虽然有些人认为比特币只是一种昙花一现,但更多人开始将其视为商业的未来。2020 年的一项调查显示,36% 的中小型企业已经接受加密货币,包括微软、AT&T 和维基百科在内的许多大型企业和组织也是如此。
While some believe that bitcoin is just a flashback, more people are beginning to see it as a business future. A 2020 survey showed that 36% of SMEs have accepted of encrypted currency, as have many large enterprises and organizations, including Microsoft, AT&T and Wikipedia.
Although Bitcoin can be purchased in real cash, it is more common to use a combination of specialized hardware and software for "exploitation." In this paper, we review the best bitcoin based on reputation, functionality, ease of use, etc. software. This is our first four.
2022 Best year bitcoin mining software
一、最佳整体 CGMiner
作为最古老的比特币挖矿软件之一,CGMiner 因其开源构建、在任何计算机上运行的能力以及与多种挖矿硬件的兼容性而成为我们的最佳选择。
As one of the oldest bitcoin mining software, CGminer is our best option because of its open source construction, its ability to operate on any and its compatibility with multiple mining hardware.
- 开源
- 在 Mac、Windows 和 Linux 上运行
- 与 ASIC、GPU 和 FPGA 兼容
- 更适合高级用户
- 晦涩的命令行界面
- 难以在 Windows 10 计算机上安装
CGMiner 由澳大利亚麻醉师和程序员 Con Kolivas 于 2011 年开发,用于挖掘比特币和莱特币等加密货币。由于其开源性质、具有直接控制的简单界面以及跨平台和跨硬件兼容性,它被广泛认为是可用的最佳比特币挖掘软件之一。
CGminer, developed in 2011 by Con Kolivas, an anaesthetist and programmer from Australia, is one of the best bitcoins available because of its open-source nature, simple interfaces with direct control, and cross-platform and cross-hardware compatibility.
CGMiner 使用命令行界面,允许用户远程挖掘他们的钻机并通过简单的键盘命令控制风扇速度和其他设置。该软件还提供对新块的高级检测,并且可以轻松地无延迟地扩展哈希能力。
CGminer uses the command line interface to allow users to dig their rigs remotely and control fan velocity and other settings through simple keyboard commands. The software also provides advanced detection of new blocks and can easily expand Hashi capability without delay.
虽然它是基于 Linux 的,但 CGMiner 是跨平台兼容的,可以在 Mac 和 Windows 计算机上运行。它也是开源的,用 C 语言编写,任何人都可以轻松验证软件的代码。除了跨平台兼容之外,CGMiner 还可以与 ASIC 之外的各种挖矿硬件一起使用,包括 FPGA、GPU 和 CPU。
Although it is based on Linux, CGminer is multi-platform compatible and can run on Mac and Windows computers. It is also open-source, written in C language, and anyone can easily verify software codes. In addition to cross-platform compatibility, CGminer can also be used with a variety of mining hardware other than ASIC, including FPGA, GPU and CPU.
CGMiner 缺乏图形用户界面可能会让初学者望而生畏,这使其成为高级用户的更好选择。众所周知,该软件很难在运行 Windows 10 的计算机上安装。包括 Windows Defender 在内的防病毒软件也会给用户带来困难。CGMiner 可免费下载和使用,可在 GitHub 上获得。
The lack of a graphical user interface for CGminer may deter starters, making it a better choice for advanced users. It is well known that the software is difficult to install on a computer running Windows 10. Antivirus software, including Windows Defender, can also create difficulties for users. CGminer can download and use free of charge and can be accessed on GitHub.
二、最适合定制 BFGMiner
II, best suited to customize BFGminer
BFGMiner 专为 FPGA 和 ASIC 采矿而设计,为高级用户提供了调整采矿过程的许多方面的机会,包括动态时钟、监控和远程采矿设备接口,使该软件成为我们的最佳定制软件。
BFGMiner, designed specifically for FPGA and ASIC mining, provides high-level users with the opportunity to adjust many aspects of the mining process, including dynamic clocks, monitoring and remote mining equipment interfaces, making the software our best custom-made software.
- 同时挖掘多种加密货币
- 在 Mac、Windows 和 Linux 上运行
- 更适合高级用户
BFGMiner 由开发人员 Luke Dashjr 于 2012 年发布,现已成为最流行的挖矿软件之一,仅次于 CGMiner。它允许用户监控硬件温度、检测和启动空闲线程以及远程管理钻机,将其完全归入最佳定制软件的范畴。
BFGminer, released in 2012 by developer Luke Dashjr, is now one of the most popular mining software, after CGminer. It allows users to monitor hardware temperature, detect and activate free lines, and remotely manage drilling rigs, which are fully classified as the best custom software.
