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  “眾包”(crowdsourcing)這一概念是由美國《連線》雜誌的記者傑夫·豪(Jeff Howe)在 2006年6月提出的。傑夫·豪對“眾包”的定義是: “一個公司或機構把過去由員工執行的工作任務,以自由自願的形式外包給非特定的(而且通常是大型的)大眾網路的做法。眾包的任務通常由個人來承擔,但如果涉及到需要多人協作完成的任務,也有可能以依靠開源的個體生產的形式出現。”

The concept of "crowdsourced package" (crowdsourced package) was proposed in June 2006 by Jeff Howe, a journalist from https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E7BE%8E%8E%5E9E%BD%E3%E8BF%9E%E7%BA%BF%E3%E8B%E6D%82%E5%BF%97"

  “眾包”這一概念實際上是源於對企業創新模式的反思。傳統的產品創新方法是,首先由生產商對市場進行調查,然後根據調查結果找出消費品的需求,最後再根據需求設計出新產品,但這種創新的投資回報率通常很低,甚至血本無歸。而如今,隨著互聯網的愈發普及,消費者的創新熱情和創新能力愈發彰顯出更大的能力和商業價值,以“用戶創造內容”(user-generated content)為代表的創新民主化正在成為一種趨勢。

by first conducting a survey of the market by the manufacturer, then finding


At present, the "blank package" has been , the latest , which is seen as a new business model that will lead to the next confluence of business.

  第一,眾包是對外包的顛覆。所謂外包,是指企業整合利用其外部最優秀的專業化資源,從而達到降低成本、提高效率、充分發揮自身核心競爭力和增強企業對環境的迅速應變能力的一種管理模式。它是社會專業化分工的必然結果,是專業化作用下規模經濟的產物;強調的是高度專業化,主張企業“有所為、有所不為”;信賴的是專業機構和專業人士,主張“讓專業的人乾專業的事”。而眾包則是互聯網力量彰顯的產物,強調的是社會差異性、多元性帶來的創新潛力,倚重的是“草根階層”,相信“勞動人民的智慧是無窮 的”,主張“三個臭皮匠頂個諸葛亮”。正如寶潔公司負責科技創新的副總裁拉里?休斯頓(Larry Huston)所言,“人們認為眾包就是外包,但這肯定是一種誤解。外包是指我們雇用人員提供服務,勞資雙方的關係到此為止,其實和雇佣關係沒什麼兩樣。但眾包是從外部吸引人才的參與,使他們參與到這廣闊的創新與合作過程。這是兩種完全不同的概念。”

First, outsourcing is an overlap of . So-called outsourcing is the integration of enterprises using their external best specialized resources, from

  第二,眾包蘊含著“攜手用戶協同創新”的理念。眾包意味著產品設計由原來的以生產商為主導逐漸轉向以消費者為主導,這是因為沒有人比消費者更早、更準確瞭解自己的需求。因此,如果在產品設計過程中儘早吸收消費者的主觀意見,儘早讓消費者參與進來,企業的產品將更具創造力,也更容易適應市場需求並獲得利潤上的保證。位於美國芝加哥的“無線(Threadless)T 恤公司”飽嘗了利用眾包設計新 T 恤的甜頭。該公司網站每周都會收到上百件來自業餘“粉絲”或專業藝術家的設計,然後他們把這些設計放在網站上讓用戶“評頭論足”,4~6 件得分最高的 T 恤設計將會進入量產備選名單,然而能否量產還要看公司是否收到足夠多的預訂單。這樣一來,“三贏”局面基本形成: 外部設計者的創意得到發揮,得分最高者除了獲得獎牌和 2,000 美元獎金,其名字也將印在每件 T 恤上;消費者的參與度和滿意度都大大提升;無線 T 恤不僅省下了雇用專職設計師的費用,而且只生產獲得足夠預訂量的產品,幾乎是穩賺不賠。

