第 2 步:将交易哈希值输入区块链浏览器的搜索字段

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To check Etheria transactions, use a block-chain browser and enter details such as the address of the sender/receiver and the petrol price.

以太坊区块链上的交易在技术上是由外部账户所有者(而非合约)发起的。例如,如果用户 A 发送 1 个以太币对用户 B 来说,从一个帐户中扣除并记入另一个帐户的操作改变了区块链的状态。

Transactions on the Etherm block chain are technically initiated by the owner of the external account (rather than the contract). For example, the operation of deducting from one account and recording it in another account changes the status of the block chain if user A sends one in the same currency to user B.

更改专门发生在以太坊虚拟机 (EVM)上。以太坊交易需要向全网广播,任何节点都可以广播请求在 EVM 上执行交易。

Changes occur specifically on the Etherm Virtual Machine (EVM).


After the broadcast request, the authenticator executes the transaction and disseminates the status changes to the network as a whole. The transaction costs are incurred during the validation process, and each transaction must be included in the authentication block.

  • 常规交易:从一个账户到另一个账户发生的交易。

    General transactions: transactions occurring from one account to another.

  • 合约执行交易:与部署的智能合约交互的交易(“to”地址是智能合约地址)。

    Contract execution transactions: transactions that interact with deployed smart contracts (“to” address is the smart contract address).

  • 合约部署交易:没有“to”地址的交易(数据字段仅用于部署智能合约的代码)。

    Contract deployment transactions: no transaction with to address (data field only for deployment of code for smart contracts).



The following is a brief step-by-step guide on how to track Etherpane transactions:

第 1 步:选择以太坊区块链浏览器

Step 1: Select an section chain browser

一些区块链浏览器是特定于以太坊的,例如 Etherscan、Ethplorer 和 EthVM。其他支持多链的,例如 Blockchain.com 和 Tokenview 等。

Some block chain browsers are specific to Ethercan, Ethplier and EthVM. Others support multiple chains, such as Blockchain.com and Tokenview.


例如,在 Etherscan 上,搜索字段位于屏幕左上角的下拉菜单“所有过滤器”旁边。根据工具的不同,用户可以根据钱包地址、交易哈希 (txid)、区块、代币或域名搜索信息。

For example, on Ethercan, the search field is located next to the drop-down menu "All Filters" at the top left corner of the screen. Depending on the tool, users can search for information based on wallet addresses, transactions (txid), blocks, tokens or domain names.


txid 是附加到特定交易的唯一标识符。所有在链上进行的交易,或进出外部地址的交易,都带有在交易详情中找到的唯一 txid。

txid is the only identifier attached to a particular transaction. All transactions made on the chain, or transactions entering or leaving an external address, carry the only txid found in the transaction details.

根据平台的不同,它也可以称为“哈希”或“txn 哈希”。它通常看起来像一串随机字母和数字。例如,在MetaMask上,用户可以在单击“活动”选项卡并选择交易后立即看到 txid。

Depending on the platform, it can also be called " Hashi " or " txn Hashi ". It usually looks like a series of random letters and numbers. For example, on MetaMask, the user can see txid as soon as you click the Active tab and select the transaction.


除了 txid,交易者还可以使用他们的公共地址(一个 42 个字符的字符串,对应于他们的公共账户)。在这种情况下,他们将被带到他们钱包活动的概览中,允许他们独立导航到特定交易。

In addition to txid, traders can use their public address (a string of 42 characters corresponding to their public accounts). In this case, they will be taken to an overview of their wallet activities, allowing them to navigate independently to a particular transaction.

相关:以太坊钱包:存储 ETH 的初学者指南

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >.


Step 3: Click the " Search " or " Enter " icon in the block chain browser



如何知道 ETH 交易是否成功:指示交易状态的详细信息将显示在区块链浏览器上。如果交易被成功验证并且现在在区块链上,它会说“成功”或“成功”。

How to know if the ETH transaction is successful: detailed information indicating the state of the transaction will be shown on the block chain browser. If the transaction is successfully validated and is now on the block chain, it will say "success" or "success".


如果没有错误显示,则表示交易已成功完成。ETH 应在发送后 24 小时内记入目标钱包或兑换账户。

If no error is shown, the transaction is successfully completed. The ETH should be recorded in the target wallet or exchange account within 24 hours of dispatch.


On the other hand, in the event of the failure of the Ether deal, there may be a number of erroneous messages:

  • 错误消息或符号:红色感叹号或错误消息“错误指令”或“气体耗尽”表示交易不成功,资金未到达预定目的地。在出现“气体不足”错误的情况下,用户可以将他们最初指定的气体限制加倍,然后重试。

    Error message or symbol: The red exclamation sign or " error command" or "gas depletion" indicates that the transaction was unsuccessful and that the funds did not reach the intended destination. In the case of an "gas deficiency" error, the user can double the gas initially specified, and then try again.

