
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:27 评论:0



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Once again, we have witnessed history.


We've seen the scene of the ten-day melting, but have you seen the scene of the winding-up of the stock? I'm sure almost everyone has, and last night we saw so amazingly.


Last night, the USC-Jones Index surged by over 2,100 points, a day up by more than 11%, and it's worth mentioning that this is the 100-year-old 100-year rise in the index 87 years ago, the largest since 1933.


Today we can be proud to say that Barfitt has seen five meltings in his life, and I have achieved four in 10 days, and we have seen the day when the stock of the United States rose, and it seems that we are really better than the gents.


Before it fell, it just soared, as if it had evolved from Bear to Super Bull. What's going on behind it? Let's have a look.


The U.S.-H.S. Poetry has gone up! The finger has gone wild at 2100.


On Tuesday, the United States stock skyrocketed, pointing to a winding up of more than 2100 points, the largest single-day rise in history, and the largest single-day percentage increase since 1933.


Specifically, the Dow Jones Index received 20704.91 points, which rose by 2112.98, representing an increase of 11.37 per cent, the largest single-day increase in history by dots, and the largest single-day increase since 1933; the NASDAQ Index received 7417.86 points, an increase of 557.18 points, an increase of 8.12 per cent; and the Standard 500 Index reported 2447.33 points, an increase of 209.93, an increase of 9.38 per cent.


President Trump must have seen something like this.


Oil companies also performed well, with Chevron, British oil, and Royal Shells rising by more than 20%. For technology, Tesla rose by 16.28% and returned to $500; and apples by 10.03%, with a total market value of $100 billion.


The rise was too crazy for investors to see. Even the financial news, the APP, sent a U-Lone message that the US stock had sunk.


There's also the gold market.


Cash gold rose significantly by more than 4.8 per cent on Tuesday, and many times continued to push the price of gold up even further and to upgrade it to $162.90 per ounce per day, to $80 per day, to $1628.60 per ounce, to $75.05 or 4.83 per cent.


Owing to the madness of spot gold, which led to an anomaly in the start of the gold trade at noon on Tuesday, the gold offer for the broker platform sharply increased, in part to more than 8,000 points.


From 12 p.m. on 24 September Singapore time, there was a problem with gold offers from major global banks, a severe shortage of gold flows, leading to a very high margin across the market, frequent interruptions in transactions and varying offers from major bond dealers.


According to our observations, the gold price difference for some of the brokers’ platforms has increased dramatically to more than 8,000 points (about $80), and some of the gold offers have been phased out. In addition, the silver price difference also shows an anomaly of several hundred points.


It's too hot, it's been a long time since gold went up at the bottom of $20 a day, and after yesterday's wave, it's like you've changed overnight, never looking bad at gold, never looking very good at gold, and yesterday people who are saying where it's going to fall, are today looking really good at gold.


In a recent article, Economies.com wrote that gold prices had succeeded in reaching its second waiting target of $163.60 per ounce, and that it was expected that gold prices would continue to look up and outpace $163.60 per ounce, thus opening the way for further sharp increases in gold prices in the short term, with the next target pointing to $1689.30 per ounce.


(Four hours of cash gold)


Economies.com added that the scenario would remain valid unless the gold price fell by $1599.10 per ounce and remained below that level.

而且显然,1689啥的都是so easy,因为有人预言11000美元。

And apparently, 1689 was all so easy, because there were predictions of $11,000.

《货币战争》作者、著名的黄金多头Jim Rickards周一(3月23日)表示,从前两次牛市行情来看,2015年的底部可能就是下一轮10年黄金牛市的起点。

The famous gold head Jim Rickards, the author of the Monetary War, said on Monday (23 March) that, according to the two previous cattle market developments, the bottom of 2015 might be the starting point for the next round of the 10-year gold cow market.


Historically, gold prices have experienced two major “cow-market” fluctuations since the removal of the gold standard in 1971, with gold prices rising by 2100% and 650% from 1971 to 1980 and from 1999 to 2011, respectively. As can be seen from the above-mentioned graphs, gold prices fell at the beginning of the 2008-09 financial crisis, but began to rise as rockets in about half of the time.


Rickards wrote that on 17 December 2015, the gold price fell to the bottom of $1051 per ounce and that, based on average increases and average duration, it foresaw that the gold price would reach $11,000 per ounce on 16 February 2026.


While Rickards is sceptical about this projection, noting the small sample size. But gold prices may also follow the trend of 2008-2011, when gold prices fell first, but then rose significantly.


The American stock is still falling.


Although the Fed announced an unlimited number of QE moves on Monday, the US share fell sharply, owing to repeated voting procedures following the US government’s offer of an economic stimulus plan of over $2 trillion. Last Sunday, the stimulus package failed to pass its first round of procedural votes.


Last night, when the $2 trillion stimulus plan was rejected twice, Trump finally spoke harshly about the bill, stating that Congress must act immediately.


CCBC reported that the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Pelosi, had given up, expressing great optimism that Congress would reach an economic stimulus agreement within the next few hours.


These news stories have led to a sharp rise in US shares on Tuesday night. Of course, aside from the $2 trillion economic stimulus that is expected to bring about this good news, the US manufacturing data released on Tuesday night is better than expected.


On 24 March, data released by the United States indicated that Markit manufacturing PMI started at 49.2 in March, falling into a contractionary zone for the first time since July 2019, and had reached a new low since 2009, better than the projected 42.8, which was lower than the previous 50.7. Markit services started at 39.1 in March, reaching a record low of 42, compared with the previous 49.4.


