2024-04-30 区块链-加密数字货币之法律政策分析
2024-04-30 Legal policy analysis of block chains -- encrypted digital currencies
关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知_特色服务_西藏自治区分局 (safe.gov.cn)
The People's Government of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government xff0c; the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps xff1a;
近期,虚拟货币交易炒作活动抬头,扰乱经济金融秩序,滋生赌博、非法集资、诈骗、传销、洗钱等违法犯罪活动,严重危害人民群众财产安全。为进一步防范和处置 虚拟货币交易炒作风险,切实维护国家安全和社会稳定,依据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国证券法》《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《中华人民共和国电信条例》《防范和处置非法集资条例》《期货交易管理条例》《国务院关于清理整顿各类地方交易场所切实防范金融风险的决定》《国务院办公厅关于清理整顿各类交易场所的实施意见》等规定,现就有关事项通知如下:
xff0c; recent rise of virtual currency transactions xff0c; disruption of the economic and financial order xff0c; illegal criminal activities such as gambling, illegal fund-raising, fraud, money-laundering xff0c; serious threats to the security of people’s property. Risks of virtual currency transactions xff0c; effective maintenance of national security and social stability xff0c; regulations of the People’s Republic of China Commercial Bank Law of the People’s Republic of China Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Disposal of Illegal Money Collection, Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Regulation of Telecommunication Transactions, Regulations of the State Council on the Physical Protection of Financial Risks, Decision of the Office of the State Council on the clean-up of local trading sites of all types xff0c; information on the matter is provided below xff1a;
i. Clarify the essential attributes of virtual currency and related operations (一)虚拟货币不具有与法定货币等同的法律地位。比特币、以太币、泰达币等虚拟货币具有非货币当局发行、使用加密技术及分布式账户或类似技术、以数字化形式存在等主要特点,不具有法偿性,不应且不能作为货币在市场上流通使用。
& xff08; Ixff09; Virtual Currency does not have legal status equivalent to that of legal tender.
(二) 虚拟货币相关业务活动属于非法金融活动。开展法定货币与虚拟货币兑换业务、虚拟货币之间的兑换业务、作为中央对手方买卖虚拟货币、为虚拟货币交易提供信息 中介和定价服务、代币发行融资以及虚拟货币衍生品交易等虚拟货币相关业务活动涉嫌非法发售代币票券、擅自公开发行证券、非法经营期货业务、非法集资等非法 金融活动,一律严格禁止,坚决依法取缔。对于开展相关非法金融活动构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
& xff08; IIxff09; Virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities. Conducting legal and virtual currency-exchange operations, virtual currency-exchange operations, buying and selling virtual currency as a central counterpart, providing information for virtual currency transactions, brokering and pricing services, money-for-money finance and virtual money derivatives transactions are suspected of illegal sales of currency coupons, unauthorized public issuance of securities, illegal futures operations, illegal collection of funds xff0c; strict prohibition of all xff0c; and firm prohibition under the law. xff0c; criminal liability under the law for illegal financial activities.
& #xff08; IIIxff09; Foreign Virtual Currency Exchange provides services to residents in the country via the Internet.
& xff08; IVxff09; there is a legal risk of participation in virtual currency investment transactions. Any legal person, illegal organization or natural person invests in virtual currency and related derivatives xff0c; xff0c; the relevant civil law act is invalid xff0c; the resulting loss is borne by the person concerned xff1b; xff0c is suspected of undermining the financial order and endangering financial security; and is subject to investigation by the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.
II. Establishment of working mechanisms to address the risks associated with virtual currency transactions
The People's Bank, in conjunction with the Central Networking Office, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Industry and Informationization, the Ministry of Public Security, the General Directorate of Market Supervision, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Certification Supervisory Board, the Foreign Exchange Bureau, etc., establishes working coordination mechanisms xff0c; coordinates the resolution of major problems at work xff0c; and urges and directs the regions to work on a unified basis.
