
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:25 评论:0



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每经编辑 秦勇


Currency circles have a word & mdash; — &ldquao; currency circles one day, one year per person & rdquao;. It means that these currencies increase and fall one day, which may offset the volatility of other asset prices one year in a year. The madness of digital currencies in 2017 has made a lot of people rich overnight, but by 2018 the money boomed, and the currency circles will see another meaning of the year.


Take Bitcoin, for example. Bitcoin rose by 1400 per cent in 2017, up to nearly $20,000. But, as fast as it went up, it fell so hard, and after reaching its peak, bitcoin prices fell sharply, especially when it entered the market in 2018, with a fall of over 50 per cent a quarter, at a current price of about $7,000.



Although there is one day left in the first quarter of 2018, the worst single-season record in Bitcoin’s history has been nailed. According to Bloomberg, on the last trading day of this week’s United States dollar, the market value of Bitcoin evaporated in one quarter was almost equal to that of Netflix, almost three times that of Tesla and about 5.5 times that of Twitter.


CNBC tracks Bitcoin’s trading prices in the first quarter of the calendar year since 2011, finding that in five of eight years, Bitcoin has fallen in one quarter. The biggest increase was in the first quarter of 2013, when it surged by 599%.


In fact, Bitcoin is only a microcosm of the overall performance of digital money, and the entire market for digital money is bleak in the course of the quarter. It fell from more than $1,300 to its current level of $400, and Ribbon from its highest $3.41 at the beginning of the year to its current level of around $0.5.




The collective setback of digital currencies has nothing to do with increasing global regulatory pressure. Since this year, national financial regulators have taken a series of measures to guard against possible risks in the digital currency market.


On 28 March, the Vice-President of the People's Bank of China, Fan Yi, stated at a national working television conference in 2018 that the year 2018 would be marked by a rigorous strengthening of internal and external controls and a clean-up of all types of digital currency.


In early March, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued summonses to several infractions of the ICO team. Regulators in France, Japan, and the United Kingdom have followed up with a series of overhauls on digital money regulation.


In the face of growing regulatory pressure, major social media platforms have also begun to reject digital currencies such as Bitcoin.


On March 26, Twitter announced an advertising ban, which is considered to be the main reason for the fall in the price of the digital currency, in order to avoid a potential fraud that would cost the public a lot of money, and the platform will ban the emergence of digital currency ICO and the sale of advertising on March 27th.



Before that, Facebook and Google had taken a similar decision to ban advertising for digital money. The popular forum and social networking site Reddit also announced that it would stop accepting bitcoin payments.


Experts argue that the boom in digital money markets and the boom in corporate equity prices associated with block-chain-related technologies was largely due to a lack of system regulation on a global scale. But, as the digital money bubble gets stronger and becomes a major disaster for all kinds of illicit financial activity, countries’ regulation of digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, has become more stringent.


It is also noteworthy that the fall in bitcoin prices affected not only speculators who were snooping, but also & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; miners & & rdqua ; and heart injuries.


There are institutions that estimate that the current cost of profit-and-loss balance of Bitcoin mining is $8038, but the current price of Bitcoin has fallen to around $7,000, which means that miners are no longer making money by creating bitcoin.


It is well known that Bitcoin was created through a process of high energy consumption & & ldquo; mining & & rdquo. This process uses high computing power to solve complex mathematical equations to prove that an anonymous miner uses the network to create a block chain transaction record. Then the miners get a bitcoin reward when they successfully complete the equation.



If you understand the notes, the personal mine claims the tung, & & ldquao; the mining is really not making much money today. & rdquao;


According to Zhang Tao, the cost of a new, colored S7 mine machine is $10,000, recovering costs in a month and a half, depending on the return of $250-280 per mine machine per day. However, many do not know that mining is a very equipment-depletion job, with 24 hours of high-speed axle operations, less than a month, with pieces such as a mine card in the mine that are burning yellow and operating unstable.


& & ldquo; generally, a mine machine is about to be phased out in two to three months, otherwise the failure rate is high, the electricity is high, and the performance of the mine cannot be matched; thus, when Zhangtao buys a second batch of mine machines & & & & rdquao; full moon & & & rdquao, the first mine machine is basically about to be phased out. & ldquao; after a mine machine recovers its costs, it has a life cycle of one or two months. & & rdquao;


He was asked by a friend, the miner & ldquao; the return & rdquao; and did the rest of the life cycle yield & & ldquao; the miners & rdquao; the net profit they made?



Zhang Tao has come up with a stack of receipts for this account. The monthly rental cost of the plant is $14,000 and the electricity cost is $26,000. And the high operating pattern, which causes the damage to the mine machine to be alarming, is already up to $12,000 for minor repairs, small maintenance costs, and $24,000 for the salaries of shift workers. The total is $76,000.


& & ldquo; this is the lowest idealized value, usually costing about $90,000 a month. & & & rdquo; he also said that the mining process was always characterized by problems such as “ mine & rdquo; monthly returns are hard to reach the theoretical value of $200,000. Even 50-60% of the theoretical value, & ldquo; and, for the record, only one job earns, but now I'm laughing. & & rdquao;

来源:每日经济新闻综合等华尔街见闻、懂懂笔记(微信号: dongdong_note)、中国经济网等

Source: Daily Economic News, Wall Street interviews, notes (microsign: dongdong_note), China Economic Network, etc.


Every Edition: Ho Peach




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