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  投资虚拟币,月收益12%~15%?近日,平阳水头的金女士反映,她和同事们将价值近百万元人民币的虚拟币存入一款名为Angel Token数字钱包APP。上月底该钱包突然停摆,用户存入的虚拟币至今无法转出。

Investment in virtual currency, with a monthly return of 12% to 15%? In recent days, Ms. Pingyang's wife recently reported that she and her colleagues had deposited a virtual currency worth nearly a million yuan in the digital wallet APP called Angel Token.


According to a reporter’s investigation, there were no fewer than 20 such victims, amounting to tens of millions of dollars. The victims identified Huang as the owner of the wallet and Huang as the victim.


Under the Myth of Bitcoin's Wealth Halo, citizens invest in high-yield digital wallets


In recent years, the virtual currency of the block chain, represented by Bitcoin and the Taiku, has entered public view.

  去年9月,金女士接触到Angel Token钱包。据她提供的该钱包宣传页面显示,Angel Token钱包隶属于国外一家高新企业,是目前最好用的一款数字钱包。

Last September, Ms. King contacted Angel Token’s wallet. According to her wallet promotional page, Angel Token’s wallet, which belongs to a very new company abroad, is the best digital wallet available.

  “他们的介绍网页上宣传,Angel Token钱包可以钱生钱,把虚拟币存到这个钱包里,利用他们的机器人搬砖套利系统就能赚钱,月收益12%~15%。”金女士说,在朋友的牵线下,她认识了该钱包的运营者黄某,“我还有几个同事也挺感兴趣,黄某先后三四次来水头向我们讲解钱包项目,我们还了解到他是温州大通磁业科技有限公司的股东、管理人员。”

“They posted on their introduction web site that Angel Token's wallets can generate money, store virtual coins in this wallet, use their robots to move brick arbitrage systems to make money, with a monthly gain of 12 to 15 per cent.” Ms. King said that, in the hands of her friends, she knew the operator of the wallet, Wong. “I also had a few colleagues who were interested in telling us about the wallet project three or four times in a row, and we also learned that he was a shareholder and manager of Chase Magnetic Technology Ltd. in Wenzhou.”

  经黄某多次介绍,加之对其本地人的身份及办企业等背景的信任,金女士和多位同事陆续购买了一批虚拟货币,存入Angel Token钱包。

After repeated presentations, along with confidence in the identity of their locals and the context in which they operate, Ms. Kim and a number of colleagues have been purchasing virtual money into Angel Token's wallet.

  “我之前对虚拟币了解不多,只听说前几年比特币之类的非常火,很多人都发财了,他(黄某)讲得也蛮诚恳,其他同事都投了,我就跟着试试看。”金女士的同事黄先生说,他先后花了数十万元购买了200多枚以太坊投入Angel Token钱包,以目前一枚以太坊市场价人民币800元左右计算,价值近20万元。

“I didn't know much about virtual coins before, but I heard that bitcoin was so hot in previous years, that a lot of people were rich, that he was honest, that other colleagues voted, and I tried.” Ms. Kim's colleague, Mr. Huang, said that he had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on more than 200 of them and spent them on Angel Token's wallets, at the current market price of around 800 yuan, worth nearly 200,000 yuan.


  宣传资料显示,Angel Token钱包于去年9月开始运作。12%~15%的月收益是如何实现的,又能持续多久?

Information shows that Angel Token's wallet became operational in September last year. How does 12-15% of the monthly returns materialize and how long will it last?


The wallet's promotional page states that the platform is able to automatically monitor the price of a currency on each trading platform, sell it on a high platform, and buy it simultaneously at a low platform at a time. For example, the price of a currency on platform A is $600, the price of platform B is $598, and the robot captures the difference in prices and buys it quickly on platform B. Platform A sells and earns the difference.

  上月11日,运行了3个月的Angel Token钱包在APP里发出一则系统安全升级公告。公告称,将对APP的资产兑换、转出功能进行升级,同时增加短信或邮箱验证码验证,升级完成后恢复兑换转出功能。

On 11 last month, Angel Token’s wallet, which had been in operation for three months, issued a system security upgrade announcement in the APP. The announcement states that the APP asset conversion and transfer functionality will be upgraded, with additional text message or mailbox authentication and the conversion functionality restored upon completion of the upgrade.


Five days later, on the sixth day of the upgrade, the platform issued another System Maintenance Bulletin: 168 hours of maintenance. During this period, Ms. Kim and others were unable to extract virtual currency.


"Upgrades and tests, virtual coins can't come out, and we're a little worried." Ms. King and her colleagues contacted Huang on a number of occasions during this period, "He says it's fast every time."


On 3 and 4 of this month, the wallet was issued successively, directly extending the Platform's re-entry to April without justification.

  根据用户提供的APP邀请码,记者多次尝试下载Angel Token钱包均未成功,在各大应用软件市场也搜不到该软件。

According to the APP invitation code provided by the user, many attempts by journalists to download Angel Token's wallet were unsuccessful and the software could not be found in the major application markets.



“I and my colleagues have several thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of virtual coins that have been set up, and the wallet recovery time has been delayed, and we know that there must have been a problem.” On 4 January, Ms. Kim went to Hong Kong to look for Huang, “He won't see me, he kept pulling off the phone and asked me to find Fujian Ningde's soup”.


Ms. King said that Mr. Tang, who was a Fujianinder, was known by everyone as the owner of the platform, and it was not clear to them what relationship they had between them and how they were divided, that “I went to Ninder to find him, but he never answered his phone and couldn't see anyone at all”.


