


Question 2: Does the general guarantor also have a right of defence?


answers questions: , according to article 687 of the Civil Code, the general guarantor's right of first action means that the guarantor may refuse to assume responsibility for the guarantee until the principal debt has been tried or settled and the debtor's property has not been legally enforced and cannot be discharged. Whether the general guarantor still has a right of first action when the contract is invalid because of the invalidity of the main claim's debt, or because of his own cause, has a significant impact on the interests of the guarantor and creditors, and there are differences in practice. It has been observed that the general guarantor remains protected by the right of first action for the following reasons:


First, it is consistent with the complementary nature of the guarantor's liability. The law grants the general guarantor a right of defence because the principal debt is a debt that the debtor should have performed on its own, whereas the general guarantor's guarantee is a debt that has a supplementary status and assumes responsibility for the non-performance of the principal debt only if the main debtor is unable to perform. In the event of avoidance, the general guarantor's liability also arises from the guarantee contract, which is also a supplementary obligation. Under article 17 of the Supreme People's Court's Interpretation of the Application of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China relating to the security system (Law No. [2020] 28), the liability of the guarantor who made a mistake when the security contract is not valid is limited to the portion of the debtor's insolvency. Similarly, in the case of avoidance of the contract, the general guarantor's liability is subsidiary and should be protected by a system of defences.


Second, it meets the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the conclusion of the general guarantee contract. Although, after the guarantee of avoidance, the guarantor determines liability on the basis of his own fault, which is different from the duty to guarantee when the guarantee is valid, the creditors and guarantors who conclude the general guarantee contract do not usually have the subjective view that the guarantee contract is null and void, so both parties have the expectation that the guarantor is protected by the right of defence, and creditors do not normally require the general guarantor to be liable for the guarantee of the contract's invalidity in advance.


In other words, the general guarantor should at least be afforded the same protection as the guarantee of the contract in order to preserve the internal harmony of the system of contractual validity. In the event of avoidance, if the general guarantor loses the protection of the defence, the creditor may separately sue him or her for liability, which is clearly contrary to the logic of the contractual validity system and deprives the guarantor of the interest in the duration of the guarantee when the contract is valid.


In conclusion, the general guarantor still has a right of defence in the event of the avoidance of the contract, which is consistent with the nature of the liability of the guarantor, with the reasonable expectations of the parties and with the organic uniformity of the system of contractual validity.

  点评专家:清华大学法学院教授  程  啸

: Professor & nbsp; & nbsp; at the Faculty of Law of the University of Qinghua


In order to balance the interests of the parties and avoid undue liability to the guarantor, article 686, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code provides that: “If the parties in the contract of guarantee have made no agreement on the manner in which the guarantee is made or have not been expressly agreed upon, they shall be liable in accordance with the general guarantee.” At the same time, article 687, paragraph 2, strictly limits the general guarantor's right to lose the right of defence in civil matters, but does not alter the guarantor's view that the guarantor's obligation is not the primary feature of his own debt. Moreover, the guarantee of nullity does not mean that the guarantor is completely exempt from liability.


Question 3: Is customer information a business secret for the company?


The criteria for determining whether customer information constitutes a business secret are satisfied by the fact that it is “not known to the public, of commercial value and subject to appropriate confidentiality measures by the entitled person” as defined in the law, i.e. secret, value, confidentiality. It is worth noting that secrecy requires that it is not widely known and accessible to the public, that it is neither unknown to the public nor sufficiently expensive to others.

  点评专家:中国政法大学民商经济法学院教授、博士生导师  来小鹏

: Professor, Doctoral Lecturer & nbsp, School of Civil Business and Economic Law, University of Political Science and Law of China


Comments: Customer information plays an important role in the operation and development of companies, but whether it constitutes a business secret and is protected by law should be judged on the basis of the provisions of article 9 of our anti-unrighteous competition law and in the context of specific cases. The question of whether client information is a business secret is answered from three sides of the composition of customer information, the basis for its determination, and the special nature of the client information as a business secret. The answer is a precise interpretation of the basic and in-depth information contained in customer information, an accurate understanding and capture of the inherent intent of our anti-unrighteous competition law provisions on business secrets, and the special nature of the business secrets analysed and answered by clients as opposed to technical secrets.


