
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:20 评论:0



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Tsai Wensing: The goal of 10,000 bitcoins has been achieved

据bitcoin news,在昨晚《王峰十问》的微信访谈中,当被问及区块链及加密货币的投资话题,蔡文胜坦言:“今年一月份我还只有个位数的比特币。当我确定区块链和比特币是未来,我给自己定的目标是拥有一万个比特币,现在目标已经实现。”尽管受去年12月份比特币市场大幅上涨,蔡文胜表示他当时没有购买任何比特币。之后当价格在1月份恢复正常时,开始了以低成本购买比特币。

According to bitcoin news, when asked about the block chain and the subject of investment in encrypted currency in a micro-letter interview last night in Wang Feng X Quei, Chai Wen spoke frankly: “I have only one bitcoin in January of this year. When I determined that the block chain and bitcoin were the future, I set myself a goal of 10,000 bitcoins, and now the goal has been met.” Despite the dramatic rise in the Bitcoin market last December, Chee Win did not buy any bitcoins.

ETH今日价格突破750美元 为3月8日以来最高水平

ETH's price is $750 today, the highest level since 8 March


According to CoinDesk, the price of ETH was over $750 today, reaching its highest level since 8 March, climbing by more than 9 per cent in 24 hours.


The co-founder of Openbazaar criticized Bitcoin for the high cost of .

据Bitcoin news消息,Openbazaar联合创始人Washington Sanchez认为过高的比特币费用已经影响了其使用。尽管如此,BTC仍然是Openbazaar上最受欢迎的加密货币,约有1万多家上市公司将比特币作为支付手段。数据显示,5月2日比特币平均手续费为1.673美元,中间交易费用为0.326美元。而ETH平均手续费为0.411美元,中间交易费用为0.141美元。

According to Bitcoin news sources, Washington Sanchez, the co-founder of Openbazaar, considers that the excessive bitcoin costs have affected their use. Nevertheless, BTC remains the most popular encrypted currency on Openbazaar, with about 10,000 listed companies using bitcoins as a means of payment.


so far in 2018, bitcoin fluctuated 43 times per day over $1,000 as high as


According to price data from the CoinDesk bitcoin price index, the daily fluctuation rate of Bitcoin so far this year (or the intra-day trading zone) has been higher than US$ 1,000 to 43 times. That figure reached its highest level in January, with more than US$ 1,000 on 21 occasions.

RCN利用新引擎为区块链 智能合约公司提供贷款服务

RCN uses a new engine to provide loan services for block chains and smart contracts

据VentureBeat消息,RCN(Ripio Credit Network)于5月3日发布其新版本引擎。新引擎改变了网络贷款的利息,同时消除交易的维护费用。Ripio总经理David Garcia表示RCN很快将会发布新的路线图,并将使用ERC721令牌做抵押品作为贷款用例。另外,Onramp和Offramp服务也即将启动。Ripio很快将扩大到墨西哥和哥伦比亚。RCN全球均价0.1603美元,涨幅5.85%。

According to VentureBeat, RCN (Ripio Credit Network) released its new version of the engine on 3 May. The new engine changed the interest on network loans while eliminating the maintenance costs of the transaction. RCN, General Manager of Ripio, David Garcia, said that a new road map would soon be published and an example of a loan using ERC721 as collateral. In addition, Onramp and Offramp services were about to be launched.


ADA update project progress as scheduled


The official ADA has just released news that the first version of the paper wallet will be released in a short time; two new items have been added: the Dadalus wallet and the multi-currency ledger; and the smart contract testing network will begin on May 28. The ADA now has a global average price of US$ 0.38, an increase of 1.3 per cent.


concept of opening blocks


Today, the US shares are opening, and the block chain concept is falling. One of them is the same as before the opening of the loan today, with XNET falling 0.3 per cent, CCM moving 0.55 per cent, CNET starting 1.51 per cent, each company falling 0.34 per cent, temples falling 0.58 per cent, and Rantan opening today at the same level as before.


