This refers to price-fixing transactions that are not facilitated through the exchange system, but through the internal systems of other securities companies.
One of the popular algorithms. The algorithm is more efficient and requires less computer performance, but it is prone to double flower problems.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
Dark nets cannot be accessed by conventional network protocols, but can only be connected by non-conventional protocols and ports, as well as by private networks with credible nodes.
In digital currency transactions, API enables users and application or service data to communicate instantaneously, thus operating the transaction on its own, obtaining routing data, etc.
Versions often used to refer to the first stage of internal testing of software development, meaning &ldquao; start & & rdquao; & & & rdquao; first & rdquao; approximation.
It's an interactive agreement on a diversity of assets.
The Cosmos block chain project was founded in 2017 and the main network was officially launched in March 2019 as a potentially valuable Internet network.
Algorand's nickname. Algorand's consensus mechanism is a Pure PoS agreement that does not require access.
ask me anything的缩写,指项目方或交易所负责人不定期举办的回答用户问题的活动。
Ask me anything to refer to an occasional event organized by the project party or the head of the exchange to answer user questions.
A hot game on the tavern.
Computer professional terminology, which is the unit of volume of information, is translated from the English BIT.
is a transaction between a digital currency and a digital currency, such as a transaction between a bitcoin and a USDT, a transaction between an Etherno and a Leiter currency, etc.
Owing to the fast-moving nature of the situation, investors were not able to replenish the account deposit in a timely manner, resulting in a greater loss than the deposit in the account, i.e., an explosion.
The miners find new blocks. The miners receive block awards, also known as block awards, when they discover new blocks.
When someone gathers 51 per cent of the net's computing power, it has the right to tamper with the record on the public account book of the block chain.
Brick removal refers to the purchase of currency on a low-priced exchange in a particular currency, selling it at a high-priced exchange and earning a price difference.
It is a virtual digital currency that integrates disciplines such as cryptology, consensus mechanisms, etc.
It is an important channel for investors to learn about a currency project, similar to a self-presentation.
Include a list of licensed or trusted individuals, computer programs or encrypted currency addresses.
Gains are generated through the repeated use of high-priced (more) or low-priced (empty) purchases at a high frequency (more than once a day or every few days).
In 1982, by Leslie & Middot, Lambert raised the question of communication error for the classic distributed point-to-point network.
A method of password analysis, i.e., using an enumeration method, will be tested on a case-by-case basis until the correct result is found.
A condition order that buys and sells large amounts of assets in smaller quantities without showing the full volume of entrusted amounts to the market.
It's an interactive agreement on a diversity of assets.
On 22 May 2010, a Florida programmer exchanged 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, the price of which rose to over $20,000 eight years later.
It is used to measure the volatility of an investment target vis-à-vis the overall market.
Refers to the version after Alpha version, commonly referred to as the common sense version.
It is one way of judging the investment situation in the crypto-currency market by using bitcoin.
One of the reference indicators for the analysis of market trends is the determination of the future direction of the market by identifying standard deviations in stock prices according to specific algorithms.
指分区容错性(Partition Tolerance)可用性(Availability)、一致性(Consistency)三大角。
refers to the three angles of Partition Tolerance Usability (Availability), Consistency.
The terminology tends to contribute to the construction of block chain ecology rather than to passively hold a certain currency.
This refers to the fact that when warehouse levels reach about 88 per cent, markets tend to fall sharply, with warehouses becoming markets & & ldquao; reverse indicators & rdquao;
This refers to the ratio of deposits delivered by investors to the amounts traded in finance and securities, which is divided into the ratio of financing bonds and the ratio of bond bonds.
This refers to the magnitude of price increases and declines in the price of encrypted currencies on the investment market.
In order to avoid risk, investors choose either to remain inactive or to invest in assets that are less volatile in order to ensure maximum investment security.
The Bryn belt, also known as the Boolin or the Pulitzer Passage, combines the concept of moving average and standard deviations
波卡插槽是指Polkadot Parachain Slot(平行链插槽),是Polkadot波卡网络中继链和平行链的接口。
Boca slots refer to Polkadot Parachain Slot (parallel chain slots), which is the interface between the Polkadot Boca network relay and parallel chains.
Similar to a distribution calculation, a large amount of data can be processed in close proximity, reducing delays.
It refers to funds paid by the buyer or seller in accordance with the criteria set out in the trading market and used exclusively for settlement and performance guarantees in order transactions.
The Black-Scholes model is a mathematical model dedicated to pricing European options-type financial derivatives and can generally be called the BS formula.
The rate of change indicator is a classic measure of movement. It measures the rate of change in the price of an encrypted currency at a given point in time.
i.e. the Bitcoin Trading Open Index Fund.
i.e. a block chain service network. It is also a cloud service, a portal, a cross-bottom framework for the deployment and operation of a global network public infrastructure for block chain applications.
又称为CT(Confidential Transactions),是一种可隐藏发出比特币(或其他币种)的数量以及接收者地址的协议。
Also known as CT (Confidential Transports), is an agreement that conceals the amount of bitcoin (or other currency) sent and the address of the recipient.
The surrogate refers to the purchase of the same digital currency by investors on the basis of holding a certain amount of digital currency.
The essence of the principle is that the speed and location of a microparticle cannot be accurately calculated at the same time.
It refers to groups of people who focus on the production of currency, or trade in digital currency, or even raise funds through the issuance of digital currency, commonly known as & ldquao; currency circle & rdquao;
This is referred to as the TRON (TrX). The TRON of the Waves promotes decentralisation of the Internet and works to build infrastructure for decentralisation of the Internet.
指的是Bitcoin Gold(BTG)。
This refers to Bitcoin Gold (BTG).
Refers to another currency converted at the conversion of the exchange rate.
Refers to the legal settlement currency of a country.
It refers to the international monetary system established after World War II with the United States dollar at its core.
Users were sarcastic about the failure of the exchange server at a critical time.
It refers to large-scale abnormal increases in the prices of commodities (energy commodities, basic raw materials, by-products of agriculture) over a long period of time.
Similar to & ldquao; playing currency & rdquao; reaping benefits by looking at high-sale or low-sales on time.
A computer noun is essentially a chain of command serial numbers. The code is used to tell the CPU what it needs to handle. A code is a command.
This means that a certain amount of digital currency is held in the hands on an ongoing basis.
The attacker then intercepts valid data and sends the received data to the target mainframe in order to deceive the system and delay or disrupt normal data transmissions.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
The first block in the block chain.
The public chain consists of the main network and the test network, which is the precursor of the main network, the equivalent of a test version of the future main network, which is mainly used to test the main network function.
A computer capable of performing high-speed calculations that cannot be performed by a common computer.
This refers to the active dealing with the already-separated delegation of authority.
Within the Gate.io platform, a charge-free charge is a means by which transfers can be made in a timely manner.
In the trading market, investors commonly use & ldquo; the four elements of technical analysis & & rdquao; for analysis, the four elements are quantity, price, time and space, respectively.
It refers to the manner in which the attacker establishes a long block chain branch, beginning with the first block in the chain of blocks, and replaces the legitimate main chain of attack.
牛熊证(Callable Bull/Bear Contract,CBBC)可以看做是你对市场未来的看法,看淡购买熊证,看涨购买牛证。
The Calable Bull/Bear Contracting (CBBC) can be seen as your vision of the future of the market, as well as the purchase of bear cards and the purchase of cattle certificates.
Side chains are another block chain that is independent of the main chain.
It means that prices in any currency have increased or declined significantly in a short period of time, resulting in a longer upper or lower line on the k-line map.
The superbook, also known as the Hyperledger project, is an open source project designed to facilitate the cross-industry application of block chains.
That is, the user is allowed to lock its currency in its wallet for a certain period of time, thereby obtaining interest.
It means that users pledge their interest in the currency they hold, that they do not need to purchase a mine machine to acquire arithmetical power, which is then rewarded with a bonus.
