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Editor's Guide: Today, the author of this paper takes stock of the history of the development of the Chinese Internet community, so let's look at it together.


You don't know the past and the present of a thing, so you can't define it and even prejudge its future trends.


I believe that the community is a space based on the interaction of one point and the continuous production of content, called strong and good interactive space .

自从 1993 年网景浏览器发明之后,网民可以在浏览器访问网页。但当时的技术是静态HTML,仅支持信息单向传递,也就是网页给什么就看什么,不支持评论或私信等交流形式,所以网民上网是为了查看新闻或学术资料等信息。

Since the Internet Viewer was invented in 1993, Internet users can access web pages on browsers. But the technology at the time was static HTML, which supported only one-way transmission of information, i.e. what the web page gave, which did not support forms of communication such as comments or private letters, so the Internet was used to view information such as news or academic material.

由于网址又长又多,网民记不住或容易记错,于是门户网站就火热起来,它几乎等于互联网的全部内容,比如搜索、邮箱、导航、音乐 MP3,当时的主流趋势是纸质媒体数字化,搬运大量新闻到网页上,以至于多数网民进入门户网站都是看股市、军事、娱乐等新闻。

The web site, which is so long and so many that it is difficult or difficult to remember, is so hot that it is almost equivalent to the full content of the Internet, such as search, mailboxes, navigation, music, MP3, and the prevailing trend was to digitize the paper-based media and move a large amount of news onto the web site, so that most Internet users enter the portal to watch the stock market, military, entertainment, etc.

需要注意的是,在 1994 年,杨致远和费罗就筛选、分类一批实用网站,做出了雅虎门户网站。与此同时,中国正式接入互联网,并且国家智能计算机研究开发中心开通曙光 BBS 站,这是中国大陆的第一个 BBS 站。

In 1994, Yang and Ferro made the Yahoo portal for screening and cataloguing a number of practical websites. At the same time, China officially accessed the Internet, and the National Center for Research and Development of Smart Computers opened the dawn BBS station, the first BBS station in mainland China.

1995 年,马云做出「中国黄页」,这是面向企业的门户网站,主要为企业做推广。而 98 年之后,偏向大众娱乐的搜狐、新浪、网易先后创立。

In 1995, Ma Yun created the Chinese Yellow Page, a business-oriented portal, which was promoted mainly by businesses. After 98, the search for the popular entertainment, the new wave, and the Internet were created easily.

可以看出,这时期的互联网发展,中美存在很大差距,因此国内互联网创业者都是看到美国火什么就抄什么,俗称「copy to China」,这也使得中国互联网企业很容易与同领域的美国企业捆绑在一起,比如百度被称为中国的 Google.

As can be seen, there is a wide gap between China and the United States in the development of the Internet during this period, so domestic Internet entrepreneurs are seeing and copying American fire, commonly known as “copy to China”, which also makes it easier for Chinese Internet enterprises to tie up with American businesses in the same field, such as Google.

如果上互联网仅仅是看新闻、发个 Email ,那么就太无趣了。幸运的是,1996 年微软发布 ASP 技术(动态服务器页面),让客户端浏览器和 Web 服务器端可以互动,使得网民与网民之间可以相互评论。评论功能的出现,为互联网赋予了社交的属性,直接催生出聊天室、BBS 论坛、网页游戏。

Fortunately, Microsoft released the ASP technology in 1996 (a dynamic server page), allowing the client browser to interact with the web server, allowing users to comment on each other. The comment function has given the Internet social attributes and directly generated chat rooms, BBS forums, web games.

这时候出现的社区,被称为 BBS 论坛,主要帮网民 kill time,以军事、娱乐等话题为主,有人建帖子,然后感兴趣的人就会点进去留言瞎聊。其中最出名的社区就是响马创办的西祠胡同,首创「自由开版、自主管理」的开放式运营模式,也就是允许网友自主创建兴趣群组,并且拥有群组关闭、广告经营等权利,使得一年后西祠在线人数超百万,2000 年初网站排名达到 100 多名。这种运营模式,被称为 Web 2.0 意识,后来者豆瓣、百度贴吧、知乎等社区均借鉴于此。

The community that emerged at this time, known as the BBS Forum, helped Internet users to kill time, focusing on military, entertainment, etc., and some people build posts, and interested people click in and leave messages. The most famous of these communities were the Sibang Gang, which started with the "free opening, self-management" open operating model, which allowed the network to create interest groups on its own and had the right to close groups, advertising, etc., which resulted in more than a million people online a year later, ranking more than 100 sites at the beginning of 2000. This business model, known as Web 2.0 awareness, was followed by the community of pea, pea, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa., pa., and so on.