Centrica plans to conduct block chain trials to radically change the distribution pattern of electricity


On April 30, 2018, the British energy giant Centrica announced plans to use block chain technology as part of a local energy market experiment. The platform, called Exergy, will allow small consumers and businesses to exchange electricity as needed.


The Dutch banking giant ING is quietly involved in the block chain industry .


The Dutch banking giant, ING, is becoming a fan of block chains. The bank has been working with shipping industry participants on block chain applications, App, and can be expected to save billions of dollars a year, and the bank has been providing decentralized solutions to many aspects of its business.


Barcelona introduces the local digital currency


According to SputnikNews, Barcelona has launched its own digital currency REC, which initially was available to residents for purchase in 10 blocks, and could spread to more areas, with urban residents using mobile phones to pay the REC directly to retailers. The aim is to promote local trade for urban residents. The REC is now equal to the euro exchange rate. During the initial phase of introduction, the store owner is the only money owner to allow the REC to be converted to the euro. The pilot project has just been launched in Barcelona and will continue until October 2019, with the possibility that it will continue if successful.


美股深跌后反转 道指终结四连跌

Stand down deep and backwards


The US stock market’s round-up and fall on Thursday ended a four-way fall, turning from the early fall. Investors are weighing the US share of corporate wealth, while the Fed’s policy statements contain uncertainties and trade- and geopolitical-related concerns, putting pressure on the US.


The Dow Jones industry average index closing rose by 5.03 points, and the morning round hit close to 400 points, with a 0.02 per cent increase; the nails fell by 0.18 per cent; and the index index 500 fell by 0.23 per cent.

中概股收盘:爱奇艺大跌5.26% 金融界涨超9%

closing: Aki culture dropped by 5.26% and the financial world rose by more than 9%


In the United States, the stock market has seen a mixed round-up on Thursday, with seven well-known shares, such as Ali Baba, also rising and falling, with the Internet falling by more than 2%, the new wave falling by more than 1%, and the 100% rising by more than 1%. In the rest, the financial world has risen by more than 9%, the Lok Xin has fallen by over 7%, and the Aki culture by 5.26%.

欧股收跌0.7% 创一周多收盘新低


The fall in the European stock market on Thursday, near the mid-point, and the acceleration of market sales in the mid-afternoon trading period, was due to the sharp fall in the opening of the United States stock market, which continued the downward trend that began with the Fed’s announcement of monetary policy on Wednesday. At the same time, investors are absorbing a new wave of corporate wealth and weighing the decline in inflation in the eurozone.


The Pan-Oustok 600 index fell by 0.7 per cent and was reported at 384.62; according to data from FactSet, the financial information provider, this means that the index has been the lowest collection point since 26 April. Previously, the European Benchmarking Unit had risen by 0.6 per cent in transactions on Wednesday, reaching the highest collection point since 2 February.

在欧洲各国股市中,德国DAX 30指数下跌0.9%,报收于12690.15点,此前该指数在周三收盘大涨1.5%;法国CAC 40指数下跌0.5%,报收于5501.66点;英国富时100指数下跌0.5%,报收于7502.69点。

In the European stock markets, the German DAX 30 index fell by 0.9 per cent and was reported at 12690.15 points, after a sharp increase of 1.5 per cent on Wednesday; the French CAC 40 index fell by 0.5 per cent to 551.66 points; and the British 100-time rich index fell by 0.5 per cent to 752.69 points.

金价收涨0.5% 终结三连跌走势


Gold futures prices rose on Thursdays, rising for the first time since the four deals, continuing the rise that followed the announcement of the Fed’s monetary policy statement overnight, and recovering from the two-month low that had been touched upon earlier. The series of economic data released on Thursday did not change the market’s view that the US economy was improving and that the Fed would take a “slow-down” stance on tightening monetary policy, thereby increasing the price of gold earlier.


The price of gold futures handed over by the New York Commodity Exchange in June rose by $7.10 to $1312.70 per ounce, a 0.5 per cent increase. Prior to that, the June contract had increased in the e-discussions that followed yesterday’s regular trade closing, following the Fed’s announcement of monetary policy on Wednesday.