(六) 强化属地落实。各省级人民政府对本行政区域内防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作相关风险负总责,由地方金融监管部门牵头,国务院金融管理部门分支机构以及网信、 电信主管、公安、市场监管等部门参加,建立常态化工作机制,统筹调动资源,积极预防、妥善处理虚拟货币交易炒作有关问题,维护经济金融秩序和社会和谐稳 定。
& xff08; VIxff09; Strengthening territorial implementation. The provincial people's governments have overall responsibility for preventing and dealing with risks associated with virtual currency transactions in their respective administrative regions xff0c; xff0c, led by the local financial regulatory authority; xff0c, with the participation of the branches of the State Council's financial administration and departments such as network letter, telecommunications chief, public security, market supervision etc. xff0c; establishment of normal working mechanisms xff0c; integrated mobilization of resources xff0c; active prevention, proper handling of issues related to virtual currency transactions xff0c; maintenance of economic and financial order and social cohesion.
III. Enhancing the risk monitoring early warning of virtual currency transactions (七)全方位监测预警。各省级人民政府充分发挥地方监测预警机制作用,线上监测和线下排查相结合,提高识别发现虚拟货币交易炒作活动的精度和效率。人民银行、中央网信办等部门持续完善加密资产监测技术手段,实现虚拟货币“挖矿”、交易、兑换的全链条跟踪和全时信息备份。金融管理部门指导金融机构和非银行支付机构加强对涉虚拟货币交易资金的监测工作。
& #xff08; VIIxff09; All-round monitoring early warning. All provincial people's governments take full advantage of the role of local monitoring early warning mechanisms & #xff0c; combination of on-line monitoring and under-line screening & #xff0c; improve the accuracy and efficiency of activities to identify and detect virtual currency transactions. Departments such as the People's Bank, the Central Networking Office and others continue to refine encryption asset monitoring techniques & #xff0c; complete chain tracking and back-up of information on virtual currency “mining”, transactions, and conversions.
& #xff08; VIIIxff09; Establishment of mechanisms for information sharing and rapid response. xff0c, under the leadership of the provincial people's governments. xff0c. Local financial supervision departments, together with the branches of the State Council's financial administration, the Internet service, public security organs, etc., will enhance online surveillance, bottom-touching, effective #xff0c-monitoring interfaces; establishment of a virtual currency transaction information-sharing and cross-verification mechanism xff0c; and early warning information transmission, verification and disposal rapid response mechanisms.
4 to build multi-dimensional, multi-layered risk prevention and disposal systems
(九) 金融机构和非银行支付机构不得为虚拟货币相关业务活动提供服务。金融机构和非银行支付机构不得为虚拟货币相关业务活动提供账户开立、资金划转和清算结算等 服务,不得将虚拟货币纳入抵质押品范围,不得开展与虚拟货币相关的保险业务或将虚拟货币纳入保险责任范围,发现违法违规问题线索应及时向有关部门报告。
& xff08; IXxff09; Financial institutions and non-bank payment agencies may not provide services for virtual currency-related operations. Financial institutions and non-bank payment agencies may not provide services such as account opening, transfer of funds and liquidation of virtual currency-related operations xff0c; virtual currency may not be included in a pledge xff0c; virtual currency-related insurance operations may not be carried out or included in insurance liability xff0c; leads to violations should be reported to the relevant authorities in a timely manner.
(十) 加强对虚拟货币相关的互联网信息内容和接入管理。互联网企业不得为虚拟货币相关业务活动提供网络经营场所、商业展示、营销宣传、付费导流等服务,发现违法 违规问题线索应及时向有关部门报告,并为相关调查、侦查工作提供技术支持和协助。网信和电信主管部门根据金融管理部门移送的问题线索及时依法关闭开展虚拟 货币相关业务活动的网站、移动应用程序、小程序等互联网应用。
& #xff08; X#xff09; Strengthening Internet content and access management in relation to virtual currency. Internet enterprises should not provide virtual currency-related operations with services such as web sites, business displays, marketing campaigns, fee streaming, etc. & #xff0c; detection of non-compliance leads should be reported to the relevant authorities in a timely manner & #xff0c; and technical support and assistance should be provided for related investigations and investigations.
& #xff08; XIxff09; Strengthening the regulation of the registration and advertising of the subject of the virtual currency. Market regulators strengthen the management of the registration of the subject of the market & #xff0c; the names of enterprises, individual business owners and the scope of their operations must not contain the words or content of the “virtual currency” “virtual asset” or “encrypted asset” or “encrypted asset” of the “virtual currency.” Market regulators, in conjunction with the financial administration, will strengthen the regulation of advertising related to the virtual currency xff0c, in accordance with the law.
