
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:112 评论:0



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Bitcoin fell by almost 10 per cent, Etherby by 9 per cent, SOL by 11 per cent, dogcoins by 9.4 per cent...In the last week, not only did Bitcoin experience a series of collapses, but the virtual currency market as a whole suffered a severe setback.


Prices have fallen, assets have shrunk, money circles speculators have said “The City of Bears has come”, but this has not affected the exchange's soliciting business. According to the Beijing newspaper journalists, there are still exchanges that offer customers a list invitation for transactions that appear to be “profit-making” transactions, without knowing the price volatility behind them, which remains risky...


There's more to it than anything else.


On 26 June Beijing time, a reporter from the Beijing Business Press noted that between 20 June and 25 June, Bitcoin had fallen from a high price of $66,000 to $65,000 and $64,000, and again on 24 June, from $64,000 to $60,000. However, at 1810 hours on 26 June, Bitcoin prices had rebounded, with a price of $61328 and a decline of 0.27 per cent in 24 hours, a decline of 5.39 per cent in a week and a fall of 9.55 per cent in recent January.


“It's hard to see the accounts shrink every time they fall, but continue to do so.” “It's too hard for a dollar-based investor to tell a Beijing businessman that every time they blow up, they think they're going to bounce, but every time they're going to blow, they're catching up with a firework.”


The virtual currency market has not been spared by the fall of Bitcoin. Among them, the decline was 10.27 per cent in one month in Ethio; the decline in SOL was 2.36 per cent in a week, more than 18.59 per cent in one month; and the fall in dog money was 22.66 per cent in a month.


As the Co-Chair of the China Communications Industry Association’s District Chain Commission and the Honorary President of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association stated in an interview with a journalist from the Beijing Business Journal, on the one hand, uncertainty in the global macroeconomic environment and volatility in financial markets have had a direct impact on virtual money markets. In particular, British Weida’s stock prices have fallen from historical peaks, deterring a further upturn in NASDAQ’s science and technology unit, while reducing the enthusiasm in some US markets and further undermining investors’ confidence in high-risk assets.


Bitcoin’s successive collapse of several key support positions in the short term has caused a large stop to sales, which has exacerbated price declines. At the same time, a large number of sales by large currency holders have hit the market, triggering a chain reaction, triggering more small and medium-sized investors to sell.


“It is particularly important that Mt. Gox’s repayment plan put enormous pressure on the market. The trustee of Mt. Gox announced that early in July he would begin to repay 142,000 BTCs (approximately $8.72 billion) and 143,000 BCHs (approximately $50.765 million), totalling about $8.77 billion. As a result of this news, expectations of sales were high and the market responded rapidly and began to fall sharply.” In Janing’s opinion, especially in the current context of poor market liquidity, the huge sales expectations had further hit already troubled markets, leading many investors to opt out quickly.


Watch out for billboard risks.


Bitcoin prices remained at a higher level than they were at the end of last year, despite a sharp fall in prices. As a result, a number of pro-authors have poured in, even pushing for new entry under the marketing drive of some platforms.


According to a reporter from the Beijing Business Journal, in recent days, the Exchange has frequently issued a documentary invitation to users to participate in a simulating documentary trade competition, or to experience slides and billings through a “exploration” module, which would result in a split of 30,000 USDTs.


As at 28 June, it was presented that, on the one hand, users could participate in the simulation sheet, with 20,000 USDTs, by creating at least one analogue documentary project, which would be rewarded with a ranking of 10,000 USDTs through a “exploration” tab, by creating at least one documentary transaction through the “exploration” module, and by sliding the portfolio in the “exploration” module, with incentives divided according to the average number of slides per day.


Look how easy it is to be involved in a documentary deal, with the same risks behind it.


“There is a relatively high risk that the exchange will issue a note invitation to users.” In Janin, it is essentially to allow investors to replicate the operations of other traders, which may result in investors losing their ability to judge independently and blindly follow market fluctuations. Many “star” traders on the documentary platform may perform excellently in the short term, but their tactics do not necessarily suit all investors, especially when markets are volatile.


In addition, exchanges attract users through such activities, which may lead to excessive transactions. Frequent transactions not only increase transaction costs, but also place investors at greater risk in highly volatile markets.


It is worth noting that such activities of the exchange may also hide potential conflicts of interest. For example, some small platforms may acquire additional transaction fees by increasing the volume of transactions, or may even be suspicious of managing markets.


"Something about a documentary operation is a scam, you're a briber, you're a briber. Even if it isn't a trick, it's a documentary operation that doesn't make sense in itself." The leading economists and Lin say the same thing.


In response to the risks associated with documentary transactions, a Beijing news reporter interviewed the relevant head of the currency exchange, but did not receive a response as of the date of the release.


High-pressure regulation continues.


In fact, in addition to the risks of documentary transactions, it was felt that investors also needed to be vigilant about other issues of the virtual currency market.


For example, there is a risk of market manipulation, virtual money markets are less regulated than traditional financial markets, vulnerable to large-scale control (“whals”) and highly volatile prices. There are also security risks, many exchanges have inadequate security measures, hacker attacks, loss of funds, etc., and investors’ financial security is difficult to secure.


As the market system matures, however, the share of institutional investors has grown in recent years and has become an important player in the market. Compliance is an important step toward mainstreaming the encryption market. National regulators are gradually putting in place policies to regulate the transactions and management of encrypted assets.


However, any virtual currency-related operations are still illegal in our country. Following numerous circulars issued by departments such as the People's Bank to further prevent and deal with the risks associated with virtual currency transactions, the Beijing Chamber of Commerce journalists noted that, just recently, there were local regulatory risks, that the public at large needed to be vigilant, raise awareness and identify risks, feel free from illegal financial activities such as “virtual currency” transactions, illegal fund-raising, etc., and to guard against the loss of personal property and, if involved, withdraw as soon as possible.


“Future regulatory measures will be stricter and more comprehensive, with more countries likely to put in place clear laws and regulations regulating activities such as the definition and transaction of virtual currency, asset issuance, deFi, stable currency, and other emerging virtual assets, and will also include stronger regulation of exchanges and a greater blow to market manipulation. The volatility and ease of manipulation in virtual currency markets makes market manipulation more frequent, and future regulation will focus more on combating such behaviour and protecting investors’ rights.” Looking ahead to follow-up regulation, it will be in Gianning's analysis.


On the other hand, it was further stated that, abroad, with the emergence of ETFs, virtual currency transactions would gradually be integrated into the financial regulatory system, but it could be foreseen that the regulatory posture of virtual currency overhang would continue to be maintained at the domestic level.


In summary, virtual asset-related transactions are highly risky, and intra-industry advice suggests that raising risk awareness is critical for investors to fully understand the high volatility and uncertainty of markets, avoiding blindness and overleveraging.

北京商报记者 刘四红

Reporter, Beijing Business Journal, Liu Xiaohong




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