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Highlights of the current period


Academic Front


Legal control of government data openness


Criminal liability for semi-automatic vehicle traffic accidents


Liu Xiangjin on the main responsibility of the Internet platform


New Speed


Shanghai Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress


Shanghai City Transport Commission, Shanghai City's Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Smart Highways in Shanghai


law applies


Four departments are fighting against the unauthorized use of other people's works, such as art, music, to forge NFTs and make digital collections.


He was sentenced for violating citizen's information by the technicals of the Jing Yu courthouse in collaboration with others to sell platform codes.


The Sming District People's Court in Xiamen City opened the first court session of the nation's Won-Cosmos.


Industrial development


Gartner made four major innovations in artificial intelligence in 2022, with data-centred AI becoming the focus


Shanghai Poe has completed the development of an Internet operating system for Web3.0 technology


The IEEE Computer Association Lee Qingxia block chain technology will support the development of the meta-cosmos from four key elements.


Academic Front


Legal control of the discretionary scope of government data openness


The open discretion to control data should strike a balance between the strict purpose of control and the need for flexible management, establishing a power control mechanism along the lines of “reduced and intermediate” and seeking discretion on the content of open and sensitive data in priority areas, while strictly regulating the process of open access on application, guaranteeing that discretion is fully exercised in rational space consistent with administrative purposes. (The full edition of Jurist No. 5 of 2022)


Professor, Faculty of Law, Xiamen University, Sun Lilong.


localization of data quotes an explanation for the security exception


Data localization measures are national regulatory measures generally adopted by countries to maintain cybersecurity and data security. However, economic interests under the package of basic security interests should still be excluded from the scope of measures applicable to data localization. “Emergency situations in international relations” can only be met if national and military interests, or the interests of maintaining law and public order, are under imminent threat. With regard to the application of security exceptions, the invocation of security exceptions by data localization measures should be guided by the principle of good faith. (The full text of No. 5 of the North Methodology 2022)


Zhang Ming, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Metrology, China.


Update on the concept of data crime in the digital economy era


Under the Digital Security Law Perspective, the implementation of the "reshaping data-centred legal protection system plus improving the full-cycle protection of the rights of data users" is a two-way route that contributes to the legislative and judicial improvement of data criminal law and the construction of legal barriers to data security. (The full text of the Law Forum No. 5 of 2022)


Zhang Ting, Lecturer, Institute of Legal Studies, China University of Political Science and Law Network.


Criminal liability for semi-automatic vehicle traffic accidents


There is a need to distinguish between semi-automaticly driven vehicles and fully automated vehicles, to define the limits of the duty of care allocation for human cooperation in the operation of semi-automaticly driven vehicles, and to clarify the criminal liability for the actions of the driver and manufacturer of semi-automaticly responsible persons.


Joo Meng-ho, Doctorate in Criminal Justice, Chinese University of Political Science and Law.


Liu Quixiang on the main responsibility of the Internet platform


The main liability of the platform consists of three layers of liability: legal, contractual, and moral, requiring the platform to be active in fulfilling its statutory, contractual, and moral obligations, respectively. Undue emphasis on the primary responsibility can lead to excessive operating costs for the platform, leading to excessive exercise of power by the platform to the detriment of the public interest; and, on the other hand, it is easy for the government to escape the regulatory responsibility. It is not appropriate to overabundantly generalize the primary responsibility, and the platform should be allowed, in certain circumstances, to operate with a moderate degree of flexibility. (The full text of the Journal of the University of Political Law, 2022, No. 4)


Liu Quan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Central University of Finance and Economics.


The non-formatical logic of the legal argument for artificial intelligence research is shifted to .


In the perspective of non-formal logical artificial intelligence modelling, forensic AI studies express the burden of proof of legal argument and its transfer in terms of its revocability, and the theory of dialogue in order to construct the procedural theory of legal argument, in order to justify the graphic theory of legal argument and its critical aspects, in order to interpret the structure of legal argument in terms of its analytical theory, in order to justify the assessment theory to inspire an automated assessment of legal argument. (The full text of the Merchant Study No. 5, 2022)


Weibin, Fellow at Zhejiang University School of Law, Guanghua.