Second, the public package contains the concept of . The public package means

  第三,眾包延伸了創新邊界,借社會資源為己所用。以往,企業的研發和創新模式基本上都是“各搞各的,老死不相往來”。如今,越來越多的企業採用了“內外結合”的方式,紛紛放眼外部,藉助於社會資源來提升自身的創新與研發實力。創立於 2001 年的 InnoCentive 網站(www.InnoCentive.com)就是順應這一需求而生,目前已經成為化學和生物領域的重要研發供求網路平臺。由寶潔波音杜邦在內的眾多跨國公司組成的“尋求者(seeker)陣營”紛紛把各自最頭疼的研發難題拋到“創新中心”上,等待隱藏在網路背後的 9 萬多名自由科研人才組成的“解決者(solver)陣營”破譯。一旦成功解決這些問題,這些“解決者”將獲得 1~10 萬美元的酬勞。寶潔公司通過充分藉助“創新中心”以及 YourEncore 和 NineSigma 等外部研發人才交流平臺,獲得了豐碩的成果: 內部研發人員依然維持在 9,000 人,但外部研發人員卻高達 150 萬人;外部創新比例從 2000 年的 15% 提高到 2005 年的 50%;公司整體研發能力提高了 60%。

Accompanied by to upgrade its own creative and developmental capabilities.

  第四,在眾包中,“草根”的創新愈發成為主流。轟轟烈烈的軟體開源運動充分證明,由網民協作網路寫出的程式,質量並不低於微軟Sun 等大公司的程式員開發的產品。由美國加州大學伯克利分校的空間科學實驗室主辦的 SETI@home 分散式計算項目,自 1999 年 5 月 17 日開始正式運行至 2004 年 5 月,已成功調動了世界各地近 500 萬參與者,積累了近 200 萬年的 CPU 運行時間,進行了近 5x1021 次浮點運算,處理了超過 13 億個數據單元。法國標緻汽車集團 2005 年設計大賽的獲獎作品 Moove 也出自一名 23 歲的葡萄牙學生之手。由此可見,星星之火可以燎原,草根也是一支不可忽視的潛力股

Fourth, in the popular package, the creation of the “grass” has become mainstream. The powerful software open source movement has amply demonstrated that the program produced by the Internet is no less than , IBM摩托羅拉聯想等跨國公司紛紛宣佈大舉“進軍”印度,IBM更是把每年一度的投資者大會,從紐約金碧輝煌的大酒店改在了萬里之外的印度矽谷班加洛爾召開,而且,IBM的印度員工人數在兩年半內從9000人增加到了4.3萬人。低廉的人力成本使印度成為了一塊磁力巨大的“金磚”。托馬斯·弗里德曼《世界是平的》一書中大力宣揚了鏟平世界的十大“推土機”,其中外包是最大的一臺。但是,現在另一條獲得更廉價的人力、更有價值的途徑正在形成--眾包(Crowdsourcing)。


The company that grew up with the big wave of the Internet incorporated the idea of making full use of Internet resources into , and now more and more traditional businesses are attracting the power of the network, because, over the past 10 years, cross-country companies in sending countries have been looking at China and India, and the low price of


The market’s doors were suddenly opened for lovers, part-timers, and burners, and smart companies found a shortcut to finding talent in the crowd. Such manpower is not entirely free, but it is clearly less expensive than traditional hiring.


Advances in technology have made products from the Internet, such as from product design software to digital cameras, less expensive. Some have argued, for example, that a gallon of gasoline would be enough to allow us to travel to and from the Moon 114 times if fuel was raised as fast as the hard disk price fell at an economic rate of %E87% AA%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%E%E7E%AF%E5%A2%A2%Aaction=edit'new"title"n"natural environment" . Fuel efficiency,


 ; 1.發包方



The issuer is usually an enterprise or a person with a job that needs to be solved. For the author, there are two ways in which the task is carried out: one is directly on the company website, which attracts a large number of . As of July 2007, IBM launched a new >.


One hundred thousand people were involved in the first phase of the online initiative, with CEO Pamisano participating in the final review and planning to spend $100 million on promising innovations.


There is also another way, through intermediaries, usually web-based community associations, to sign contracts with new types of networks, including issues to be resolved, prices and post-sales services such as .