& #xff08; XIIxff09; Tightly combating illicit financial activities related to virtual currency. xff0c. Upon discovery of the problem of illicit financial activities related to virtual currency & xff0c; timely investigation by local financial regulatory authorities, together with relevant departments such as the branch of the financial administration of the State Council, to identify and deal appropriately with xff0c; and serious prosecution of the legal liability of legal persons, organizations of illegal persons and natural persons xff0c; xff0c involving crimes; and referral to the judicial authorities for prosecution according to the law.
The Ministry of Public Security has deployed the National Public Security Agency to continue its intensive work on the “Special Action against Money-Laundering Offences” “Operation to Combat Cross-border Gambling”, “Operation Breaking of Cards” and “Operation #xff0c”; to combat, in accordance with the law, criminal activities such as illegal operations in virtual currency-related operations, financial fraud, etc. xff0c; and criminal activities such as money-laundering, gambling and illegal collection, distribution, etc., using virtual currency.
(十 四)加强行业自律管理。中国互联网金融协会、中国支付清算协会、中国银行业协会加强会员管理和政策宣传,倡导和督促会员单位抵制虚拟货币相关非法金融活 动,对违反监管政策和行业自律规则的会员单位,依照有关自律管理规定予以惩戒。依托各类行业基础设施开展虚拟货币交易炒作风险监测,及时向有关部门移送问 题线索。
& #xff08; XIV&xff09; Strengthening industry self-regulation. China Internet Finance Association, China Payments Clearing Society, and China Banking Association strengthen member management and policy advocacy & #xff0c; advocating and urging member units to resist illicit financial activity related to virtual currency & #xff0c; punishing members for violating regulatory policies and industry self-regulation rules & #xff0c; disciplinary action in accordance with the regulations governing self-regulation.
V. Strengthening organizational implementation (十五)加强组织领导和统筹协调。各部门、各地区要高度重视应对虚拟货币交易炒作风险工作,加强组织领导,明确工作责任,形成中央统筹、属地实施、条块结合、 共同负责的长效工作机制,保持高压态势,动态监测风险,采取有力措施,防范化解风险,依法保护人民群众财产安全,全力维护经济金融秩序和社会稳定。
& #xff08; #xff09; Strengthening organizational leadership and coordination. Departments and regions attach great importance to addressing the risks associated with virtual currency transactions & #xff0c; strengthening organizational leadership & #xff0c; clarifying responsibilities & #xff0c; forming a long-term working mechanism of central integration, territorial implementation, block integration, shared responsibility & #xff0c; maintaining high pressure & #xff0c; dynamic monitoring risks xff0c; taking robust measures xff0c; preventing risks xff0c; protecting the property of the population #xff0c; fully maintaining economic and financial order and social stability in accordance with the law.
& #xff08; #xff09; Strengthening policy interpretation and information education. Ministries, regions and industry associations need to make full use of communication channels such as various media & #xff0c; xff0c through legal policy interpretation, typical case profiling, investment risk education, etc.; xff0c; public awareness-raising on the illegality, hazards and manifestations of related activities such as virtual currency campaigning xff0c; and public awareness-raising on risk prevention.
People's Bank of China: Central Network Supreme People's Court
Supreme People's Procuratorate: Ministry of Industry and Informationization, Ministry of Public Security
General Directorate of Market Supervision? The Silver Insurance Supervisory Board.
The SEC? The Foreign Exchange Bureau.
? ?2021年9月15日
♪ September 15th, 2021 ♪
A few years ago, xff0c; whether a well-known currency hold xff0c; or the size of virtual currency mining xff0c; China was among the first countries in the world. Even though legal policy led to a negative conclusion about the derivatives of virtual money xff0c; this does not change the fact that there is a large number of domestic practitioners in the virtual currency industry.