It refers to currencies that are unconnected to any country, have stable customization standards and are accepted by all countries to support currency in circulation in each country.
Also known as OTC (Over-the-counter), in the area of digital currency, off-site transactions are transactions conducted outside the exchange.
In the area of digital money, in-situ transactions are also referred to as exchange transactions, which refer to the manner in which people with demand concentrate on trading in digital assets.
Currency distribution is a concept in “ block chain & & rdquao; & & & & & & rdquao; digital currency & rdquao; and coating.
This refers to a small number of digital currencies traded, which are generally known as dust transactions when transaction costs are higher than one third of the value of the transaction.
Hang up and eat.
A currency split is the exchange's daily reward for the income from user fees to all users holding platform money.
If the encrypted currency is over-purchased, it is called over-purchase; conversely, if the encrypted currency is over-saled, it is called over-sale.
Goods are generally in stock market terms, meaning that stocks are sold silently at high prices.
Also known as Satoshi, hearing is the smallest number of units in bitcoin.
This refers to the proportion of actual investment and actual investment funds made by investors.
The withdrawal of the bill is the withdrawal of outstanding orders, orders, etc., as a contractual agreement.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
The address for the transmission and receipt of transactions in digital currency consists of a series of letters and numbers similar to the bank card number.
When a wave of love comes, they look at the future and choose to increase the number of people buying into a given digital currency.
i.e. & ldquao; decentralised application & rdquao;
i.e. & ldquao; multiple signatures & rdquao; i.e. the mechanism for multiple users to sign the same transaction. Multiple signatures refer to an address where two or more signatures are required for normal use and successful payment.
Bitcoin's nick.
It refers to the insolvency, liquidation or run-off of the debtor or its company, which results in the insolvency of the property borrowed by the creditor or in the loss of the life of the investor holding the bond.
This means that a user may encumber one digital currency into another.
The absolute benefits of risk exposure management are usually achieved by matching positions to fit open (arbitrage).
Something of value is used as collateral in transactions to obtain what is desired, and is often used for mortgages.
The diversification of the financial region refers to the input and management of the multi-channel allocation of funds.
It is one of the channels through which the private share is distributed.
It refers to a person or group of people who have great wealth and very high status in the financial world.
DEX是Decentralized Exchange的简称,即去中心化交易所。
DEX is the acronym for Decentralized Exchange, i.e. decentralised exchange.
DeFi(Decentralized Finance)指去中心化金融。
DeFi (Decentralized Finance) refers to decentralized finance.
又称计算中的分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service)。
Also known as Distributed Denied of Service.
This refers to the exchange of a certain amount of cash or deposits from the issuer and the obtaining of data representing the same amount.
It refers to investments that deliberately reduce the risk of another investment while still profiting from the investment.
Multigenerational exposure means that automated marketers usually require liquidity providers to deposit two different forms of currency to ensure that both parties provide equal liquidity.
Only one private key is required to complete the transaction, i.e. at the time of the transaction only the private key of the wallet holder.
The wallet must be authenticated by two or more private keys in order to complete the transaction.
Digital Currency Electronic Payment的缩写,指中国央行尚未发行的数字货币。
The acronym of Digital Policy Electronic Payment refers to digital currencies that have not yet been issued by the Central Bank of China.
In the area of finance, it refers to investors with strong financial power, large amounts of investment and large volumes of transactions.
Multi-factor identification (MFA) is a common method of authenticating users and one of the better ways to prevent accounts from being stolen before them.
It refers to the wallet that supports digital currencies on multiple public chains (main chains) and their tokens.
It refers to wallets that support only digital currency on a public chain (principal chain) and its tokens.
It refers to the theory that a universal currency is issued by issuing banks only globally and that it is traded worldwide.
It refers to large-scale transactions, i.e. transactions of relatively large quantities and amounts.
This refers to a network for direct information exchange between points and points, which is not handled by a central server.
means how, in the absence of a credible third party, multiple entities work together in accordance with the rules of the agreement to complete the calculation of an agreed function for a given function.
The floor price helps buyers and sellers to make their bids.
Targeting is a common method of financial management and generally refers to a fund commitment.
This refers to DASH, originally known as Dark Coin (formerly known as DRK, DarkCoin), and to a number of innovations widely used by latercomers.
The reference to Zcast (ZEC) is a new type of encrypted digital asset that coexists transparently and anonymously using zero-knowledge proof algorithms.
It refers to markets that are volatile over time, and there is no apparent upward/declining trend in direction.
为弥补DeFi 1.0中流动性挖矿带来的弊端而提出的DeFi 2.0。
DeFi 2.0 proposed to compensate for the disadvantages of mobile mining in DeFi 1.0.
Refers to & ldquao; doing your own research & rdquao; is the most important basic criterion in the investment community.
Nodes with malicious attacks aimed at invading, controlling or even destroying the entire network.
When an investor discovers that an error in his or her transaction results in a loss, he or she must stop the loss in due course, without any risk, and must leave in time to avoid a greater loss.
ERC-20 is an interface agreement based on the Taiyuan currency.
The secondary market is the market in circulation.
Fear of missed and lost feelings are also known as phobias.
Abbreviation of the legal currency means the currency in which the State is obliged by law to circulate and use, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, the yen, etc.
The type of C2C transaction is often referred to as an individual-to-individual transaction.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
It's a cryptography algorithm.
Distributed books are a shared, shared and synchronized database among the members of the point-to-point network.
More often than not, they refer to indicators that are different from changes in trends.
It refers to an independent company that is outside the control of the central agency and is controlled by shareholders, also known as DAO.
It means that the attackers send a very small amount of money to the victims'personal wallets in order to undermine the anonymity of the attackers.
A fork is a new digital asset derived from a block chain of hard fork. For example, BCH is a BTC fork.
It refers to a currency that is unique in nature and that can be distinguished from other currencies from different attributes.
It refers to the division of large databases into smaller parts, making them faster and easier to process.
In the case of stable currencies linked to the value of the legal assets, the stability of the value depends on the anchored legal assets themselves.
The FileCoin (FIL) Chinese name & ldquo; document currency & rdquo; is one of the most well-known projects established and operated on the IPFS agreement so far.
Assets other than those of a non-monetary nature, such as the inventory of an enterprise, fixed assets, intangible assets in no material form, etc.
It refers to the use of legislative and judicial powers by the Government to identify possible money-laundering activities and to dispose of funds and punish offenders.
This refers to dividends that are distributed annually by the joint-stock company to the shareholders, distributed in proportion to the shareholding ratio of the shareholders.
指基础货币与结算货币相同,即?USD买卖 BTC这个关系反过来, 并依然使?USD来标记价格。
It means that the base currency is the same as the settlement currency, i.e., the USD buys and sells BTC, in turn, and still makes? USD mark prices.
Multiple computers working together at the back end are shown only as a combination of computers on the user end.
Distributed self-governing organizations are decentralised self-governing organizations, which are controlled and run exclusively through computer codes.
It refers to a management process that minimizes the adverse impact of the project or enterprise due to risk in an environment where there is a definite risk.
类似“反洗钱”,指政府通过司法力量去发现并切断恐 怖 主义融资渠道,打击一切非法融资行为。
Similar to & ldquo; Anti-Money Laundering & & rdquo; refers to the Government's efforts to detect and cut off terrorist financing channels through the judicial force to combat all illegal financing.
It means holding a digital currency without concern for the direction of the price, and regardless of the extent to which the currency falls, does not reduce the number of digital currencies held.
In general, the stock market is characterized by a downward trend in equity prices, which eventually rises to a certain price as a result of the rapid decline in stock prices.
Currency prices have continued to fall, and they have gone from falling to rising.
For the microcosm-related business of the screen video site Bilibili.
Quantum algorithms can be used to find the required numbers in a given field of numbers.
That is, to reach consensus on most nodes in one way or another in order to determine who has the right to write.
