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来源:雪球App,作者: 闪电传媒,(https://xueqiu.com/1217830200/133035914)


This is also an unprecedented challenge for centralizing financial systems and organizations. All of this will be given a new meaning in the ideal world of block chain technology, where humanity will look for its true self.

AGG 所打造的全球亚太股权链,通过分层化的结构来支持数字资产的交易、数据访问和流程控制。AGG 构建了一个区块链平台,可以为子区块链的建设提供必要的部件。同时,它在框架层面的改进和创新,让用户可以更加高效地执行智能合约。它的底层基础设施的设计让子区块链的产生更加迅速简便。

The global Asia-Pacific equity chain, built by AGG, supports digital asset transactions, data access and process control through a structured structure. AGG builds a block-chain platform that can provide the necessary components for the construction of the sub-block chain. At the same time, it improves and innovates at the framework level to enable users to implement smart contracts more efficiently. Its bottom infrastructure is designed to simplify the generation of the sub-block chain more quickly.


Item Introduction


AGG is a commercial and financial medium that focuses on the layout of the chain of services for small and medium-sized micro-enterprise-related enterprises, linking key ecological nodes across industries, integrating industrial resources and promoting healthy economic development in Asia.


Application scene


A global capital feast for MSMEs has created the first platform for financing professional services for MSMEs worldwide the digital economy .


First, the AFCF Foundation will co-organize joint institutional investors to form the Global Third Generation Digital Exchange Foundation, which will build a leading third generation of powerful and credible exchanges using a team of excellence plus secure and stable technology+the best innovative business model!

二,AGG 所打造的全球亚太股权链,通过分层化的结构来支持数字资产的交易、数据访问和流程控制。AGG 构建了一个区块链平台,可以为子区块链的建设提供必要的部件。同时,它在框架层面的改进和创新,让用户可以更加高效地执行智能合约。它的底层基础设施的设计让子区块链的产生更加迅速简便。

Second, the global Asia-Pacific equity chain, built by AGG, supports digital asset transactions, data access and process control through a structured structure. AGG builds a block-chain platform that can provide the necessary components for the construction of sub-block chains. At the same time, it improves and innovates at the framework level to enable users to implement smart contracts more efficiently.


III. Addressing the common problems of existing block chain technology


Current advances in block chain technology are at an early stage, and there are some common problems with existing block chain technology, including:


1 The difficulty of expanding at the application level: to try a new idea would mean that additional costs, energy and time would be needed to build a new block chain system;


2 - It is difficult to upgrade: once a block chain is deployed and entered into production mode, it is difficult to add, delete or modify its functions. All modifications result in the fragmentation of the block chain system, each of which requires considerable effort and must suffer the economic consequences thereof;

3,区块链系统间不兼容:不同的区块链的模式差异造成跨链互连和互换的困难; 分裂的用户群:每个区块链的用户群不同,一个区块链系统的矿机和验证节点仅能用于该区块链,不能在多个区块链之.

3. Incompatibility between block chain systems: differences in the pattern of different block chains make cross-linkage and interchangeability difficult; Fragmented user groups: there are different user groups for each block chain, and mine machines and validation nodes of a block chain can be used only in that block chain and not in multiple blocks.


4. Performance bottlenecks: the difficulty of uplifting the block chain and response time, provided that the distributional Byzantine tolerance is maintained;


Cost increases: When the value of most original digital currencies is growing rapidly, the fees for applications based on their development are also increasing.


AGG Pass Note


AGG is the name of the Asian stock chain transistor and its only commercial and financial conveyor medium. In addition to buying commercial city products, AGG can activate the miner, stimulate the operation of the main node, and run smart contracts within the system.

亚洲母基金股权链的发行:总计有6.3亿枚AGG。由1%的630万流通币与 99%6.237亿的挖矿发行机制的组成。

Distribution of the Asian parent-fund equity chain: a total of 630 million AGGs. Consisting of 1% of 6.3 million currency in circulation and 99% of 623.7 million mining distribution mechanisms.


