
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:111 评论:0



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So far, neither the concept nor the path of the meta-cosmos is really clear.


The meta-cosmos is not just for games, nor is it equal to VR, nor is it equal to the virtual world.


With regard to the “mass universe”, the more recognized source of thought was Vernor Vinch's creative conception of a virtual world that entered and gained sensory experience through brain interfaces in his novel Real Name, published in 1981.


At a time when the concept of the meta-cosm was dazed from outside, a new word related to the meta-cosm permeated the whole industry.


Earlier, Microsoft announced that Kawasaki Heavy Industries had become a new customer in its “Industrial Dollar Universe” business. Kawasaki Heavy Industries planned to use Microsoft HoloLens headwear equipment to support production, maintenance, and supply chain management.


In addition to Microsoft's advance in the “Industrial Space”, another technology giant, the Industrial Space, was also aimed at the “Industrial Space”, and based on such technologies as the Omniverse Platform, AI, and computing, it was possible to achieve the results of the construction of the Industrial Universe.


What is foreseeable is that the meta-cosmos is an area that both domestic and international Internet enterprises, as well as industrial enterprises, are trying to reach and expand.


"Industrial cosmos"


The meta-cosm, on the one hand, is present in the digitalization of the sub-line landscape, mainly in the areas of socialization, consumer Internet, such as “social meta-cosm”, “gaming meta-cosm”, and “sport meta-cosm”, on the other hand, in the demand for digital transformation from industry and industry, i.e., the industrial meta-cosm.


The simplest understanding of the “industrial cosmos” is the concept of metacosystem-related applications of technology in the industrial field.


Like the meta-cosmos, the industrial cosmos is not a technology, it is a collection of technical concepts, it is also based on the Internet and it is a product of the high development of digital information.


A relatively large definition is mentioned in industry: the new information and communication technology (ICT) universe, represented by XRs and digital twines, is integrated with the new industrial ecology of the depth of the real industrial economy. Through technology such as XRs, AI, loTs, cloud computing, digital twines, seamless connections in humans, machines, objects, systems, etc., digital technologies are integrated with the real industry, promoting the efficient development of the real industry.


If the meta-cosmos is seen as a world of virtuality, reality, and people, ideas, and consciousness, then the industrial universe is part of the meta-cosmos. If the meta-cosmos is seen as a concept, a technology, then the industrial universe can be understood as a meta-cosmos concept, the application of technology in industry, an enabling industry in the meta-cosmos that promotes industrial improvement, innovation, and even revolution.


At present, our industry plays an important role in the national economy. According to public data, the total industrial value added in 2021 amounted to $37,257.5 billion, an increase of 9.6 per cent compared with 2020, representing 32.58 per cent of our gross national product.


Thus, in conjunction with national policies, the combination of binary integration, intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation and meta-cosmos, and the upgrading of the level and capabilities of these technologies will have a significant impact on industry, raising to a new level the promotion of industrial products, industrial production and the application of industrial products.


In the industrial sphere, digital manufacturing systems, constructed by new technologies such as digital twins, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, are widely recognized as one of the most transparent, reliable and operational ways of achieving the “industrial meta-cosmos”.


There is also a great deal of talk about the value of the industrial universe.


Proponents argue that the industrial universe will destabilize the current economic and social fabric and that different traditional industries will be reborn in the industrial universe, a historic opportunity left for Chinese manufacturing to bend overboard; opponents argue that the industrial universe is a concoction and that there is still a long way to go before the realization of the industrial universe, and that even some argue that the industrial universe is an industrial utopia, a fiction that does not exist at all.


It is no secret that the applications of the meta-cosmos are no longer confined to the consumer sphere, but rather contribute to the development of the industrial sphere.


What can you do with the industrial cosmos?


In the case of the industrial universe, in the view of the outside world and experts, there is a need to analyse and reflect on feasibility, necessity and urgency, with modest input, with exploratory advances taking into account specific areas of disaggregation and typical scenarios.


At present, the path to industrial informatization has five levels: modular applications, systematic applications, integrated applications, networked applications, and, more broadly, Internet applications. By contrast, industrialists believe that the path to the development of the industrial meta-cosm will show a similar trend.


In this process, the industrial meta-cosmos takes on two important tasks. On the one hand, the industrial cosmos needs to strengthen the connection between the physical world and the information world, guaranteeing that information serves the physical world in order to actually drive the digital transformation of industry; on the other, it needs to complete the integration of information at three levels, including vertical information integration of enterprises and production chain information integration.


This includes information on equipment information, industrial control systems, industrial software and design, research and development, manufacturing, warehousing, marketing, etc. involved in manufacturing, which is needed for the application of meta-cosmos in industry and industrial enterprises.