Question 4: In a civil case where the second instance upheld the original sentence, the execution of the sentence on the basis of the first or second instance judgement?


answers the question: In civil proceedings , the second trial upheld the original sentence on the basis of questions, and there is currently a great deal of disagreement between the theoretical and the practical communities. There are three main arguments: the first is that the second trial upheld the original sentence on the basis of a first-instance judgement. The second is that the second trial upheld the original sentence on the basis of a second judgement. The third is that the first and second judgements together constitute the basis of enforcement. On the one hand, this question should be understood on the basis of clear provisions of civil procedure law, with an accurate understanding of the intent of the legislation, with an accurate definition of what constitutes an effective decision and on the basis of enforcement, and on the other hand, with a view to examining and comparing the different effects of different approaches.


First, according to the law, in a civil case that is the subject of a second trial, the second judgement is the effective judgement. Article 182 of the Code of Civil Procedure clearly states that the second trial is not an affirmation of the validity of the decision of the people's court, but a final decision of the second instance. After the first and second instance, there are two judgements in the case, the same case cannot be decided in the same case. After the first instance judgement, the first-instance judgement ceases to be valid if the parties chooses to appeal, and the second-instance judgement is the effective judgement. It is important to note that, according to article 235 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the civil decision on which enforcement is based should be the civil decision that has the force of law, so that the second-instance judgement is excluded from the second-instance judgement as the basis for enforcement or as one of the basis for enforcement.


Second, the second-instance decision does not mean that the second-instance decision does not have the content of payment. According to article 461 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law), the legal instrument in force as a basis for enforcement should have a clear content of payment. The content of the payment is clearly defined as the obligation to pay, including the payment of money, the delivery of specified goods, and the performance of the acts specified in the legal instrument. This is defined from the type of action in which the enforcement power is to be exercised, such as the judgement on the payment of the claim is usually given, and the decision confirming the claim often has no content of payment.


Third, even if the second trial upholds the original judgement, the second trial and the first instance judgement are not necessarily entirely consistent in the determination of the facts, application of the law, etc. The enforcement of the first-instance judgement on the basis of either the first or second-instance judgement as a basis for enforcement may also involve the question of the link between follow-up and enforcement. According to article 332 of the Interpretation of the Code of Civil Procedure, the original judgement, the finding of the facts or the applicable law is flawed, but the decision is correct, and the second-instance people's court may uphold the decision after correcting the defect in the judgement or decision. In such a case, the second-instance judgement is not identical to the first-instance judgement on matters of fact, application of the law, if the enforcement of the first-instance judgement results in a different outcome from the execution of the second-instance judgement.


Fourth, if the first-instance decision is used as a basis for enforcement, the costs associated with the second-instance trial will not be enforceable.

  点评专家:中国人民大学法学院教授、博士生导师,中国法学会民事诉讼法学研究会副会长,中国行为法学会执行行为专业委员会副会长  肖建国

: Professor and PhD student mentor at the Faculty of Law of the People's University of China, Vice-President of the Society for the Study of Civil Procedure Law of the Chinese Law Society, Vice-President of the Committee for the Implementation of the Professional Conduct Act of the Chinese Society of Conduct Law & nbsp; Xiao founded the State


Opinions: The execution of the second sentence is held to be a subject of controversy in the current court enforcement practice. Answers to questions on the basis of the legal normative basis, the enforceability of the maintenance of the original judgement and the maintenance of the difference between the content of the award and the first-instance judgement explain the main reasons for “the execution of the second sentence in the maintenance of the original sentence.” The reply summed up the current three positions of the theoretical and substantive communities on the basis of the enforcement of the second sentence in the maintenance of the original sentence, based on the provisions of the civil procedure law and judicial interpretation in force, the use of methods of interpretation such as semantic interpretation, the system interpretation, the presentation of the doctrine, the presentation of solid professional results and the wealth of practical experience in the practice of civil enforcement.


> Question 5: Is the burglary of entering a house considered to be burglary when the house has been renovated and is not inhabited?


Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Interpretation of Certain Questions Concerning the Law Applicable to the Handling of larceny Criminal Cases (No.

  点评专家:北京师范大学法学院教授、《刑事法判解研究》主编  彭新林

: Professor, Faculty of Law, Beijing Teachers' College; Editor-in-Chief, Criminal Law Interpretation Study & nbsp; Peng Sinlin


Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Certain Questions Relating to the Law Applicable to the Handling of larceny Criminal Cases specifically provides for this provision, according to which the family life of another person and relative isolation from the outside world are two of the main factors for the identification of “houses”. Hostels, classrooms, offices, guest rooms, temporary sheds, etc., are not considered “houses” because they do not have family functions or are not physically isolated from the outside world, and are generally not considered “houses” because they do not have the exact value of the burglary.




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