The recipient is a large number of Internet users . There is a specific new name in China, 報酬。Inno Centive網站也是應用威客模式進行創新的典型代表。

Intermediaries are bridges between the sender and the subcontractor. For example, the Internet retail giant Amazon has launched Mechanical Turk (Beta version), a platform that provides crowdsourcing services. Business users are targeting companies that need to outsource simple accounting tasks at a dollar price, while individual users will get a smaller amount through .


Businesses or individuals with missions enter into contracts with intermediaries (usually websites) and guarantees to issue tasks, courses and their related requirements in an intermedial platform. Vipers enter the taskhouse in a registered manner to find their own topics and bid them, and after the completion of the course, the solution proposed is counter-checked by the broker to the originator, and after the offer party selects the programme and reviews the award, the intermediary makes the award, and if it does not return to the mission pool, enters the next task resolution process.


The use of crowdsourcing and the practices of companies can be varied. The companies that are at the forefront of the crowdsourcing offer us some experience.


The core strategy of eBay is even a package, from a few small products in the early years to hundreds of millions of big products today, and eBay's strategy is based on a small body.


The Internet allows companies to involve different professions, regions, and interested people. The Amazon has launched a public service platform, MechanicalTürk (Beta version), where business users target companies that need to outsource simple calculations at a dollar price, while individual users will be paid a small fee for doing a job.


Method III: Carry out activities similar to the "new ring". , , , .


Method IV: Work with a number of companies specializing in public services. The package is more popular than the design of some professionals. It also provides , and it is more popular than the design of some professionals.


  57歲的Ed Melcarek是一名物理學家,但是他卻經常在一個小房間里倒騰一些化學瓶罐,而且,他並非受雇於任何一家化學用品公司,而更像一名自由職業者,他所做的研發工作,完全是出於自己的興趣,以及體現個人價值的需要。大多數的周六,他會走進這所房間,倒上一杯酒,點上一支煙,然後開始向科研難題發起進攻,這些難題來自《財富》百強中的許多公司,曾一度困擾了他們的研發人員。

Ed Melcarek, 57 years old, is a physicist, but he often pours some chemicals cans in a small room, and he is not employed in any chemical company, but, more like a freelancer, does research and development entirely out of his interest and needs for personal value. Most Saturdays, he walks into this room, pours a glass of wine, lights a cigarette, and then starts to attack the scientific challenge, from 波音杜邦寶潔等世界著名的跨國公司,他們把各自最頭疼的研發難題拋到“創新中心”上,等待隱藏在網路背後的高手來破譯。

On a website called InnoCentive, which brings together more than 90,000 scientists like Melcarek, whose common name is Solver, forming the half of the sky to develop the supply and demand of the Internet. This is addressed by Seeker, whose members include , whose members include

  “創新中心”最早是由醫葯製造商禮來公司資助,創立於2001年,現在已經成為化學和生物領域的重要研發供求網路平臺。公司成員(尋求者),除了需要向“創新中心”交付一定的會費,為每個解決方案支付的費用僅為1萬至10萬美元。“創新中心”上的難題破解率為30%,“創新中心”的首席科技官Jill Panetta認為,在網上廣招賢士的做法“和傳統的雇佣研發人員的做法相比,效率要高出30%”。

The Creative Centre was founded in 2001 with the support of a medical producer title company and is now an important research and demand platform in the chemical and biological fields. In addition to having to pay a certain fee to the Creative Centre, the cost of each solution is only between US$10 million and US$100,000. The troubleshooting rate on the Creative Centre is 30%, and the "Creaking Centre"

  “創新中心”為Melcarek打開了一片全新的天地,在過去三年裡,每周他都要登錄到這個網站數次,看看上面貼出來的新難題,雖然他從沒有受到過生物、化學專業的正式訓練,但是這並未妨礙他成為一個化學專家。“在我看來,那些化學難題都可以用我所熟悉的電子機械知識來解決”,Melcarek相當自信地說,“如果我思考了30分鐘仍然沒有頭緒,我就放棄”。攻破一個難題,賺個上萬美元,對他來說,“只需要花上幾個星期,挺不錯的”,Melcarek 輕輕地笑了。

The Creative Centre opened up a whole new landscape for Melcarek, and over the past three years, he's been on the site several times a week to look at the new problems he has posted, although he has never been formally trained in biology or chemistry, but it has not prevented him from becoming a chemical expert. “It seems to me that those chemical problems can be solved with the knowledge of the electromechanical machinery I know of.” Melcarek said with great confidence, “If I think for 30 minutes, I'll give up.” Breaking up a difficult issue and making a million dollars, for him, “only a few weeks, it's good,” Melcarek smiled.