The discussion stemmed from the Circular of 24 September 2021 on the Further Prevention and Disposal of the Risks of Fashioning Virtual Currency Transactions & #xff08; hereinafter referred to as “Notification 924” & #xff09; the provisions of Article 1(3) & #xff1a; “The services provided by the offshore virtual currency exchange to residents in the country via the Internet are also illegal financial activities. is liable under the law for domestic staff members of the relevant offshore virtual currency exchange xff0c; and knows or should know that they are engaged in virtual currency-related operations xff0c; legal persons, illegal persons organizations and natural persons who continue to provide services such as marketing publicity, payment settlements, technical support, etc. xff0c; and is liable under the law .”
xff0c; provides virtual currency-related services to residents in our territory by a virtual foreign currency exchange; xff0c is an administrative offence xff0c; residents in our territory are not allowed to support such exchanges.
Although the notification of 924 did not clearly characterize acts supported by the provision of technical services, etc. xff0c; however, the negative evaluation was sufficient to extend to related civil and commercial litigation and administrative sanctions and administrative enforcement.
For almost a year, xff0c; several well-known virtual currency exchanges have blocked the Chinese IP, they do not provide services to Chinese residents. So xff0c; the extension is xff1a; e.g. xff0c, where the offshore virtual currency exchange does not provide services to our residents; and whether residents in our country can provide services to the offshore virtual currency exchange xff1f;
924通知系属“经济行政法”的范畴,根据张利民教授的观点:在域外效力问题上,存在着一个“不具域外效力的假设”(the presumption against extraterritorial effects),即所有的法律原则上只具有域内效力。该假设存在以下例外:(1)清晰立法意图的例外;(2)不利后果的例外;(3)行为地点的例外。
924 Notifications fall within the scope of “economic administrative law” & #xff0c; according to Professor Zhang Limin & #xff1a; on the issue of extraterritorial effects, there is a “non-extraterritorial assumption” (the presumption against external effects), i.e. all laws in principle have only territorial effect. The following exceptions exist: xff1a; (1) exceptions to clear legislative intent xff1b; (2) exceptions to adverse consequences xff1b; and (3) exceptions to the place of conduct.
Based on this xff0c; 924 notifications have in principle only effect in China xff0c; xff0c, expressly provided for in article 1, paragraph 3, extraterritorial jurisdiction is certainly valid xff0c; extension issues not expressly specified xff0c; xff0c; 924 notifications should be considered not negative. In my opinion xff1a; residents in xfff0c; virtual currency exchange xff0c, which does not provide services to Chinese residents; xff0c, which is supported by technical services, etc.; it is not an administrative offence .
The way to the criminal justice system
Because our administrative law is the prelude to specific offences in the penal sub-rules xff0c; there is a view that xff0c; that acts that do not constitute administrative offences do not naturally fall under the criminal law regime xff0c; but a strictly legal interpretation contradicts this general view.
Whether the service provided to an offshore exchange constitutes a crime depends to a large extent on whether the offshore virtual currency exchange can be evaluated as an offence.
One is territorial jurisdiction xff0c; according to the provisions of the Criminal Code xff0c; xff0c where the offence is committed in the territory of China; xff0c; xff0c where the offence is committed in the territory of China; xff0c where the offence is committed or the result is a xff0c where the offence is committed in the territory of China; it is considered that the offence is committed in the territory of China . e.g. where the decision-making level or part of the operator of the virtual currency exchange is in the territory xff0c; the issuance of instructions to the outside world xff0c; xff0c where the act is not permitted under the criminal law of the country; and where the judicial authorities may criminalize it under the principle of territorial jurisdiction.
The second is subject to personal jurisdiction xff0c; article 7, paragraph 1, of our Penal Code provides xff1a; “The citizens of the People's Republic of China who have committed xff0c of crimes under this Law outside the territory of the People's Republic of China
person-specific development
The risk of territorial jurisdiction can be circumvented through the movement of operators and companies xff0c; however, it is difficult to change nationality xff0c; the issue of personal jurisdiction deserves further development xff1a;
1 whether or not acts in conformity with local laws and regulations commit a crime
Article 4 of our Penal Code of 79 years, while providing for personal jurisdiction xff0c; establishes the principle of dual criminality xff1a; “except to the extent that it is not punishable under the law of the place where the crime was committed.” However, the 97-year Criminal Code, which is in force, has rejected this principle .