Anyone can freely access and send transactional information, while users can participate in a consensus process to identify a block chain type of transactional information.
is a shared platform for storing and applying resources based on cloud computing techniques.
It was proposed by ICBI to resolve the issue of & ldquao; General Byzantine & rdquao; and the question of mistrust in China.
Under the consensus system, a number of representatives are elected by a vote of the holder, who completes the validation of transactional information and the recording of accounts.
The function token mainly provides digital access to applications.
This refers to actions to reduce the damage caused by holding a warehouse when the price of encrypted currency falls.
Nodes maintain block chains on an ongoing basis while generating data blocks, but at each time only one data block can be accepted and continues downwards, while the other abandoned data blocks are isolated.
It refers to a network of enterprises or sectors that acquire material from the processing to the sale of the product.
In general, it refers to a monopolistic enterprise or capitalist in an industry.
is the location of the attack on the software that allows unauthorized users (attackers) to enter or extract data.
An upgrade agreement.
i.e., send out a demand for a transaction.
Public and private keys are a set of key pairs generated by encryption algorithms. Public keys are public and are usually used to encrypt data and authenticate digital signatures.
An economics concept for statistics.
Consensus generally refers to the conduct of multiple parties in reaching agreement on a matter.
Consensus algorithms are the process of resolving a particular problem, where there is consensus or consensus.
The GHOST agreement is a master-chain selection agreement that was first proposed by the Tai Gang and placed on the Ether main network, using new criteria to determine which chain is the main chain.
It refers to the means used by the attackers to attack computers or network servers.
Refers to monetary assets held by national authorities that can be used internationally.
• Internationally responsible for determining national currency exchange rates, provisions of international settlement rules, balance-of-payments reconciliation, determination of international reserve assets, etc.
is the currency in which the user is required to exchange one-way bitcoin or other mainstream currency.
A solid state pass is non-transferable, non-tradable, only authenticated.
又称DogeCoin(DOGE),Dogecoin 缘起流行度不亚于国内“土豪”的欧美年度流行语“Doge”。
Also known as DogeCoin (DOGE), Dogecoin is as popular as & ldquao; rdquao; Euro-American annual popping & ldquao; Doge&rdquao;
It refers to the basic functions of the financial system that allow for coordinated regulation of different products, institutions and markets.
即Game Finance(游戏化金融),指以游戏模式包装去中心化金融产品,将去中心化金融的规则游戏化,以NFT的模式创造游戏道具。
The Game Finance refers to the centralization of financial products in a game mode, the gaming of rules for decentralized finance, and the creation of game objects in a NFT mode.
It means that the observer may have a certain impact on the object being observed during the observation.
It means the smallest unit of electromagnetic radiation.
Supply refers to the total amount of all encrypted currencies in circulation held by market participants.
Leverage is a common trading system.
This refers to the direct purchase of the national currency of the account in exchange for the currency of another country, where the money is still in the account and not in the form of cash.
It refers to the buying of a digital currency by the dealer at a low price and the selling of the money at a higher price than the arrival of the diaspora.
The sign-off service is designed to make bitcoin transactions anonymous. It refers to a service that protects the privacy of users by providing them with new addresses that can confuse the entry and export of transactions.
The hybrid consensus, which applies two or more consensus mechanisms to the bottom structure of the same block chain, is designed to address deficiencies such as inefficiencies resulting from a single consensus mechanism.
This refers to the exchange rate between the two currencies.
This refers to the monetary stock of a country over a certain period of time, consisting of the cash currency in circulation and the currency of deposit.
It refers to the compliance of the operations of financial institutions with the laws and regulations.
Also referred to as “ turnover & & rdquao; refers to the frequency of trade in digital assets over a certain period of time, which is one of the indicators that reflects market liquidity.
It's an economic fiction.
Block chain hierarchy. The contract layer includes a variety of script codes, algorithms and smart contracts, which form the basis on which the block chain can be programmed.
It refers to a digital signature scheme designed to protect the anonymity of the signatory, which is named because a parameter in the signature is linked to the first end of the chain.
即比特币核心钱包(Bitcoin Core),是比特币官方钱包客户端。
This is the Bitcoin Core Wallet, which is the client of the Bitcoin Official Wallet.
is an encryption function that converts any information into a string of fixed lengths.
A billion dollars in bonds issued by El Salvador.
The currency crisis encompasses both a broad currency crisis and a narrow currency crisis, which means that the volatility of the exchange rate of the national currency is greater than a country can bear.
Temporary blocks created by miners can be added to the block chain to receive block awards.
It means events that are unpredictable, sudden, and have a huge impact.
means that the private key cannot be found or that the address of the private key cannot be determined.
It means that there is no significant fluctuations in the behaviour of a currency over a period of time and that a paragraph similar to & ldquao; & & rdquao;
Roll-back refers to the restoration of the program or data to the previous correct state as a result of an error in the process or data processing.
Means the exchange of the currency of another State for the return of that currency or the exchange of that currency for that of another State.
It refers to a currency that is designed by people in the Internet community in accordance with the needs of the community and used only within the community.
The Greyscale Investment Trust, an investment fund based on the market value held in bitcoin, is currently the largest crypto-currency asset management investment company in the world.
A frigate means the protection of a plate.
It means that regardless of the price of the currency, it is determined to hold a currency for a long period of time.
In the case of a deviation between a true transaction price and a pre-set transaction price, the deviation of the slide point generally moves in a direction that is not favourable to investors and therefore tends to lead to additional losses in the transaction.
It means that the price of the auction was reduced from high to low until the first bidder showed up.
Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer and open-source digital currency that’s similar to Bitcoin _BTC_ and Litecoin _LTC_.
It refers to the practice of taking advantage of loopholes in some preferential activities to steal small flyheads.
Represents profits allocated by listed companies to shareholders, generally used for &ldquao; red & rdquao;
The contract deal's all over the place.
It is a technology that allows transactions and swaps between tokens issued on different block chains.
Computers or mining hardware can calculate the speed of the new Hashi values. Usually in Hash/s_Hashi/sec_.
(c) The general mastery of computer systems and network technology, especially programmers.
The parties to the sale enter into an agreement to buy or sell the assets at the price and time agreed upon, that is, a contractual transaction.
Bold is an ideal material set by scientists and is an object that completely absorbs external radiation without any reflection.
On the basis of their compatibility and application scenes, interoperability refers to the intercompatible characteristics of the block chain.
(c) The manner in which funds are raised for digital currency or block chain projects similar to those of ICO.
This is a way of raising funds for digital currency or block chain projects.
IPFS全称InterPlanetary File,是一种分布式、点对点的超媒体传输协议,同时也是一个可以用于存储和访问数据的分布式文件系统。
IPFS, fully known as InterPlanetary File, is a distributed, point-to-point supermedia transfer protocol, as well as a distributed file system that can be used to store and access data.
It's an algorithm that relies solely on mathematical techniques to solve computational problems and is suitable for less-data-volume computing. A computer that fits this algorithm is called a classic computer.
The algorithm solves practical problems by optimizing internal linkages, with the characteristics of calculating efficiency and accessibility.
Similar to the creation of new accounts, investors create warehouses or empty warehouses through new purchase or sale of a certain number of futures contracts.
In modern transactions, the medium is mostly money. Currency has three main roles: general equivalents, value scales, and storage instruments.
Financial instruments, such as futures, options, certificates, contracts, etc., are commonly referred to as a special type of sale and sale.
These include savings, credit and loans, financial management, venture capital, insurance, etc.
The concept, which emerged in 2018, whereby a transaction is concluded in an exchange, is rewarded accordingly.
Simply put, it refers to the conduct of the buyer and buyer to deliver the money to complete the transaction after the futures have expired.
The incentive layer consists mainly of the system of distribution and distribution of economic incentives.
This means that a process is manageable, but requires an unrealistic period of time (e.g. billions of years) to deal with mathematical problems.
It is an early investment in a block chain project, which refers to the first round of funds raised by the project team to achieve the site of the product.
