Bitcoin's too hot! On February 25, #Korea's about 20 percent of Internet cafes closed to dig bitcoin' up on Twitter.

近期比特币过山车式的冲击背后,有许多人抓住机会大赚了一笔。 Many people took advantage of the opportunity behind the recent hit of the Bitcoin over the mountain. 据央视财经,随着虚拟货币行情持续看涨,疫情下营业受重创的不少韩国网吧近期转向“挖矿”,即利用网吧装有高性能显卡的电脑,依据特定算法程序,运算获得一定数量的虚拟货币。就以一家拥有200台电脑的韩国网吧为例,每天挖矿15个小时可获利至少100万韩元左右,约合人民币5800元,远高于很多网吧平时的营业收益。据业界透露,目前韩国约有两成的网吧已转营挖矿。 According to the financial books, as virtual money prices continue to rise, many Korean cybercafés, which have been hit hard by the epidemic, have recently turned to “mining”, using computers with high-performance graphics cards to operate a certain amount of virtual money based on specific algorithms. By way of example, a Korean cybercafé with 200 computers can profit at least 1 million won per day for 15 hours, roughly 5,800 yuan, far more than many Internetcafés would have done. 除了网吧类小型企业之外,作为电动汽车行业巨头的特斯拉也在此次比特币暴涨之间获利无数,相关数据显示,特斯拉将通过比特币盈利约10亿美元,已经超过了其2020全年汽车销售的利润。 In addition to micro-enterprises such as cybercafes, Tesla, the giant in the electric car industry, also reaped numerous profits between the current surge in bitcoin, with data showing that Tesla will earn about $1 billion through bitcoins, which has exceeded its profits in automobile sales throughout 2020. 比特币价格上演罕见“过山车”行情 Bitcoin prices play the rare "climbing" business 今年以来,比特币价格直线上升,2月份以来更是“高歌猛进”,突破5万美元大关,一度大涨至58335.10美元/枚。 Bitcoin prices have risen in a straight line since this year, and since February, they have been “song-throwing”, breaking the $50,000 mark, when they rose sharply to $58335.10. 本周,比特币上演了历史罕见的“过山车”行情。22日和23日,连续两天,比特币价格大幅回调,跌至5万美元以下,跌幅超过15%,超50万人爆仓。24日,比特币反弹,收报49705.33美元/枚,日内涨1.78%。25日,截至发稿,价格重新站上50000美元/枚关口,报50254.44美元,现涨1.17%。 This week, Bitcoin played an unprecedented “climbing” operation. For two days in a row, on 22 and 23, Bitcoin prices rebounded sharply to below $50,000, falling by more than 15 per cent, and more than 500,000 people exploded. On 24 days, Bitcoin rebounded, receiving $49,705.33 per item, an increase of 1.78 per cent per day. On 25 days, as of the release date, prices were re-positioned at $50,000/point, with an increase of US$ 50,254.44, or 1.17 per cent. 目前,比特币市值为9366亿美元,已达到黄金市值的10%,占全球上市公司市值第6位。 At present, the market value of Bitcoin is $93.66 billion, 10 per cent of the market value of gold and 6th place in the market value of globally listed companies. 近一年来,比特币市值暴涨432.27%,然而,世界的某些角落,却因这款虚拟货币而陷入供电危机。 In the past year, the market value of Bitcoin has skyrocketed by 432.27 per cent, yet in some parts of the world the virtual currency has plunged into a power crisis. 美国监管机构态度持续谨慎 据新华财经,就在比特币价格大幅波动的当下,美国财政部长耶伦随即发出警告,比特币作为高度不稳定性和非合法性交易手段,可能导致投资者可能会因比特币交易而蒙受潜在损失。 According to the Xinhua Economy, in a time of significant price fluctuations in bitcoin, the United States Treasury Secretary, Ellen, immediately warned that Bitcoin, as a highly volatile and illegitimate transaction, could lead to potential losses for investors as a result of Bitcoin transactions. 耶伦在2月22日参加一场网络研讨会时表示,使用比特币交易“极其低效”,需要耗费惊人能量。而且比特币也并非一种被广泛使用的交易工具,通常被用于非法融资。同时,当前比特币投资表现出“高度投机性”,具有高度不确定性,在合法性和稳定性方面均存在重要隐患。 And Bitcoin is not a widely used trading tool, usually used for illicit financing. At the same time, currently Bitcoin investments show a high degree of “speculation” and are highly uncertain, with important risks in terms of legitimacy and stability. 伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司副董事长查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)也对比特币显得“不屑一顾”,称不认为比特币最终会成为全球交换媒介,因为“太不稳定,不适合作为交换媒介”。同时,芒格认为比特币“实际上是黄金的一种人造替代品”。而从不购买黄金的他也不会购买比特币。 Charlie Munger, Vice-President of Birkhshire Hasaway, also appeared to be “negative” about Bitcoin, saying that he did not believe that Bitcoin would eventually become a global exchange medium, because it was “too unstable to be an exchange medium.” At the same time, Mang thought that Bitcoin was “actually a artificial substitute for gold.” He would never buy Bitcoin.
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