2 Whether the non-violation of China's legal interests can be regarded as a crime by
It is true that xff0c; that the offences that may be committed by the Virtual Currency Exchange are mostly economic crimes xff0c; that the law protected by these offences is the good operation of our socialist market economy order xff0c; that the conduct of the offshore Virtual Currency Exchange will not infringe upon our market economy xff0c; but xff0c; that the logic of the establishment of the personal jurisdiction system in the absence of the principle of dual criminality is that citizens have national loyalty obligations xff0c; and that these obligations require citizens to remain subject to the provisions of our Penal Code abroad.
To be precise, xff0c; while the legal benefits of committing economic crimes abroad are mainly those of the country where the crime was committed xff0c, there is also the legal benefits of xff0c; this aggression is concentrated on damage to the image of the State xff0c; it is somewhat abstract.
xff0c; 's logic of non-jurisdiction may therefore be negated by
Perspectives and Experiences
“The duty of fidelity” is an expression of authoritative criminal law xff0c; in the current society xff0c, which advocates liberal criminal law and respects human rights; it is difficult to obtain the recognition of the overwhelming majority of countries. For example, citizens’ acts abroad are permitted by law and by law xff0c; xff0c in terms of the protection of human rights; we should not deprive citizens of this freedom to exercise their rights. In fact xff0c; the issue of lack of limitation of jurisdiction ratione personae has given rise to discussion by many scholars xff0c; the majority view is that the principle of double criminality should be appropriately introduced as a measure of constraint.
In fact, xff0c; xff0c, which constitutes a crime in our country as a result of the local decriminalization of an alien abroad; xff0c, which is very rare in judicial practice; the risk of a crime is very low. To further reduce the risk xff0c; I suggest that persons in my country seek help from legal service providers such as lawyers, legal experts, etc. xff0c; and establish boundaries of conduct.
Everyone is free from fear and want.
管辖 | 为境外虚拟货币交易所提供服务,是否为中国法律所不容许? - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
Encrypted digital currency xff08; English xff1a; Crypturrecy, often with a complex number Cryptocurrences, also translated password currency xff0c; cryptographic currency xff09; a transaction medium using cryptological principles to ensure the security of transactions and control of transaction units xff0c; a digital currency xff08; or a virtual currency xff09;
xff0c of 4 September 2017; Proclamation of the People's Bank of China and seven other ministries on the Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency & xff08; xff09; xff0c; exchange between French currency and encrypted digital currency is no longer allowed directly in our territory.
2021 年国家发展改革委等部门专门印发《关于整治虚拟货币“挖矿”活动的通知》,同年九月,中国人民银行、中央网信办、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院等十部门联合发布《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知》(以下简称《通知》),将加密数字货币相关业务定性为非法金融活动。
In 2021, departments such as the National Development Reform Commission issued a circular on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities xff0c; xff0c of September of the same year; and 10 departments such as the People's Bank of China, the Central Networking Office of Information, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued a circular on the further prevention and disposal of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions xff08; xff09; fff0c; and characterized encrypted digital currency-related operations as illegal financial activities.
2022年4 月 14 日,中国人民银行支付结算司司长温信祥在国新办新闻发布会上表示,要加强对虚拟货币等新型领域风险防范,全方位堵截犯罪资金。
14 April 2022 xff0c; Win Xinxiang, Director of the Payments Settlement Department of the People's Bank of China, stated at the new national press conference xff0c; increased risk prevention in new areas, such as virtual currency xff0c; and full-scale interdiction of criminal funds.
With regard to the regulation of digital monetary finance & #xff0c; with regard to the country's various legal norms, such as financial law and administrative law & #xff0c; and with regard to the financial administrative regulation of digital money, which has not yet been adopted. This paper will analyse the recent operations of “encrypted financial service providers” in China & #xff0c; and interpret and make recommendations on the country's relevant laws and policies on encrypted digital money.
. >. >. >.
In practice, encrypted financial service providers have their residences and registrations in Hong Kong, China xff0c; however, mainland China companies that indicate that they are investing abroad actually operate an encrypted financial services trading platform xff0c; and virtual currency trading services open to mainland residents are provided.
xff08; XIxff09; xff0c; “Market regulators strengthen the management of the registration of market subjects xff0c; the names of enterprises, individual business owners registered and the scope of their operations may not contain the words “encrypted currency” or “encrypted asset” of “virtual currency” xff0c.” It may be deduced that xff0c; the incorporation in the country of enterprises operating under virtual currency transactions xff08; or the actual use of virtual currency transactions as the main place of business xff09; it is an offence to establish criminal liability under the law, in accordance with the provisions of our Circular No. xff08; IIxff09; article xff0c; the virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities xff0c; xfff0c are strictly prohibited and legally prohibited; xff0c; and constitute a crime.