The block chain system is meant to be maintained jointly by all of the nodes with maintenance functions.
The miners broadcast the transaction information widely in the block chain network, and the process of the transaction is validated and confirmed by nodes.
i.e. & ldquao; miner's fees & rdquao; transaction costs paid when users make transactions to reward miners for the maintenance of the Bitcoin network.
This means that a transaction is recorded and confirmed by a block chain network. When the number of confirmations reaches six, the transaction is generally considered to be safe and difficult to tamper with.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
即“Simplified Payment Verification”,简写为“SPV”。是一种钱包客户端的轻量级替代解决方案。
i.e. & ldquo; Simplified Payment Verification” SPV” short for & & & & ldquo; SPV & rdquo. is a lightweight alternative solution for wallet clients.
Generally only for different currencies under the same algorithm.
In reality, canaries are often used in underground mining operations, and when toxic gases (carbon monoxide, etc.) are distributed under the ground, canaries shout to alert miners.
Generally speaking, financial markets in a country or region are open to the outside world, or they can be transformed from closed to open financial markets in that country or region.
An essential criterion for measuring the products to be invested.
It is one of the common ways of auctioning that the lowest price is first given by the auctioneer, and the final transaction price is determined after the auction is conducted by the bidders in a competitive manner.
Similar to stop-out orders, users simply need to set the trigger price, commission price, commission volume.
The settlement member's funds deposited into the special clearing account of the exchange to ensure the performance of the contract are bonds that have been taken over by the contract and are calculated in proportion to the total value of the contract.
It refers to funds pre-positioned by members in exchange-specific clearing accounts for the purpose of trading and is a bond not subject to contractual occupation.
refers to the network nodes in the block chain system, specifically to the servers in the central network.
By the characteristics of the Bitcoin mining incentive, the aim is to control the speed at which Bitcoin is released in order to prevent inflation.
Encrypted currencies refer to virtual currencies based on cryptography.
It refers to those who are not familiar with the digital money market. They are vulnerable to information and emotional influences that lead to mishandling and loss.
It is commonly used to refer to large players in virtual currency transactions, such as high net-value groups, large institutional investors, etc.
Encryption algorithms are similar to a deep mathematical question key that converts the information originally intended to be transmitted into a series of unreadable secrets by using an encryption key.
is the cost to the parties to the transaction of the entire process before and after the transaction.
A direct transaction between the buyer and the seller outside a third-party institution.
In financial markets, third-party institutions that provide intermediary services such as communication, regulation, etc. to investors and project parties.
It refers to institutions that provide intermediary services in the financial sector and are part of the financial system.
Generally, money is used to measure the value of something.
It is divided into price-regulating mechanisms and price-generation mechanisms, which refer to operating mechanisms that are interlinked with changes in supply and demand, thus creating market prices.
Similar to the meaning of a bounties. A mound is a new digital currency created by modifications based on the bitcoins source code.
This refers to the imbalance between supply and demand in the market by regulating prices.
It refers to the autonomy of enterprises to set prices based on the value of the goods provided, in combination with market supply and demand and competition.
is the accounting for economic transactions over a period of time.
It refers to the continuous payment of money from later investors to the earlier investors as a return on their investment, thereby enticing more people to participate.
It refers to the use of technological, automated technologies to solve regulatory problems more efficiently.
It refers to the method of determining transactional decision-making by targeting market performance and judging market trends.
Means that some nodes, such as network nodes, nodes of network tubes, can be provided on a computer to calculate the provision of path services.
It refers to a method of assessing the intrinsic value of an asset on the basis of its essential characteristics.
It refers to a description of the movement patterns of objects in the macro world and at low speed, based on the laws of the Newton movement.
is the currency on which the exchange rate is based.
It means the sale of foreign currency to a designated bank for foreign exchange, which converts the equivalent of the national currency to the seller on the basis of the exchange rate.
is the monetary system in which gold is used as a local currency.
A comparison of the amount of gold represented by the currencies of the two countries.
A person that describes the problem of using a computer (mine machine) to calculate an encryption function for the purpose of obtaining a digital currency.
Professional computers used to calculate digital currency encryption functions perform only a single calculation program, generally accompanied by specialized mining chips.
A way to combine decentralized arithmetic into joint operations, with a functioning website, &ldquao; ponds & rdquao;
The central administration of mines, similar to mine machines, connects many of them in a space to dig together and provides services such as sites, electricity, networks, machine maintenance, etc.
In computing, the operation can be flexiblely reused with a corresponding reverse cancellation mechanism. A computer suitable for this algorithm is called a reversible computer, such as a quantum computer.
Software development terms refer to open source programs, which are accessible and shared, and can be modified on a source-based basis.
The data that can be contained on a block is limited and when it contains only one message, the block is called an empty block.
This refers to the exchange of information on different chains. Cross-chain interactions can be used to exchange assets, such as BTC for ETH.
The project party or platform, as a benefit of engaging users, places a currency directly in the account of the user and gives the user direct access to the currency.
block chain. The block chain system is open, any node is capable of having a web-wide ledger, the data on the chain is open to all nodes, and the information on the system is highly transparent.
is one of the characteristics of the block chain. The block chain technology provides a flexible script code system to support users in creating smart contracts on the chain, generating tokens and writing decentralised applications.
is one of the characteristics of the block chain. Any data in the block chain can be traced back through a chain structure and the content of the data itself can eventually be found.
It refers to the integration of the fields of science and technology and finance, with the encouragement and support of the Government, to guide and promote the development of the scientific and technological and financial industries.
It refers to the computing capacity of different hardware found on different platforms, i.e. miners can use miners to dig in different mining platforms.
is the state of the chain of blocks recording the height of a block at a given time.
This refers to the fact that investors throw out all the goods held (e.g. commodities, raw materials, stocks, futures, currency, etc.) and hold cash in their hands without commodities.
It means that when the cost of digging is higher than the market price, miners stop digging because they cannot earn the proceeds.
The currency that focuses on marketing and projects without input is air currency.
That is, the identification and enhanced scrutiny of account holders, aimed at preventing criminal acts, such as money-laundering, and at securing the legitimacy of the origin of the funds.
When a wave of love comes, they have little hope for the future and choose to sell the hand or choose not to act as a group of people who observe it for the time being.
The sponsors of the transaction pay a fee to the miners to complete the transaction, which is the cost of absenteeism.
Cross-linking is a technique to achieve secure communication and flow of assets and information between the different block chains.
K线图(Candlestick Charts)又被称为蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线等等,常用说法为“K线”。
The K-line map (Candlestick Charts) is also known as candle map, Japanese line, yeast line, etc., commonly referred to as &ldquao; K-line & rdquao;
is the technology that can convert assets originally stored in a block chain into assets in another block chain.
Keccak is a one-way hash function algorithm selected as a SHA-3 standard.
is the earliest price of a digital currency in a given time frame.
Quantum mechanics features are used to ensure the security of communications, enabling both parties to generate and share a random, secure key for encryption and declassification.
The motion state of a group of quantum numbers is referred to as the quantum state. Quantum numbers are some of the specific numbers used to indicate the motion state and nature of microparticles.
It is a type of physical equipment that follows quantum mechanics rules for high-speed mathematics and logical operation, storage and processing of quantum information.
It refers to the incorporation of quantum mechanics on the basis of classic algorithms and the use of these physical features to enhance computational efficiency.
Also referred to as the quantum logic door, which refers to equipment used in quantum computers to operate quantum bits, similar to CPUs in normal computers, but which is reversible.
Quantum mechanics noun, proposed by Einstein, Podolski and Rosen.
is the unit of measure in quantum informatics.
The number in which the quantum calculation is to be broken down into prime numbers is called prime factors. For example, there is a formula of 50 = 2 *5 *5, then 50 is prime factors, and its prime number is 2,5,5.
It's news that the price of the currency has risen.
It's about the news that pushed the currency down.