New Speed


Beijing City Information Bureau < < > > Selected measures to promote stable innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises in advanced manufacturing and software information services (2023-2025)


On September 15, the Beijing City Bureau of Information issued Measures to Promote the Development of Stimulation and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Advanced Manufacturing and Software Information Services (2023-2025). A number of measures explicitly promote enterprises as advanced manufacturing and software information services enterprises that have met more than their size in the previous year or for the first time in the same year; stabilization enterprises as advanced manufacturing and software information services enterprises that have broken 100 million yuan (including) for the first time in the previous year's production (or operating income). One-time incentives for advanced manufacturing enterprises to upgrade in the previous year or year did not exceed 300,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan and one-time incentives for eligible SIS enterprises did not exceed 500,000 yuan. (Beijing City Network of Information Technology)


Beijing High Level Autopilot Model Area Working Office White Paper on the classification of data for the Beijing High Level Autopilot Model Area


On 18 September, the Beijing City High-Level Autopilot Model Regional Work Office issued a White Paper on the Classification of Data for the Beijing City High-Level Autopilot Model Area. The White Paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the importance of data for the Model Area, taking into account both the target audience and the degree of impact, and divides data into five levels of DL1-DL5 by judging the extent and impact of data on national security, public interest, personal rights and legitimate business interests in the event of destruction, disclosure, destruction, etc. (the Beijing Network for Economic Technology Development).


Hainan Province Office of Industry and Informatization


On 20 September, the Hainan Province Department of Industry and Informatization published the Management Approach for Low-Range Functional Unmanned Road Tests and Demonstration Applications in Hainan Province (pilot). The Management Approach specifies the general conditions for applying for low-speed unmanned vehicle road tests and demonstration applications, vehicle wardens, and applications for vehicles. The application process is for applications for vehicles to be tested by a third-party agency, subject to an expert review by a joint working group of third-party agencies, which then issues road test or model application notifications and vehicle codes and markings by the office of the Joint Working Group. (Henan Department of Industry and Information Development Network)


Shanghai City People's Congress Standing Committee < Shanghai City Regulation for the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industries


On 22 September, the Shanghai Standing Committee of the Shanghai City People's Congress formally adopted the Shanghai City Regulation for the Development of Artificial Intelligent Industries, the first provincial regulation in the area of artificial intelligence. The regulations include six chapters, namely, general principles, basic elements and science, technology and innovation, industrial development, application empowerment, industrial governance and security, and by-laws. Article 9 provides that the Shanghai City Department of Economic Informatization, together with the relevant departments, will explore the creation of negative lists in areas such as artificial intelligence research, applications, etc. Article 65 provides that the exploration of hierarchical governance and sandbox regulation will stimulate innovation among various subjects and expand the space for artificial intelligence development.


Shanghai City Transport Commission


On 22 September, the Shanghai City Transport Commission and the Shanghai City Transport Authority published the Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Smart Highways in Shanghai. The Technical Guidelines clearly divide the construction of intelligent high-speed content into L1-L4 levels based on the perception, intelligence and connectivity of the construction of intelligent highways. Policy-aided and operational-assisted intellectual decision-making is achieved through a network-level cloud control platform and a section-level cloud control platform, which predicts the characteristics of traffic during its operation based on historical data, provides a basis for the development of safeguards during major holidays, and explores differentiated fee-based rules.


law applies


4 departments combat unauthorized use of other people's works of fine arts, music, etc. to forge NFTs and make digital collections


On 9 September, the National Copyright Office, the Ministry of Industry and Informatization, the Ministry of Public Security, and the National Internet Information Office launched a special campaign to combat Internet piracy, “Swordnet 2022.” One of the priorities of the campaign was to strengthen the regulation of copyright in new industries such as NFT digital collections, “theatrical killings” and to severely combat violations such as the unauthorised use of other people's works of fine arts, music, manipulators, games, movies, etc., by casting NFTs, making digital collections, selling pirate scripts and developing the image of scripts through the Internet.


Fatty Court technicians have been sentenced to for violating citizen information by colluding with others to sell platform passwords


On 15 September, according to the People’s Court of the Wuhai District of the City of Hoyot, the technical staff of a company used their authority to participate in a project to share information resources, colluded with the unemployed to sell the platform code, illegally obtained information from citizens and obtained high-value benefits from it. The People’s Court of the City of Hoo Hai sentenced the accused to three years’ imprisonment, four to two years’ eight months’ suspended sentence, three years’ suspended sentence and a fine ranging from $250,000 to 200,000 yuan.


