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Bitcoins can be cashed and converted into the currency of most countries. Users can buy virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment in network games, and, if accepted, bitcoins for real-life items.


Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.


1 Bitcoin (Bitcoin: Bitkin) is the first virtual Internet currency that can buy real-life goods. It is characterized by fragmentation, anonymity, use only in the digital world, does not belong to any country or financial institution, and is able to exchange it anywhere in the world without geographical restrictions, and is therefore used as a money-laundering tool by some outlaws.

2、 2014年1月7日,淘宝发布公告,宣布1月14日起禁售比特币、莱特币等互联网虚拟币等商品。西维吉尼亚州民主党参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)2014年2月26日向美国联邦政府多个监管部门发出公开信,希望有关机构能够就比特币鼓励非法活动和扰乱金融秩序的现状予以重视,并要求能尽快采取行动,以全面封杀该电子货币。

On 7 January 2014, Treasures issued an announcement that Internet virtual currency such as Bitcoin and Lightcoin would be banned on 14 January. On 26 February 2014, Senator Joe & nbsp of the Democratic Party of West Virginia, Manchin, sent an open letter to various United States federal authorities, hoping that the agencies concerned would pay attention to the current situation of Bitcoin, which encourages illegal activities and disrupts the financial order, and demanded that action be taken as soon as possible to block the electronic currency in its entirety.

3、 2017年5月12日,全球突发比特币病毒疯狂袭击公共和商业系统事件!全球有接近74个国家受到严重攻击!

On May 12, 2017, the global outbreak of the Bitcoin virus hit the public and commercial system! Close to 74 countries around the world were hit!


The global Bitcoin trading platform will be suspended from full value and current service on 1 August 2017. The Bitcoin Chinese digital asset trading platform will be closed on 14 September for new users and the digital asset trading platform will be closed on 30 September for all transactions.


The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, designing the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based. Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.




Unlike most currencies, Bitcoins do not depend on specific monetary institutions for issuance, which are generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptography designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation.


The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing bitcoins. The cryptography-based design allows bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by their true owners. This also ensures the anonymity of the money ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between bitcoins and other virtual currencies is that their total number is very limited and extremely scarce.



比特币手机客户端仅需两步就能完成付款——扫描、支付。无需注册, 无需刷卡, 无需输入密码,无需签字。当接受比特币付款时,只需让你的朋友扫描你比特币钱包手机应用中的二维码, 或者轻触两个手机(利用NFC射频技术)即可。



Where will the stable currency go in 2019?


The proliferation of the encrypt asset market has triggered the current wave of stable currencies, which now have more than 50 stable currencies on the market.


The media and currency circles are paying increasing attention to this issue, and today I share my views on the possible development of a stable currency over the next few years. This is, to say the least, the fastest change and the most opportunity since 2014.


Above all, we will understand the stakes, because the stable currency is mature and they themselves are encryption tools.


What is the stage of encrypting money?


Stable currency represents a stable chain of collateral blocks, mainly used to hedge the price decline and price volatility of generic encrypted collateral, which is currently tending to be magnified.


As a result, they should and usually be supported by physical assets, such as bank accounts supported by the United States dollar, the euro, other legal currencies and even gold at 1:1. They have no appreciation value and reflect only the performance of the targeted assets.


They can also serve as a mechanism for the steady flow of value, even in technical terms, although, for the time being, the speed of the block chain may be limited and time-bound.

虽然这看起来不可思议,但重要的是要明白,稳定币只是一种为了满足通证化过程,并确保不会出现双花或链上再抵押的一种加密货币。 此外,大多数稳定币虽然位于去中心化的公链上,但它们是中心化的。 有些只是中心化资产,代表托管账户中的货币或商品,而其他则由加密抵押品支持或依靠「算法中央银行」模式规则来确保其稳定性。

Moreover, most stable currencies, although located in decentralized public chains, are central. Some are centralized assets, representing money or commodities in a hosting account, while others are supported by encrypted collaterals or rely on the rules of the “calculation central bank” model to ensure their stability.


Stabilize the currency by taking Teda's baton.


One of the reasons for the recent expansion of the currency product has been the lack of confidence in the existing, long-term use of tadas.

随着第一个稳定币被创造出来,泰达虽然仍享有先发优势,但也无可避免地受到了这个新晋挑战者的冲击。 因此,它在最慢的区块链上,并且做了一些错误的计算,尤其是未能获得稳定第三方审核(或可靠的认证),且银行账户不稳定,尽管它有三个储备证明(认证)。

With the creation of the first stable currency, Teda, while still enjoying a pre-emptive advantage, was inevitably struck by this new challenger. As a result, it made a number of miscalculations on the slowest block chain, notably the failure to obtain stable third-party clearance (or reliable certification) and the instability of bank accounts, although it had three proofs of reserves (certification).


Many encryption companies around the world have faced similar banking challenges, which should not be overlooked for Tedda. Despite its slow pace of development, Tedda, as a pioneer in encryption, is of great importance to industry, and it has played an important role in that area.