This is also a very good deal for companies that struggle to find answers . “Every /a>. “Every year, every

  2000年以前,寶潔公司的研發成本不斷攀升,然而銷售業績平平,股價也下跌了一半多, Huston因而受命創新公司的研發之路,他放棄了裁減內部研發人員的做法(寶潔目前的研發部門有9000多人),而決定從改變他們的工作方式入手。

Prior to the year 2000, the cost of development by the Purchasing Company increased constantly, but level, also fell by more than half, and Huston was ordered to create a new company, and he abandoned the practice of cutting down inner researchers (there are more than 9,000 at the present time), and decided to start by changing the way of their work.


Huston discovered that many of the company's successful products were the result of collaboration between different ministries, and he thought that if such “cross-painting” were expanded, it would lead to better products. In the meantime, the treasure had set a goal of increasing the proportion of innovation outside the company from the original 15% to 50%. Six years ago, Huston introduced a 60% increase in its development capacity and a gradual increase in stock prices to a five-year high. “Our definition of the company's organization has changed dramatically.” Huston said, “We now have more than 9,000 researchers, while the outer network has 1.5 million researchers, the boundaries are difficult to define.”


The Bounty Company is one of the first and best business users of the Creative Centre, but the Creative Centre is not the only researcher exchange platform it uses, and it also throws its own research and development issues through websites such as YourEncore and NineSigma in search of external assistance.


  美國國家衛生博物館的負責人Claudia Menashe曾苦於找不到合適的圖片來配合一次關於禽流感的展覽,後來有一名自由職業攝影師Mark Harmel願意提供照片,並且考慮到博物館的非營利性質,開出了每張150美元的優惠價。Menashe原本打算咬緊牙關購買四張,但是最後一刻她改變了主意,因為她在一個名為iStockphoto的網站上找到了需要的照片,關鍵是這些照片的價格低得驚人,每張只需要1美元!Menashe當即一口氣選了56張,這樣的花費比Mark Harmel四張照片售價的十分之一還便宜。

Claudia Menashe, the director of the National Health Museum of the United States, was struggling to find the right picture to accompany an exhibition on avian flu, and for photographs, which cost a lot less than a dollar per photo.


Menashe discovered that this iStockphoto, like a treasure, was a free photo sharing and exchange site, and now each picture is worth between $1 and $5 (size, very large pixels, not more than $40). It was able to produce such a cheap picture that it benefited entirely from the contributions of its 22,000 amateur photographers, whose photographs were used each time and paid only a few tens of cents.

  iStockphoto和其他類似的圖片社曾一度引起了大型專業圖片社的恐慌,今年2月,占據全球市場份額30%的蓋蒂圖片社(Getty Images)以5000萬美元的價格收購了iStockphoto。“如果有人要搶你的生意,最好把它變成你的生意的一部分”,蓋蒂的CEO Jonathan Klein總結道。現在,iStockphoto收入的月增長率達到了14%,預計其2006年被購買的圖片數量將達到1000萬張次——這將是蓋蒂售出的昂貴的專業圖片數量的幾倍。現在,iStockphoto的大客戶不僅有很多小型設計公司,還包括IBM、United Way等大型公司和機構。

The iStockphoto and other similar images created a panic in a large professional photo company in February of this year, accounting for .


"Now, this is a hole on the embankment, where professional photographer Harmel took a long time to figure out what happened to iStockphoto. In 2000, he was able to earn $69,000 by providing 100 professional photos for the image company, but last year his income was reduced by $10,000, and the number of photographs to maintain this income was 10 times as much as it was before.


Harmel is not the only photographer who feels threatened, and in the forum of the League of Photographers, artists complain. “It seems to me that professional free photographers have no future,” while Harmel says helplessly that he intends to focus his work in the future on life-threatening works.