> >


On 20 September, he announced a case in which the People's Procuratorate of Tang County initiated a criminal civil pro bono action against a citizen for violation of his personal information. The court sentenced the defendant to a term of imprisonment of one year, a suspended sentence of six months and a fine of $45,000, and a refund of the proceeds of the offence of $35,000, as well as a public apology to society in the national press. Since 2021, more than 7,000 articles of the personal information of citizens obtained illegally through QQQ have been paid, of which more than 5,000 have been illegally sold to others for use on a payment platform, QQ.


People's Court of the Sming District of Xiamen > > >.


On September 23, the Xiamen District People's Court held the first court session in the nation's Won-Cosmos. Meanwhile, in the Xiamen University School of Law classroom, Master of Law students entered the three-dimensional virtual court space through the Yuan-Cosmos, “bystanding” sessions. In order to maintain the order of the court and the security of the court hearing, the Yuan-Cosmos trial uses the means of identification by passwords; at the same time, the court's backstage centrally manages the rights to speak and vote.


Industrial development


Gartner > four major innovations in artificial intelligence in 2022, with data-centred AI becoming the focus

9月15日,Gartner2022年人工智能创新技术成熟度曲线(Gartner Hype Cycle)发布,以数据、模型、应用为中心的人工智能和以人为本的人工智能被列为2022年人工智能技术和应用中所必须了解的四大创新类别(What’s New in Artificial Intelligence from the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle)。(赛博研究院)

On 15 September, Gartner's 2022 technology maturity curve for artificial intelligence innovation (Gartner Hype Cycle) was released, and artificial intelligence centred on data, models, applications and people-centred artificial intelligence was listed as the four major innovation categories that had to be understood in 2022 for artificial intelligence technology and applications (What's New in Artificial Inteligence from the 2022 Gartner Hydro Cycle).


has developed and developed an Internet operating system for Web3.0 technology

9月20日,上海市政府举行“奋进新征程 建功新时代”党委专题系列第二场新闻发布会——科技创新专场。通过发布会获悉,近年来,上海支撑引领新兴产业创新发展,已研发完成面向web3.0技术的互联网操作系统(Conflux OS)。(上证报)

On 20 September, the Shanghai City Government held the second press conference in the series entitled “Towards a New Era of Merit” - a special session on science, technology and innovation. It was informed that, in recent years, Shanghai has supported the development of innovation in emerging industries and that an Internet operating system (Conflux OS) for Web3.0 technologies has been developed.


IEEE Computer Association Lee Min-yun block chain technology will support the development of the meta-cosmos from four key elements


On September 20th, at the 8th Global Summit on Block Chains, IEEE's current Chair of the IEEE Computer Association's Block Chain and Distributive Accounting Technical Standards Committee, Lee Ming, gave a presentation on the background to the development of the meta-cosm, with NFT contributing to the development of the meta-cosm and with value in terms of content asset-assembly, asset rights, intellectual property protection, etc. In addition, the key elements of the meta-cosm include the four dimensions of organization, identity, assets, and activities, from which the grids can support the development of the meta-cosm. (Metaverse dollar cosmos)

Messari|复盘以太坊2022 Q3

2022 Q3

以太坊仍然是最活跃的加密生态系统,拥有大多数开发人员、用户和应用程序,向PoS的成功过渡有助于以太坊的进一步发展。但是,随着Aptos、Sui和Celestia等“Layer 1挑战者”在2022 Q4推出,以太坊必须巩固“护城河”并加快推动路线图,以保持其在智能合约领域内的领先地位。(Unitimes)

Ether is still the most active encryption ecosystem, with most developers, users, and applications, and a successful transition to PoS will help to further develop Ether. But, with the launch of “Layer 1 Challengers” like Aptos, Sui, and Celestia in 2022 Q4, Ether must consolidate the Protector River and accelerate the road map in order to maintain its leading position in the area of smart contracts.


China's mobile platinum develops a 5G tidal intelligence antenna


In recent days, in response to the characteristics of the temporal and temporal tidal effects of the teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, restaurants, etc. at the Beijing Post and Telecommunications University (the user position is subject to regular migration at a given time), China Mobile Beijing, in cooperation with China Communications, Inc., has developed a “tidal smart antenna power self-optimizing technology”, which allows the network to follow the user's temporal and spatial dynamics, and “tidal smart antenna power self-optimizing technology” automatically adjusts the direction and signal intensity of the network antenna to allow the 5G signal to “move along the tide”. (China moves)




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