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在当前的政策与大环境下,币币交易后如何将手中的数字货币兑换成法币成为最大难题,而 USDT 的出现打破了这种僵局,并且给我们带来了一个全新的不同以往带有保值属性的数字货币。

In the current policy and general environment, the question of how to convert digital currencies into French after currency transactions is the greatest challenge, and the emergence of USDT has broken the deadlock and has given us a brand-new digital currency that is different from what it used to be.


I. Digital assets and dollar relations

USDT全称为 Tether USD,中文名称为泰达币。是由 Tether 公司(原名 Realcoin)发行的数字货币,其最大特性就是与美元是等值的,即1USDT=1 美元。用户可以通过 SWIFT 电汇美元至 Tether 功能四提供的银行账户,或通过交易所换取 USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。这一特性使得 USDT 具有一个得天独厚的优势,那就是价格非常稳定。

USDT is fully known as Tether USD, with Thai currency. The largest feature of the digital currency issued by Tether (formerly Realcoin) is that it is equal to the dollar, i.e. 1 USDT = US$ 1. Users can transfer bank accounts provided by the US dollar through SWIFT wire transfers to Tether function IV, or exchange transactions for USDT. When the dollar is redeemed, the reverse action is sufficient. This feature gives USDT a unique advantage, which is very stable prices.

USDT 在技术方面,遵从比特币区块链的特点与功能,充币提币都是通过区块链完成的,匿名且不限量,交易确认等参数也与比特币一致。在价值上,USDT 与美元等值,可随时 1:1兑换。根据这两个特性可以将 USDT 简单理解为区块链上的美元。

At the technical level, USDT follows the characteristics and functions of the Bitcoin block chain, and the index notes are made through the block chain, anonymous and unlimited, and the parameters of transaction confirmation are the same as Bitcoin. At value, the USDT is the equivalent of the dollar at any one time:1. On the basis of these two characteristics, the USDT can be interpreted simply as the dollar on the block chain.


II. The role of USDT


(i) Currency of settlement

由于 USDT 价格非常稳定,兑换人民币、日元等货币时只会随美元的汇率而发生小幅度变动。 因此 USDT 在数字资产交易中可以充当美元的角色作为结算货币,在需要变现时只需要将 USDT 兑换为一国法定货币即可。

Because the USDT prices are very stable, currency conversions such as the renminbi and the yen can only vary slightly with the US dollar’s exchange rate. As a result, USDT can act as a United States dollar in digital asset transactions as a settlement currency, requiring only the conversion of USDT into a national legal currency when it is needed to realize it.


(ii) Capital safe havens

以 BTC、ETH 为基准币的币兑币交易者通常会面临一个问题:如果 BTC 或 ETH 长时间放在交易账户中未兑换成法币则可能面临贬值风险。

A currency dealer with BTC or ETH as the base currency usually faces a problem: BTC or ETH may be exposed to the risk of devaluation if it is kept in the transaction account for a long period of time and is not converted into French currency.

举个例子:小明向 BTC 交易区币兑币账户中充值 1 个 BTC,当时市场价值为 10000 美元/个, 经过交易后小明账户中 BTC 增加至 1.1 个,后来由于长时间未交易、且 BTC 价格由 10000 美 元/个跌至 8800 美元/个,账户中的 1.1 个 BTC 最终变现为 1.1 ?X8800=8800 美元,这就让交易者在变现时承受了 BTC 贬值风险导致实际的现金收入缩水。

To give an example: 1 BTC was charged in BTC currency accounts at a market value of $10000 per account, BTC was increased to 1.1 in the trading account and subsequently reduced to $8,800 per account for a long period of untradable BTC prices from $10000 to $8,800 per account, and 1.1 BTC in the account was eventually converted to 1.1?X8,800 = $8,800, leaving traders exposed to the risk of BTC devaluation leading to a real contraction in cash income at the time of realization.

因此当 BTC、ETH 这类基准币价格面临大幅度下跌令币兑币交易投资者可能承受账户币值缩水风险时,可以将这些币种兑换为 USDT 存放在账户当中,等到这些币种价格重回上涨趋势时再进行币兑币交易。

Thus, when the price of such base currencies as BTC, ETH and others is facing a substantial fall in the price of the currency, it is possible for investors trading in the currency to be exposed to the risk of shrinking the value of the account currency, they can be held in the account as USDT, pending a return to the upward trend in the price of these currencies.

三、USDT 的优势

III. Strengths of USDT

根据以上的介绍,我们不难发现 USDT 具有四大显著的独特优势:

On the basis of the above, it is not difficult to find that USDT has four distinct advantages:

1.规避风险:通过兑换成 USDT 来规避币价整体下跌的风险。

1. Avoidance of risk: avoiding the risk of an overall fall in currency prices by converting to USDT.


2. Intuitiveness of currency: a more intuitive view of the United States dollar prices corresponding to each currency.

3.法币兑换:USDT 可与美元进行1:1 兑换

3. French currency exchange: USDT can be converted to the United States dollar by 1:1

4.流通快:USDT 基于比特币区块链,稳定可靠。

4. Rapid circulation: USDT is based on the Bitcoin block chain and stable and reliable.



OKEx 平台已经上线了USDT交易区,您可以用USDT与DASH、ZEC、NEO、GAS、QTUM、IOTA、BTC、EOS、OMG 等二十多个币种进行交易,同时也可以将您的数字货币兑换成 USDT 来达到避险的作用。

The OKEx platform is already on-line in the USDT trading area. You can trade in more than 20 currencies, such as USDT and DASH, ZEC, NEO, GAS, QTUM, IOTA, BTC, EOS, OMG, etc., and can also convert your digital currency into a USDT for risk avoidance purposes.