由于 BFGMiner 最初是为了在开发时为流行的 GPU 矿工添加 FPGA 支持而创建的,因此该软件仅与 FPGA 和 ASIC 兼容。与 CGMiner 一样,该软件是用 C 语言编写的,可以在 Linux、Mac 和 Windows 机器上运行,甚至还提供安装在 Raspberry Pi 上的选项。
Since BFGMiner was originally created to add FPGA support to popular GPU miners at the time of development, the software is only compatible with FPGA and ASIC. Like CGMiner, the software is in C-language and can be operated on Linux, Mac and Windows machines, and even provides options for installation on Raspberry Pi.
BFGMiner 最受欢迎的功能之一是它支持同时挖掘多种加密货币。通过同时对 Scrypt 和 SHA256d 等挖掘算法进行哈希处理,该软件允许用户使用多种加密货币进行挖掘、对冲和重新分配风险。
One of the most popular features of BFGminer is its support for simultaneous excavation of multiple encrypted currencies. The software allows users to dig, hedge and redistribute risks using multiple encrypted currencies through simultaneous Hashi processing of excavation algorithms such as Scrypt and SHA256d.
与 CGMiner 一样,BFGMiner 使用带有可自定义热键的命令行界面。虽然对于高级用户来说易于使用,但缺少 GUI 可能会使该软件对初学者来说难以理解。BFGMiner 也可以免费下载和使用。
Like CGminer, BFGminer uses command line interfaces with custom-defined heat keys. While easy to use for advanced users, the lack of GUI may make the software difficult for beginners to understand. BFGminer can also download and use it free of charge.
三、最易于使用 MultiMiner
III, the most user-friendly Multiminer
MultiMiner 使用 BFGMiner 的挖掘引擎开发,具有干净的 GUI、自动硬件检测和挖掘功能以及跨平台兼容性,使其成为我们易用的最佳选择。
MultiMiner is developed using BFGMiner's excavator engine, with clean GUI, automated hardware detection and excavation functions, and cross-platform compatibility, making it our best option for us to use.
- 图形用户界面
- 自动挖矿功能
- 针对 Windows 计算机进行了优化
- 高级用户的自定义选项更少
- Linux 和 MacOS 所需的其他软件
MultiMiner 由 BFGMiner 开发人员 Nate Woolls 于 2013 年开发。虽然它是基于 BFGMiner 引擎构建的,但该软件具有易于使用的 GUI 和快速启动挖掘功能,使其成为我们最喜欢的选择,因为它是易于使用的最佳选择。
MultiMiner was developed by BFGminer developer Nate Woolls in 2013. Although it was built on the BFGminer engine, the software has easy-to-use GUI and quick start-up excavator features, making it our favorite choice, as it is the best option for easy use.
虽然大多数采矿软件都需要一些编码技能,但新手可以在没有技术技能的情况下开始使用 MultiMiner。该软件会引导用户完成安装过程,然后扫描硬件的详细信息,包括平均哈希算力和链接池。
While most mining software requires some coding skills, a newcomer can start using MultiMiner without technical skills. The software will guide users to complete the installation process and then scan the hardware details, including average al-Hash algorithms and link pools.
MultiMiner 更进一步,向用户展示了如何连接到矿池,包括在哪里输入与矿池相关的信息。该软件还为用户提供对其采矿设备的远程访问,让他们选择他们的采矿策略,并自动挖掘最有利可图或难度最低的加密货币,并显示估计的利润。
MultiMiner goes further, showing users how to connect to the ponds, including where to enter information about the ponds. The software also provides users with remote access to their mining equipment, allowing them to choose their mining strategy, and automatically taps the most profitable or least difficult encoded currency and shows the estimated profit.
MultiMiner 是为 Windows 创建的,因此用户需要为 Mac 和 Linux 机器安装额外的软件。幸运的是,有简单的方法可以做到这一点。该软件还可以轻松切换采矿设备,包括 GPU、ASIC 和 FPGA。尽管它对初学者很有吸引力,但高级用户还可以访问 MultiMiner 的高级功能,包括直接访问 API 设置和引擎参数。该软件也可以免费下载和使用。
MultiMiner is created for Windows, so users need to install additional software for Mac and Linux machines. Fortunately, there is a simple way to do this. The software can also easily switch mining equipment, including GPU, ASIC and FPGA. While it is attractive to starters, advanced users can also access the advanced functions of MultiMiner, including direct access to API settings and engine parameters. The software can also be downloaded and used free of charge.