That is to say, the existing natural challengers in Tedda, as well as the next generation of stable currencies, such as PAX, GUSD and USDC, will help to strengthen the stability of the currency ecosystem, provide “better” trading rival risk products, and promote the development of encrypted currencies to new levels.

看到这里是不是觉得你们城里人真会玩呀?然而它们并不是城里唯一的「玩家」, 这个领域「币才济济」,还有很多其他产品可供选择。虽然在过程中,会需要一些自然的消耗来巩固,但基于本身的「差异化服务」,许多币仍然可以生存和发展,稳定币持有者、用户案例越来越多,他们解决历史遗留技术问题的能力越来越强。

Do you think that you can really play around here? But they are not the only players in town, and there are many other options in this area, such as money for money. While some natural consumption is needed to consolidate the process, many of the currencies are still viable and developed on the basis of their own "different services", stabilizing currency holders and the growing number of cases of users, and they are increasingly capable of solving the technical problems of history.


Decrypt Code


The scalability of block chain-based technologies is key to resolving one of the main problems behind the current product. Most of them are located on a relatively slow Ether block chain (using the ERC-20 standard pass) or, in the case of Teda, on the Omni agreement above Bitcoin (although Teda also recently launched the ERC-20 version).


Their use in daily situations is not very friendly, so the start and speed of payment mechanisms are prohibited.


While we cannot predict which block chain technology is most powerful, we are encouraged by the fact that, through a combination of speed, security and decentralisation, there is indeed a competition for the highest network effect, and at least there are competing blocks to accomplish this task.


Side chains are likely to be a solution for scaling up payments, and they are very useful for stabilizing investments. Nevertheless, the inherent centralization of existing payment systems does demonstrate an incomparable advantage in a truly decentralized system.


There are currently no assured endpoints or winners, but the key to deciphering the code is the best point, where demand is supported by sufficient decentralization levels and the safety of the maximum amount of transactional throughput.


We are convinced that the major technological breakthroughs that will be required around a stable and expanding ecosystem will bring us closer to that goal next year.


After that, it's always innovating.


The key for present and future money-lenders is to give themselves a differential advantage and to find ways to achieve the network effects described above.


To do this, the senders will need to rely on optimized technology, service providers, algorithms, and network endpoints to reduce transaction costs, speed, and resistance. Ultimately, the utility of stabilizing the currency lies in its ease of use – whether for payment, speculation, or remittances.

尽管Visa、万事达(Mastercard)和美国运通(American Express)拥有为客户提供服务的庞大的网络,但稳定币将找到一种统一的方式,实现跨国界和技术交易,同时保持一种快速和安全的架构,这将极大地扩大全球数字资产的影响。

While Visa, Mastercard and American Express have a vast network of customer services, a stable currency will find a uniform approach to cross-border and technological transactions, while maintaining a fast and secure architecture that will significantly increase the impact of digital assets worldwide.


In the near future, it will be possible to stabilize currency transactions instantaneously on the basis of low settlement risk and real-time stock-taking. Since the majority of stable currencies supported by central bank coins are usually dependent on a distributor, a bank account, an auditing body, and are subject to the laws of a jurisdiction, we need a clearer global legal and tax framework to manage such assets without borders.


While these issues are usually considered by G20 member organizations and OECD, block chain technology may itself be a solution. It is also a mature issue that requires an emerging digital asset trading group or self-regulatory organizations (SROs) to face up to address, as it is essential for the health and development of our industries.


Remove barriers


In addition, in order to maintain a non-fragmentation mode of transactions between these currencies, most of which are in fact white strips, a stable currency clearing house must also be established, allowing immediate quasi-alternativeity between stable currencies. Such a clearing facility may be similar to the inter-bank cheque clearing process, but much faster.


Our long-term goal is to understand the checks and balances (or revisions and possibly more adapted versions) between customers (KYC) and anti-money-laundering (AML) and to integrate into the block chain so that the stable currency can be used effectively for various applications - from buying a cup of coffee to sending remittances across borders.

虽然这些事情不一定都在2019年发生,但就稳定币领域在许多应用程序中的进一步创新来说,2019 无疑是非常关键的一年。反过来,这也将在数字资产领域产生更大影响,并对传统银行和资金交易中介产生进一步的冲击。

While not necessarily all of this took place in 2019, 2019 was undoubtedly a crucial year for further innovation in the area of currency stabilization in many applications. This, in turn, will have a greater impact in the area of digital assets, as well as a further impact on traditional banking and money-trading intermediaries.

比特币是个日本人发明的,就像传 销一样没什么用,它的产生不是人类劳动创造的,而是通过浪费资源创造的,是通个一个团队通过P2P网络模式计算出来的,谷称挖矿,挖矿的显卡叫矿卡。由于他的数量有限并很不好得到,且可以出售,只要有傻人出钱买它就有价值,但接最后一棒的那个人就亏死了。



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