A arbitrage strategy of cross-market arbitrage is described in the previous graphs #xff1a;
The strategy is commonly known as brick removal & #xff0c; arbitrage is possible as long as there is a price difference between two exchanges for the same digital asset & #xff0c.
Triangular arbitrage takes advantage of the price differential between the three digital assets .
Triangular arbitrage is the process of planning the triangular path xff0c; the triangular path is no more than two xff1a;
- 第一种:买入 -> 卖出 -> 卖出
- 第二种:卖出 -> 买入 -> 买入
比如 BigOne 交易所有 ONE-USDT、ONE-EOS、EOS-USDT 交易对。
For example, Bigone deals all OE-USDT, OE-EOS, EOS-USDT transactions.
如果你手中拥有 USDT,可以通过第一种路径进行套利。即用 A 数量的 USDT 买入 ONE,然后把买入的 ONE 换成 EOS,最后卖出EOS 换回 USDT。在刨除手续费之后,如果最后换回的 USDT 数量超过 A,我们就可以依赖这个路径进行套利。
If you have USDT, in your hand; you can arbitrage through the first path. That is, buy ONE& #xff0c in the number of USDTs; then replace the purchased ONE with EOS, and finally sell the EOS back to USDT. After the fee is cut xff0c; if the last number of USDTs is more than Aff0c; we can rely on this path for arbitrage.
如果你手中拥有 ONE,可以通过第二种路径进行套利。即卖出 A 数量的 ONE 得到 USDT,然后用该 USDT 买入 EOS,最后用这些 EOS 换回 ONE。 在刨除手续费之后,如果最后换回的 ONE 数量超过 A,我们就可以依赖这个路径进行套利。
If you have ONE& #xff0c in your hand; arbitrage can be done through the second path. That is, if the number of ONEs sold is a quantity of ONEs gets USDT, then buys EOS, with the USDT; then trades these EOs back with ONEs. xff0c after the fee is cut; if the number of ONEs finally switched is more than A#xff0c; we can rely on this path for arbitrage.
Detailed flowcharts xff1a below;
Constructs the triangular arbitrage path & #xff1a by buying it and selling it;
假设:USDT 起始数量为 A,交易手续费为:0.1%
Assumptions xff1a; USDT starting at Axff0c; transaction fees at xff1a; 0.1%
Step1:USDT -> ONE
Buy it for Q1.
- OneAmount = A ÷ Q1
- RealOneAmount = OneAmount × 0.999
Step2:ONE -> EOS
以 Q2 的价格卖出 ONE 得到 EOS
Sell ONE for Q2 to get EOS
- EOSAmount = RealOneAmount × Q2
- RealEOSAmount = EosAmount × 0.999
Step3:EOS -> USDT
以 Q3 的价格卖出 EOS 得到 USDT
Sell EOS for USDT at Q3
- UsdtAmount = RealEOSAmount × Q3
- RealUsdtAmount = UsdtAmount × 0.999
如果想获得盈利,则需要 即可。
If you want to get a profit #xff0c; need it.
After simple deduction xff0c; we can find a profit condition for the triangle arbitrage path xff1a;
(Q2 × Q3 × 0.999^3) ÷ Q1 > 1.0
Constructs a tripod of triangular arbitrage & #xff1a by selling it first and buying it;
假设:ONE 起始数量为 A,交易手续费为:0.1%
Assumption xff1a; ONE starting at Axff0c; transaction fees at xff1a; 0.1%
Step1:ONE -> USDT
以 P1 的价格卖出 ONE。
Sell ONE at P1 prices.
- UsdtAmount = A × P1
- RealUsdtAmount = UsdtAmount × 0.999
Step2:USDT -> EOS
以 P2 的价格买入 EOS。
Buy EOS at P2 prices.
- EosAmount = RealUsdtAmount ÷ P2
- RealEosAmount = EosAmount × 0.999
Step3:EOS -> ONE
以 P3 的价格买入 ONE
Buy ONE for P3
- OneAmount = RealEosAmount ÷ P3
- RealOneAmount = OneAmount × 0.999
如果想获得盈利,则需要 即可。
If you want to get a profit #xff0c; need it.
After simple deduction xff0c; we can find a profit condition for the triangle arbitrage path xff1a;
(P1 × 0.999^3) ÷ (P2 × P3) > 1.0
Test for arbitrage
runs a arbitrage model sold after buying it
Test for profit
runs a arbitrage model that sells first and buys later
So far xff0c; models on triangulation and actual realization are available.
由于市场中做市商的存在,这样的套利机会虽然很多,但转瞬即逝。通过手工挂单的方式已经很难满足速度要求了。如果要用该种方式套利,需要写程序让计算机来执行。我上面的代码大家可以作为参考啊。今天就到这里吧!See You!
Because of the presence of market agents xff0c; such arbitrage opportunities are many xff0c; but they are instantaneous. It is difficult to meet speed requirements by way of a manual billing. If you want to apply xff0c; you need to write a program to be carried out by a computer. The code above me can be used as a reference. Let's go here today xff01; See You xff01;
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