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The process of mining, while not creating any real value, has itself maintained the stability of the Bitcoin system. Overall, mining algorithms in the Bitcoin system have been successful and no major loopholes have been detected.


Of course, there are also problems with mining algorithms in the Bitcoin system, most notably the professionalization of mining equipment, which makes it difficult for ordinary computer users to participate, and the centralization of mining, which is contrary to the notion of “decentralization”.

因此,在比特币之后包括以太坊在内的许多加密货币针对该缺陷进行改进,希图做到ASIC Resistance(抗拒ASIC专用矿机)。由于ASIC芯片相对普通计算机来说,算力强但访问内存性能差距不大,因此常用的方法为Memory Hard Mining Puzzle,即增加对内存访问的需求

As a result, many of the encrypted currencies that followed Bitcoin, including the Taiku, have improved on this deficiency, and Hito has been able to achieve ASIC Resistance (resistance of ASIC-specific machines). Since the ASIC chips are relatively high on normal computers but access to memory performance gaps are small, the commonly used method is Memory Hard Mining Puzzle, i.e. increased demand for memory access .


At one point, Leytco became the second-largest currency after Bitcoin. Its basic design was broadly identical to that of Bitcoin, but it was modified to deal with the mining of Sanofi.


Lightcoin’s pizzle is based on Scrypt. Scrypt is a Hashi function that requires a high degree of memory performance and has been used more often in computer security cryptography.



Sets a large array to fill false random numbers in order.


Because we can't predict the output of the Hashi function, it looks like a pile of random data, so it's called a "false random number."


For example, there is a Seed node, where the first number is obtained by some sort of calculation, and each number is obtained through the value of the previous location. The feature of this filling is that there is a pre- and post-dependency relationship between taking values from such arrays.




reads a number from the array in a pseudo-random order when asking for an answer to Puzzle.


For example, for the first time, the data are read from A position, for the next reading position B is calculated from A; for the second time, the data is read from B position, for the next reading position C is calculated from B;


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如果数组足够大,对于挖矿矿工来说,就是memory hard,必须保存该数组以便查询,否则每次不仅计算位置,还要根据Seed计算整个数组数据,才能查询到对应位置的数据,这对于矿工来说,挖矿计算复杂度大幅度上升。

If the array is large enough, for miners, it is memory hard, which must be kept in order to search, otherwise the entire array of data must be calculated not only on the location but also on the basis of Seed in order to be able to access the corresponding location data, which for miners is a significant increase in the complexity of mining calculations.


Of course, miners can choose to save only part of the data, for example, by saving only odd-numbered location data and calculating even-numbered positions on the basis of the previous odd-numbered location data when required, thereby reducing the size of the memory by one half (calculating a little more complexity, but reducing the memory by one half).


Core idea: Unfriendly to ASIC chips cannot be achieved by merely calculating and increasing its access to memory.



It seems rather good, making the ASIC miner mining unfriendly, but the method is not very friendly for the Puzzle verification, because it makes it as large as the memory area needed to solve and verify. To verify the Puzzle, it also needs to store the array, and is therefore unfriendly for light nodes (most of the nodes in the system are light nodes).

因此,莱特币真正应用来说,数组大小不敢设置太大。例如:对于计算机而言,1G毫无压力,而对于手机APP来说,1G占据空间就过大了。所以,实际中,莱特币系统设计的数组大小仅仅128K大小。起初莱特币发行时,不仅希望能够抗拒ASIC,还希望能抗拒GPU。但实际中,后来慢慢出现了GPU挖矿,再后来,ASIC芯片挖矿也出现了。实际应用中,莱特币的设计并未起到预期作用,也就是说,128k对于ASIC Resistance来说过小了。

So, for example: for computers, there is no pressure on 1G, and for mobile phone APP, 1G takes up too much space. So, in practice, the set size of the Letco system was only 128K. When it was released, it wanted not only to resist ASIC, but also to resist GPU. In practice, however, the GPU mine followed, and later, the ASI chip mine. In practical application, the design of Lettco did not work as intended, that is, 128k was too small for ASIC Resistance.


Is this setup good or bad?


It is certainly a bad thing from the point of view that it did not play its intended role, but from a different perspective, early advocacy of this design objective effectively attracted a large number of miners and solved the problem of the “start-up” of Lettco, so that it is still a more dominant encoded currency.


In addition, the other difference between Letcoin and Bitcoin is the time of creation , apart from these differences, the two currencies are basically the same.

以太坊的理念与莱特币相同,都是Memory Hard Mining Puzzle,但具体设计上与莱特币不同。

The idea of Ethio is the same as that of Leitco, which is all Memory Hard Mining Puzzle, but is not specifically designed as that of Leitco.



In Ethio, two data sets are designed, one big, one small. The smaller one is a 16MB cache, and the larger one is a 1G dataset (DAG). In relation to this, the 1G data set is generated through a 16MB data set.


Thinking: Why a big one or two data sets?


In order to facilitate validation, it is sufficient to keep Cache of 16MB in light nodes for validation, while miners need to store a big data set of 1 GB size in order to be able to dig more quickly and reduce double counting.