Cold storage refers to the digital currency & ldquo; offline & rdquo; the process, which is equivalent to the storage of encrypted currency in a safe, in order to ensure its safety.
is the cost of compensation paid by the debtor to the creditor.
That's the cold wallet.
This means that the seller of the transaction does not wait for the transaction to be confirmed by the block-chain network node, i.e. the delivery of the digital currency.
Compared to the right to operate of a single organization in the private chain, the chain of alliances is generally owned jointly by multiple organizations or institutions.
It refers to a circle of people who focus on technology, applications or bottom-line protocol development and research in block chains.
It is an encrypted currency that has not yet been issued and was proposed by Facebook in June 2019 and is expected to be released in 2020.
All known as & ldquo; block chain modification & & rdquao; first presented at the Second Plenary Congress of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association in 2018.
The original new Orient Master, the famous angel investor, the big V in the currency ring, has "The Self-Repair of Pickles ", " Time as a Friend ", " The Path to Wealth Freedom ", and so on.
The thunder-power network is an extended solution in the Taiwan chain, which allows for instantaneous and low-cost transactions in encrypted currencies using the technology of the Tai-Nam.
The main feature of the Federal Byzantine agreement was decentralization and misbehaviour.
Cold wallets are not used online and storage safety factors are higher.
It means that there must be a loss of one side of the proceeds in the competition between the parties involved in the game.
This refers to the number of encrypted currencies in open circulation on the market, issued - destroyed = in circulation.
is the ratio of the amount of interest to the principal amount.
When interest rates are reduced to close to zero and no further reduction is possible, any increase in the amount of money will not have an impact on prices.
流动性挖矿(liquidity mining)是一种通过质押加密货币,来获取更多加密货币的方法。简单来说,这意味着锁定加密货币即可获得奖励。
Liquid mining is a way to secure more encrypted money by pledging encrypted money. In short, it means locking in encrypted money is rewarded.
Liquidity providers (LPs) generally refer to participants who can provide and enhance liquidity in the market, while in the area of DeFi they refer to users who provide funding and liquidity to the pool.
流动性代币(LP token)是指流动性提供者往流动池中投入并锁定资金后产生的代币。
Liquidity tokens (LP token) are those that are generated when liquidity providers invest in liquid pools and lock in funds.
It refers to institutions or large investors buying a currency with large sums of money and spreading good news to induce ordinary investors to follow suit.
i.e. a K-line map. It is a visual pattern of price trends and is widely used in technical analyses of stock, futures, digital currencies, etc.
That's Latcoin.
It means raising prices by marketing or disseminating false information.
两因素身份验证(2FA)是一种常见的验证用户身份的方法,Gate.io 双重验证采用的便是两因素身份验证(2FA),可以起到更好的保护作用。
Two factors for identification (2FA) are a common method of authenticating users, while two factors for identification (2FA) are used for dual verification by Gate.io, which can provide better protection.
In the case of excellent performance, with a share in the stock of large active companies, it is also considered that the blue share is & & ldquao; & & rdquao;
It refers to trading through computational models and procedures as a way of obtaining more stable returns.
It usually refers to market liquidity. It refers to the speed at which a transaction is made or the ability of market participants to make a deal at a market price without causing large fluctuations in market prices.
In cryptography, it refers to a method of proof.
Extortion software is a popular wooden horse virus.
It refers to a new mode of calculation that follows a quantum science pattern to control the quantum information unit so that it can be calculated.
It refers to a bank account opened by a depositor outside the country in which he or she resides and is an offshore account.
The NFT project, once released, is deployed on the Etheria network.
The block chain is expanded on the 0th floor, also known as the Layer0 layer of data transmission.
The first layer of the block chain is enlarged and the On-Chain public chain itself (lower account book) layer of the Layer 1 floor.
区块链的第2层扩容,Layer 2层Off-Chain扩展性(应用扩展)层。
The second layer of the block chain is enlarged, the Off-Chain extension layer on the Layer 2nd floor.
To describe the physical structure and movement patterns of the microworld.
指一群热衷使用加密技术推动社会发展的人集结成的组织。早期成员包括Facebook创始人Sean Parker、维基解密创始人Julian Paul Assange等。
Earlier members included Sean Parker, founder of Facebook, Julian Paul Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, and others.
The full amount is spent on purchasing digital currency.
The data that can be contained on a block is limited, and when the information contained in the block fills the whole block, the block is called a full block.
He served as Deputy Director of the payment settlement department of the People's Bank of China and as Director of the Digital Monetary Institute of the People's Bank of China (second term) in September 2019.
Also known as Hashi Tree, is a tree-shaped data structure.
The information generated by encryption algorithms to send the message to the recipient is the password.
When an encrypted currency appears on a price point in large quantities of purchase orders, those orders are called walls, and such purchases are called walls.
Compiled by specific rules for encryption and declassification of information.
cryptography is a branch of mathematics and computer science.
refers to the readable information that the sender of the information wants to send to the recipient of the information, while the information generated by encryption is referred to as a secret.
The price difference between the lowest and highest price on the plate is one of the indicators of liquidity. The smaller the price difference, the higher the liquidity.
This refers to the currency used to pull the plug using the innovative marketing extension model, common models such as the partnership model, the red distribution model, etc.
is the digital currency in which the French currency is anchored.
Merkelgen is the root node of the Merkel tree, the value of which is the result of multiple Hashi calculations of all nodes in the tree.
Dollar Cost Averaging(DCA)。是一种在固定时间内投资固定的美元金额的一种定时定额投资方法。在
Dollar Cost Avelaging (DCA).
It refers to a technique used to induce hackers to attack, thereby enhancing the defence capabilities of the system.
is one of the characteristics of the block chain. The data exchange between the nodes of the block chain is done on the basis of encryption algorithms, without trust between them, and thus meets the characteristics of an anonymous transaction.
It refers to the rate of return of one year for the duration of the investment and is a theoretical rate of return.
It refers to an attempt by individual users to create multiple account identities and thus have enough nodes to control the network.
It refers to markets with long-term upward trends in prices. The overall trend is upward and, although it has fallen, it is usually higher in waves than in waves.
The price of what appears to be a virtual currency is rising, but it is actually about to fall.
NFT(Non-fungible Token)是基于 ERC721标准下的加密货币,又被称为不可替代代币。
NFT (Non-fundible Token) is based on encrypted currency under the ERC721 standard and is also described as an irreplaceable token.
It is an objective existence to refer to values that are inherent in things themselves and are not affected by other factors from outside.
Also known as uncontrollable currency, is the money supply provided by non-central banks and by the economic system (e.g. commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions).
The mining of Bitcoin means a violent mystery, and the difficulty determines the number of times to be guessed.
It refers to the fact that, as mining becomes more difficult, it is ultimately difficult for miners to dig for Ethers without profit, leading to a significant decline in Ether blocks.
In the Bitcoin network, the difficulty value required to enable the entire network to generate a block approximately every 10 minutes is the difficulty target.
This refers to the recalculation of web-wide difficulties for each new 2016 blocks.
Open funds are common funds whose share and total size are not fixed and which can increase or decrease at any time as the needs of investors increase or decrease.
That is, buy it, sell it, or buy it.
In financial markets, wrong transactions resulting from a keyboard input error, such as a transaction number or a transaction price error.
You can only buy items that you can't sell. Because of the contract code, most of the projects are closed, so you can avoid them if you don't choose them.
When the new currency is issued, it falls below the issuance price.
As the Korean people are very keen to collide with other countries, the price of Korea's digital currency is much higher than that of other countries.
The white paper on the project is usually carried through the PPT, and the success of the first currency release of the project is largely dependent on whether the white paper is well produced, and is thus called & ldquao; PPT financing & rdquao;
This refers to a network for direct information exchange between points and points, which is not handled by a central server.
来源于一名名为查尔斯·庞兹的投机商人的骗 局。
From a scheme by an opportunist named Charles & Middot; Ponzi.
The storage technology does not include a centralized control mechanism and enhances the efficiency of the network by opening storage space at nodes.
