
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:165 评论:0



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Once again, the cattle market is approaching its highest price ever.


Since late October, bitcoin prices have shown an alarming rate of escalation, breaking price levels with an overwhelming force, once standing at $18,000, pushing straight to $19,000. Bitcoin prices remained at more than $17,000 as of the time of the release.


“Cow City comes” as a consensus in the industry, while Bitcoin's attention is growing, and the word is often a frequent caller.


However, when the tide of bitcoin reappears, does the wave hold the lives of the people?



"The cow market must have been happy to come, after all, to dig, to think of the coins that were sold again," said the miner, AX. The bitcoin in his hand was thrown away when it was more than 40,000 yuan.


Bitcoin uses the Pow (Credit of Work) mechanism, which guarantees the consistency and effectiveness of the block chain system by competing for bookkeeping with the computing power (calculation) of each computer node. In order to stimulate the node to participate in the competitive bookkeeping, Bitcoin’s founders set up a Bitcoin reward for those who participate and win. Bitcoin’s entire production process is like digging gold for gold and is thus imaged as “mining mining”.


The stakeholders that emerge from this are: manufacturers of mine machines, miners, mines and ponds, among others. The manufacturer of mine machines is a producer of bitcoin mining hardware equipment; miners are artisanal diggers who buy mine machines; the mine is a collection of bitcoin mining hardware equipment, which provides hosting services, and miners pay electric fees; and the pond is an open and fully automated mining platform.


Kowloon said that many people had had money and that there was so little that they could hold it for a long time that they “had to pay for their lives, but only to sell it”.


A miner from


"Don't you think there's anything to be excited about now that you haven't halved the $8,000 before, right? And the spring bubble broke in 2018, and yet we haven't reached the peak of $20,000 in the last round, and we're not very excited," he said.


In May, the four-year halved time of Bitcoin meant that the number of bitcoin incentives in each block dug by miners fell from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC, thereby halving the income of the miner.


As for migratory birds, they move back and forth between Sichuan and Xinjiang as they die, as they change. “I dug up a water boom in Sichuan, now that the water is out of power, I dig in Xinjiang. Next year, the water will move back to Sichuan.”


His machine was hosted in Sichuan, and at the end of last month the water-rich period ended, and on October 25 began to move to Xinjiang, using power from Xinjiang, where it was set up only recently. In view of the rising price of electricity during the water-rich period, AX replaced the less effective M20s mine.


Miner Manufacturers: Increased number of people asking about miners and the majority of customers in stock


Nor did the arrival of the cow market affect such an arrangement, as he did not choose to buy more machines, nor did he consider replacing miners with more arithmetic machines.


“Saving off expenses and trying to hoard more money.” Aix says.


In addition, practitioners from various mine manufacturers have indicated to journalists that there has been a marked change in the number of people asking about mine machines in the recent past.


One insider said that good intentions would inevitably allow some customers to buy mining machines, but he also indicated that the majority of clients were stocked.


Another insider has also pointed out that more people buy mine machines are stock customers and less external purchases, and that “money from the outside is not so powerful now, it's basically stock money in the game.” Because it's about six months before `strong', it takes 300 days, or a year and a half to get back the money from the machine, and the rate of return is so low that there is no interest in buying


The shares of the two major market-listed miners, KANAQ:CAN, and the billion-state International (NASDAQ:EBON), did not rise as the price of Bitcoin rose. Indeed, since November, KANO’s share price has risen by more than 50%, while the number of billions has fallen by 16%.


mine owners: partially closed mines gradually resume operations, but the boom has not yet resurfaced


Bitcoin mine operator Li Bo owns four mines in Sichuan and Xinjiang, with an installed capacity of around 100,000 kW. For mine owners, the main source of profit is the poor cost of electricity.


"For example, when I take electricity, I take it for a second, and I take it for a second, so that I can make eight cents, that's the profits of the mine." Lebo says.


Because of the relatively stable returns from the mine, the arrival of the Bitcoin Cattle did not have much impact on his life, except that, as the price of the bitcoin rose, his mine gradually returned to normal operations from partial closure “but did not return to the boom of last year”.