In other words, xff0c; it is illegal in mainland China to set up an encrypted financial services trading platform or to conduct business related to encrypted financial services. However, the Circular does not specify the liability for the illegal act.
实务中往往参照较为成熟的虚拟货币——“比特币”的法律规定,依据中国人民银行 ,工业和信息化部, 中国证券监督管理委员会联合发布的银发〔2013〕289号文件《关于防范比特币风险的通知》(以下简称2013年《比特币风险防范通知》)第三条,“依据《中华人民共和国电信条例》和《互联网信息服务管理办法》,提供比特币登记、交易等服务的互联网站应当在电信管理机构备案。电信管理机构根据相关管理部门的认定和处罚意见,依法对违法比特币互联网站予以关闭。”2013《比特币防范通知》系部门规章,且其引用的相关管理部门的处罚文件均为行政法规,由此可见针对虚拟货币交易违法者,以行政处罚责任为主的立法导向。
In practice, reference is often made to the more mature virtual currency, the “bitcoin” legal provisions & xff0c; based on the People's Bank of China & #xff0c; the Ministry of Industry and Informationization & #xff0c; the Silver Issue Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risks & #xff08, issued jointly by the Chinese Securities Supervisory Board (2013) 289; hereinafter referred to as the Bitcoin Risk Prevention Circular xff09, 2013; article III xff0c; the “Internet Stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions etc., in accordance with the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China & the Internet Information Services Management Scheme & xff0c; thus, the Internet Station should be filed with the Telecommunications Authority.
ii. Encrypted financial service providers by changing the shareholder xff0c; cutting xff0c with mainland China companies; and whether they can avoid the limitations of establishing technical and operational teams directly in China
The change of ownership is essentially merely an increase in the degree of precision and efficiency of the actual violations. According to Circular & #xff08; VII#xff09; & #xff0c; “A full-scale monitoring of early warning systems & #xff0c; provincial people's governments fully utilizing the role of local monitoring early warning mechanisms & #xff0c; #ff0c combined on-line monitoring and off-line screening; increasing the accuracy and efficiency of the identification of activities where virtual currency transactions are discovered; the continuous refinement of encryption technology for asset monitoring by departments such as People's Bank, Central Network Trust Office, etc. xff0c; the direct identification of xff0c not only through organizational structures such as registration of businesses or holding control; the full chain tracking of transactions, and back-up of information on a full-time basis.
III. Analysis of the legal consequences of transactions conducted by users in mainland China via VPN on the encrypted financial transaction service website operated by encrypted financial service providers
xff08; xff09; xff0c; “There is a legal risk of participation in a virtual money investment transaction.” That is, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c, which is contrary to public order; xff0c, which is invalid under the relevant civil law; xff1b; xff0c, which is suspected of undermining the financial order and endangering financial security; is subject to investigation by the relevant authorities according to the law.” That is, xff0c; xff0c; users on the mainland of China know that they are engaged in a virtual property transaction xff0c; xff0c, which is not subject to fraud; there is still no civil law effect xff0c; the consequences of their actions are not protected by the law xff0c; and they are engaged in unlawful civil activities.
xff0c of 11 June 2021; xff0c; xff0c of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of
IV. The behavioural nature of offshore virtual currency trading platforms allowing users in China to trade on their websites
xff08; IIIxff09; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; “The services provided by the offshore virtual currency exchange to residents in the country via the Internet are also illegal financial activities. For the domestic staff of the relevant offshore virtual currency exchange, xff0c; and for those who know or should know that they are engaged in virtual currency-related operations xff0c; legal persons, illegal persons organizations and natural persons who still provide them with marketing promotion, payment of settlements, technical support, etc. xff0c; and are liable according to law.”
Trade sites of virtual currency trading platforms abroad operate illegally in China xff0c; although registration accounts need to be carried out via VPN xff0c; because VPN is a remote access technology xff0c; only the use of public networks to set up dedicated networks does not fall outside the definition of the Internet [2]. If domestic users are allowed to carry out transactions via VPN on their websites xff0c; if the provision of virtual currency trading services via the Internet xff0c, referred to in this article, should be considered illegal financial activity.