#注释:BBS,英文全称是 Bulletin Board System,中文译为电子公告板,起初以电脑为载体,公布股市价格等类信息,类似校园公告板或小区租房信息墙。其中,提供信息的人称为站长,获取信息的人称为用户。用户主要是信息获取,不能跟站长或其他用户交流(站长也不能跟站长交流),属于单边信息传递。

#Note: BBS, fully known in English as Bulletin Board System, has been translated into an electronic bulletin board in Chinese, initially using computers as a vehicle for publishing information such as stock market prices, similar to a campus bulletin board or block rental information wall. The source of the information is called the station chief and the user of the information is known as the user. The user is mainly an access to information, cannot communicate with the station manager or other users (the station chief is not able to communicate with the station manager) and is a unilateral transfer of information.


A few years later, China has seen an increase in the number of Internet users and a further expansion of its demand, moving from simple news-seeing to general entertainment content such as games, chat rooms and forums, while portals alone are not enough to support so many vertical areas, leading to the emergence of big vertical players, such as car homes and cars.

到了 2000 年,已发展好几年的博客发力,用户既是作者也是读者,内容种类包括文学、美食、旅游等,其中不乏有专业人士坚持输出自己所在领域的见解,比如历史学者当年明月在新浪博客更新《明朝那些事儿》的章节,几十万用户关注他,然后他就成为了 KOL / 大V,拥有自己的粉丝圈子。

By 2000, bloggers had developed for several years, using both authors and readers, including literature, food, tourism, etc., with professionals insisting on exporting ideas in their own field, such as history scholars updating the chapters of the Ming Dynasty in the New Wave blog next month, hundreds of thousands of users paying attention to him, and then he became KOL/Big V, with his own fan circle.

这时候,博客有关注、私信、留言等功能,这不仅意味着社区开始从以内容为重心,转化为以关系为重心(或内容与关系并重),这时候出现的社区被称为 SNS 网络社区;也意味着 Web 1.0 变为 Web 2.0,内容生产方式也从 PGC (专业生产内容,注重自上而下) 转为了 UGC (用户生产内容,注重自下而上) 。

At this point, blogs have such features as attention, personal letters, messages, etc., which means not only that communities begin to shift from content-focused to relationship-focused (or content-to-relationship) communities that appear to be known as SNS web communities; they also mean that Web 1.0 becomes Web 2.0, and content production moves from PGC (professional content production, top-down) to UGC (user content production, bottom-up).

#注释:SNS:英文全称是 Social Network Services,中文译为社会性网络服务, 定位于虚拟身份的网络社区,为用户提供各种互相联系、交流的方式,比如电子邮件、IM 即时消息服务,帮助人们找到有相同兴趣与活动的人。

#Note: SNS: The full name in English is Social Network Services, translated into Chinese as a social network service, located in a virtual identity network community that provides users with a variety of ways to communicate, such as e-mail, IM live message service, and helps people find people with the same interests and activities.

以 2005 年为标志,随着 Facebook、MySpace 主导的网络社区风靡世界,中国也出现了豆瓣、虎扑、股吧等 SNS 网络社区。

In 2005, as Facebook and MySpace dominated the world, China also saw the emergence of the SNS web community of bean petals, tiger caps, stock bar, etc.

值得一提的是,豆瓣定位书影音,可能是中国最早上线个性化算法推荐的产品,在 2005 年创立之初推出了「和你口味最像的人」和「豆瓣猜你喜欢」,根据你的收藏向你推荐可能感兴趣的内容。后来的豆瓣电台也是推荐算法在内容消费领域尝试的先驱。

It is worth mentioning that the bean petals are probably the first products recommended in China’s linear personalization algorithms, with the introduction of “the person you like most” and “the bean petals think you like” at the beginning of 2005 to recommend to you, based on your collection, what might be of interest. The subsequent Bean petals are also the pioneers in recommending algorithms in the area of content consumption.