Virtual capital is a phenomenon that deviates significantly from the real economy itself and is the result of financial speculation.
That is, proof of personal information.
is a physical constant that describes the size of a quantum.
The original stock market terminology is used in digital currency transactions to observe the movement of transactions in a particular currency, including movements and movements, the movement of dealers, etc.
There was a sudden and dramatic drop in fingers, showing a straight-line decline on the K-line like a waterfall or a dive.
It is an encryption algorithm used for the safety of protected area blocks.
Only data on blocks that are relevant to you are kept, the memory is small, and the user has a good experience.
Contrary to rehousing, fewer funds were invested in the purchase of digital currencies and much cash was retained in smaller currencies.
It can be understood as a page on an account that contains a lot of information about transactions, times, serial numbers, etc. When these pages are linked in an orderly way, they become a block chain.
It refers to the one-way flow of certain tokens, such as one-way distribution, with no recovery channels.
The software used to store digital money is essentially stored with the preservation key and address of the digital currency.
The system for issuing interest is based on the number of currency held by the user and the time.
It consists of blocks and chains, with a complete chain of blocks similar to a public ledger, in which information is recorded and the chain links to each page to form a complete account book.
Refers to the number of blocks on the block chain that can accommodate the data.
It means that users can conduct transactions safely and freely without having to trust or rely on any third party.
The block chain is expanded on the 0th floor, also known as the Layer0 layer of data transmission.
is a tool for browsing and accessing any information relevant to the block chain and presenting the search results in the form of a web page.
That is, a contract that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell the assets subject to the agreed quantity at the agreed date at an agreed price.
This refers to the time taken throughout the process, from the time of submission of the request to the date of confirmation of the transaction.
Financial ecosystems consisting of decentralised applications (DApp).
Similarity & ldquao; potential share & rdquao; refers to the preferred currency.
Specific reference is made to a mortgage created as a subject matter of real property rights.
This refers to the mining industry's ability to solve the problems associated with mathematics and the incentive to dig after the creation of new blocks.
Decentralization is the form of social relations and content production that emerges from the development of the Internet.
It refers to the number of blocks in the chain between it and the original block.
It refers to the recognition of a right to something through a series of laws, policies and prescribed processes.
is the node that has a complete account of the entire block chain.
That's mandatory siloing.
It refers to the procedure for the termination of the current legal relationship and for the disposal of the remaining property.
Particular reference is made to communities associated with the chain of blocks that are distinct from other centralized communities and organizations with decentralised characteristics.
is the period of time during which an account is locked in a currency, thereby obtaining interest.
The option parity relationship is the equivalent value relationship between the European option to increase and the European option price to fall with the same execution price
It refers to remittances from overseas Chinese migrants to their home countries.
Some basic information on the current block, similar to the executive summary of the article, usually includes information on the Hashi value, time stamp, random numbers, etc. of the previous block.
It is a concept relative to spot, which refers to standardized contracts that provide for the delivery of a certain quantity and quality of goods at a certain point in the future, based on spot goods.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
Ren is an open agreement allowing users to bring their assets across the chain to the Etheria.
The upgraded block chain program is compatible with the old version, while the blocks generated by the new version can also be endorsed by the old version.
瑞波币,英文名称为Ripple Credits(XRP),是一种交易费低、可全球流通的加密货币。
Ribbon, known in English as Ripple Credits (XRP), is an encrypted currency with low transaction costs and worldwide circulation.
Wallet is the software used to store digital money, which is essentially stored with the preservation key and address of the digital currency.
The attack was directed at a particular node, where a false block view was received.
is the method by which the right to account is determined by the storage capacity of the computer.
Generally speaking, proof of a person's identity requires the submission of three different types of evidence, which are referred to as the three elements of authentication.
It refers to an encoded currency that was chased up all the way to the market and escaped with money from the developer of that currency thousands of times the value of the currency, leading to a complete collapse in the value of the currency.
The first layer of the block chain hierarchy is the bottom of the block chain.
At present, all currencies except Bitcoin can be called &ldquao; mountain coins & rdquao;
Quantum algorithms can be used to run very large factor decompositions or to decomposition discrete logarithms.
The HA256 algorithm uses a hash length of 256 bits. This is an abstract category. The only achievement of this kind is SHA256Managed.
A digital currency is locked for a period of time, during which no transaction can be made and no transaction can be extracted, and the currency can be reused until the maturity of the locking period.
The competence to operate on the block chain is limited to a single organization, and the private chain no longer has the characteristics of &ldquao; decentralizing & rdquao; & & & & & &.
is a shared platform that is based on cloud computing techniques and is used to store and apply resources but requires identification.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
is a story that describes the content of the report in the form of a digital statement or a chart.
That is, a time-marking event, each transaction on a block is sequenced by the time it is marked.
is a purchase or sale transaction at the current market price.
Refers to the number of characters in the block chain that indicate the identity information for each node to support the attribution of the public key.
It's a fork based on mainstream digital currency.
The founder of the waves, the founder of the sharp wave, the founder of a well-known project in the currency circle, often on Twitter, by commenting on events or participating in them to increase their subjectivity.
It is a new digital currency that provides free and small amounts of money for people to access and experience.
In June 2019, Sun Woo took a picture of the 20th Buffett luncheon at $4,567,888.
It refers to a process in which a new type of digital currency can easily be dug up in the immediate pre-issuance period.
& ldquo; Sun Woo may be late but never absent
Sun Woo single-handedly made a bet, saying he couldn't forget to look at himself when he was recording a show with Wang Xiaochuan.
Wang Si-hung was listed for execution in November 2019, and Sun Woo-moo stated on Twitter that, if the information was correct, he was considering helping Wang to repay his debt.
In November 2019, Lo Young Ho was added to the consumer-restricted list, and on the evening of 3 November, he published a long letter in the social media stating that he would pay off his debt even if he was a salesman.
On November 23, 2019, an online worker claiming to have been an online game planner published articles on the Internet about his terminal illness and the ease with which he could be expelled from the company.
On 25 November 2019, Sun Woo opened & ldquao on Twitter; Dream Fund activities & rdquao;
For the first time, an enterprise sold its shares to the public.
Refers to orders that have been defined as concrete steps to achieve a certain goal and to automatically process data information.
Public and private keys are a set of key pairs derived from encryption algorithms.
A term used to judge the exchange means that there is a balance of power between the two sides and that the listings can be matched and concluded quickly.
English is & ldquo; Nonce” in mining, it is a random number that is generated automatically and has no real meaning.
It refers to a digital string that can only be generated by the sender of the information and that cannot be forged by others to prove the authenticity of the information.
Arithmetic is the measure of the capacity of the Bitcoin network.
This means that the user sets a specified trigger time interval, which the system triggers once every time interval from the time of the next order.
Refers to the point where total expenditure equals the total value of current income in the course of the investment.
It refers to the construction of a chain of blocks with a particular algorithm, followed by the sale of a miner dedicated to the chain of blocks for currency mining.
That is, a sum of money was spent twice or more.
After a brief recovery when the currency price continued to fall, it continued to fall as if the cat had fallen down the stairs.
All web content that cannot be searched by a search engine can be called deep web.
is the account number used to make a digital currency investment.
is a transaction between digital currencies.
This refers to transactions between two or more numeric currencies, such as currency transactions.
The Lightning Network was first proposed in 2015 with the main aim of enhancing the trading performance of the Bitcoin Network.
KDJ指标又叫随机指标,最早起源于期货市场,是由乔治·莱恩(George Lane)首创的
KDJ indicators, also known as random indicators, originated in the futures market and started with George & Middot; George Lane.
In the case of a security based on a digital asset, a stable currency at the rate of the charge and the value of the asset.
is defined as an encrypted currency whose value is stable, based on algorithmic control of the quantity of money supplied.
It refers to the currency that the developers issue for use in a particular virtual community.
This refers to currencies that are physically supported, such as gold and silver.
