
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:144 评论:0



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In recent months, the EOS supernode campaign has been called an eye drain. Uniquely, the waves and chains have recently begun to follow EOS in similar activities, with time & & ldquao; supernode & rdquao; and the campaign has gained momentum to lead the currency in a new fashion.


With this in mind, I am writing today about the elections for the supernode of the block chain.


First, let's figure out what the nodes are in the block chain network. Usually, a node in the block chain network can be understood simply as every computer or server terminal that stores data on all blocks.


The focus then is on the premise that since block chains advocate decentralisation, i.e. community autonomy, any action affecting the block chain network (e.g. by including new data) must be agreed by the majority of community users before it can be released, and the mechanism for coordinating consensus among community users must rely on a consensus mechanism. The common consensus mechanism is for the nodes with rights to account to be responsible for the implementation of new (block) data on the block chain network, and, in order to maintain the long-term operation of the block chain network, the nodes that have seized the rights to account will receive systematic reward for project tokens as an incentive.

第一代区块链产品比如比特币所采用的共识机制叫 POW,即工作量证明共识机制,俗称挖矿。在POW网络里,节点通过竞赛运算哈希碰撞问题来争夺记账权。POW的缺点有很多,比如大量的无意义运算会消耗很多电力,造成能源浪费,再就是大量矿机厂商会借此囤积算力,完全违背区块链的去中心化精神,故POW倍受垢病。

The first generation of block chain products, such as Bitcoin, uses a consensus mechanism called Pow, or a mechanism for workload proof of consensus, commonly known as mining. In the Pow network, nodes compete for bookkeeping by competing for Hashi collisions. There are many shortcomings of the Pow, such as the large number of useless calculations that consumes a lot of electricity and waste energy, and the large number of chambers of mining machines that use this to hoard arithmetic, completely against the centralization of the block chain.


The second generation of consensus mechanisms, called POS, is a consensus-building mechanism, which determines who has more rights to account on the basis of the number and time of currency holdings. The advantage of such consensus mechanisms is to avoid energy consumption, but the disadvantage is that speech rights are controlled by large currency holders, creating a centralization character that runs counter to the original intent of decentralizing the chain of blocks.

第三代共识机制就是EOS采用的 DPOS,它是2014年4月由 Bitshares 的首席开发者 Dan Larimer (现为 EOS CTO) 提出并应用。目前很多最顶级的区块链项目包括EOS、比特股、金融链JRC等均采用了DPOS机制。DPOS共识最大的特征,就是在POS权益证明的基础之上引入了类比现实世界中议会选举的制度,而在对应的区块链网络里扮演议员这个角色的,就是超级节点。

The third generation of the Consensus mechanism is GEOS, which was proposed and applied in April 2014 by Dan Larimer (now EOS CTO), the chief developer of Bitshares. Many of the top block chain projects, including EOS, the Bit Unit, the Financial Chain JRC, among others, have adopted the DPOS mechanism. The greatest feature of the DOS Consensus is the introduction of a system of parliamentary elections on the basis of the POS entitlement certificate, while the role of parliamentarian in the corresponding network of block chains is a supernom.


Supernodes have many advantages: they are more democratic than other consensus algorithms, and they are not easy to monopolize. On the other hand, because they reduce the number of nodes and rely instead on supernodes, the task is more efficient, with up to 100,000-10 million transactions per second, which are not comparable between the Pow and POS mechanisms.


As for the fear that the supernodes would lead to & ldquo; pseudo-centralized & rdquao; and it was also a matter of concern, since the order of the supernodes, as well as the order of audits of the whole network transactions, was set by the system at random, so that they could be promoted efficiently and at the same time prevent cheating and avoid hard splits. Moreover, if the supernodes failed to perform their duties, for example, when they came to work, they would be removed and replaced by a new supernob selected by the community.


As planned by EOS, EOS will end up with 21 supernodes and 100 backup nodes. Of course, one can't do without the money. Just as the node for bookkeeping in the Pow network will be rewarded with a token, the node users in the EOS network will also receive a lot of benefits, including a fraction of the new money added each year as a bonus, if at the current EOS price it is worth at least tens of millions of yuan.


Of course, for EOS, the great thing about the supernode campaign is that it not only fully inspires the enthusiasm of fans to participate, but also helps the EOS to increase its value several times over the bear market in just a few months. It is no wonder there is an example of EOS as an example, such as the chain-only and wave-field race to play the supernode campaign before it.

当然,参与超级节点本身也是有相当高的门槛的,比如EOS团队为超级节点竞选者制定的准入门槛中,光使用亚马逊 AWSEC 2 主机 x1.32x large 型的服务器的成本一年就高达96.9万人民币,仅仅这一条就能把很多心怀致富梦的币友给挡在门外。

Of course, there are quite high thresholds for participation in the supernodes themselves, such as the access threshold set by the EOS team for supernode campaigners, where the cost of using the Amazon AWSEC 2 mainframe x 1.32 x large servers alone is 969,000 yuan a year, which alone can keep many dreamers out of the door.


The good news, however, is that there are many high-quality projects in the sector chain based on the DPOS mechanism, which have also started to push for the supernode campaign and are expected to yield good returns, and that the threshold requirements are not as outrageous as the EOS, such as & mdash; & mdash;



So here's today's presentation of the Super Node. The last person I'd like to ask: Super Node campaign, do you want to do it?


Electronics and Technology (www.diankeji.com) is a leading information medium focused on the global TMT industry.

作为今日头条青云计划、百家号百+计划获得者,2019百度数码年度作者、百家号科技领域最具人气作者、2019搜狗科技文化作者、2021百家号季度影响力创作者,曾荣获2013搜狐最佳行业媒体人、2015中国新媒体创业大赛北京赛季军、 2015年度光芒体验大奖、2015中国新媒体创业大赛总决赛季军、2018百度动态年度实力红人等诸多大奖。

As the winner of today’s leading Qingyun Project, the 100+ Project, the digital annual authors of 2019, the 100th most popular in science and technology, the 2019 dog-searchers, the 2021st quarterly influence creators, the best industry media promoter of the 2013 search, the Beijing Quakers of the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship Competition, the 2015 luminous experience award, the 2015 China New Media Entrepreneurship final season, the 2018-degree dynamic year Red Man, and many other prizes.



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