  美國麻省理工學院研究科技創新的講師Karim Lakhani一直很關註“創新中心”的發展,“‘創新中心’的力量源泉在於,‘解決者’們多元化的知識背景”,在追蹤調查了由26家公司張貼出來的 166個問題後,Lakhani得出這樣的結論,“事實上我們發現,‘解決者’越是對某個領域不熟悉,越是容易出成果”。先鋒社會學家Mark Granovetter把這樣的現象稱之為“鬆綁的力量”—最高效的網路,是那些聯結了最廣泛的信息、知識和經驗的網路。

has been concerned with the development of the “new centres, the source of the `new centres' is the knowledge of the diversity of the `resolvers' in the knowledge of the `discoverants' > > > https://wiki.malib.com/zh-twe8%E8%E8%A8Ttl> — The fact that the most powerful of the Internet is that the most powerful of the Internet, the most powerful of which is known is the most recent news of the — 166 — the most powerful — the fact that — the most powerful — the most powerful of the fact — the fact that we’s 166 — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact that we’s 166 — the fact that we’s 166 — the fact that we’s 166 — the fact — the most powerful — the fact — the fact — the most recent of the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the most recent of the fact — the fact — the fact — the most recent of the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact that we’s 166 of the most of the most of the most of the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the fact — the most


The "resolvers" come from all over the world, from a variety of backgrounds, from people who are experimenting in garages to school students, and from lawyers who are good at cracking down on chemical difficulties.


When Melcarek had learned his profession as a particle accelerator, he had to give up the opportunity to be an engineer because of the economic pressure, working daily with design heating holes, industrial spray robots, etc. “It makes me feel bad to nine and five nights” and he feels that his desire for scientific knowledge and exploration has not been fully realized. In the Creative Centre, he finally found his own stage, and one of his great efforts was to provide a programme for the famous Japanese utility company >, using an electrophysical method to solve the problem.

  “這個辦法極其簡單,” Melcarek說,為什麼高露潔沒有想到呢?“他們的研發人員可能都是和試管打交道的化學家,缺乏物理專業知識”。Melcarek沒花什麼力氣就贏得了2.5萬美元,同樣的課題,如果由高露潔公司自己的研發人員來解決的話,花費可能將是這個數字的幾倍——前提是如果他們能解決的話。

Melcarek says, "This is a very simple approach." "They're researchers who may be chemists dealing with test tubes, with a lack of knowledge of physics." Melcarek won $25,000 without any effort. The same lesson, if , may cost several times that number — if they can.


Melcarek is quite happy with his legacy and income. But, for Melcarek, a crowd like an angel comes, it's as scary as a demon for others.



The first is to create a new means or way of doing business. The current use of "B" packages by our companies is limited to solving smaller tasks, such as designing , which represents a certain gap with foreign companies using public goods as a new means or means of business creation.


Second, there is a lack of awareness of the "B" model as a new business model.


At present, does not yet have a clear understanding of the value of this new business model for the public. From the mission of our website, there is hardly a single company that consciously uses the public purse as a new business model, and there is no new idea of how the consumer market .


Third is to establish the idea of public packages as a new way of creating businesses. At the moment, our public websites are basically an intermediary for services that can only be seen as without the ability to launch a public package as a new way of doing business.


The fourth is the false perception of outsourcing as opposed to the public package. Outsourcing has a different role to play from the public package, and there are completely alternative and opposing relationships between the two. The crowdsourcing may be carried out in such a way that some of the businesses that were previously outsourced will take the package. But no outsourcing business will be replaced by the crowd.



One is to strengthen self-regulation . All public websites are required to establish rules that do not allow clients to undertake tasks that are contrary to national laws and social ethics, and all public websites should fully commit themselves to preserving the publicness, fairness and justice of the competition and, as far as possible, to preventing fraud.


Second, the relevant regulations should be drafted as soon as possible. The country’s relevant ministries should intensify their research into possible irregularities in the packages, which could be preceded by temporary regulations to make them operational in accordance with the law.


Third, based on the special features of the public campaigns. At present, the State Revenue Department lacks effective control over the revenue channels of the public websites and a large number of dignitaries. The State should quickly establish a system that covers the entire society on behalf of powerful websites.


