1. It is not illegal, but there is a legal risk.
2. Tidal currency (USDT) is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to the legal currency, the United States dollar, and a virtual currency that is maintained in foreign exchange reserve accounts and is supported by the legal currency.
Legal analysis: The purchase and sale of USDT is not illegal in China, but there is a legal risk.
Investment transactions in virtual currencies are not protected by law and investors need to remain sober and rational.
5. Tidal dollars (USDTs) are TetherUSD (hereinafter USDTs) based on the stable value of the United States dollar (USDs) introduced by TetherUSD, 1USDT = US$ 1, which users can use at any time to make 1:1 conversions with USDs.
6. Legal analysis: Tedarco is illegal in China.
2023 tadcosusdt's future prospects
The most valuable part of Tedar money comes from the fact that it provides a safe haven for crypto-currency traders, and the current virtual currency of non-stabilized currency is still somewhat influenced by bitcoin up and down, which reduces exposure and loss by converting most of its several assets to stable currency, such as tedar currency, when bitco currency falls sharply. Other values include relatively low transaction fees and fast paces compared to international exchange rates, and the 24-hour advantage that makes it easier for businesses requiring bank transactions, even if banks do not open their doors.
Where can we buy usdt?
One. O-I-OKX.
EuroOKX believes in the core ideas of the Bitcoin and block chains, and believes that distributed books and smart contract technologies will build the foundation of trust in humanity, remove barriers to trade, and increase the efficiency of trade, with a significant impact on the real economy of humankind. So we have abandoned many temptations and devoted ourselves to the technological revolution in the block chains, hoping that we can do a little bit to change the world.
2. Signals
The Treasure Global Professional Station, an innovative digital asset international under the banner of the Treasure Group serving users of global professional transactions, is dedicated to identifying high-quality opportunities for investment in innovative digital assets and currently provides more than forty digital asset-type transactions and investment services, based in Singapore and operated by a team of the Treasure Global Professional Stations.
Bittrex俗称B网,提供币币、美元与币的服务,注册非常简单。Bittrex建立于2015年,是美国的比特币国际站,支持200多个交易对,每天的成交量达数十亿人民币。 Bitterex团队成员来自微软、亚马逊、Qualys和黑莓等各大公司,在服务方面拥有超过50年以上的专业安全和开发经验。
Bittrex, popularly known as Network B, provides services in coins, dollars, and coins, and registration is very simple. Bittrex was established in 2015 as the United States’ Bitcoin International Station, which supports more than 200 transactions, amounting to billions of yuan a day.
USDT History Prices
根据CoinMarketCap的数据,截至 11 月 25 日,Tether 加密货币的交易价格为 0.9994 美元,几乎保持与美元挂钩。它的市值为 653.2 亿美元。
According to CoinMarketCap, as at 25 November, the transaction price of Tether's encrypted currency was $0.9994, almost remaining pegged to the United States dollar. Its market value was $65.32 billion.
多年来,脱钩事件层出不穷。在推出后的最初几年,USDT 在 2015 年 3月 2 日跌至 0.5683 美元的历史低点。然而,它迅速反弹并在 3 月 15 日保持与美元的价格平价。
Over the years, the decoupling occurred. In the early years of its launch, the USDT fell to a historic low of $0.5683 on March 2, 2015. However, it rebounded quickly and remained at par with the price of the dollar on March 15, 2015.
2022 年 5 月,由于算法稳定币Terra UST崩盘,Tether 与美元短暂脱钩,并于5 月12 日达到 0.9485 美元。然而,它再次迅速反弹并在同一天收于 0.9976 美元。
In May 2022, as a result of the algorithmic stabilization of the currency Terra UST crash, Tether was briefly decoupled from the dollar and reached $0.9485 on May 12. However, it rebounded quickly again and received $0.9976 on the same day.
The advantages and disadvantages of USDT
与所有其他加密货币资产一样,USDT 有优点也有缺点。让我们来看看些优点和缺点。
Like all other encrypted monetary assets, the USDT has advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses.
首选可靠: USDT 是最受欢迎的稳定币。它通常保持与美元挂钩。
The preferred option is reliable: USDT is the most popular stable currency. It usually stays pegged to the dollar.
高流动性: USDT 通常在任何一天都有最大的交易量,使其成为相对于其他流动性较低的资产而言流动性较高的资产。
High liquidity: USDT usually has the largest volume of transactions at any given day, making it a more liquid asset compared to other less liquid assets.