16MB's smaller Cache data are generated in a more similar manner to that of the Lightcoin

  1. 通过Seed进行一些运算获得第一个数,之后每个数字都是通过前一个位置的值取哈希获得的。
  2. 与莱特币的不同:
    • 莱特币:直接从数组中按照伪随机顺序读取一些数据进行运算
    • 以太坊:先生成一个更大的数组(注:以太坊中这两个数组大小并不固定,因为考虑到计算机内存不断增大,因此该两个数组需要定期增大)




Large " strong" DAG generation: Each element in a large array of


If the A position data is read for the first time, the next reading position B is calculated for the update of the current Hashi value, then the Hashi value is updated for the calculation of the C location element. Thus, 256 repeats, and a number is calculated as the first element in the DAG. If so, each element in the DAG is generated by analogy.  inserts a picture here describing



A light node saves only a small cache, which can be calculated at validation.


For mining, however, if only small cache is preserved, much of the math is spent on calculating DAG through Cache, so that large clusters of DAGs must be preserved to facilitate faster mining.



The solution to Puzzle is with DAG. Cache is not.

根据区块block header和其中的Nonce值计算一个初始哈希,根据其映射到某个初始位置A,读取A位置的数及其相邻的后一个位置A’上的数,根据该两个数进行运算,算得下一个位置B,读取B和B’位置上的数,依次类推,迭代读取64次,共读取128个数。

Calculate an initial Hash based on Block Block Block Block Block Header and its Nonce value, based on its mapping to an initial position A, reading the number of A positions and the number of the later position A'adjacent to it, using these two numbers as the basis for calculating the next position B, reading the number of B and B'positions, by analogy, 64 readings, with a total of 128 readings.


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Finally, a Hashi value is calculated as compared to the mine difficulty target threshold, and if it does not meet, Nonce is replaced, and the above action is repeated until the ultimately calculated Hashi value meets the challenge requirement or the current block has been excavated.


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The relative success of the current design, which is dominated by the GPU, is very much related to the large memory required by the Ethash / strong method designed by the .


The large array of 1G is more than 8,000 times larger than that of 128k, and even 16MB is more than 100 times larger than 128K, indicating a large gap in demand for RAM (and the two arrays are growing in size).

当然,以太坊实现ASIC Resistance除了挖矿算法设计之外,还存在另外一个原因,即其预期从工作量证明(POW)转向权益证明(POS)

Of course, in addition to the mining algorithm design, there is another reason why the Taiku realization of ASIC Resistance is expected to move from


Evidence of rights and interests: Consensus is reached on the basis of voting on the basis of the rights in question, and consensus on the basis of the number of shares in a limited number of shares, similar to the share system, proves that there is no need for mining.


And it's like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of an ASIC miner. Because of the long and costly life cycle of an ASIC chip, the cost of research and development of these inputs would be completely wasted if it were demonstrated by the transfer of interests to the Taiku.


But, in reality, Ether is still a Pow mining consensus mechanism. At the beginning of the design, Ether developers conceived a shift from Pow to POS, and in order to prevent miners from willing to transfer a “hard bomb.” To date, however, Ether continues to be based on the Pow consensus mechanism.


The pre-mining mechanism used in the courtyard. The “pre-mining” here is not a mine, but rather a portion of the money set aside for developers in the development of the courthouse. The early developers of the court are now rich.


Bitcoin didn't follow this pattern, and all bitcoin was made from mining. But early mining was difficult, and all Chinese had a lot of coins (but no flowers)


As with Pre-Mining, and Pre-Sale, Pre-Sale, which refers to the sale of reserved currencies for subsequent development, similar to windfalls or crowds. At present, there are many encrypted currencies of various kinds, and a portion of them are being used by Pre-Sale to obtain funds. If bought at this time, there are also significant gains to be gained if the currency succeeds, but the true success of the currency is only a minority, which is risky.

  1. 以太坊中以太币供应量(2018年)

    There are about 100 million of them, each at a market value of more than $50 billion.


    The blue part of the pie is produced by Pre-Mining (approx. 3/4), which shows how important it is to master the technology. The black part is in tats for a piece of reward, and the green for an uncle block is in tats.


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  1. 最大的25个矿池挖矿算力比重(2018年)


    inserting `lazy'

  2. 以太币价格变化情况(至2018年)


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  3. 以太币市值变化情况(至2018年)

    Changes in market value in Chinese currency (until 2018)


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  4. 以太币Hash Rate变化情况(至2018年)

    by the Tails Hash Late (until 2018)


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指的是所有矿工加在一起每秒计算的哈希次数。如果不同的加密货币采用的mining puzzle不同,他们的Hash Rate就不能比较,以太坊和比特币不能比较。

This refers to the number of Hashis per second that all miners add up. If different encoded currencies are used differently, their Hash Rate cannot be compared, and in Taiku and Bitcoin cannot be compared.


It is fair that the mining algorithm design in this section has tended to involve the general public. And the system is further made safer by the fragmentation of the participants and the fragmentation of their numeracy.


But it's also argued that it's not safe for


If a system is to be attacked, a large number of miners, who can only make a specific currency mine, are required to carry out a force-to-force 51% of the attack, which, after its success, will inevitably lead to a fall in the value of the currency, and the cost of hardware invested by the attackers will be lost. And if a universal computer is also involved in mining, the cost of launching an attack will be significantly reduced, and the current large Internet company will be able to gather its servers and attack them, which, when completed, will still be able to turn into day-to-day operations.




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