美油收涨0.7% 市场担心全球原油库存将日趋紧张

The market is worried that the world's crude oil stock will become more strained.


Oil futures prices rose on Thursdays, rising for the second consecutive trading day, because traders feared that the US might withdraw from Iran’s nuclear deal, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had previously threatened to “dismiss” Venezuela, prompting investors to speculate that the global supply of crude oil could become strained. The crude oil price for that day fell because recently released data showed a significant increase in domestic crude oil stocks and a record new rise in United States crude oil production.


At the same time, gas futures prices have been at their lowest collection rates in two weeks, owing to reports from the United States Government indicating an increase in natural gas stocks last week, which represents the first weekly increase in natural gas stocks since this year.


The price of West Texas light crude oil (WTI) futures, delivered by the New York Business Exchange in June, rose by 50 cents to $68.43 per barrel, or 0.7 per cent, while the price of North Haibrent crude oil futures, delivered by the ICE European Futures Exchange in London in July, also rose by 26 cents to $73.62 per barrel, or 0.4 per cent.

加密货币价格普涨 比特币冲击10000美元关口


The price of encrypted digital money generally rose on Thursdays, with the price of bitcoin rising by more than 5% and moving in the direction of $10,000. Among the other major encoded currencies, the price of too much rose by more than 12%, and the price of Letco also rose by almost 7%.



North Korea has agreed in principle with the United States to achieve full denuclearization by 2020


The Dutch Prime Minister, Rutt, took the lead in saying that “the European Union should be reduced in size and its budget should be reduced.” Austrian Prime Minister Kultz said that the new European Union budget proposal was far from an acceptable resolution, and that the European Union should be “tighter, more cost-effective and more efficient” after Britain's departure from Europe.

投资黄金的“中国大妈”少了 全球一季度黄金需求创十年新低


今年第一季度,全球的黄金市场需求量创下2008年以来同期新低。 世界黄金协会5月3日发布的《黄金需求趋势报告》(下称《报告》)显示,今年前3个月,全球黄金市场需求量为973吨,同比下降了7%。

In the first quarter of this year, global demand for gold fell to a low level for the same period since 2008. The World Gold Association released its Gold Demand Trends Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report) on 3 May, which showed that the global demand for gold for the first three months of the year was 973 tons, a 7 per cent decline over the same period.


According to Wang Li, Director-General of the World Gold Association’s China Regional Board, the decline in demand for gold investment as a result of weak gold prices is the main reason for the low demand for gold this quarter. In the first three months of this year, the total global demand for gold investment was 287 tons, a decline of 27% compared to last year, while gold prices remained at around $1,300 per ounce.


Europe’s economic outlook is bright. The EU warns the United States of two major threats.


On Thursday, 3 May, local time, the European Commission released a spring economic forecast for 2018, stating that economic growth in the European Union and the euro area had exceeded expectations by 2017, reaching a 10-year high of 2.4 per cent, and that growth would remain strong in 2018, but that growth would slow slightly in 2019, at a projected rate of 2.3 per cent and 2.0 per cent, respectively.


The EU leadership expected strong economic growth in the region, but warned against the risk of protectionism and overheating in the United States.



According to Bloomberg, a pipeline operator, Transneft, the amount of Russian crude oil channelled through the pipeline to China jumped by 43% this past quarter, to an average of 750,000 barrels per day. In the first five months of this year, Russia’s crude-oil exports to Europe through its main ports in the Baltic and Black Sea decreased by 19%.

减少使用美元 中国与尼日利亚签署24亿美元货币互换协议

Reduction in the use of US$ 2.4 billion in currency swap agreements between China and Nigeria


In order to reduce the use of the United States dollar in bilateral trade, Nigeria, with its second-largest trading partner, China, entered into a currency swap agreement of 15 billion yuan (RMB) and 72 billion naira (NL) for three years, following a sharp drop in oil prices in 2014.

美国3月贸易逆差创6个月新低 出口规模创新高

The United States trade deficit was six months low in March.