四、最佳集中管理 Awesome Miner
iv, Best centralized management
Awesome Miner 是一款功能强大的挖矿软件,用户可以通过一个仪表板管理多个挖矿设备和矿池。因此,它在我们的最佳集中管理软件列表中名列前茅。
Awesome Miner is a powerful mining software that allows users to manage multiple mining equipment and ponds through a dashboard. It is therefore at the top of our list of best centralized management software.
- 支持50多种挖矿引擎
- 自定义触发器和操作
- 从任何计算机、平板电脑或智能手机访问
- 不是 macOS 软件
- 不适合新手用户
Awesome Miner 由瑞典软件公司 IntelliBreeze 于 2014 年开发,作为 Windows 机器的加密货币挖掘管理应用程序。它通过仪表板支持大规模挖矿,让用户可以在一次操作中管理多个挖矿引擎和矿池,使其成为集中管理的最佳软件。
Awesome Miner was developed in 2014 by the Swedish software company IntelliBreeze as an encrypted currency mining management application for Windows machines. It supports large-scale mining through dashboards, allowing users to manage multiple mining engines and ponds in one operation, making it the best software for centralized management.
Awesome Miner 提供了许多强大的功能来帮助用户最大化利润并最小化停机时间。软件可同时处理多种挖矿硬件类型(包括ASIC和FPGA),支持50多种挖矿引擎(cgminer、bfgminer、xmrig、srbminer等),兼容流行的挖矿算法(SHA-256、Scrypt、X11、以太坊和 Zcash)。
Awesome Miner provides many powerful features to help users maximize profits and minimize downtime. Software can handle multiple types of mining hardware (including ASIC and FPGA), supporting more than 50 mining engines (cgminer, bfgminer, xmrig, srbminer, etc.) and compatible with popular mining algorithms (SH-256, Scrypt, X11, Ether and Zcash).
Awesome Miner 还使用户可以轻松地一键添加、切换和管理多个矿池,以便他们可以在更短的时间内开始挖矿。所有这些都在 Awesome Miner 的综合仪表板中进行管理,该仪表板还显示风扇速度、温度等硬件属性。该软件具有内置的 C# 脚本引擎,矿工可以使用它来定制触发器和操作。
Awesome Miner also allows users to easily add, switch and manage multiple ponds, so that they can start digging in a shorter time. All of this is managed in a comprehensive dashboard of Awesome Miner, which also shows hardware properties such as fan speed, temperature, etc. The software has built-in C# script engine, which miners can use to customize triggers and operations.
尽管 Awesome Miner 是为 Windows 和 Linux 设计的,但可以在任何计算机或浏览器上访问该软件的 Web 版本。Awesome Miner 可免费下载和使用。
Although Awesome Miner is designed for Windows and Linux, the Web version of the software can be accessed on any computer or browser.
Final judgement
虽然每年都在开发新的比特币挖掘软件,但只有少数几个因其声誉、功能和易用性而引起了我们的注意。在我们列表的顶部是 CGMiner,我们选择它作为最好的整体,因为它的开源平台可以在任何计算机和几乎任何采矿设备上使用。高级用户会喜欢 BFGMiner,这是我们定制的最佳选择,因为它能够检测和启动空闲线程并挖掘多种加密货币,而新手将享受 MultiMiner 友好的图形用户界面 (GUI) 和自动硬件检测和挖掘功能,使其成为我们的首选,因为它易于使用。最后,我们选择 Awesome Miner 作为最佳集中管理,因为它与流行的挖矿算法兼容,并允许用户从一个综合仪表板管理多个钻机和矿工池。
Although new bitcoin mining software is being developed every year, only a few of us have come to our attention because of their reputation, functionality and ease of use. At the top of our list, CGminer, we choose it as the best whole because its open-source platform can be used on any computer and almost any mining equipment. Advanced users will like BFGminer, which is the best option we can customize, because it can detect and activate free lines and dig multiple encrypted currencies, and the newcomers will enjoy MultiMiner-friendly GUI and automated hardware detection and excavation functions, making it our preferred option because it is easy to use. Finally, we choose Awesome Miner as the best centralized management because it is compatible with popular mining algorithms and allow users to manage multiple drills and miner pools from an integrated dashboard.
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