This refers to the currency that is accepted by both buyers and sellers in the form of data and is used online only.
Shark fin is a low-risk property, known as & ldquao; shark fin & rdquao, because its yield curve structure is similar to the shape of a shark fin showing water.
This refers to the full digitization of all services provided.
It's a user who often thinks it's bad, can't buy it, it's bad.
The attackers deliberately created a smart contract, with some known flaws, to induce users to trade in unlicensed high-risk environments.
is a contract in which the currency of the price is different from the currency of the settlement.
The swap is a single or multiple exchange of the assets subject to the contract between the parties within a specified period of time.
闪电贷是指一类无抵 押贷 款合约
Lightning loans are a kind of credit-in-deposit, loan-deposit contract.
The Triangular Dynamic Trading Model is a simple time-selection model. It is based on the Dynamic Indicator ROC, which uses three different cycles of ROC to capture market rises and declines.
It means providing investors with a safe space that can be simulated.
It is used to verify that miners have stored relevant user data over a certain period of time.
A thin line extending vertically from the candlesticks in the K-line map. The upper line is usually created because the air force is larger than the multi-military force.
That is, the market value of the currency, which is generally expressed in United States dollars.
is the latest price of a numeric currency over a certain period of time.
Also referred to as the Angel Investment refers to the investment of an individual in a technology or concept with high risks and high returns at the same time.
Generally, it means that users sell their money without looking at the future, and the price rises all the way after the sale, missing the opportunity to make a profit.
Observing the development of a currency, it began to buy large sums of money into the accumulation of that currency.
Pop algorithm one.
That's &ldquao; token & rdquao; meaning Bitcoin, Letcoco, and Etheria are all Token's.
It is one of the technologies of cross-chain interaction. Interaction with the construction of cross-chains is relatively simple, but it requires consistency between security mechanisms and consensus algorithms across the different chains.
The coin that is distributed to users free of charge is candy.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
Refers to economic systems and mechanisms for the issuance of hyphens within the block chain project.
This refers to the ratio of economic returns obtained through investment instruments.
XXX(币种名称)to the moon,指其价格暴涨,一般写为“to da moon”。
XXX (currency name) to the moon, refers to its price surge, usually & ldquao; to da moon&rdquao;
Generally refer to the sale of hand held shares by investors, such as empty surrenders.
This refers to deriving benefits from differences in market prices or rates of return.
is a token that follows the same homogenous agreement.
All the currencies in circulation in society are referred to collectively as banknotes, coins, etc.
It refers to which initial holders should be assigned first after a pass has been created.
It refers to trading scenes similar to those in our daily lives, distribution mechanisms in normal circulation and in the case of transactions.
It refers to the existence of a regulatory body within the economy, which is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the economy and for resolving the distribution mechanisms of disputes.
This means that the supply of the currency in circulation is greater than real demand and that the purchasing power is greater than productivity, leading to an increase in the price of the currency's devaluation.
It refers to the principles and manner in which the holder of the certificate makes donations and rewards.
It means that the supply of the currency in circulation is smaller than real demand and that the purchasing power is less than productivity, leading to a fall in the price of the currency's appreciation.
It is a new way of thinking about the membrane economy, which refers to the membrane economy built up by block-chain games platforms.
The ability of a system to perform any computing that a programming computer can perform can solve any computing problem.
Cracking is a risk to asset transactions, for example, where the expected purchase and purchase price differs from the actual price after the transaction, resulting in users being &ldquao; & & rdquao;
means that by decrypting the same output data, the result is the same as the output value of the original data.
This is the largest upgrade of the Bitcoin network since 2017.
is a public key password algorithm based on elliptical mathematics.
Tether's sending an extra $1 billion USDT.
The concept of the rate of volatility is narrower than fluctuations, and refers specifically to the difference in the rate of return of an asset, that is, the second-order middle of the rate of return of an asset. It is usually used to measure the risk of a digital currency.
以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin的中国昵称。
The Chinese nickname is Vitalik Buterin, founder of Taiwan.
Describes the process by which a computer calculates a digital currency encryption function, thus obtaining a digital currency, i.e. a workload certificate (PoW).
WBTC, similar to RenBTC, is also an ERC20, anchored with Bitcoin 1:1.
It refers to the formation of an interconnected, interactive and recognizable network of all ordinary physical objects.
In order to maintain a stable value in a currency, there is usually no significant fluctuation in the value of the currency.
The mesh trade is a market investment strategy, also known as the net trading, and at its core is the high drop-and-sort, which applies to the tremors of digital money.
A change in the price of a digital asset results in a loss of money due to price differentials when the investor deposits the digital asset into an automated market pool.
is the monetary supply provided by the Central Bank, which includes currency, deposit reserves, base currency.
It means sending a large number of fraudulent spam messages disguised as coming from official agencies in an attempt to trick users into entering sensitive information.
i.e. an encrypted currency in which you can earn money by playing a game, in which you can earn more encrypted money and then use it to exchange other encrypted money.
& ldquao; Michaelson-Morey Experiment & rdquao; & & & ldquao; UV mutagenic & rdquao; two experiments that do not use classic mechanics.
Also known as the first generation of the Internet refers to the provision of information to users by the network, where users are more likely to receive information than to provide or disseminate information. One-way sexual communication is the main feature of Web1.0.
The Internet as a channel of communication between people is a feature of Web 2.0.
The definition of Web3.0 is not yet widely agreed, and the current Web3.0 can be seen as an idea of the future direction of the Internet.
i.e. goods in kind, i.e. goods in kind that can be stored, manufactured, traded.
It is an offence that conceals and disguises illicit proceeds by various means and ultimately turns them into legitimate gains.
is a string that is constantly randomly generated when calculating the Hashi function.
In order to clean up the excess floating forces in the current market, the bankers used pseudo-false, disinformation and other methods to get some dissipated households out of the market with unswerving will in order to profit from them.
A thin line extending vertically and downwards from the candlesticks in the K-line map. The lower line is usually created because multiple forces are larger than the force of the air force.
It is a distributed storage mode (P2P) that enables decentralised Internet protocols.
Modelling or software simulation, also known as mathematical modelling, is used to verify whether there are problems with the program or system, which is more applied in the hardware field
It is a schedule with an expected completion date. The road map allows you to understand the long-term objectives that an organization wants to achieve.
In the area of computers, the crisis of trust refers to the large number of data leaks in the network and the insecurity of network information as AI technology advances rapidly
Like vampires, they use human blood to rejuvenate themselves.
Means a purchase or sale transaction at a specified price, also known as a trust transaction or a listing transaction.
By taking over the currency sold by the pickles, the money on their hands is increased for the purpose of controlling the plate.
Conduct to ask prices for optimal decision-making.
This refers to the chronic lowness of the overall virtual currency exchange market.
This refers to the automatic revocation by the trading system of the remaining outstanding quantities, if any, after the price condition card has met the trigger conditions for placing the order on the trading system.
The relative strength and weakness index is an indicator of the relative strength of the currency itself, which shows market over-sales and over-buying, and measures the extent of price change over time.
An economics concept for statistics.
In the case of non-entity currencies, some of the specific games, Queens, Bitcoins, etc. that appear in the game can be considered virtual currency.
Refers to the difference between the bank's own interest income and interest on expenditure.
To assess the ratio of potential returns to risks, it is relatively simple and clear to assess whether a project is worth investing.
Virtual addresses are virtual IP addresses used to identify physical addresses.
A classic hypothetical experiment in quantum mechanics.
Every piece of land in the dollar universe can be considered a unique NFT.
It is only necessary to pay a certain fee to purchase the corresponding arithmetic.
Also known as private currency, anonymous currency, refers to the concealment of data exchange between the public wallet addresses of the parties involved in the transaction using cryptography techniques.
& & ldquao; candlestick & rdquao; and red or blanks in the centre of the general sun line.
Also known as the distribution market or primary market, which means that the project party has the will to deal in all the upper currency, then sells the currency publicly for the first time to the market created by the user.