Fourth, in order to prevent the use of public packages for criminal purposes, oversight should be exercised over the authenticity and fairness of client offers of larger amounts of reward and the process of implementing a mandatory social notary system that ensures that the country has assets and the public interest is not compromised.


The fifth is the strengthening of .


All participants in the package should be included in the protection of intellectual property rights, and the law enforcement department should investigate and establish a corresponding compensation mechanism for violations of intellectual property rights by public websites and clients. The sixth is to establish .


A public electronic payment system should be set up so that, once the client has confirmed that the label is in place, the labeler will receive his or her own remuneration through the public electronic payment system in order to protect the motivation of the participants and ensure the healthy development of the package.



Because the Internet is an international open stand, free from regional, national and ethnic constraints, and capable of performing related tasks, it can become a champion. Second, it can maximize the use of human resources. The package breaks through fixed work locations and , and allows people to use part of their leisure time to accomplish a certain task.



The package is carried out in the form of an Internet-based mission, which makes it possible to accommodate large costs without the need for a dedicated recruitment of staff, a dedicated office, etc.


  網站會員可以通過建立一個類似於“A Swarm of Angels”依靠集體力量共同創作完成的眾包項目,利用互聯網任務分解,整合完成,上市交易,收益分配等過程,共同完成其創意,使眾包成為一種新創業方式。

By creating a public package, similar to “A Swarm of Angels”, which was created by a group of forces, the site members could use the Internet to divide, integrate, market transactions, to complete their creation and make the public package a new way of doing business.



As the package breaks through fixed work locations and working hours to maximize and maximize the use of the human resources of society, businesses or related units can rely on the power of their own businesses or units to perform tasks that are difficult to accomplish in a short time, and can be broken down into smaller tasks, which can be done through public packages. As long as the amounts offered are sufficient to attract volunteers, most of the tasks that companies face can be done in a short time.



At the same time as creating a new pattern of work, they also create new ways of doing business. By breaking the restrictions on fixed work locations and fixed working hours, a group of people do not need to sign to a firm or 大規模定製”創造了條件。


By breaking the strict line between producers and consumers, producers are able to put forward their own ideas directly on product design, performance, and regulation, and producers are able to bring their opinions together through a public package and leave it to the consumer to evaluate. Then, according to the user's assessment, “big rules” are implemented, and the market risks of .



While it has a positive impact on the full use of the human resources of society, it also has a negative impact on the normal working order. First, it distracts people from their own jobs. Because once they accept a job on the Internet, it is difficult to invest as much as they used to do in their jobs. Second, it is possible to undermine the interests of the working units in which they work.



The first is to turn into a huge income gap . The crowds are web-based, and the crowds will turn the "digital divide" into a real income gap.


Second, it widens the income gap between the online population. What is implemented is a reward, a “winner-takes-all” principle, and only the middle-marker gets a reward, which increases the income gap between the middle-standard and the missing.



On the one hand, it causes a waste of human resources. On the other hand, it causes a waste of money. On the other hand, it causes a waste of money. If a client issues a job with a smaller number of participants and the answer to an existing participant is not very satisfactory, but according to the non-refundable rules prevailing on the B VIP website, the client can only select one of the hard-to-do answers, and the client spends a certain amount of money, but not enough to pay.



The current income distribution of the public package, which is received on behalf of the web site and awarded to the middle labels 80 per cent of the time after the completion of the mission, is somewhat fragmented and covert, making it difficult for the country to collect taxes from individuals.



The first is to challenge social ethics. The task of publishing the conference on the Web site is all-encompassing. For example, the amount of $50,000 has been awarded for the task of using people's relationships to promote work; for example, it has directly impacted the moral bottom line of society by publishing post-graduate and scientific papers. The second is to facilitate crimes against the law. The public offers the means by which work assignments are issued and grants are granted to middle-ranking labels, as well as provisions for private crimes such as “ /a>.



When a client (the task publisher) identifies the mark himself, it is impossible to prevent the mission publisher from directing himself or from choosing only the label of someone close to him.


The second is the current lack of effective oversight over the leaking of the work of the mission's publishers and crowdsourcers or the sharing of the work of the untied participants in other venues. The third is the current lack of timely submission of the participant's work to the mission's publishers, resulting in losses to the participants and a lack of effective compensation mechanisms.