On 7 January, more than 20 users travelled from all over the country to Hong Kong to search for Hong Kong. “We went to the Greater Transmagnetic Company in Hong Kong, and none of the company's shareholders knew about it.” Mr. Yang, a user from Guangdong Fushan, said that a group of them had been stationed in Long Kong for many days before Huang was forced to appear, “When Huang met us, he said that he was also a victim and that he had been deluded by Tang and called the police.”


During the intervention, the user insisted that the virtual currency of the user was not in his own hands and that the users had no choice but to report it to the south of the country police.


Mr. Yang said that, according to preliminary statistics, more than 20 users had been covered with virtual coins worth more than 10 million yuan, the largest being more than 1 million yuan, and that “we should be only a fraction of the victims”.


The operator identified by the user of


“I'm not the operator, I'm the victim, and I have hundreds of Ethers in it.” On January 17, the journalist contacted Wong, who denied the charges of other users, stating that the wallet operator was the “Tom Boss”, and “I went to Ningde twice to call the police, but the police never took it.”

  黄某解释,他之前投资其他虚拟币项目时认识了汤某,去年8月,汤某邀请他体验即将推出的Angel Token钱包。“汤某现在电话基本打不通,在宁德市区的工作室也转租了,其他用户找不到他,看到我好歹有个企业在这里,就天天来找我。”

Wong explained that he knew Yu when he invested in other virtual currency projects, and last August, Tong invited him to experience the forthcoming Angel Token wallet. "Tou is barely connected, the studio in Ninder City is subletted, the other users can't find him, see I have a business here and come to me every day."


Users provide journalists with a number of micro-mail chat records, pointing out that Huang is one of the project managers. One user can't log in because he forgot the password and asked for help. Yellow replied: "We've found it, we've initialized your password, 123456."


A group of conversations on 11 last month showed that Huang had sent out the text of a system upgrade notice asking the group “if you see anything wrong” and then said, “Well, I'll send a guest and let the system be announced.” By 25, the group had repeatedly asked about the system's maintenance progress, calling it “get it done at night and deal with it an hour ago”.


"These chat records are off-the-books, because I'm familiar with General Yu and sometimes help me ask questions and talk in the middle." Faced with the information presented by the users, the yellow people denied being involved in the operation of the project, saying that they were simply “helping”.


The journalist had called him several times a day to obtain evidence, but the other party had been shut down.


“Sometimes Huang has come to the surface to introduce us to the project, and has built a micro-strategy to explain to us in the group, who will help us so eagerly?” Ms. Kim answered.


On 21 January, Yannan police sources responded to the police report by saying that, following a preliminary investigation, Huang had claimed to be a victim and had gone to Ningde to report the case to the police, and that the jurisdiction in the case should be in Fujian.


expert: alerting some of the malicious platforms to invest in the principal of the user

  Angel Token钱包的运营模式究竟是怎样的,投资者的虚拟币是怎么被套住的,市民投资虚拟币应该注意什么?浙江省金融科技协会区块链专委会主任、比莱资本创始人兼CEO曾林钏对此进行了专业解析。

What is the business model for Angel Token’s wallet, how do investors’ virtual coins are set up, and what should citizen investment virtual coins look like? A professional analysis was made by Zhejiang province’s Association of Financial Science and Technology, the head of the block chain committee, Bélé Capital founder and CEO Lin Ying.

  虚拟币钱包可以分为去中心化钱包和中心化钱包两大类。“去中心化钱包其运营方无法掌控用户存入的虚拟币,中心化钱包则反之。”曾林钏说,Angel Token钱包宣称是去中心化钱包,但根据用户描述的情况而言,它实际上应该是一款中心化钱包。

Virtual wallets can be divided into decentralized wallets and centralized wallets. “Decentralized wallets and their operators cannot control the virtual coins deposited by their users, whereas centralized wallets are the opposite.” Angel Token wallets claim to be decentralized wallets, but, according to the user's description, they are actually a central wallet.

  曾林钏说,Angel Token钱包所宣传的机器人搬砖套利在技术上是可以实现的,但不排除有些恶意平台只是以此为幌子吸储,实际并没有投入运营,“如果是这种情况,平台每个月返还的‘利息’其实只是从你的本金里拿出一点再还给你,最终目的还是骗取客户的本金。”

In this case, the `interest' that the platform returns each month is actually just a little from your principal, and the ultimate purpose is to defraud the client's principal.”

  在曾林钏看来,如果有源源不断的新客户涌入,这种类似“庞氏骗局”的平台就能不断获得新的本金去支付利息,进而吸引更多本金入场,“这种模式本身不产生效益,一旦缺乏足够的后续资金进入,或者发生客户大规模取现、平台方卷款跑路等情况,平台就会崩溃。Angel Token钱包运行不过短短三个月,如果不存在客户大量取现挤兑,支付短短几个月的高利息不至于立即掏空资金池。”

In the view of Tsang Lin, such a platform, like the Ponzi scheme, would continue to receive new principals to pay interest if there were a steady influx of new clients, thereby attracting more principal, “this model would not be effective in itself, and the platform would collapse in the absence of sufficient follow-up funds, or in the event of large-scale cash withdrawals by clients, roll runs on the platform. Angel Token's wallet would run for only three months, and if there was no large cash runs by customers, the high interest payments for just a few months would not be immediately emptied.”


In recent years, the virtual currency has created a large number of myths and attracted a lot of citizens to the market. According to Lin Xing, block-chain technology is at the cutting edge of the information industry and is promising for the future, although citizens should do their homework before investing, rather than be blind.




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