In the early days, people used shells, metals as money. A small island in the Pacific, they used large stones as money, and they carved them into rights and trade records.
Are the stones and shells of their own worth? No.
What gives them value? Consensus.
What is the hard currency of consensus in human history? Gold.
大英帝国是第一个做金本位纸币的国家,曾经的英镑全球通用,因为所有人有一个共识:英镑可以兑换等值黄金。 The British Empire was the first country to make gold-based banknotes, which used to be a universal pound, because there was a consensus among all that the pound was convertible into gold of equal value. 后来由于世界大战,英国放弃了金本位,美国接手金本位纸币,也因此我们将美元称为美金。 Then, as a result of the World War, Britain gave up its gold standard, and the United States took over the gold standard notes, so we called the dollar the United States dollar . 1971年8月15日,尼克松宣布美金不和黄金挂钩,正式成为国家印的废纸。 On 15 August 1971, Nixon announced that the United States dollar was not tied to gold and that it was officially a waste paper printed by the State. 1972年这一年,伦敦市场的金价从1盎司46美元涨到64美元 In 1972, the price of gold in the London market rose from US$ 46 ounces to US$ 64. 。 1973年,金价冲破100美元。 In 1973, the price was 100 dollars. 1980年,金价850美元。 In 1980, the value of the gold was $850. 但是共识的硬通货真的能保值吗? 不一定。只看账面数字的美元是不行的,还要考虑美元的购买力。以近10年的价格为例, But is the consensus hard currency really safe? Not necessarily. A dollar that looks at book numbers alone is not an option, considering the purchasing power of the dollar. For example, at a price of almost 10 years. 如果你在09年购买黄金,以1200美元1盎司的价格,现在也仍然只是保持美元数量相等而已。 If you buy gold in '09 at $1,200 per ounce, it is still just the same for the dollar. 数量相等了购买力就相等了吗?想啥呢。央行是印钞的。 Is that the same amount of purchasing power? What do you think? Central banks print money. 下图是美国绿纸10年来的M2总量。 The figure below shows the total M2 volume of green paper in the United States in 10 years. 虽然你手里的纸还是那些纸,但是总量变多了。就好比原来这个国家只有一张一百块,你手里有一块钱。现在整个国家有两百块,你手里还是有一块钱。 Even though you still have the paper, it's a lot different. It's like there's only a hundred dollars in this country, and you have a dollar in it. Now there's 200 dollars in this country, and you still have a dollar in it. 购买力除二,原来能买摩托车,现在只能买自行车。 Purchasing power divided by two, which was able to buy motorcycles, is now the only way to buy bicycles. 天朝的M2更恐怖。 Tian Dynasty's M2 is even scarier. 数据来源:trading economics Data source: trading economics 纵坐标都不要拉齐,跟美爹对比一下斜率。 Don't even take the coordinates, compare the slopes with my dad. 那为啥美爹这么印钱,全地球都在用呢? Then why is it that the whole world uses money like this? 首先是因为之前美爹金本位,大家都在用,突然一改不习惯。更重要的原因是美爹是地球灯塔,最强国家,大家出于对这个国家的强大国力信任,所以用美元当国际结算货币。 First of all, it's because everybody used it, and suddenly they're not used to it. More importantly, it's because they're the most powerful country in the world, with their trust in the country's power, that's why they use the dollar as an international currency. 说白了一个词,共识。你在天朝能用冥币,不能用绿纸,是天朝人的共识。但是有的国家就认可绿纸,因为本国货币发的太多,崩溃了。 In a word, Consensus . You can use a pendulum, you can't use a green paper, you can't use a green paper. But some countries agree with the green paper, because too much of their currency has broken down. 那么,现在我们运用区块链技术,生产BTC,总量固定2100万个,永不增发,会出现什么情况呢? So, what happens now when we use block chain technology to produce BTC, with a total of 21 million fixed and never increased? 这是一个通缩的货币。时间越久越值钱。 It's a deflationary currency. The longer it takes, the more valuable it is. 比特币从2013年至今的价格走势 Price trends in Bitcoin from 2013 to the present 那为啥我自己单独再发一个币不行呢?我总量一百万,更少,不会更贵吗? So why don't I send me one more coin alone? I'm a million dollars, less, not more expensive? 问题还在那里,共识。 The problem is still there, consensus . 比特币作为所有币的爹,甚至区块链的爹(区块链是比特币的底层技术),这个位置永远是无法撼动的。在加密资产世界,你的所有零七八碎的币,最后我们统一一下,都合为价值多少比特币。 Bitcoin is the father of all the coins, and even the father of the block chain, a position that can never be shaken. In the encrypted asset world, all of your pieces of coins, and finally we're united, it's worth a bit of bitcoin. 比特币在这种意义上类似于目前美元相对于世界其他货币在世界上的地位。 Bitcoin is in this sense similar to the current position of the United States dollar in the world vis-à-vis other currencies of the world. 在此举一个例子,莱特币。 Here's an example of that, Lettco. 莱特币的代码基本就是山寨比特币,只不过是最早的山寨币,发行量多了一些,采用同样的POW算法,然后任何创新都在莱特币身上搞,搞稳定了就去比特币上面实验。价值更低,交易速度更快,类似于轻量级比特币或比特币新代码的试验场。 Lettcoin's code is basically the cheap bitcoin. It's just the earliest bitcoin, it's a little more issued, it's the same Pow algorithm, and then any innovation is done on it, it's stabilized, and it's tried on it. The value is lower, the pace of the transaction is faster, and it's like a test ground for lightweight bitcoin or bitcoin's new code. 