波动性较小: 由于其价值通常徘徊在 1 美元左右,因此 USDT 的波动性低于比特币( BTC)和山寨币。
Less volatile: USDT is less volatile than Bitcoin (BTC) and Montagnard because its value usually hovers around $1.
易于访问: 几乎所有交易所和所有主要区块链网络都可以使用 USDT。
Easy to access: USDT is available for almost all exchanges and all major block chain networks.
缺乏透明度: Tether 继续受到密切监控。它尚未实施透明的业务战略。此外,它是否保持美国货币储备等于其可用供应量仍在确定中。
Lack of transparency: Tether continues to be closely monitored. It has not yet implemented a transparent business strategy. Moreover, whether it maintains a US currency reserve equal to its available supply is still in the process of being determined.
指控和诉讼: Tether 一直是争议和法律诉讼的对象,这可能损害了其声誉。
Allegations and litigation: Tether has been the subject of disputes and legal proceedings, which may have damaged his reputation.
USDT如何工作Tether 的目标是让 1 USDT 可以兑换成 1 美元。当用户将 tether 兑换成法定现金时,代币将被销毁并退出流通。Tether Limited 必须有等量的储备才能铸造 USDT,保证客户可以在需要时取回他们的钱。虽然这就是 Tether 原则上的运作方式,但实际情况要复杂一些。人们一直担心 Tether Limited 在其储备方面的可靠性。最初,该公司表示每个 USDT 都有 1 美元的一对一支持。结果证明这是不正确的。Tether Limited 的律师在 2019 年表示,74%的 USDT 代币由现金或现金等价物支持。此外,当 Tether在 2021 年披露其储备时,只有 2.9% 的 USDT 代币由现金支持。剩余储备包括担保贷款、公司债券和商业票据.自 2021 年 2 月以来,Tether 一直在披露独立会计师的报告,其中提供了支持其所有代币的储备的详细分类。
The goal of USDT's work is to convert 1 USDT into a dollar. When a user converts another to statutory cash, the tokens will be destroyed and out of circulation. Tether Limited has to have the same amount of reserves in order to create USDT and ensure that clients can recover their money when they need it. This is how Tether works in principle, but the reality is more complicated. There is a constant concern about the reliability of Tether Limited in its reserves. Initially, the company indicated that each USDT has a dollar-to-dollar support. This proved to be incorrect.
How's the USDT for sale?
1、资金划转。在出售USDT兑换成人民币之前,你需要将币币资产里的USDT转到法币账户下(需要先登录账号才能看见), 找到USDT,点后面的划转提现,输入要转出的USDT数量。
1. Transfer of funds. Before selling USDT into the renminbi, you need to transfer the USDT in the currency's assets to the French currency account (which needs to be accounted for before it can be seen), find the USDT, which is transferred at the back of the point, and enter the number of USDTs to be transferred.
2. Transactions in French currency. Click on the top of the navigation, click on entry. (Supporting bank cards, micro-mails, payment for treasures).
3- Sell USDT. Selecting "Sale-USDT" can see a lot of USDTs that are being sold, with different prices and different payment patterns. Depending on your own circumstances, choose one, and then sell USDT at the back of the point.
How do we get usdt in exchange for the yuan?
1. Transfer of funds. Before selling USDT into the renminbi, you need to transfer the USDT in the currency's assets to the French currency account (which requires a spinal account to be seen), find the USDT, which is forwarded at the back of the point, and enter the number of USDTs to be transferred.
Trading in French currency. Click on the top navigation for the “transaction in French currency” to enter. (Supporting bank cards, micro-mails, payment for treasures)
3.出售USDT。选择“出售-USDT”就可以看到很多正在出售的USDT,它们有不同的价格,不同的付款方式。根据自己的情况,选择一个,点后面的 出售USDT 即可。
If you choose to sell USDT, you can see a lot of USDTs that are being sold. They have different prices and different payment patterns.
4. The next order is confirmed. If you choose to click on the sale, the following sales page will be ejected to enter the number of USDTs you want to sell, or you can count all of them later.
5.等待转账。点击下单,在弹出的页面,等待买家付款,此时,确认并放行 按钮是灰色不可以点击的。
5. Waiting for a transfer. Click on the next item, on the popup page, waiting for payment by the buyer, at which point the confirmation and release button is grey and not allowed to click.
6.确认并放行。收到款项后,请及时点击 确认收款并放。
6. Confirm and release. After receipt, click to confirm receipt and release it in a timely manner.
That's the answer to your question about the legality of the transaction of the usdt tada. If there's any other questions, please keep your eyes open.
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