Ten years is an era and a great cycle of economics and technology. Looking back to 2008 so far, our lives have changed dramatically. We didn't think that the prices of our homes were going up today; we can't imagine how technological developments have changed our lives so dramatically.
On April 1, 2008, China's mobile commercial 3G network marked the beginning of China's 3G commercialization and launched a chapter in the era of mobile connectivity. The subsequent launch of the 4G network pushed mobile Internet applications to unprecedented heights. Based on high-speed 4G networks, such as , mobile navigation, mobile phone payment, etc.
The 5G network, which is about to be officially commercial in 2020, will give rise to a new trend of connectivity. In an era of mobile connectivity, mobile phones become the centre of connectivity, so smartphones will leapfrog over the next decade.
If you simply think that the 5G network is only going to make your cellular network faster, you're mistaken. There are analyses that, in the 4G era, we have developed mobile applications for individuals to the point where the upcoming 5G will not change significantly again at least in the short term. And the 5G network will be crucial for industrial manufacturing to upgrade the “quality” of the industry, and 5G will be one of the key bottom technologies to increase productivity.
The breakdown of industries, such as telemedicine, autopilot, smart cities and smart homes, will flourish as a result of high-speed, low-delayed 5G networks and will be connected through 5G networks to the masters of everything — people.
With regard to artificial intelligence, I am sure that everyone will hear or feel their presence in various sci-fi images, such as the hot-blowed play West World. The core of artificial intelligence is to give robotic intelligence and productivity to human beings, thereby freeing them from heavy labour and allowing them to do more creative work, thereby enhancing the productivity of society and the process of human civilization.
In 2011, Watson participated in an American intellectual question-and-answer program developed by IBM as an artificial intelligence program that answered questions in natural languages, defeating two human champions, and won a $1 million prize. Watson has now developed into a commercial, cloud-based, cognitive system that can be applied to virtually all commercial fields, such as medicine, banking, education, logistics, and insurance.
以医学领域为例,通过医学影像分析诊断皮肤黑色素瘤时,人类专家平均水平准确率为75%-84%,而Watson的准确率则达到了97%。Watson通过对庞大病例数据深度学习积累了数十万种疾病的模型,并通过阅读文献不断进行学习。Watson不仅像医生一样“看病”,还可以在医学科研中模拟测算药物对疾病的效果,堪称科学界的“老中医”。 In the field of medicine, for example, the average accuracy of human experts in the diagnosis of a black skin tumor through medical imagery is 75%-84%, while the accuracy of Watson is 97%. Watson accumulates a model of hundreds of thousands of diseases by studying the depth of data on large cases, and continues to learn by reading literature. Watson is not only “to see the disease” as a doctor, but can also simulate the effects of drugs on the disease in medical research, which is known as the “old-medium doctor” of the scientific community. 相对于IBM的高冷,谷歌在人工智能领域则要更加“接地气”,而且一点也不神秘。没错,就是语音助手~什么?这算啥黑科技?那个苹果的傻Siri不是早就有了么~在最近的Google I/O大会上,其语音助手展现出非凡实力,它竟然可以主动的去联系人类。也就是说,你完全无法分辨电话另一头跟你聊天的是机器还是人…… Google is more “geographically” than the IBM's cold, and it's not mysterious at all. Yes, it's . That's what black technology is. 关于人工智能未来应用场景,您尽可以打开天马行空的想象,未来的精彩恐怕真的是“没有做不到,只有想不到”。在人工智能时代,原本数千人的工厂或许只需要几个人就可以全面接管,万事万物都将具备“智慧”并可与人交互,甚至机器将代替人类走出地球实现对宇宙的探索,科幻电影中的场景将成为现实…… With regard to the future application of artificial intelligence, you can open up to the idea that the future is truly “not impossible, only unexpected.” In the age of artificial intelligence, the factory of thousands of people might need only a few people to take over completely, everything would be “intellectual” and interact with people, and even the machine would be a substitute for the Earth to explore the universe, and the scene in the science fiction film would become a reality. 曾有名言曰:“互联网时代,没有人知道你是一条狗。”而到了人工智能时代,或许这句话将变成“人工智能时代,没有人知道你到底是不是人。” There was a famous saying: “No one knows you're a dog in the Internet age.” And in the age of artificial intelligence, perhaps it will become “the age of artificial intelligence, and no one knows whether you are human”. 区块链技术一度被誉为是继蒸汽机、电力、互联网科技之后,正在进行的第四次工业革命。并推动了从信息互联网向价值互联网迈进的进程。如果说互联网完成了信息的交换,那么区块链网络则实现了价值的交换。目前很多巨头都将区块链技术“奉为神明”,但基于区块链的应用目前也仅仅是“挖币”和“炒币”而已。因此关于区块链究竟是骗局还是引发革命的利器,业界始终存在着不停歇的争论。 Block chain technology was once known as the fourth industrial revolution that followed steam machines, electricity, and Internet technology. The process of moving from the information Internet to the value Internet was advanced. If the Internet completes the exchange of information, the block chain network achieves a value exchange. “跑偏”的区块链究竟有啥用武之地呢?一些特性使得这项技术在金融领域拥有了一定的发展空间,我们看到目前很多银行都已经在开始应用区块链技术来降低成本和提升记账的可靠性,旨在通过区块链技术提高金融领域的安全性和运作效率,这与区块链技术本身所具有的金融属性十分切合,算是落地的一个突破口。 What exactly is the use of the “run-off” block chain? Some features give the technology some room for development in the financial field. We see that many banks are now already applying block chain technology to reduce costs and improve the reliability of accounting, with the aim of improving the safety and operational efficiency of the financial sector through block chain technology, which fits well with the financial attributes of the block chain technology itself and is a breakthrough. 在笔者看来,或许区块链技术更像是一种底层技术。就好像iPhone手机里面的CPU芯片,你根本无法在日常使用中甄别出它是来自三星还是台积电。但区块链技术正在潜移默化的改变着世界的规则,或许未来在支付、游戏电竞、知识产权、防伪追溯等领域大放异彩。 In my mind, perhaps block chain technology is more like a bottom-of-the-line technology. Like the CPU chip in the iPhone phone, you can hardly identify whether it comes from three stars or a battery in daily use.