Ether's famous mineral pool catalog
What is the ranking of the country's ten largest Staking ponds? 以太坊(Ethereum)目前采用的是POS共识,因此传统的挖掘?模型(Proof of Work, POW)不再是以太坊?在网络上是行不通的。因此,以太坊上没有提供矿池挖掘服务的平台。 Etheeum now uses the POS consensus, so the traditional model (Proof of Work, Pow) is no longer the Ether? It does not work on the Internet. Therefore, there is no platform on the Ether for mining services. 但是,以前以太坊使用的是工作量证明机制。 Previously, however, the Etherm used a workload certification mechanism. 1. F2Pool(丰池):成立于2011年,是全球最大的以太坊挖掘池,截至2017年占全球以太坊挖掘算力的42%。 1. F2Pool (Foundation Pool): Established in 2011, is the world's largest Ether diggering pool, accounting for 42 per cent of the global Ether excavation capacity as of 2017. 2. BFGMiner:这是F2Pool的挖矿软件,支持包括以太币(Ether)在内的多种加密货币的挖矿。 2. BFGMiner: This is F2Pool mining software that supports mining in a variety of encrypted currencies, including Ethel. 3. Ethash:这是以太坊使用的挖矿算法,基于Cuda和GPU,所以专业挖矿机一般使用NVIDIA的GPU进行挖矿。 3. Ethash: This is the mining algorithm used by the Taiku, based on Cuda and GPU, so that the specialist miner generally uses the NVIDIA GPU for mining. 4. Slush's Pool:这是最初创建的以太坊?这是一个小型的矿池,以太坊?在社区中还是有影响力的。 Slush's Pool: Is this the original Ether? It's a small pond, Ether? It still has influence in the community. 以太坊从工作量证明转变为权利证明后,矿工可以通过加入权利提供者(Validator)参与网络维护和达成共识的过程,但这种方法很昂贵不需要局域网设备和大量的计算资源,重要的是拥有以太坊(Ether)作为参与网络运营的资格。 After changing from a workload certificate to a rights certificate, miners can participate in the network maintenance and consensus-building process by joining the rights provider (Validator), but this approach is expensive and does not require local area network equipment and significant computing resources, and it is important to have the right to participate in the network as Ethel. 每个池子的收益都有波动性,没有一个池子是最高的。要想获得最高利润,最好选择良心的挖矿软件,挖矿行业的历史悠久,相关领域的服务也很完善。 The returns are volatile for each pool, and none of the pools is the highest. For maximum profit, it is best to choose the mining software of conscience, the mining industry has a long history, and services in the relevant areas are perfect. 以太坊?挖矿的日收益受专业挖矿机器的算力高低直接影响,挖矿机器的算力越高,日收益就越高。 Etheria? The daily gains from mining are directly affected by the arithmetic power of specialized mining machines, and the higher the arithmetic of mining machines, the higher the daily returns. 假设rx580-8g-8显卡矿机,每台矿机保证210mhs算力。 On the assumption that rx580-8g-8 card miners would guarantee 210 mhs arithmetic per miner. 电费是一天/台12元,管理费6%新台币的奖励,10台起。 The electricity bill was $12 per day, 6 per cent of the management fee was awarded and 10 were awarded. 假设每1mhs的吞吐量为0.0001,则每天的ETH纯吞吐量为0.21ETH。 Assuming 0.0001 per 1mhs, the net ETH per day is 0.21 ETH. 以太坊的情况下,每个区块的时间是13秒左右,会根据区块的运算速度进行调整,因此每个区块的难易度各不相同,但是以太坊的运算是动态的,保证了平台根据具有的算力每一天被分配。 In the case of Etheria, the time of each block is about 13 seconds, adjusted to the speed of calculation of the block, so that the ease of each block varies, but in the case of Ether, it is dynamic and ensures that the platform is allocated on a day-to-day basis based on the ability to calculate. 粗略计算一天的收益。 A rough calculation of the one-day gain. 1、输出:0.0001ETH/Mhs(每个区块输出不同); 1. Output: 0.0001ETH/Mhs (different output per block); 2、管理费:0.0249usdt-(0.0249usdt6%0)不收取管理费。 2. Management fees: 0.0249usdt-(0.0249usdt6%0) are not charged. 3、电费:0.008usdt/Mhs/天6折=0.0048usdt/Mhs/天(电费6折)。 3. Electricity: 0.008 USdt/Mhs/06 per day = 0.0048USdt/Mhs/day (60 per cent). 4、产出收益:0.1 ethe -0.0048usdt=0.0201usdt(减去电费统一产出=每天收益); 4. Output gains: 0.1 ethe - 0.0048usdt = 0.0201usdt (minus uniform output for electricity) = daily gains; 以太坊?挖掘中最重要的是以太坊?选择挖矿机,投资者选择以太坊?你需要选择一台挖矿机。当然,以太坊?挖矿的成本、自己能否接受,还有以太坊?考虑到是否能解决矿机噪声等问题,以太坊?你需要选择一台挖矿机。以太坊?如果选择挖掘的话,就不用慌张了。 Ether? The most important thing in excavation is Ether? You have to choose a miner. You need to choose a miner. Of course, you need to choose a miner. Ether’s cost? Can you accept it, and Ether’s? Considering whether you can solve problems such as the noise of a miner, Ether’s? You need to choose a miner. Ether’s choice is not to panic if you choose to dig. 1. pundi-x 2. IOStoken 3. Cosmos 4. Waves 5. Qtum 6. VeChain 7.波场 7. Wavefields 8.合欢 8. Accompaniment. 9.尼奥 9. Nio. 10. EOS 11. eurocoin OnBlock
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