莱特币创始人在2017年就卖掉了自己所有的莱特币。 The founder of Lettco sold all of it in 2017. 这么一个看上去疑似创始人都不看好的币,怎么会仍然存在,而且茁壮成长?目前世界上接受加密货币支付的地方,比特币和莱特币基本并驾齐驱。 How can such a currency, which seems to be unbecoming to its founders, still exist and thrive? Where the world is currently paying for encrypted money, Bitcoin and Letco are basically on the same side. 正如李笑来之前在录音里提到的: As Lee said on the tape before he laughed: 傻逼的共识也是共识,比特金,莱特银,是莱特币的所有价值。 The stupid consensus is also the consensus. Bitkin, Leather Silver, is all the value of Lettcoin. 没错,道理就这么简单。 Yeah, it's that simple. 但是为什么比特币至今不能得到认可呢? But why can't Bitcoin be recognized so far? 之前有人在上海做了实验,用一个比特币活一天。 Someone did an experiment in Shanghai and lived a day with a bitcoin. 一个比特币现在价值8000美金。 愣是没成功。 A bitcoin is worth $8,000 now. 没有任何一家店面支持比特币支付。 None of the stores supported Bitcoin payments. 原因如下: The reasons are as follows: 比特币采用的区块链技术,需要所有人同步更新账本。比特币每秒只支持7笔交易。这可是一个目标为全球通用的货币,你每秒才7笔? Bitcoin's block chain technology requires everyone to keep the books up to date. Bitcoin only supports seven transactions a second. This is a global currency, you only have seven transactions a second? 这是我们谈论区块链中的其中一个问题:TPS This is one of the issues we're talking about in the block chain: TPS. transaction per second. 比特币的TPS是7,以太坊24左右,莱特币56,瑞波1500。 Bitcoin's TPS is 7, Etheria 24, Lightcoin 56, Ripper 1500. PAYPAL的TPS是193,VISA的TPS是4000. PAYPAL's TPS is 193, VISA's TPS is 4000. 举个实际的例子,如果你用比特币买冰淇淋,等冰淇淋都化了钱还没打过去。这是第一个,支付时间久的问题。 To give a practical example, if you buy ice cream in bitcoin, you wait for the ice cream to melt the money. That's the first thing that's been going on for a long time. 第二个问题,由于比特币分布式账本采用POW的方式,每一笔交易需要有手续费。目前如果你用自己的钱包给对方付钱,最快的(最贵)交易费需要支付0.00000024BTC. 如果你是从交易所提币到自己钱包,那就黑了,交易所收你0.001BTC,合人民币50多块钱。 The second problem is that, because the bitcoin-distributed books are in the Pow way, each transaction requires a fee. The fastest (most expensive) transaction fee is currently 0.0000024 BTC if you pay each other with your wallet. If you go from the money you offer to your wallet, it's black, and the exchange charges you 0.001 BTC for more than 50 yuan. 第三,比特币的波动性极大,7.13日还6200美金,今天8000美金。年初比特币20000美金。 兑法币的极大波动性导致三点: Third, Bitcoin is highly volatile, with $6,200 on 7.13, and $8,000 today. At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin was $200. 第一,使用比特币的时候,心疼。你今天花了,明天涨了。你心疼。 今天花了明天跌了,接受比特币支付的人心疼。 First, when you use bitcoin, it hurts. You spend it today, it rises tomorrow. You hurt, it falls tomorrow, and you accept bitcoin for the heartache. 第二,比特币由于波动性所以成为了投机工具,市场不规范和野蛮生长,导致比特币价格波动极大。 Secondly, Bitcoin has become a tool of speculation because of its volatility, and market irregularities and barbarism have led to highly volatile bitcoin prices. 第三,比特币由于它的半匿名性(你的地址无法和人对应上),所以如果在网络上使用比特币,你不知道发给你比特币的人是谁,这笔钱是不是赃款。 Thirdly, because of its semi-anonymity (your address cannot correspond to a person), if you use bitcoin on the Internet, you do not know who sent you bitcoin and whether the money was stolen. 为什么我说半匿名性?因为比特币的地址是公开的,在区块链上可查询到你的流水,也就是说你的地址里有多少钱,哪天,哪个地址打进来的,你都能查询到。所以如果把地址和人对上,那么匿名性也就不复存在两。 Why do I say semi-anonymity? Because Bitcoin's address is public, and you can find water on the block chain, which means how much money you have in your address, and which address comes in one day, you can find it. So if you match the address to the person, it's no longer the same. 总而言之,虽然比特币有如上种种问题,但是一点不会变:总量2100万比特币,你今天持有1/2100w的比特币,十年后仍然如此。你今天持有1/1000的人民币,十年后就变成了1/10000的人民币。 In short, even though bitcoin has the same problems, one thing will not change: 21 million bitcoins, which you hold today at 1,2100w bitcoins, still 10 years later. You hold 1/1000 yuan today, and it becomes 1/10000 yuan ten years later. 如果持有比特币,你就相当于站在法币的对立面,站在国家和正腐的对立面,抵抗国家机器的印钞权,抵抗通货膨胀。 If you hold bitcoin, you are like standing against the French, against the State and against the corruption, against the right of the State apparatus to print money and against inflation. 如果你自己不能接受资产价格波动,还是不要购买比特币为好。如果想购买,请用你能承担的起,亏得起的钱买。 If you cannot accept asset price fluctuations, it is better not to buy bitcoin. If you want to buy it, buy it with the money you can afford. 在中国由于某种众所周知的原因,数字资产在中国是不合法,不受法律保护的。(虽然有人丢过比特币找警察天朝警察也帮着追回来还按盗窃数据罪判刑了,但天朝毕竟不认为它是资产。) In China, digital assets are illegal and not protected by law for some well-known reason. (Although some people have lost bitcoin to the police and helped to recover them, and have been sentenced for theft of data, Tianjing does not consider it an asset.)
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