Purpose of distribution: AGG release will begin with the creation of the first global parent fund equity chain, with a perfect combination of hyphenated Token and equity, with a total of nine funds deployed under this parent fund, the first of which is the Global Third Generation Digital Exchange Fund.


Project advantages


1 Never private, never

2,快速黑洞销毁的消费玩家理财平台,强大黑洞销毁二大机制优势:购买零售价的产品获得免费租赁矿机的30%AGG全部黑洞销毁;护盘金50%USDT买单成 8 功的AGG全部黑洞销毁,全网公布黑洞无私钥钱包地址。

2 A consumer player platform for the destruction of fast black holes, with strong black holes having the advantage of two mechanisms: 30 per cent of all AGG black holes were destroyed by free lease machines for products purchased at retail prices; 50 per cent of the frigate money was destroyed by a single 8-point AGG black hole, and the full Web-wide addresses of black holes'selfless key wallets were published.


(c) Consumer finance platforms designed without pitfalls, mining machines: 99 per cent of mining incentives = 623.7 million, full-net wallet addresses;


4 Consumable Player Finance Platform, which discloses all wallet addresses, five wallet addresses are publicly available: Mined Wallet, Black Hole Wallet, USDT Fund Wallet, USDT Wallet Wallet, Service Centre Subsidized Wallet.


5. Consumers'finance platform, implemented fairly by fair play practices, financial data are transparent and open, consumer's finance platform, financial disclosure: daily online dynamic publication of wallet addresses'financial data (available to anyone)

6,风控执行委员会承诺护盘底价:0.6元/枚,每上涨0.20元/枚,加价0.03 元/枚进行护盘。

6 The Wind Control Executive Committee has committed to the cost of the floor of the frigate: 0.6 USD/me, plus 0.03 USD/me for each increase of 0.20 USD/me.

7,让亏损者可通过股权分红获得保本退出的平台,AGG玩家亏损补偿机制:当价格下跌低于0.5元,亏损部分100%兑换成集团股份,获得分红到亏损金额全部解决停止分红,股份收回。没有赚回本金的人全部按照1:1方式兑换集团股份,获得分红,分红本金全部回来为止!股份收回!官方承诺:AGG上市交易后一个 月如价格上涨低于三倍,1%剩余450万枚绝对不卖;

7. The AGG player's loss compensation mechanism, which allows losers to get bail out through equity dividends: when the price falls by less than 0.5 dollars, the loss is converted into a group share with 100 per cent of the loss, the dividends are all settled in the loss amount and the shares are withdrawn. All those who do not earn the principal are exchanged for the group shares in the 1:1 mode, receive the dividends, until the dividends are returned in full. The shares are recovered! The official commitment is to increase by less than three times in the month following the AGG listing and the remaining 4.5 million are not sold.

AGG 团队在密码产品多样性和密码算法高性能实现方面一直保持国际领先水平,多项“商密”产品达到国际领先的水平,并且会进行战略性的并购策略,不断完善从商用密码、芯片、板卡、设备、平台、系统,到方案、集成、服务的完整产业链,紧密围绕商用密码技术、网络安全、终端安全、数据安全、应用安全、内容安全和管理安全,全面提升AGG在中小微企业服务领域的行业地位,增强平台的核心竞争力。

The AGG team has maintained an international leadership in the diversity of cryptographic products and the high performance of cryptographic algorithms, with a number of “commercial” products reaching international leadership, and a strategic M & As strategy to continuously refine the business chain from commercial passwords, chips, cards, equipment, platforms, systems, to programmes, integrations, services, close to commercial cryptographic technologies, network security, terminal security, data security, application security, content security and management security, and overall upgrading of the AGG industry in the area of MSMEs services to enhance the core competitiveness of the platform.


In order to meet the needs of a wide range of clients for integrated transactions, the LOEx International Station is on-line for the AGG project.


The creation of a global one-stop localization service, the LOExLet Exchange, has a worldwide compliance exchange layout, with millions of users in 120 countries and territories, with an annual trading capacity of 100 billion grades, and a fan day with more than 30,000 active participants in the world's first-class platform.




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