2007 年, 第一代 iPhone 发售,开辟了新的智能手机市场。而一年后,苹果 App Store 跟谷歌 Android Market 先后上线,标志着新的移动互联网到来。这不是意味着把原来 PC 上的互联网功能搬到手机上,而是出现一个更高频的应用场景,网民拿着手机随时随地上网,彻底改写网民的软件使用习惯,比如在 PC 时代,人们只有坐下来,打开电脑,通过浏览器百度找乐子,但在移动互联网时代,信息已经被分割到各个 APP,它们彼此独立,这就需要我们需要什么就打开对应的 APP,比如想购物就打开淘宝。

In 2007, the first generation of iPhones opened up a new market for smartphones. And a year later, Apple App Store went online with Google Android Market, marking a new mobile Internet. This does not mean moving PC-based Internet functionality to a mobile phone, but rather a higher-frequency application, with Internet users using mobile phones to access the Internet at any time and completely rewrite their software usage, such as in the PC era, when people have to sit down and open computers, find music 100 times through browsers, but in the mobile Internet age information has been divided into APPs, which are independent, and which requires what we need to open up the APPs, for example, to buy and collect.

这时候,Twitter 借助移动互联网在美国一炮而红,用户可以通过电脑、手机在 Twitter 上发布 140 个字以内的动态。随后新浪在 2009 年推出了新浪微博,之后网易、腾讯、搜狐也陆续启动微博业务。

At a time when Twitter is red with mobile Internet fire in the United States, users can post the dynamics in 140 words via computers, mobile phones, and Twitter. The new wave launched a new wave in 2009, after which web access, arraignment, and search for foxes also started microblogging operations.

不同与原先社区固定内容目录或主题(比如分为租房、求职),微博侧重追社会热点跟用户关系信息分享,比如xx明星出轨,xx明星分享了旅游点,xx曝光等,不仅成为了明星 KOL 吸粉的圣地,进而也成为了政府或公司等机构的宣传阵地,极大地挤压了传统纸媒的生存空间,以至于李开复博士在著作《微博改变一切》对微博未来进行乐观的预测:在一个 party 上见到的人,可以通过移动服务,查到你是否认识他们,上次在何时见面,是否有共同兴趣和朋友等。

Unlike the original community-based fixed content catalogues or themes (e.g. classified into rental housing, job search), microblogging focuses on social hot spots and user relationship information sharing, such as xx stars derailing, xx stars sharing tourist sites, xx exposures, etc., which not only serve as a sacred place for the stars KOL to suck powder, but also serve as a propaganda position for agencies such as the Government or companies, thus squeezing the survival space of traditional paper media to the extent that Dr. Li should have made optimistic predictions about the future of microblogging in his book Weibo Change. People who meet in a party can find out, through mobile services, whether you know them, when you last met, whether they have a common interest and friends.

早在 1998 年,电商巨头亚马逊基于你的浏览、购买等行为,从数十亿的商品中选择出一小部分你可能感兴趣的商品给你。从用户的角度来看,就好比你走进一个商店,然后货柜开始自动重新排序,你喜欢的被移到你的面前,你不喜欢的就被移到很远的地方。

Back in 1998, the electric giant Amazon, based on your browsing, buying, etc., selected a few of the billions of goods that you might be interested in. From the user's point of view, it was as if you walked into a store, then the container started to automatically reorder, and the things you liked were moved to your face, and the things you didn't like were moved far away.

而在内容领域,豆瓣、知乎、推特、微博等社区在 PC 互联网时代已经做个性化推荐,但人们需要端着电脑才可以发布内容,而且生产者多半是网站小编或专业人士,所产生的内容数量相对较少,导致个性化推荐在内容领域的进展非常缓慢。

In the area of content, communities such as bean petals, know-how, Twitter and microblogging have made personal recommendations in the PC Internet age, but people need computers to post content, and producers are mostly small web editors or professionals and produce relatively small amounts of content, leading to very slow progress in the area of personalization recommendations.