While creating new employment opportunities and new forms of employment for the labour force in developing countries, the package also creates conditions for the labour force in developing countries to exploit the labour force in developing countries. In a more subtle way, the package provides free labour for developing countries’ firms , in the same manner that the package is paid at a very low price and is more conducive to the development of the country's trade liberalization.


For example: , , and they have all achieved a great deal of success in my country's business.


The market power of in countries with 1.3 billion people will be a huge potential for human resource costs if it is not properly stimulated and used. According to

  註重網路平臺下的用戶需求。2005年美國麻省理工大學教授Eric Won Hippel提出了“創新正在走向民主”,“傳統的企業往往採用先市場調研,然後再進行生產、市場推廣,卻不知這一過程已造成了巨大的浪費”。同時他認為,以用戶為中心的創新,將比數年來占主流地位的製造商為中心的創新更有價值。用戶願意為定製的非大眾的產品付費,用戶的需求正在走向多樣化,市場也變得更加瑣碎化,用戶的需求逐步走向個性化,這些原因加速了用戶創新的要求和能力,產品設計由過去的以生產商為主導,轉向以消費者為中心。因為沒有人比消費者自己更早瞭解其真正的需求,他們的領先使用者比任何一家企業的研發部門都更活躍、更具有創造力,眾包的核心也包含著與用戶共創價值的理念。忽略用戶需求的企業,最終只會在競爭中被市場遺忘和拋棄。

In 2005, Professor Eric Won Hippel proposed that


Through the Internet, companies can find “managers” to solve corporate problems, while improving efficiency, and increasing the visibility of firms at the same time. The costs of outsourcing are far lower than the costs of hiring their own personnel or outsourcing to other firms, while using their own back-to-backs to get their own income from approved designs and innovations, and both achieve “win-win” goals.


. " https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E8B0%83%E6%A5%E8A1%A8" questionnaire" survey China has 58% of , but only 35% of the company's own business has come from other countries.

  △亞馬遜:網路零售巨頭推出了提供眾包服務的平臺Mechanical Turk(Beta版),企業用戶針對的是那些需要以數美分起價外包簡單計算任務的公司,而個人用戶將通過完成某項工作獲得小額的報酬。

Amazon: Internet retail giants have launched a public package-providing platform, Mechanical Turk (Beta version), where business users target companies that need to outsource simple calculations at a dollar price, while individual users will get a small reward for doing a job.


ohMyNews: There are now 700,000 readers and 41,000 journalists in South Korea's famous “group media”.


: a logo design competition was organized to launch people to design cars in their dreams, and Moovie's award in 2005 came from a 23-year-old Portuguese student.


: BMW set up a new client-initiated laboratory in Germany to provide users with online tools to help them participate in BMW design. Similar practices include a virtual laboratory set up between 2001 and 2004.


: This beloved toy company has been encouraging and funding users to participate in all of its design missions, from robotic manipulation systems to wood-packing products.


Marketocracy: community with 60,000 online stock traders , tracking only 100 at the top level


: The winner of the prize will be 2,500 multi-media , whose work will be put into production and market.


: Adidas fans not only processed their own running shoes, but also sold them at eBay.


: .

  △不列顛泰特美術館(Tate Britain):這家美術館擁有1500~2000年間豐富的美術作品,讓參觀者自己為展品寫講解說明,被選中的將製作成標簽展出在美術巨作旁邊。

Tate Britain: This museum has a rich art work from 1500 to 2000 that allows the visitors themselves to write statements for , stating that the chosen exhibition will be marked and displayed next to the fine works.

  1. 劉文華 阮值華.眾包:讓消費者參與創新.企業管理.2009年07期
  2. 汪來喜 丁日佳 王源昌.眾包:企業創新民主化的方法.企業活力.2007年04期
  3. 3.0 3.1 彭必源 鐘鵬.論眾包對社會經濟生活的影響與應註意的問題.企業活力.2009年01期
  4. 馬衛 方麗 屠建洲.從外包到眾包的商業模式變革及啟示.商業時代.2008年01期



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