V. Criminal legal risk of an encrypted financial service provider operating in China
1. . .
The offence of illegal operation is defined as xff0c under Article 225 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China; violation of State regulations xff0c; disturbance of market order xff0c; and aggravated criminal acts.
In xff08; 2020xff09; 0112 1153 xff08; 1153 xff09 ff09
xff0c was found by the People's Court of the Di-Qing District of Xingyang City, Hunan Province, in xff08; 2020xff09; hombo and Pei Xyungfung, in the criminal judgement of the first instance on the illegal operation of the criminal case No. 75 of 0502; xff0c; accused xff0c; accused xff0c; accused xffc; accused xff0c; they have acted in violation of State regulations xff0c; they have operated a platform for the financing of tokens, issued a currency to absorb funds xff0c; engaged in the operation of an illegal network platform xfff0c; disrupted market order xff0c; aggravated circumstances xff0c; and their conduct constitutes an offence of illegal operation.
由此可见,在司法实务中,因该行为未经特别许可,且符合《刑法》第 225 条第 4 项的实体要件“严重扰乱市场秩序”的情况,加之虚拟货币交易使用的是区块链技术,其具有去中心化和不可修改性特征,在诈骗等犯罪中往往会面临取证困难的问题。因此,为实现刑法打击犯罪的目的,司法实务将其扩张到了非法经营罪的规制范围。
This can be seen in xff0c; xff0c in judicial practice; xff0c without special permission for the act xff0c; and xff0c in the case of the material element “serious disturbance of the market order” in accordance with article 225, paragraph 4, of the Criminal Code; combined with the use of block chain technology in virtual currency transactions xff0c; its decentralized and non-modified characteristics xff0c; the difficulty of obtaining evidence in crimes such as fraud. xff0c; thus xff0c; xfff0c for the purpose of combating crime under criminal law; and the extension of judicial practice to the scope of the regulation of criminal activity.
但,我们认为,加密金融货币服务商所从事的虚拟货币交易服务是否构成非法经营罪有待考证。理由在于,非法经营罪的客观构成要件要素是“违反国家规定”“未经批准或许可”和“情节严重”。而刑法中的“违反国家规定”是指“违反全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定的法律和决定” 与“国务院制定的行政法规、规定的行政措施、发布的决定和命令”。而虚拟货币交易服务的应运而生再次印证了法律的滞后性特征,以至于目前并未有任何的“国家规定”对之进行专门性的禁止或监管。其中《通知》以及2017年《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》虽全面禁止有关虚拟货币交易服务,但由于其均不属于法律法规或者国务院决定、措施、命令的效力层级,达不到刑法上“国家规定”的高度。有鉴于此,基于罪刑法定原则,我们认为虚拟财产交易服务在实践中是否构成非法经营罪具有很大的辩护空间。
However, xff0c; we believe that xff0c; whether the virtual currency transaction services performed by the encrypted financial money service provider constitute an offence of illegal operation is to be assessed. The reason is that xff0c; the objective constituent elements of the offence of illegal operation are “unauthorized or authorized” and “serious circumstances.” In criminal law, “violation of the laws and decisions of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee” refers to “violation of the laws and decisions of the National People's Congress and of “administrative regulations, administrative measures, issuance decisions and orders established by the State Council.” The fact that the operation of the virtual currency transaction services is supposed to reprove the delayed character of the law xff0c; so much as there is currently no “state regulation” specifically prohibiting or regulating them.
2. Whether it constitutes an offence to illegally absorb public deposits
Illegal or disguised absorption of public deposits is defined as xff0c under article 176 of the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China; violation of national financial regulations xff0c; xff08 to the public; xff09 to include establishments and individuals; and xff09 to absorb funds.
Although xff0c; the Virtual Money Exchange Platform is not recognized by our regulatory system xff0c; i.e. the platform itself does not possess the qualifications of financial institutions that absorb public funds and provide financial services. Under article 176 of the Criminal Code, the offence of illegally absorbing public deposits xff0c; objective “illegally absorbing funds” is reflected in the unlicensed operation of xff0c; unauthorized absorption of public funds for capital purposes.
