国内区块链公司前十排名有哪些公司?国内区块链公司前十排名有蚂蚁金服、星云链、Huobi矿池、ODYSSEY、万维链、Qtum、 verse、Chainplus、EOS、星火钱包都是目前十分热门的区块链公司,很多投资者都还不了解在国内区块链公司前十排名有哪些公司?接下来小编就带来详细的国内区块链公司前十排名一览。
What are the top ten companies in the domestic block chain? The top ten in the domestic block chain are ants, nebula, Huobi, ODYSSEY, Huvi, Qtum, verse, Chainplus, EOS, Starfire Wallet, and many investors do not know which are the top ten companies in the domestic block chain.
strong's top ten rankings for domestic block chain companies:
1, ant gold:
2018年,蚂蚁金服发起成立了Ant Chain,推出了开放的区块链生态系统,形成了以金融业务为核心的区块链网络体系,全面构建便捷、安全、可控、高效的金融服务场景。
In 2018, Ant Chain launched the Ant Chain and launched the Open Block Chain Ecosystem, creating a network of blocks with financial operations at its core, with a comprehensive view of accessible, safe, manageable and efficient financial services.
The Huobi pond is a leading national technical service provider of block chains that can be applied directly and for the Huobi and ant gold-suit ecology, supporting a wide range of trade-block chain services for the Teeth infrastructure and the Huobi and ants gold-suit platforms.
Nebulas, the leading global block chain technology service, has developed an extended, scalable, future-oriented whole block chain system that can help users rapidly build decentralized applications and provide fast and reliable block chain ecological services.
ODYSSEY (OCN), a decentralised commercial economic ecosystem based on block chain technology, aims to stimulate users to create more value and to provide online service providers and service users with a quick, safe and fair clearance experience.
The VDL is the country's first decentralised digital asset trading platform, capable of automatically identifying digital assets and smart contracts, printing digital currency clearing matrices, supporting a variety of smart contracts and supporting different types of P2P transactions.
Qtum is an enterprise-level DAPP platform based on block chain technology that enables cross-digital asset transactions, DAPP issuances, smart contract audits, built-in volume locks, and achieves the plasticization and security of a consensual distributed book of accounts.
7、 verse:
verse is a decentralized digital asset and digital identity platform based on block chain technology that can be used to store and transfer digital assets, support smart contracts, account management and asset management functions, and build a one-stop distributed asset network.
Chainplus is the country's leading open platform for building decentralized application networks across finance and operations, providing smart contracts, public chains, block chain technology and security service support that enable users to create and participate in reliable decentralized applications.
EOS 是一个开放源代码的分布式数字货币,采用 DPoS(拜占庭安全共识机制)共识机制,支持实时分步共识、智能合约、去中心化应用的发布和运行。
EOS is an open source distributed digital currency that uses the DPos (Byzant security consensus mechanism) consensus mechanism to support real-time step-by-step consensus, smart contracts, release and operation of decentralized applications.
10, Starfire Wallet:
Starfire Wallet is a smart wallet system based on block chain technology designed to provide users with secure digital asset management tools, cross-chain asset exchange and transfer, and the development of full-functional block chain applications to provide robust technical support for user intelligence.
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