In March, the US trade deficit shrunk to $49 billion, reaching a new low in September last year, ending a six-month boom. In March, US merchandise and services exports grew by 2% to $20.85 billion, a record high.

美国4月ISM非制造业指数四个月来最低 就业指数创一年新低

The ISM non-manufacturing index was the lowest in four months in the United States in April.


In April, the ISM non-manufacturing index stood at 56.8, with 99 months in a row above the 50-story line, but three months in a row, below expectations. In April, the employment index reached a new low since April 2017, and in April, the employment index in the ISM manufacturing index also fell.



In the United States, the end-of-March durability order ring was 2.6%, at a flat start, and the end-of-March factory order ring was 1.6% better than expected. But, after deducting the aircraft’s end-of-life non-defence core capital order ring-0.4%, the fall was the largest since May 2016.

阿根廷央行加息后 国内汇债双杀

When the Central Bank of Argentina raised interest rates, domestic remittances were killed.


The Central Bank of Argentina raised the seven-day repurchase rate by 300 basis points, up to 33.25%, and raised it for the second time in less than a week. Since then, the Argentine peso has fallen by 7.8% against the United States dollar, the largest decline since the free exchange rate float in December 2015.




According to a communiqué issued by the European Commission, the EU budget from 2021 to 2027 totals Euro12.79 trillion, or Euro20 billion more than in the previous seven years. The budget proposal is reported to need the approval of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to enter into force.


The results of public opinion polls published by the media show that the number of opponents of changing Japan’s peaceful constitution has increased compared to the same period last year, with a greater proportion of supporters of the amendment and a wider gap between the two.


The United States White House press secretary, Sanders 2, confirmed that President Trump's lawyer, Te Cobb, was due to retire at the end of May and that the former President Clinton's lawyer, Emmet Freud, who had assisted former President Clinton in the impeachment process, would represent his Government in making public the “Tunsemen” investigation, which was to be conducted by Special Prosecutor Miller of the Department of Justice.


On the same day, Korean government sources said that, in response to the upcoming Korean-Korean military talks, the Korean side had chosen the Secretary of Defence Reform of the Qingwatai to be the chief representative of the Korean side.


According to the India Press Trust 3, two nights in the north of the country, in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere, were hit by strong winds and heavy rains, resulting in at least 97 deaths.


On 3 May, as the goal of improving air quality had not been achieved, the Ministry of Ecology interviewed the principal heads of the three municipalities of Shanxi Jin City, Hebeijiang and Shanxi Springs, and simultaneously suspended the approval of three municipal construction projects for the release of additional atmospheric pollutants in addition to livelihood and energy-saving emission reduction projects.


Since the end of April, tented hotels at the Everest Tourist Camp have become operational. Journalists have seen in the camp that this year most of the tented hotels in the camp have been covered by wireless networks, allowing tourists to enjoy easy network experience 5,000 metres above sea level.


Deng Yong, Head of the Income Tax Department of the State Tax Administration, stated at a State Department policy briefing that the national tax system would rapidly implement tax abatement policies to ensure that the national tax deduction “big package” was delivered to every taxpayer in full and on time.


British researchers have found that steaming saunas once a day or more frequently may help to reduce the risk of stroke, which is 61 per cent lower than the risk of a stroke once a week.


A three-day press release issued by the Royal Melbourne Women's Hospital in Australia stated that its researchers were involved in the development of a new blood test technique that would determine the risk of pre-eclampsia for pregnant women.


At the age of 10, the Indonesian boy Aria Permana, who was known as “the fattest boy in the world” by weight of about 190 kg. In April last year, he underwent a congested operation, followed by a healthy diet and regular exercise, which has so far succeeded in reducing his weight by about 83 kg, not only by losing the title “the fattest in the world”, but also by returning to school and studying and sports with his young partners.


On 1 January, the Government of Nigeria announced a ban on the production and import of cough syrup containing opioids to prevent people from taking the drug indiscriminately or even becoming addicted to it.


For more information, please pay attention to the currency.


Original link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4xRmktC88XXAxSNDctqlUg




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