Li Bo said, "No special idea, we're not so excited about going up and down because we've been doing it for a long time."


Nor did Li Bo think of leaving. The word appeared frequently in his mind in May this year, after a fall in currency prices on March 12 and a fall in half, his mine was in the process of paying for it, and the machines on its hands were depreciating.


Since March 12, Bitcoin prices have experienced a falls in waterfalls, once down by $4,000, more than 50 per cent from the February peak, and many mining machines have fallen to shut-down rates, while mouth-to-mouth mines have also been hit hard, not only by the decline in the spread of electricity, but also by the decline in external funding, which has led to malign competition between mines, and by the decline in hosting fees. In May, the halving of Bitcoin has caused more severe damage to mining.


“When Bitcoin was halved, it was the hardest for mines and miners, because bitcoin production was cut by half in an instant, because digging a bitcoin would have cost 30,000 dollars of electricity, and after halving, the price of digging became 60,000 dollars in an instant, but the price was still 450,000 dollars.” Li Bo said.


At that time, his mine was closed by 30 per cent.


After going through the valley, Li Bo began a strategic adjustment, finding out that mining was actually a financial act, not a manufacturing act, and turned his eyes to block-chain projects. For example, he managed some digitally encrypted monetary assets.


Thus, under the current cattle market, he still maintains the original adjustment line, “We will eliminate the bad mines, save a few high-quality mines, and invest in some digital currency when we return the funds”.




The best thing to do is pickles, which Bitcoin investors say, "This is the same as the stock market. The stock market doesn't lose money when it comes to cattle. It usually doesn't get involved when it doesn't. Everyone does it when it comes."


Xiaotao identifies himself as a career investor, who has a good attitude towards price hikes and falls. For him, in his current situation, raising risk awareness is the first thing he needs to do.


Indeed, when the price of bitcoin passed by $17,000, the senior gun price analyst, Condoleezzi, also reminded investors of the need for risk control.


One industrialist pointed out that the market was overpurchased in terms of technical indicators and that there was a possibility of a return in the future.


The Oto plan spreads its holdings of bitcoins over a period of time, “if I climb above the half-mount, I may throw 100, and the other part rises, and if I fall down, I will pick them up again, and this part of the asset will remain in it for a long time and will not come out.” Oto says, he has now dropped 30-40 per cent of his warehouse.


The previous price collapse also had a small impact on Xiaotao, when he was already empty. Under normal fluctuations, Xiaotao would hold bitcoin for two or three months, "because I don't make quantitative transactions, I don't do high-frequency transactions, HF transactions are traded every day."


exchanger: :


“The price of Bitcoin has recently gone up, and many of its holders have been very excited. Indeed, for us in these industries, this is not a surprise, and the upswing to this point has always been in our expectations, indicating that our insistence is not wrong.” The early investor of the Bicc Currency Exchange, King Bing, said.


From the point of view of the exchange, Wang Xiaobing pointed out that there had been a marked change in the currency holdings of the defunct households this year, with most of them holding at least 0.1-1 bitcoins, “which could be said to have been the result of a completely new consensus at this stage”.


“The involvement of traditional global financial and investment institutions, and even the amount of bitcoins held by the diaspora, has increased, and this has led to the emergence of a strong consensus at this stage, which is at the heart of the price increase.” Wang Xiaobin says.


In his view, rising and falling were the norm for the exchange, and Bicc was an upward trend this year, with more influence on users'mindsets and strategies for choosing transactions.


Will the price of bitcoin still rise?


Leopold hopes that by Springtime bitcoin will break 20,000 dollars.


“On the whole, this year's prices are on the rise, they are high before the shock, they are likely to go into the tremors in the near future, and this year's prices, with the opportunity to hit $20,000, will be a new high in the short term, but for next year's cattle, they will be only the beginning.” Wang Xiaobin says.


“In the long run, it's going up, and within 10 years.” Koto, for its part, provides longer-term projections.


In his view, there might be a slight weakening from the point of view of the proceeds in the near future, but it would be possible to use them as a risk-free asset, but there would be a huge drop in the way.


This is not even a problem for miner A.I., which is “the faith of the old miner”.




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