1、USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元USD的代币Tether USD(简称USDT),1USDT=1美元。

1 USDT is a token introduced by Tether based on a stable value currency USD (USDT), 1USDT = US$ 1.


2. Users can use USDT for 1:1 conversion at any time with USD. The biggest feature is that the same amount of United States dollars is equal, 1 USDT = $1.

3、USDT 并不是一个新出现的币种,早在 2015年就已上线交易,但因国内交易所引入较晚,所以很多投资者对其并不是很了解。

3; USDT is not an emerging currency and was traded online as early as 2015, but many investors are not very familiar with it because of the late introduction of domestic exchanges.

4、在 app官网下载 和火币专业站上线 USDT 之前,Bittrex、Poloniex、HitBTC、币安、Kraken、Cryptopia、Liqui 等平台就可以交易 USDT。

4 Platforms such as Bittrex, Poloniex, HitBTC, Currency, Kraken, Cryptopia, Liqui and others can trade in USDT before downloading the app-officer network and accessing the USDT.


5. Many investors are more concerned about the conversion of their currencies into French after currency transactions, and the emergence of USDT provides a channel for the conversion of held currencies into French.


The full name of USDT is TetherUS, a token issued by the United States company Tether for its dollar equivalent, that US$ 1 is roughly equal to USDT. In order to comply strictly with the one-to-one bond promised by its company, each new USDT is added to its bank account by adding US$ 1 to ensure the security of investors. To date, China has not approved any digital currency, paying attention to investment risks.


It is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to a legal currency, the United States dollar, and a virtual currency that is kept in foreign exchange reserve accounts and is supported by a legal currency.


The United States dollar (USDT) is a TetherUSD (hereinafter USDT) proxy introduced by Tether based on a stable value currency, the United States dollar (USD), and 1USDT = $1. Users can use the USDT for 1:1 conversion at any time.


Tether strictly adheres to the one-to-one reserve guarantee, that is, it has a $1 guarantee in its bank account for every USDT token issue.


Extended information:


Tedar Features


1. Stable currency:


Tether converts cash into a digital currency, anchoring or pegging prices in national currencies such as the United States dollar, the euro and the Japanese yen.


2. 100 per cent of the population supports:


In foreign exchange reserves, traditional currencies always support each currency at a price of one to one. So, one dollar? Always equals one dollar.




Our foreign exchange reserves are announced daily and subject to frequent professional audits. Everything in circulation always matches our reserves.


Source: 100-degree encyclopedia-Tedaco.


USDT (other) is a USD electronic token sponsored by a well-known exchange, bitfinex, and supported by a number of global exchanges. The USDT is based on an asset token on the Bitcoin network (Omnilayer Agreement), issued according to the amount of French currency actually held by the bank, and the market value is set with the dollar at 1:1. Users can send and receive on the block chain as they use bitcoin.


For USDT to be converted to real United States dollars, USDT will need to be sent for conversion to an exchange that supports the USDT replenishment and the United States dollar drawdown upon completion of the physical name certification (KYC).

USDT并不是一个新出现的币种,早在 2015年就已上线交易,但因国内交易所引入较晚,所以很多投资者对其并不是很了解。在币币交易后很多投资者都比较关心如何将手中代币兑换成法币的问题,USDT的出现给大家提供了一个将持有的代币兑换成法币的渠道。

USDT is not an emerging currency, which was traded online as early as 2015, but many investors do not know much about it because of the late introduction of domestic exchanges. Many investors are more concerned about how to convert their currencies into French after currency transactions, and the emergence of USDT provides a channel for converting their holdings into French.

您好,USDT是在比特币区块链上发布的基于Omni Layer协议的数字资产。USDT与同数量的美元是等值的,用于增加市场流动性,减少数字货币市场波动。每一枚USDT都会象征性的与政府支持的法定货币关联。

Hello, the USDT is a digital asset based on the Omni Layer agreement published on the Bitcoin block chain. The USDT is equal to the same amount of dollars that are used to increase market liquidity and reduce the volatility of the digital currency market. Each USDT is symbolically linked to the statutory currency that the government supports.

USDT并不是一个新出现的币种,早在2015年就已上线交易,但因国内交易所引入较晚,所以很多投资者对其并不是很了解。 USDT公司称投资者可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司的银行帐户,或通过交易所换取USDT.

While USDT is not an emerging currency, it was traded online as early as 2015, but many investors are not well aware of it because of the late introduction of a domestic exchange. USDT claims that investors can wire the dollar from SWIFT’s bank account to Tether’s bank account, or exchange it for USDT.


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