While there was a perception that the United States economy was already in recession, in March the United States manufacturing PMI was better than expected and the panic in the market eased.


Stimulus plan agreement


According to the latest news received in the afternoon of Beijing time (25 March), the United States Senate agreed on a two-party stimulus plan, and the White House also said that the Democratic Party had agreed on a stimulus plan. The market was volatile.


On the stock market, the United States stock stock represents a narrow fall in futures and an upturn in futures. The increase in the 225-day index has increased to over 7 per cent.

(亚股表现 来源:CNBC)

Source: CNBC.


On the exchange market, the AUS$/US$ short line was more than 20 points higher, rising one to the critical point of 0.6000, followed by an increase of up to 1 per cent.


(AUS$/$30-minute map)


In terms of bulk commodities, spot gold fell by more than $15, once close to $1,600 per ounce. Cash silver increased to 1.2 per cent and rose further above the $14 gate.


According to the latest news, the United States Senate agreed on a two-party stimulus package. The total value of the stimulus measures in the United States is said to be over $2 trillion, of which $250 billion is for unemployment relief and $130 billion is for hospitals.


On 24 March, local time, the Wall Street Journal quoted information from the White House that the Trump Government and the Senate Democratic Party had agreed on a large-scale stimulus plan.


Ultimately, it is gratifying that, on Wednesday morning (25 March), local time, the Senate leaders and the Trump administration agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus package to save the United States economy from the coronary virus, which could lay the groundwork for the swift passage of this massive piece of legislation in both Houses of Parliament.

白宫立法事务主任Eric Ueland在凌晨1点左右告诉记者:“我们达成了协议。”

Eric Ueland, Director of Legislative Affairs of the White House, told the press at around 1 a.m. that “we had an agreement”.


According to Senator McConnell, the leader of the majority (Republican) party, the two parties have agreed on the largest rescue plan in history, and a vote will be taken later on Wednesday for the adoption of the new United States crown pneumonia economic stimulus bill. The United States Senate will resume its meeting on Wednesday at noon.


In the United States, stimulus measures have a total value of over $2 trillion, including $250 billion for unemployment relief, $130 billion for hospitals, $150 billion for state and local governments, and about $50 billion for the airline industry. The stimulus measures will provide direct checks to families.


U.S. Treasury Secretary Nuchin said that if the Senate and Houses passed the stimulus bill, President Trump would “of course” sign it. American stimulus measures might prohibit US President Trump’s firms from receiving assistance.


It is worth noting that, according to the Associated Press, the size of the bailout scheme being developed is larger than the 2008 bailout scheme and the 2009 stimulus package combined.

当然这个经济刺激计划的通过也同样有有利于黄金,B. Riley FBR分析师们最新表示,鉴于前所未有的财政和货币政策刺激,他们预计第三季金价将飙升至2500美元/盎司,并在第四季维持该水准。

Of course, the adoption of the stimulus package was also beneficial for gold, and B. Riley FBR analysts have recently indicated that, given unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, they expect gold prices for the third quarter to skyrocket to $2,500 per ounce and to maintain that level in the fourth quarter.




The market has high expectations for this stimulus, hoping that, with massive government stimulus, the market will be able to rebound quickly and in a sustained manner. While the current situation is different from that of 2008, the commonality between the two is enough for thought.


In October 2008, the Fed's interest rate fell to near zero, and the US Congress passed a $700 billion bailout plan. However, it did not work immediately: the stock market fell for another four months, with a cumulative decline of 40 per cent before it began to rebound.

当然,当时的金融危机与如今的经济停摆不是一回事儿,但是对于想押注行情反弹的交易员来说,两者的一些相似之处足以供其借鉴。Edward Jones的投资策略师内拉·理查森(Nela Richardson)说:

Of course, the financial crisis was not the same as the current economic stagnation, but for traders who wanted to bet on a backlash, some similarities were sufficient. Edward Jones’ investment strategist, Nela Richardson, said:


“It is too early to ask for quick results. This is not the type of market where some sweets can work. It will take some time for economic recovery.”


Although all is possible, it may be naive to expect markets to recover from a possible global recession. The epidemic has forced many countries to close their borders and shut down businesses across the globe. Some analysts predict that unemployment is so high that the economic slowdown is so severe that the Great Depression is the only thing that can be compared.


Some analysts even consider the current situation to be more serious.

JonesTrading首席市场策略师Michael O’Rourke表示,2008年TARP获通后,美国经济已进入衰退期数月,投资者关注的都是次贷危机。而新冠病毒破坏发展得更快,后果更加严峻。他说:

According to Michael O'Rourke, the chief market strategist of JonesTriding, the United States economy has been in recession for months since the TARP hit in 2008. Investors are concerned about the subprime crisis.


“The main difference is that the economy as a whole was not as stagnant in 2008 as it is today.”

DataTrek Research的Nicholas Colas认为,迷信于政府反应的市场应该为2008-2009年复苏期间相同的“走走停停行情”做好准备。

Nicholas Colas of DataTrek Research argued that superstitious markets for government responses should be prepared for the same “stop-and-go” situation during the 2008-2009 recovery.


At that time, the PHP 500 index created dozens of single-day upswings, but as of March 2009, none of these increases had gone “too far”.


“We are well aware that 2020 is two or three times more serious than 2008. In other words, the next market collapse may take place in a few days, not a few weeks.”


China Gold Online Foreign Exchange Network consolidated data from fx168, China Economic Network, China Foundation, Kim X, etc.




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