比特币这个骗局,为什么还有那么多人信? 2021年,如果你还不知道比特币,那你就真的OUT了。自2021年初开始,比特币一路上行,接连向上突破,4月中旬最高时突...
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:155 评论:02021年,如果你还不知道比特币,那你就真的OUT了。
2021, if you don't know bitcoin, then you're really ut.
Since the beginning of 2021, Bitcoin has been on its way up, breaking 60,000 dollars in mid-April at the height of . The virtual digital currency invented in 2009 by Ben-sung of Mysteries has become an investment fragrance. It attracts Silicon Valley, Iron Man Musk, Queen Catherine Wood of the City of Bull, and even investment experts such as 一时之间,币圈一片热火烹油、鲜花着锦。 In the middle of the day, there was a hot ring of cooking oil and flowers. 不过就在比特币价格不断突破新高之后,2021年5月18日,中国互联网金融协会等三大协会发布公告指出,开展法定货币与虚拟货币兑换及虚拟货币之间的兑换业务,违反有关法律法规并涉嫌犯罪。 However, on 18 May 2021, after the price of Bitcoin was rising, three major associations, and the Chinese Internet Finance Association issued a communiqué stating that violated the relevant laws and regulations and was suspected of committing a crime by carrying out exchange operations between legal and virtual currency exchange and virtual currency exchange. 5月21日,国务院金融委重磅发声,再次阐明了金融监管部门对比特币的严监管态:“打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向社会领域传递”。 On 21 May, the Financial Committee of the Council of State, , again articulated the strict regulatory approach of the financial regulatory authority, Bitcoin: “Combating the mining and trading of bitcoin and firmly preventing the transfer of individual risks to the social sphere”. 比特币如此争议,到底是骗局还是数字黄金?比特币是最肮脏的货币还是未来的希望呢? Bitcoinis socontroversial, is it a scam or a digital gold? Is Bitcoin the dirtyest currency or hope for the future? 比特币不是货币 Bitcoin is not a currency 01 货币是人们普遍承认的一般等价物。黄金、白银作为货币是因为其本身具有价值;纸币作为货币是因为背后有各个国家的信用背书。 & nbsp; Currency is a generally recognized generic equivalent. Gold, silver, is a currency because of its own value; banknotes are a currency because of the credit endorsements of various countries behind it. 从其产生机制而言,比特币本身没有价值,同时也没有国家为其信用背书。 Bitcoin itself has no value in terms of its generation mechanism, and there is no State endorsement of its credit. 还记得世界上最贵的那两个披萨么?比特币的第一笔交易是一个小伙用1万比特币买的两个披萨,而且交易双方在这笔交易中心的严肃程度很可疑。 Remember the two most expensive pizzas in the world? Bitcoin's first deal was two pizzas bought by a small guy for 10,000 bitcoins, and the seriousness of the parties at the centre of the deal was questionable. 作为一种货币,其职能包括价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段和世界货币。比特币本身价值波动性较大,无法作为价值尺度;其流通门槛较高,流通和贮藏手段存疑;目前比特币被应用最多的是它的支付手段和世界货币。不过比特币价值波动过于巨大,如果用作支付或世界性流通,难度也是不小。 As a currency, its functions include a value scale, means of circulation, means of storage, means of payment and world currency. Bitcoin itself is highly volatile and cannot be used as a value scale; its circulation threshold is high and its means of circulation and storage are questionable; currently Bitcoin is most used in its means of payment and world currency. 比特币没有价值 Bitcoin has no value 02 比特币本身不具备价值,而且在交易和“挖矿”过程中浪费了巨大的资源。 Bitcoin is of no value in itself and a huge waste of resources in the course of trade and “mining”. 比特币是一种数字产品,其本身不具备价值。比特币的算法是求解哈希函数,就是你给一串代码,它会生成另一串随机代码。互联网中的所有计算机都可以去寻找此代码,谁找到此代码,就会产生一个区块,随即得到一个比特币,这个过程就是人们常说的“挖矿”。
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