It refers to the overall downward trend and the slow fall in currency prices.
It's a kind of cross-chain interactive technology.
In the same file system, the file is linked to the alias of another file.
A view was expressed that the Bitcoin process was flawed, so that the bitcoin code was copied, modified, the bitcoin process upgraded and a new currency was created.
Proclaimed by Nail Vice-President Zhang Seng at the SaaS application conference in China, it is a new organizational form that pursues internal innovation, free and unbridled.
When two or more miners calculate the Hashi function results at the same time, acquire the right to pack blocks and generate two blocks, the miners will continue to calculate each of the two blocks.
It is a free and open-source program that allows users to access their web pages with triple encryption. It is also the most popular means of anonymous access to the dark web.
One of the hierarchical structures of the block chain contains the various application scenarios of the block chain.
refers to the confirmation of a transaction at each node. Each transaction is broadcast online and verified by another node.
Yeah? It's a virtual currency. It's a product.
It refers to a text that has not yet been translated into a computer language in accordance with programme design norms and is a plain-read computer language instruction.
指17世纪中期发生在荷兰的泡 沫经济事件。
In the middle of the 17th century, the bubble economy in the Netherlands.
It means that the price of a given number of currencies fell to only half of its previous highest level.
It is an open-source, decentralised block chain bottom operating system that is not controlled by anyone and the most active network of smart contracts.
The metaphor is a blind mind.
An intelligent contract technique is one in which two different digital currencies can be exchanged without the need for a third party.
It means there's a chart that doesn't have a loop.
It refers to regulatory bodies established by the State to maintain stability in financial markets.
This means that the parties to the transaction agreed in the signed contract to conduct the transaction on a specified date at a price agreed upon in the contract.
That's hard fork and soft fork.
MACD中文名是异同移动平均线,由Geral Appel于1979年提出,有“技术指标之王”的美誉。
The Chinese name MACD, which is a moving mean line, was proposed by Gerald Appel in 1979 and has a reputation for & ldquao; the King of Technical Indicators & & rdquao;
The moving mean line (MA) is a technical indicator of trends in currency prices based on the theoretical basis and is used to observe trends in currency prices; Jones & & ldquo; the average cost concept & rdquo;
The one-line balance map consists mainly of the following five parts:
ETH 2.0是ETH发展四阶段中的最后一个阶段,将从PoW工作量证明共识机制升级为PoS权益证明机制。
ETH 2.0 is the last of the four phases of ETH development and will be upgraded from PoW workload to PoS equity certification.
is a combination of foreign currencies used for reference when setting a currency exchange rate.
In the case of mature public chains, bottom-level technologies and frameworks have been designed, and developers can complete public chain development only by preparing business logic.
One of the most well-known key issues of currency distribution in the Etherm.
即EOS币,EOS.io项目由block.one的CTO Dan Larimer主导。
The EOS.io project is led by the CTO Dan Larimmer of Block.one.
Also referred to as intermediate data, relay data, used to classify the properties of the data and to show what kind of data a given type is.
is the time between the computer's input and the output. This is usually divided into delays on the block chain network and on the exchange.
i.e. online storage mode, where data are stored on a virtual server provided by a third party.
Refers to the subject matter of the transaction in the permanent contract, that is, the currency in which the transaction is required.
This is the currency used to calculate the price in a permanent contract.
is the currency used to settle the gains or losses in a permanent contract.
Formerly China Programmer's Day.
Refers to the situation where the opening price is greater than at the time of collection.
Ether's Internet fees
该词源于美国作家Neal Stephenson于1992年出版的科幻小说《雪崩》,“meta”意为“超越”、“元”,结合“ Universe”(宇宙)即元宇宙。
The term is derived from a science fiction novel, Avalanche, published by the American writer Neal Stephenson in 1992, & ldquao; meta&rdquao; meaning &ldquao; beyond &rdquao; & & & & rdquao; Won & rdquao; combined & & ldquao; Universese&rdquao; (cosmos) or meta-cosmos.
A paid-up encrypted currency that claims that a player can participate in a new network game using squid.
An abstract computer used to study computational complexity and numeracy.
Concept proposed by Aristotle.
The Jamaica system was the new international monetary system signed and established by the International Monetary Fund following the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.
The acronym of the main force, sometimes also known as & ldquao; doghouse & rdquao;
In general, capital markets refer to securities markets.
It refers to the collection of funds for all groups, relying mainly on the power of the general public.
Refers to the total amount of digital currency in circulation and not in circulation on the market, which does not include quantities destroyed.
It refers to the maximum number of digital currencies, each of which has its own maximum supply, such as some 21 million bitcoins.
Contrary to light warehouse, more funds were invested in the purchase of digital currencies and many of them were held with little cash.
When two miners simultaneously excavate blocks, the system determines that the maximum workload proves that the chain is effective, based on the maximum chain principle.
The data that can be contained on a block is limited, and when the information capacity in the block is greater than the space and less than the full block, the block is referred to as a normal block.
It refers to the creation of a two-way channel between different users to provide a virtual channel for the status of both parties.
is the establishment of a data transmission channel between two users or services, with a common repeater and a repeater.
Gatner identified one of the ten major strategic technological trends for 2020.
It is a common sight of the cattle market, which is the wave that lasts the longest in the upwelling process.
It is a common picture of the bear market, the wave that lasted the longest during the fall.
So that all nodes on the block chain can freely exchange data in an environment of trust.
Payment medals provide only payment functions that do not have any other function.
Assets such as shares or bonds are an asset.
This is the tax levied on profits earned from the sale of assets, generally for real estate, stocks, bonds, precious metals, etc.
Bitcoin's inventor.
Smart contracts were first proposed in the 1990s by Nick & Middot; Sabo is a computer agreement designed to develop, disseminate, validate and execute contracts in digital form.
This refers specifically to the top-ranked digital currencies with real transactions and applications on the market and with consensus, such as Bitcoin, Lightcoin, Etheria, etc.
That is, investors expect a currency to fall in the future, sell the currency in their hands at the current price, buy at a lower price and earn the difference when it falls in the future.
It is a strategy order that is automatically executed in response to market callbacks.
That is, when investors expect a currency to move up in the future, they start buying it, selling it at a higher price and earning the difference when the trend rises in the future.
The main network is a credible network publicly recognized by block chain communities.
Market prices and technological indicators of investment currencies are moving in the opposite direction.
Automation marketers (AMM) simulated their behaviour in the DeFi market through algorithmic robots in order to achieve maximum liquidity and maximum daily average turnover.
This refers to the establishment of an interconnected monetary system, such as the use of the same currency, among countries or regions that meet some of the economic and financial conditions.
is a wallet that only supports the functions of digital asset storage, transfer, etc. in a block chain.
全称为美国证券交易委员会,简称为M国证 监 会。专职负责监督、管理证券市场,保障投资者的利益。
It is known as the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, known as the National Securities and Exchange Commission.
It's a changing double-flower attack.
It is one of the cold wallets, which means keeping a private key on paper or printing it in two-dimensional numbers after a document.
is a contract for the same currency as the currency of settlement.
The primary function of the CPU, the control core of the computer, is to receive and interpret instructions and to enforce them.
The sign of a long-form shape in the K-line map is a graphic used to observe the movement.
Also known as the Alpha value, it is a measure of the extent to which the Fund has exceeded its returns after a combination of the Fund's returns and risk factors.
This refers to the promotion of investments in the form of distributions, and the payment of the later investor's money to the earlier investor as a return on the investment.
It is an organization that, in order to protect equity within the industry and promote the healthy development of the industry, self-regulation of the activities of the securities market is regulated in accordance with the regulations.
is the electronic transaction network set up to meet digital payment needs.
means that no one has access to encrypted information except the user (private key holder).
It refers to an experiment in which classical mechanics could not be fully explained at the end of the 19th century.
Uplifting is the equity term, which means buying when the stock price rises.
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