到了 2010 年,谷歌宣布退出中国,百度在搜索领域再没有对手,而阿里依靠淘宝也成为了电商一哥,腾讯则宣布 QQ 同时在线超 1 亿人。自此,百度、阿里和腾讯分别掌握了互联网最重要的三个应用入口,成为新的三巨头,被称为 BAT。此外,传统的三大门户则陷入了模式困境,纷纷转战其他领域,比如网易专注于网游,搜狐布局输入法和视频。

By 2010, Google announced its withdrawal from China, 100 degrees no more rivals in the search field, and Ali's dependence on treasures became the first brother of the electrician, while QQ was declared online by over 100 million people. Since then, 100 degrees, Ali and Quetz have taken control of the three most important applications of the Internet, becoming the new triads, known as BAT. In addition, the three traditional portals have been mired in pattern dilemmas and other areas of warfare, such as web-based tourism, and search for fox bureau input methods and videos.


The year of the replacement of the old and new giants has also been recognized as the anniversary of the mobile Internet in China.

但这些在 PC 互联网成长起来的巨头,对移动端还处于摸着石头过河的状态,出于谨慎的态度,采取的策略是将 PC 产品搬到移动端,最大的工作量就是适配手机屏幕,使得 PC 浏览器内容可以在手机端正常显示。比如新闻领域,网易、搜狐、腾讯等新闻,布局基本沿用 PC 界面,都是屏幕顶部放新闻目录(比如情感、科技),剩余的屏幕就做新闻摘要列表。而新闻的生产方式还是直接雇佣编辑或邀请第三方媒体机构,但存在一个弊端,那就是网民刷着刷着就没有新的新闻了。

But these giants, who grew up on the PC Internet, are still in a state of stone-crossing at the mobile end. The strategy is to move the PC products to the mobile end. The biggest effort is to match the mobile screens so that the PC browser content can be displayed properly on the cellular end. In the news area, for example, news is easy, fox-searching, tethers, etc., the PC interface is basically the same, with news catalogues (e.g. emotion, technology) on top of the screen, and the rest of the screen is a news summary list. The way news is produced is either directly hiring editors or inviting third-party media outlets, but there is a disadvantage that the Internet is brushed with no new news.

但张一鸣做今日头条时,前端与腾讯、网易新闻基本一样,但做了两方面的创新,一方面在前端提供了完整的发布路径,允许个人用户随时随地发新闻,使得新闻的数量剧增;另一方面就是使用算法推荐分发内容,取代了以人工推荐为主的推荐方式,只要你浏览的新闻越多,APP 推荐的内容就越符合你的口味。

But when Zhang played the headline of the day, the front-end was basically the same as the evangelical, web-friendly news, but two innovations were made, on the one hand, by providing a complete distribution path at the front, allowing individual users to deliver news at any time and anywhere, which led to a dramatic increase in the number of news items, and, on the other hand, by using algorithms to recommend content for distribution, replacing the manual recommended way, as long as the more news you view, the more the APP recommends is in your taste.

此后,社区的内容形式也从图文转向了短视频,诞生了抖音、快手等新的巨头,它们无一例外都是用算法推荐的方式。而这一种方式,成为了内容 APP 主流的内容分发方式。

Since then, the community content has also shifted from graphics to short videos, giving birth to new giants such as tremors, fast hands, all of which are recommended by algorithms. This has become the way content is distributed in mainstream APP content.

最后小结一下,Web 1.0 是信息网络,社区的形式是 BBS 论坛,用户一般基于某个话题相互交流;Web 2.0 是社交网络,社区的形式是 SNS 网络社区,用户注重虚拟人设,通过兴趣点找到同类人;Web 3.0 是智能网络,社区的形式是短视频平台,根据用户的喜好推荐内容。

Finally, Web 1.0 is an information network in the form of a BBS forum in which users usually interact with each other on a particular topic; Web 2.0 is a social network in the form of a SNS network community, where users focus on virtual people and find similar people through the point of interest; Web 3.0 is a smart network in the form of a short video platform, with content recommended according to user preferences.


This half-month exploration of the history of the community, my biggest feeling is that the product will die and the need to live forever. The essence of the community is to find people of the same kind, who, as long as they exist, will connect to the people they recognize, and there will always be content. So, as long as the community can meet the need to find people of the same kind, it will always exist, and only technological innovation will generate content innovation, from text to graphics to short videos.



Author: Cat Xiaobean, Wei Weibo Public: Cat Xiaobean Bean, Community Operation, Physical Activity Hiting

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This post is published by @catsXiaobean and is originally published by everyone as a product manager, without permission, and is prohibited from reproducing it.

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