An encrypted financial service provider’s platform simply corresponds to the “unauthorised absorption of public funds” in the offence of illegally absorbing public deposits. But xff0c; whether virtual money is “funds” within the meaning of the Penal Code remains controversial.
依据《通知》第一条明确了虚拟货币的性质即虚拟货币不具有与法定货币等同的法律地位,不应也不能作为货币在市场上流通使用。有学者认为,非法集资行为中的 “资金”囊括了金钱和其他财物,虽然虚拟货币不是金钱,但因为比特币等虚拟货币能够自由流通、市场价格明确、具有真实的物质利益,故而可将其视为“其他财产”[3]。从这一意义上讲,将虚拟货币作为刑法意义上的财物完全可以涵摄进“资金”的范畴当中。
According to article 1 of the Circular, the nature of the virtual currency is defined that it does not have legal status equal to that of the legal currency xff0c; it should not be and cannot be used as a currency in the market. Some scholars argue that xff0c; that “money” in illegal fund-raising practices encompasses money and other property xff0c; although virtual currency is not money xff0c; but because virtual currency such as Bitcoin is free to circulate, market prices are clear and has real material benefits xff0c; it can therefore be regarded as “other property”[3].
We believe that xff0c; whether or not a virtual currency can be included in the semantic scope of “money” xff0c; that a virtual currency transaction itself does not meet the enticement characteristic of the offence of illegal absorption of public deposits xff0c; that a traditional offence of illegal absorption of public deposits is often accompanied by a characteristic of “payback” or “commitment of return” xff0c; that a virtual currency trading service xff0c; that an investor knows that a virtual monetary value changes with market conditions xff0c; that a virtual money trading service provider deliberately conceals a de facto high return commitment xff0c; that if so, it should be attributed to fraud xff0c; and that it is not held to be the offence of illegal absorption of public deposits.
The regulatory system in place in the country is negative about the legitimacy of encrypted digital money xff0c; the corresponding policies are constantly being strictly restricted. The creation, operation of encrypted digital currency trading platforms xff0c is strictly prohibited; administrative penalties such as “cleaning” and fines xff0c will be faced if they violate the corresponding policies xff0c; only administrative penalties are not yet clear xff0c; regulations such as the Security Administration Sanctions Act and the International Network Security Protection Scheme for Computer Information Networks are often cited xff0c; administrative sanctions will not be further clarified in the future.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of our Penal Code, xff0c; pure cryptographic digital money investment transactions do not fall within the scope of our criminal law xff0c; the reason for the frequency of crimes related to encrypted digital currency in recent years xff0c; the fact that encrypted digital money trading platforms and the course of transactions are easily used as instruments or means for the commission of specific crimes xff0c; and the fact that in the course of transactions involving encrypted digital money transactions, fraud, illegal absorption of public deposits, distribution, money laundering etc. are easily triggered.
The increasing need for national strategic thinking and risk control underlying the rule of law and policy of the block chain will have a sustained impact on the regulation of digital money xff0c; virtual currency legal risk will be a major focus under the regulation of the national financial system xff0c; the strengthening of legal regulation and regulatory pathways for digital money xff0c; the establishment and refinement of a legal regulatory framework and regime for digital money xff0c; the future exclusion of innovative business cooperation between the State-owned financial sector and non-State finance xff0c; and a strong push for national exploration of financial science and technology.
note #xff1a;
[1]程雪军,李心荷. 论加密数字货币的法律风险与治理路径:从比特币视角切入[J]. 电子政务:1-15
[1] Snowflies, Lee Koo-ho. Legal risk and governance path for encrypted digital currencies xff1a; moving into [J]. E-government from a bitcoin perspective: 1-15
[2] Jay #xff0c; Zhang Lingyun #xff0c; Huang Yut Ting, ed. xff0e; Basic Course on Tourism Information xff1a; China Tourism Press xff0c; 2016.01xff1a; p. 98
[3]邓建鹏,《监管真空期 ICO 如何自我救赎?》载《上海证券报》2017年第12期 。
[3] Dunjian & #xff0c; How can ICO itself be redeemed during the Regulatory Vacuum? The Shanghai Securities Bulletin No. 12 of 2017.
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