  • 已恢复:这与智能合约用户错误有关。这意味着用户应该仔细检查交易的细节。

    Restored: This has to do with an intelligent contract user error. This means that users should carefully examine the details of the transaction.

  • 未找到交易:交易未完成或尚未出现在区块链浏览器中。尝试使用另一个资源管理器。如果它仍然没有出现在多个上,那么它很可能没有通过。

    No transaction was found: the transaction was not completed or was not present in the block chain browser. Try using another resource manager. If it still does not appear on more than one side, it may well not pass.

  • Pending:交易仍在等待验证或处理,但它位于浏览器的交易池中。有时挂起的交易仍然可以被用户取消或替换。

    Pending: The transaction is still awaiting authentication or processing, but it is located in the browser pool. Sometimes a transaction that is hung up can still be cancelled or replaced by the user.

相关:如何出售以太坊:出售 ETH 的初学者指南

> > how to sell Ethio: A guide for ETH beginners /strong >

以太坊区块链上的平均交易处理时间通常在 15 秒到 5 分钟之间,具体取决于多种因素。这些包括处理它所支付的金额(交易费)以及处理时网络的繁忙程度。

The average transaction processing time on the Etherm block chain is usually between 15 seconds and 5 minutes, depending on a variety of factors. These include the amount it pays (trading fees) and the busyness of the network at the time of processing.


After the merger, the community moves from the workload to the equity chain. However, the speed of the transaction remains roughly the same. According to the ETA Foundation, a common misperception is that the consolidation has greatly accelerated the pace of the transaction.

但是,存在细微差别,插槽在合并后每 12 秒精确出现一次,而在合并前每 13.3 秒出现一次。无论如何,大多数用户几乎不会注意到这种变化,因为处理通常仍然取决于网络拥塞和交易费用。

However, there are nuances, where the slots appear precisely once every 12 seconds after consolidation and once every 13.3 seconds before consolidation. In any case, most users hardly notice this change, as processing usually remains dependent on network congestion and transaction costs.


When a transaction is initiated, it logs into the etherm's memory pool (mempool) and waits for the certifier to pick it up.


The transaction is deemed to be complete once the certifying officer has entered the transaction data into a block and added the block to the block chain. It is said to be complete and irreversible after the six additional blocks have been mined and added to it.


By checking the status of transactions, traders can confirm whether their transactions have been successful or failed, and how many have been created since their transactions were added to the chain.


The cost depends to a large extent on the number of participants waiting to execute the transaction at the given time.


As a result, network congestion and demand are proportional to transaction costs. When demand is high, costs rise – the reverse is true when demand is low. In any case, checking the status of the transaction helps traders to monitor the cost of using the network.

它还可以帮助用户确定他们支付的汽油费是否足以确认他们的交易。低 gas 费用通常会截断或延迟交易,使交易长时间处于待处理状态,尤其是在网络严重拥堵期间。

It also helps users to determine whether the gasoline costs they pay are sufficient to confirm their transactions.

在汽油费达到网络所需的最低费用之前,此类交易将保持待处理状态。如果发生这种情况,用户可以通过重新提交并增加 gas 费用来重新发送交易,同时确保它携带相同的随机数。

This type of transaction will remain open until the minimum cost for gasoline reaches the network. If this happens, the user can re-assign the transaction by resubmission and increasing gas costs, while ensuring that it carries the same random number.


In addition to the trading state, the Etherbank block chain browser may also reveal the following useful information:

  • 时间戳:交易被添加到区块链的日期和时间。

    Time stamp: the date and time when the transaction is added to the block chain.

  • 块确认:自交易确认以来开采的块数。

    Block recognition: the number of blocks that have been mined since the transaction was confirmed.

  • 交易费:支付给矿工或验证者的费用。

    Transaction fee: a fee paid to a miner or certificationer.

  • ETH价格:ETH在处理时的价格。

    ETH price: ETH price at the time of processing.

  • 基本费用:在以太坊上进行交易所需的最低费用。

    Basic costs: Minimum costs for transactions at the Etherm.

  • Gas limit:发件人分配给处理交易的最大gas量。

    Gas limit: The sender allocates the maximum amount of gas allocated to the processing of the transaction.

  • Nonce:一个唯一的数字,标记在用户钱包上执行的每笔交易;每次发送新交易时它都会增加一个。

    Nonce: A single number, marked for every transaction executed on the user's wallet; it adds one each time a new transaction is sent.

通过了解上述内容,交易者可以掌握他们的 ETH 交易并确保交易得到正确和快速的处理。这有助于确保在发送和接收资金或部署智能合约时以太坊交易顺畅。了解交易状态还可以帮助用户调整消费习惯并优化网络使用。

By understanding the above, traders can have access to their ETH transactions and ensure that they are processed correctly and quickly. This helps to ensure that transactions are smooth with the Tai Chamber when sending and receiving funds or deploying smart contracts.




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