And the scenes built by the universe of industrial dollars are a precise physical system, with clear organizational relationships and mandates and clear questions behind the issues to be addressed.


This means that the industrial universe is not just about information interactions in individual domains and production lines, but is also about information connectivity in multiple fields, or in industries, so that all information can be used for multiple subjects. It is about interaction, synergy, real-time, precision, accuracy and production.


Simulation tests in the meta-cosmos environment allow industrial enterprises to test thousands of potential scenarios for their own ecosystems and to choose the best strategies for their production. In this way and predicting, enterprises can not only learn about the operation of equipment in real time, but also predict the future use of production equipment.


Production-level simulations are only the beginning of a series of potential industrial-level applications, and in a previous report published by the Industry Weekly, IDC analyst Jan Burian provided some examples of what a remarkable industrial meta-cosm would be achieved: the upgrading of brand visibility through virtual factory visits and interactive assembly, the use of digital humans to simulate human behavior, the layout, performance and interaction of machines, factories, supply chains and even entire ecosystems could be achieved through the application of technology related to the industrial meta-cosm.


As can be seen, the relevant solutions, technology, made up of meta-cosmos, will provide substantial facilities for industrial production in a number of ways.



The necessary route to the “industrial universe” is a digital twin platform, or a digital twin, a state of development in the industrial universe.


Digital twins are maps of the real world to the virtual world of 1.1, which simulates real world industrial production by controlling production processes and production equipment in the virtual world, with a greater focus on “false reality”.


And the virtual world, as reflected in the industrial universe, has not only a map of the real world, but also experiences and interactions in the real world that have not yet been, if not, achieved, a shift from a “false” to a “false synergy”.


There is now a growing use of digital twines in the industry. For example, in port settings, dynamic data are driven in real time, and in digital twin factor settings, it is possible to cover the full cycle of operations from cargo to port, loading, unloading, dumping, warehousing, and leaving port.


In other areas of our daily life, such as subways, communities, etc., digital technologies have been applied. Previously, 51WORLD worked with Quest to create an intelligent community platform for equitable street communities in Chengzhou, providing comprehensive empowerment in terms of safety, services, the environment, etc., and providing community managers with visual management tools of three-dimensional visualization and an efficient management model.


In the view of the outside world, the industrial meta-cosmos can be seen as the “future shape” of intelligent manufacturing. Through the “industrial cosmos” enabling industry, it creates links and scenes that enable industrial enterprises to achieve lower costs and productivity and further upgrade intelligent manufacturing.


A number of firms in the country are now moving toward smart manufacturing. As a mobile phone industry that relies heavily on fully automated production lines, one can say one of these is typical.


Currently, the first phase of the mill is offline, and the second phase is expected to start production by the end of 2023. The mill is a highly intelligent “blacklight plant” that can automate the entire process of production from the inside, providing only artificial supplies, real automation, informatization, intelligence, and annual production of millions of units.


In addition to this, auto manufacturing requires a high degree of fully automated intelligent production line. Domestic car manufacturers, Gilly, have made extensive use of new car design, process development, test certification, etc., to the Cyber Physics System, significantly reducing the cycle of new car development; among foreign car manufacturers, BMW is also working with YMW, and BMW is bringing in BMW to coordinate the production of 31 plants at the Omniverse platform in England, which is expected to increase BMW production efficiency by 30%.


As meta-cosmos-related technology matures, there will be an increase in the number of objects and content connected to the system. The applications of the industrial cosmos will cover the entire life cycle from the design of research and development to the sale of the product, guiding and promoting the optimization and efficiency of industrial processes, with the effect of reducing downscaling effects, efficiency synergies, and energy savings.


According to institutional statistics, the overall economic value added of our industrial Internet core industry reached $652 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $162.4 billion in 2025. As a more advanced form of industrial Internet, the industrial universe can sustain its dynamism and penetration in the industrial Internet market.


But the evolution of the industrial meta-cosm, similar to the meta-cosm that is applied in 2C scenes, requires the combined support of hardware and hardware. In addition to hardware equipment such as chips, sensors, optical lenses, VR/AR devices as the base, the support of basic technologies such as high computing power, networks, cloud platforms, etc. is also essential.


Cloudization is the inevitable development direction for the industrial sector, and the cloud platform will serve as the basis and place for the digital world of industrial enterprise linkages, the virtual confluence of the world, and the development of better norms, interfaces and agreements that are the basis for the industrial industry's “high cloud” so that information, resource integration and harmonization can be better achieved.


But as infrastructure, such as networks, cloud computing, chips, etc., evolves. Perhaps, after a mindless technological revolution, the industrial universe rises rapidly.


Source: New Industry Insight




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